Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 643: Baihu Technology Company is very short of money

Seeing that those who got the documents were reading carefully, and those who didn't get them were not interested in talking, Ye Zishu stopped talking and just sat in his seat drinking tea silently.

The documents here describe the technology authorization in more detail, involving thousands of patented technologies, and the prices are clearly marked.

Someone picked up a pen and calculated. If these technology authorization fees are added together, they may account for about 10% of the entire rocket cost. On the whole, it is actually very reasonable, and the price is not sky-high.

As for the supporting software system, it is not included, this cannot be authorized, and the software products of Baihu Technology Company can be purchased directly.

There is also a supporting heaven and earth monitoring system, which is also provided by Baihu Technology Company, and will not provide technical authorization to the outside world. The authorization here is only the authorization of the rocket itself.

If they get this set of technology authorization, they can ensure that rocket technology is in a leading position, but if they want to produce it efficiently, they need matching production technology.

The production technology is also not within the scope of authorization. If they want to produce by themselves, they can only buy the entire production line of Baihu Technology Company, or they develop some equipment by themselves, and then purchase key equipment from Baihu Technology Company.

As he said just now, by adopting the method of technology licensing, their own investment scale will be very large, and it is not certain whether they can get so much funding.

The overall sales plan is relatively simple. According to different rocket models, there are clear prices, which are generally smaller than what they spend now.

The two options depend on how they judge the future. If commercial launches are very popular, the first option is more promising. If there are not too many commercial launches, the second option is the most economical.

After the document was read by everyone, the leader who presided over the symposium said: "What do you think about this?"

"We need to go back and add up, it's hard to give an answer now." Someone said.

This is what it should be, because there are many units involved, and if the opinions of each unit are not unified, it will be difficult to proceed. After they go back, they need to hold an internal meeting to discuss and coordinate before making a decision.

"Of course there is no problem, but I hope everyone will hurry up. The time is a bit urgent, so there is no delay." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

In fact, before coming here, Ye Zishu had asked Baihu Technology Company to organize relevant personnel to study these technical materials. Since they have a certain foundation, it is much faster to study this.

According to the situation of Baihu Technology Company, he believes that the entire production line can be completed in April, and it will not exceed June at the latest, which is much faster.

This also means that various weapons and equipment of Baihu Technology Company will be able to achieve trial production in the middle of the year, and the speed is still very fast. As for platform equipment, trial production will not be possible until the second half of the year.

The evaluation experts who came over have not yet returned, and have been staying at Baihu Technology Company to evaluate the entire system. They are very serious and have to study almost every detail carefully.

In order to conduct field tests, Baihu Technology is also building small, medium and large wind tunnels to conduct wind tunnel tests for different types of equipment.

This symposium only lasted for half a day, and everyone was not interested in staying here any longer. Ye Zishu had lunch here, and then went back to the company directly.

Just recently, the number of seconded scientific researchers has exceeded the 50,000 mark, and the number of scientific researchers recruited by Baihu Technology Company is also more than 10,000. Including administrative staff and other auxiliary departments, the total number is about 62,000.

The salaries for these scientific researchers are relatively high, with an average annual salary of 80,000 yuan. The salaries of these personnel alone need to pay nearly 5 billion yuan a year.

Right now, Baihu Technology is only going out but not going in, which puts a lot of pressure on them, so the longer it is delayed, the worse it will be for them. I hope they can make some money as soon as possible.

But at present, it is very difficult for them to have a large amount of income in the short term.

Regardless of the smooth development of military equipment, in fact, even if it is produced, it will take a long time to experiment and test.

When all these equipments are fully understood and they feel that they can be installed on a large scale, they will be purchased on a large scale. Only at this time can they bring real benefits to Baihu Technology.

However, this time is uncertain. It may take one or two years to complete the test and obtain a large number of orders, or it may take ten to eight years to produce results, which is a torment for them.

Therefore, the current task is not to make money from military equipment, there must be other ways to get money, and the most practical way to get money is the satellite service business.

Once their navigation satellite system is established, his industry will fully access it on various products, and the licensing fee alone can get a lot of money.

The remote sensing satellite system can also continue to bring benefits to Baihu Technology Company. The civilian field alone can bring them billions of dollars in revenue every year.

