Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter six hundred and sixtieth benefits of changing the guard in advance

Although Guo Dongsheng knows what to do, seeing the huge workload this year, he still feels sorry for his sister and is considering whether to change his post.

He felt that he could still last for a while, but he didn't know why Ye Zishu had to change his guard. If he only considered his physical problems, then it would be easy to handle.

If there are other considerations, and he is unwilling to change his guard, something may happen. This is where he struggles. After all, "the king's heart is unpredictable".

Although Ye Zishu usually doesn't care much about things, and doesn't seem to take anything to heart, but if he really thinks this way, he will be finished sooner or later.

Guo Dongsheng is very clear about his position. If he doesn't hold onto Ye Zishu's thigh, he won't have any advantage in the entire industrial system.

Although it seems to be in charge of such a huge industry, but if you really look at it carefully, Wancheng Foundation belongs to the only "blood-sucking" one among all industries.

It seems that everyone has no opinion. This is because the direction of development is determined by Ye Zishu, and no matter how much other people have opinions, they will not express them.

In addition, Ye Shu's relationship with him is obviously much closer than other persons in charge, and these factors lead to him being able to secure the position of president of Wancheng Foundation.

Although the hero does not ask where he came from, it also depends on the situation. Ye Zishu has 10 to 20 million employees. It is impossible to say that Guo Dongsheng is completely suitable for the position of president of Wancheng Foundation.

There are a lot of talents under the banner, and Guo Dongsheng has a higher education than him, and there are people with rich experience everywhere, so he is not the only one.

His special relationship with Ye Zishu is the main factor that has supported him to reach his current position. Although his hard work cannot be ruled out, there are certainly people who work harder than him.

Although Guo Dongsheng didn't have a high degree of education, he could still see things clearly, just like when he chose to be a music tape sales agent or the president of Shengshi Records.

Agents who seemed to be able to make more money back then, where are they now? Although the former brothers did not make less money, they did not make as much as his current salary and bonus for a year.

So it is very important to make a choice. Sometimes you can't look at the immediate, but look at the long-term, and know where you are, so that you can survive in the fierce workplace.

Sighing, Guo Dongsheng called Guo Dongmei and asked him to hand over the daily work of Shengshi Records to other people and ask him to help Wancheng Jiye.

They will change jobs after the Spring Festival, and he hopes that his younger sister can adapt to the work at Wancheng Jiye in advance, so that he doesn't have to worry about things here all the time when he comes to Shengshi Records.

"Brother, didn't you say to go after the Spring Festival?" Guo Dongmei didn't know what kind of medicine Guo Dongsheng was selling, so she suddenly changed her mind.

"If you come after the Spring Festival, it will be too late. The work tasks of Wancheng Foundation this year are heavier than last year. You come here earlier so that I can take you to adapt to the situation here." Guo Dongsheng said.

"Did something happen?" Guo Dongmei asked.

"It's actually a good thing. Mr. Ye just invested 4.6 trillion yuan in Wancheng Foundation, which shows that Mr. Ye has high hopes for Wancheng Foundation, and also shows that Wancheng Foundation's status in his mind is much higher than we imagined.

Such a huge investment will definitely help Wancheng Foundation develop at a faster speed, but if you want to absorb such a huge investment, your next job will not be easy. " Guo Dongsheng said.

Hearing what Guo Dongsheng said, Guo Dongmei was shocked. What is the concept of 4.6 trillion yuan, even she, who has seen big winds and waves, can't imagine it.

Shengshi Records is not considered a small company anymore, with an annual revenue of 200 billion yuan, it can even be listed on the world's top 500 list. It is still shocked by such a huge investment.

What shocked her even more was that Ye Zishu's business was so profitable, which he could not have imagined before, because as the president of the second-tier company, she was not qualified to understand these situations at all.

Who would have thought of the young man who was sitting with himself under the wall to bask in the sun last year,

It is unimaginable to have such a huge wealth.

You must know that this is only the investment funds for Wancheng Foundation, which is part of the net profit. If you want to calculate it in terms of assets, your real wealth must at least double.

Last year, Ye Zishu became the richest man in China and the richest man in the world in a row, shocking the whole world. If his real wealth is exposed, it will not be as simple as shocking.

It's just that the leaf book she usually contacts doesn't look like the world's richest man at all. He drives a car worth about 300,000 yuan and doesn't even have a secretary around him. Unless necessary, he never appears in the media.

In China, he is almost like an invisible person. If he hadn't been a celebrity for a few days and accepted a few interviews, most people in China would never know that there is such a person.

Not to mention that it is difficult for ordinary people to connect the super rich with Ye Zishu, even Guo Dongmei, who had been in contact with Ye Zishu before his fortune, was a bit difficult to connect.

It seems that it is very difficult to see him clearly, and as a second-tier company, it is even more difficult to understand him, which makes Guo Dongmei look forward to the next work.

Only when he becomes the first-level group president can he have more opportunities to contact him and understand how he created such a huge industry in just a few years.

