Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 668 Establishment of the Leaf Book Foundation

, the reborn tech upstart

"How to donate so much money?" Ye Ziqi asked.

It’s definitely not like donating pepper noodles. A little bit for each college won’t do much, but if you only donate to some of the top rankings, the money will seem a bit much.

Don't look at his companies investing in the construction of colleges and universities, which can easily cost tens of billions of yuan every year. Even the colleges and universities founded by Shengshi Cultural Group have billions of dollars in annual funding.

In fact, the funds for colleges and universities in our country are very scarce. The government does not have much money in hand, so it is impossible to give too much money to colleges and universities. If there are hundreds of millions of yuan every year, it is considered a good situation.

As mentioned earlier, Ye Zishu believes that no matter how high the number of talents trained by colleges and universities is, including junior colleges, they only admit hundreds of thousands of people a year.

It's not that they don't want to expand the enrollment scale, but that they don't have so much funds, and expanding enrollment means adding more educational facilities and expanding the teaching staff, all of which need money to support.

If the country does not have special policies, and if the reality is not taken into account, the result of the expansion of enrollment will be a rapid decline in the quality of the talents cultivated, as happened in previous lives.

In fact, instead of coveting the fame of college graduates, it is better to study at the vocational school of New Oriental Education Group. The things you learn are much better than those of those poor colleges. You don’t have to worry about work when you come out, and the income must be good.

Ye Zishu donated this money not to expand the number of college students, which he can’t control and shouldn’t be in charge of. He just wanted to donate it to improve the quality of higher education.

Of course, Ye Ziqi's words are not entirely about which schools to donate to, but also what form of donation is included. Generally, there are two ways.

The first way is that there is no purpose. How to use the donation is completely determined by the school, and the donor will not intervene in any way.

The second is to donate with a purpose. There are many purposes for this, so there is no need to go into details. Ye Ziqi didn't know why his eldest brother suddenly donated so much, thinking that there must be some purpose.

In fact, the best choice is to cooperate with universities on scientific research projects. In this way, not only can you understand where the money is spent, but also make it worthwhile to spend the money. Even the project has economic value and can bring him additional benefits. .

Apparently he didn't think it was necessary to do this. He didn't need the money, let alone the technology. If he had to say it, he hoped that the money would be used in basic scientific research in China.

Due to economic development and practical needs, the country has relatively low investment in basic education and strong support for applied technology. This is understandable. When money is not much, it is very important to prioritize.

"In fact, the donation is very simple. According to a certain ranking method, the top 100 schools in China will be evenly distributed, and these schools will be supported to carry out research work in the field of basic science." Ye Shu said.

He doesn't know if there is a specific ranking of domestic universities, maybe the top few will be ranked, after all, they are more attention-grabbing, but it is not clear who will come first and who will come last.

This may seem unimportant, but it is actually very important. There is a huge difference between the 100th and 101st places, so we can't completely follow the rankings of others.

Instead, he needs to formulate a ranking algorithm by himself, which is relatively fair and excludes some unnecessary factors, such as the degree of internationalization among the ranking factors of colleges and universities in his previous life.

For him, internationalization is completely unimportant. What he values ​​most is the training quality of basic science talents, the research results in the field of basic science, and the investment in the field of basic science.

Therefore, schools that were very good in the field of applied science before may be included in his ranking algorithm, and may not be eligible for this donation. Although it feels a bit unfair, as a donor, he still has this right.

In addition, the average donation he mentioned may be a bit unacceptable. This is the same as eating a big pot of rice. It is the same if you eat more or less, as long as you pass the 100 line.

If you just donate once, you may not have any complaints.

After all, everyone has benefited, so there is no need to make irresponsible remarks.

But he may donate some money every year in the future. It may be less than this time, or it may be more than this time. Whether it is more or less depends on their basic scientific research.

If you can’t spend all the money donated before, donating so much money is useless. If everyone actively devotes themselves to the field of basic scientific research and spends money faster, then donate more.

In fact, basic science research can be said to cost less money or more money, depending on the research project. If it is a basic subject like mathematics, it is very difficult to spend money.

But if the research is high-energy physics, cosmic science, etc., then spending money is like flowing water. It costs tens of billions to build a collider, and billions or even tens of billions to launch a set of space observation equipment.

However, this kind of large-scale basic scientific research cannot be completed by a single university. It must be promoted by many domestic universities, and there is no need to worry about a heavy burden on one university.

The reason why he wants to do this is that he doesn't want to make the strong always strong, and the weak get weaker. The ability to enter the top 100 colleges and universities actually has the foundation to hit the top colleges and universities.

As long as all these colleges and universities can work hard, they are fully capable of constantly surpassing themselves and their peers, and the schools will be better and better.

He mentioned earlier that he does not want the national education funds to be excessively concentrated in certain colleges and universities, and should also take care of other colleges and universities, because excessive attention is not a good thing.