Not to mention the communication satellite system, the communication satellite system he intends to come up with this time is very advanced, and it is directly built according to the ultra-high-speed communication satellite standard of the previous life.

The communication speed is not to mention higher than the current 3G, even the 4G communication technology that Lingtong Technology is researching is even higher, and the technology is very advanced.

However, in the civilian field, the communication satellite system will certainly not provide such high-speed communication services, because the ground communication network is the bottleneck, and the fast network speed of the satellite transmission part is meaningless.

The reason why such a high standard is set is mainly to save costs. The cost of building a set of communication satellites is very high. If it is outdated before it has been used for a few years, it is not worth it.

Therefore, the communication services provided by communication satellites will be compatible with ground communication services, and the cost for users will be about twice as high as that of ground communication.

In this way, it will not compete with ground communication service providers, avoid affecting his two communication companies, and at the same time allow business access that requires satellite communication services.

The service quality is good, and the cost of use is low. Enterprises that need satellite communication support, such as ocean transportation business, have no reason not to access it.

At that time, he will let the two communication companies launch mobile phone products that use satellite communications, and even launch mobile phones that integrate ground communications and satellite communications.

Such a mobile phone can use two kinds of communication services. If there is a ground signal, the ground communication service can be used, and the price is relatively cheap.

If there is no ground communication service signal, it is still very cost-effective to switch directly to satellite communication service. As long as you deposit a sum of money in the account, you can spend as much as you want.

Especially for people who have been working in the wilderness for a long time, such a mobile phone is simply a blessing for them, even if it is more expensive, it is much better than being cut off from the outside world.

Moreover, cheap satellite communications can prompt countries around the world to build their own 3G communications networks, otherwise their market share will all be occupied by satellite communications.

Then their domestic communication service providers will want to cry without tears. They cannot prohibit their citizens from using advanced communication services, even if they are prohibited for a while, they cannot be prohibited for a long time.

It takes a long time to develop a ground mobile communication system, not to mention that the 4G communication technology that Lingtong Technology Company is researching is already equivalent to the 5G in the previous life.

Just considering the issue of patent validity, many technologies have not been directly applied for patents after being developed, and are still in the confidential stage. The outside world thought that Lingtong Technology Company was busy with the 3G communication system.

The future satellite communication system will definitely bring great benefits to Baihu Technology Company, but currently Baihu Technology Company has no funds to carry out this plan, and if it wants to build it, it can only build it to a limited extent.

In fact, he can also do what Musk did, that is, launch tens of thousands of satellites into low-to-medium orbits, and soak up orbital resources in advance, so that competitors can be excluded.

After all, space orbit resources are very limited, and the principle is first-served, first-served, and whoever occupies it in advance will have an advantage, and latecomers will not be able to build due to insufficient resources.

However, although the idea is good, it may face many problems, so this idea can only be thought about. If you really push others into a hurry, there is always a way to deal with you.

In fact, he has many ways to make the other party steal without losing money, that is to use energy weapons to directly take down the satellites in space. This is not difficult, and it is also very difficult to find.

Therefore, what he is planning to build is a satellite communication system consisting of 1024 communication satellites, which can not only meet the current communication needs, but also the future Internet of Things.

It's just that the cost of each satellite is a bit high. Even if they have a full set of technology and produce it themselves, the cost of each satellite is still as high as 500 million yuan, and there is no profit in it.

Building such a system will cost more than 500 billion yuan. If it is calculated according to the market price, the cost will be at least five times higher, which is quite expensive.

So he plans to build in phases. In the first phase, only 256 satellites will be launched. If it is to provide 3G communication standard services, it is still more than enough, so it only needs to cost about 130 billion yuan to complete.

It can provide all personal access services around the world and provide stable communication services. In fact, he doesn't think there are so many access services, so the capacity is still sufficient.

It's just that this amount of money is still huge for the current Baihu Technology Company. He hopes to sell the rocket technology license so that they can make a fortune on production equipment.

If it is produced by itself, although it can flow slowly, it cannot obtain a large amount of funds at once. For the current Baihu Technology Company, it is a bit impatient.

However, this year's goal is to complete the construction of the positioning satellite system and the remote sensing satellite system. As for the communication satellite system, it may not be possible until next year.

If you really have no money at that time, see if you can continue to borrow from the bank. Since you already owe 250 billion yuan, you may owe hundreds of billions of yuan.

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