"Actually, I don't have anything to do here. How about arranging things at the meeting tomorrow and flying over the day after tomorrow?" Guo Dongmei said very straightforwardly.

Guo Dongsheng has no objection to this arrangement, but he thinks that it can go further, and don't change the guard before the Spring Festival, just change the guard now.

The reason is that he wants to leave the highlight moment to his sister, and the investment of 4.6 trillion yuan, if he wants to start it as soon as possible, he must act quickly before the year, and can't wait until the year after.

If the guard is changed now, Guo Dongmei will come directly to serve as the president, so many things will be carried out in the name of Guo Dongmei, which will be much better than in the next year, and it will also facilitate Guo Dongmei's dealings with local governments.

With such a huge industry, it doesn't mean that you can change people if you change people. Even if his sister Guo Dongsheng comes by airborne, it is not so easy to let the people under him not make trouble and take over smoothly.

So something has to be done, let Guo Dongmei come here to do some good things, let the people under him obey the discipline, otherwise they will obey the management on the surface, but make trouble everywhere in private, then it will be troublesome.

How to improve Guo Dongmei's reputation? The easiest way is to allow Wancheng Foundation to achieve greater development. This is the right way. As for wrists, etc., they are just auxiliary.

Ye Zishu's investment of 4.6 trillion yuan in Wancheng Foundation has not been spread within the group. Only he, Guo Dongsheng, knows. If Guo Dongmei comes over and announces the matter within the group, the effect will be completely different.

Everyone will unconsciously think that it is the newly appointed president Guo Dongmei who has brought such a huge investment to Wancheng Foundation. Even if someone disagrees, it cannot change the general thinking within the group, and they can only accept it obediently.

And Guo Dongmei carries such a huge investment and cooperates with local governments, which naturally improves her status in the hearts of local governments, which is beneficial for Guo Dongmei to cooperate with local governments in the future.

Guo Dongsheng figured out these tricks almost instantly, so he said, "I'll go to your side right away and change the guard right away."

Guo Dongmei was fooled by him, and for some reason she suddenly changed her mind. Seeing Guo Dongmei was silent for a moment, Guo Dongsheng said, "It will be of great benefit to you to change the guard now."

Then he recounted his thoughts just now, and then said: "The president of Shengshi Records will not be particularly busy with work. After the shift, I will stay here for a while and do a good job in the handover."

Anyway, Guo Dongsheng will definitely not leave Wancheng Jiye before the Spring Festival, and will stay in Wancheng Jiye for a period of time in the name of work handover, and no one can tell if he is coming.

Guo Dongmei was actually very surprised when she heard her brother's words. She didn't expect that the street gangsters in the past would have such deep considerations.

After the discussion, Guo Dongsheng asked his secretary to help him buy a temporary plane ticket, flew from Shanghai to the capital overnight, stayed at the capital's home for one night, and followed Guo Dongmei to Shengshi Culture Company the next day.

I met with Wang Changtian and explained about the changing of the guard. Naturally, Wang Changtian had no objection to this. Naturally, he would not interfere with the boss's decision.

Moreover, although Guo Dongsheng will soon be the president of Shengshi Records, a second-tier company, his treatment will be that of a first-tier group president, which is on an equal footing with him.

What's more, although Shengshi Record Company is a subsidiary of Shengshi Cultural Group, it has always been relatively independent. Guo Dongmei's qualifications are older than her.

Although qualifications are not the most important in the whole system, everyone is still willing to give them some respect if there is no obvious conflict of interest.

What's more, Guo Dongmei changed jobs to Wancheng Jiye, which is much larger than Shengshi Cultural Group, so he just politely said a few words and passed here.

Then the Guo Dongsheng brothers and sisters went directly to Shengshi Records, held a high-level meeting of the company, and talked about the changing of the guard, and naturally they did not encounter any resistance.

Guo Dongsheng used to be the president of this company, and many people were promoted by him at the beginning. Naturally, there should be no dissatisfaction with the return of the old leader. This is to make himself uncomfortable.

On the contrary, Guo Dongmei was promoted to a higher level because of this. Even though this is only a first level, it is as difficult as reaching the sky, and it is difficult for most people to cross this step in their lifetime.

The more you go to the top floor, the more difficult it is to cross, and there are only a few places, as long as you don't make room,

Of course, when Guo Dongsheng came over, their subordinates could also gain a little bit of benefit, that is, they had to be tougher when talking among brother companies. After all, the president of their company was treated as a first-level president, and his status was much higher than that of other subsidiary presidents.

If the status of the president is high, the status of the entire company will be improved invisibly. Even if you don't say it in person, everyone will think about it unconsciously.

What's more, the small Shengshi record company has actually produced two first-level presidents. With this relationship, they may be able to make a move if they have a suitable position in the future.

You must know that if there is no suitable opportunity, they can only stay in their current position. It is too difficult to go further, let alone in the field of cultural industry, it is even more difficult to cross borders.

If their talents are recognized by the two presidents, once there is a suitable opportunity, it will be much easier to transfer out, and it is not impossible to be promoted to the president of the second-level company.

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