Perhaps it is those unknown college graduates who really make contributions to the country. He donated the money in the hope that the students he cultivated would be able to contribute to the country, rather than cultivating talents for other countries.

Of course, he can't say this on the table, but he has to act according to this idea, and only in this way can he spend money willingly and feel that it is well spent.

He told Ye Ziqi these thoughts without reservation. After all, she has just entered university and has not yet entered the society. Although she is a bit smart, if she doesn't explain some things clearly, she may not understand them.

After hearing Ye Zishu's thoughts, Ye Ziqi felt that this matter is not too difficult, the main difficulty is how to evaluate the ranking and strength of these universities.

Although Ye Shu said that she was giving her an algorithm, the investigation is not an easy task. If the evaluation is only based on the number of papers, it may be seriously distorted.

After all, 100 papers, or even tens of thousands of water papers, are not as good as a dry paper. The quantity is actually not important, but the quality. It is meaningless to talk about quantity without quality.

Facing the problem of Ye Ziqi, the solution given by Ye Zishu is also very simple, that is, to use artificial intelligence to do it. It is actually very simple to collect the scientific research results of these schools.

However, it is not so easy to analyze the quality of their scientific research results. Top experts in the industry must be invited to evaluate, not to mention whether they will come or not, which takes too much energy.

Moreover, these top experts are basically from these universities. It is still unknown whether they can guarantee fairness and justice for their own interests.

Therefore, he believes that using artificial intelligence to judge the quality of papers is a feasible way. Although artificial intelligence cannot produce original research work, there is still no problem at all in understanding the content of papers.

And with the blessing of supercomputers, the artificial intelligence can simulate whether many papers are correct or not, and even abstract mathematical problems can be understood by the upgraded artificial intelligence.

When Ye Zishu proposed to use artificial intelligence to judge the strength of various colleges and universities, let alone Ye Ziqi, even Ye Zihua felt incredible.

Artificial intelligence leaf painting is of course clear. Behind the tidal intelligent investment system used in tidal investment company is artificial intelligence. He knows best whether it is powerful or not.

But he still didn't expect artificial intelligence to be able to understand advanced scientific theoretical research, which is a bit unbelievable, and even a little bit wrong.

Seeing the shocked expressions of the two, Ye Zishu said with a smile: "Actually, it's not as exaggerated as you imagined, but there's still not much problem with comprehension."

The two of them were already dubious about his words. Is this artificial intelligence what the elder brother said, or has it really reached the level of strong artificial intelligence? It's difficult for both of them to judge, and if the eldest brother doesn't say anything, they can't help it.

Ye Zishu didn't bother about this point, but continued: "You must be too busy to do this alone, you must have a method.

After returning home during the Spring Festival, the first thing you need to do is to set up a foundation and recruit people in the name of this foundation. The number of people does not need to be too many, and there will not be too many projects at present.

Then wait until the strength of your domestic colleges and universities is ranked, and then invite the top 100 colleges and universities to participate in the higher education basic science and education seminar in the name of the foundation.

Before inviting, disclose to the outside world that you will donate a large sum of money to domestic colleges and universities, otherwise these colleges and universities may not accept your invitation, but don't disclose specific figures.

If no one came after the invitation letter was sent out, they would be directly disqualified from receiving donations, and the schools that came to the meeting would share all the donation funds equally.

In the end, we can’t ignore the donation completely. It is necessary for each university to provide a rough document on the use of funds. It doesn’t need to be so detailed, but it must be used in the field of basic scientific research. "

This step has already been explained very clearly. If it weren't for Ye Ziqi's experience in the world, he might not be familiar with dealing with these matters, so he explained it in such detail.

If it was Ye Zihua, he might hand it over to him directly, and how to do the rest is completely up to Ye Zihua himself, so that it will be more effective in training his ability.

"What's the name of this foundation?" Ye Ziqi asked.

Before Ye Zishu could think about it, Ye Zihua took the lead and said, "I think it's better to call Ye Zishu Funding Association, which is very important to improve the reputation of big brother."

From Ye Zihua's point of view, it's a good thing or a bad thing for the elder brother to be so rich. Now the importance of the elder brother's scientific research cannot be ignored, and there will be no problem.

In the future, if the eldest brother gets old and does not have the strong scientific research ability now, there will be no guarantee that there will be no problems, so it is very important to gain fame, at least the future will not end badly.

Generally speaking, Ye Zihua's idea is correct, but Ye Zishu can't live for only a few decades, he has a lot of ways to make himself live longer.

However, Ye Zihua's words instantly won Ye Ziqi's approval. Although she is young, she still understands some principles and thinks it is necessary to do so.

Originally, Ye Zishu didn't want to be too high-profile, but he didn't insist when he heard that both of them agreed.

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