Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 680 Show off full of local tyrants

, the reborn tech upstart

It's a bit late today, Ye Zishu was going to spend the night here, took a camera and went downstairs to take a few photos of his car, and then saved the photos to his computer.

After dinner, he went to the R\u0026D center again. After ten o'clock in the evening, he drove back to the hotel and started to deal with the matter at hand.

Before that, I posted the photos I took on my social platform, with a text saying: "This car will be my exclusive car from now on. Guess how much it is?"

This picture with this text is full of local tyrants, but this effect is what he wants. Those who follow him will definitely not be attracted by his talent.

Since everyone is obsessed with the taste of money, it is natural to satisfy them. Sure enough, he just sent out this news.

In less than a minute, there were as many as a thousand, which made him feel a bit exaggerated. Although there were many comments scolding him for showing off his wealth, most of them were compliments.

Of course, the most common thing is to guess the price, and some people asked about the brand. Ye Zishu did not answer directly, but opened a quiz with prizes. If the price error is within 1%, you can get a Golden Dragon tablet as a gift. There are 100 places in total. .

The result was even worse. More people swiped the screen. After all, the price of King Long tablet is not cheap, and it costs tens of thousands of yuan per tablet, which belongs to the top tablet brand.

It's a pity that no one guessed it right. Most of the guessed prices did not exceed 8 million yuan. Perhaps in the perception of many people, such a price is already a top luxury car.

Even for a top rich man like Ye Zishu, the price will not exceed 10 million, so most people judge according to their own inherent thinking.

Ye Shu also ignored it, his account was entrusted to artificial intelligence, and within 24 hours, the top 100 people who were close to the answer would be counted automatically, and if there were none, no reward would be given.

After closing his social account, Leaf Book started to work. It is not an easy task to construct a set of artificially synthesized plant seeds.

When it comes to the application of cutting-edge biotechnology, everyone is still in the stage of gene sequencing. He has started gene editing here, and he is still conducting gene editing from beginning to end.

This is very scary. Genetic technology decades later only edits small fragments of genes to achieve certain functions.

But editing genes from beginning to end like this belongs to the ability of the Creator. In fact, genes are not the decisive factors of living things, but only have a great influence.

Plants in particular are greatly influenced by the environment, but no matter what, mastering this set of genetic technology definitely possesses incredible power.

Fortunately, he took some precautions against the plant design system, and did not show the functions of the designed genes to the researchers in detail, they were all superficial setting functions.

Although it also involves all aspects of plant characteristics, it will not allow researchers to have a very deep understanding of genes, and everything will be realized with the help of artificial intelligence behind.

Researchers do not need to pay attention to the details of the design goals, but only need to propose the effect they want to achieve, and the background artificial intelligence will generate a design plan that meets the requirements according to these requirements.

There may be many design schemes, and the researchers only need to choose the design scheme that meets the requirements as the final scheme. At this point, the design is completed, and it is all a fool's operation.

After the plan is generated, the data can be directly imported into the planting synthesis cultivation equipment that he is currently sorting out. After a series of automatic operations of the equipment, plant seeds will eventually be generated.

The researchers took the plant seeds and tried to plant them to see if the growth process of the plants met expectations and whether the final results met expectations. If not, there was a whole set of equipment for data collection.

Data from all aspects of plants can be collected, and then specific data can be generated and uploaded to the background of the system. The artificial intelligence will analyze the reasons based on these data, and then automatically improve and generate new solutions.

After so many repetitions, the distance will get closer and closer to the requirement. In fact, in most cases, there is no such trouble, and the test can be successful once or twice at most.

He has spent a lot of thought on the plant design system. He is a master of his current biological knowledge, and it is not a big problem to carry out plant design work.

Moreover, plants are not designed purely from the perspective of genes, because genes are not the only factor affecting plant varieties, the system will also consider the environment and cultivation methods, etc., to achieve comprehensive results.

In order to avoid the theft of seeds, the designed plant seeds cannot be used again, which is not only to protect the interests of the enterprise, but also to prevent theft.

He feels that such a cautious attitude is not too much. If there is no restriction, once ordinary people grasp the true mysteries of genes, they will inevitably expand and make some irrational behaviors.

At least at present, he feels that there are no corresponding control measures, and there are no relevant strict laws and regulations. It is always right to be cautious.

I was busy until four o'clock in the morning, so I quickly wiped my face and went to bed. I got up early the next morning, had breakfast at the hotel, and called Wang Chuanfu, saying that I was going directly to Wuhan.

He also asked him to arrange for someone to drive the car he drove to his home. In fact, his father also has a car, which is more expensive than his car, and it might be ashes at home.

He didn't think about selling it, so he just put it at home. If he needs to use it someday, he also has a spare car. Anyway, he is not short of the money.

He drove directly towards Wuhan and arrived in Wuhan in the evening. He tried the automatic driving on the way. Since he had not upgraded yet, he did not dare to let the automatic driving take care of the whole process.

It may be because the hardware is very good. The L4 level of automatic driving does not feel that there is much problem. The avoidance is very good, and there is no emergency braking.

However, today's weather is very good, and the requirements for information processing are not very high. If there is heavy fog or the road is more complicated, there may be problems.

This is also the reason for using artificial intelligence, because artificial intelligence is different from ordinary programs, it can make the most appropriate judgment through scattered information, basically no different from human handling of danger.

Moreover, due to the limitation of human eyes to obtain information, in fact, the performance of artificial intelligence is better than that of human beings, and it can run on complex urban roads without worrying about problems.

When he arrived in Wuhan, Ye Zishu went directly to the headquarters of Kirin Industrial Group. Most of the people in the headquarters had already left work, leaving only some people on night shift.

Ye Zishu went to the cafeteria to have dinner, put his luggage in the apartment next to the office, and then returned to the office to continue with the work at hand.

In fact, it is also possible to work in his own room, but generally he can work in the office. This is his habit, and it is also what he should do as a president. It is better to go back to his hometown to work if he always stays in a private space.

Busy as usual until four o'clock in the morning, he decisively stopped working, went back to the next room to sleep, and then woke up the next day, another day full of energy.

After breakfast, Ye Zishu returned to his office, and gave

The main thing is to understand that during this period of time, even a small meeting of the group can create a sense of presence.

The various departments at the headquarters don't pay too much attention to the group companies that are on the right track, because they don't need much help from the headquarters to develop their business well.

Due to human resource constraints, the headquarters is mainly focusing on new businesses. The three group companies, Kylin Agricultural Development Group, Kylin Resource Development Group, and Kylin Food Industry Group, are still under the supervision of the headquarters.

Since these three groups are newly established and their organizational structure is not yet perfect, the headquarters mainly dispatches troops for these group companies, or recruits from outside to improve the organizational structure.

As for the specific business development of several group companies, the headquarters will not be responsible, because several of their departments don't know much about these professional matters, and meddling indiscriminately will cause problems.

Adhering to professional matters and leaving them to professional people, there is no need to worry about whether they can recruit people who meet the requirements. Their recruitment process is also assisted by artificial intelligence-related systems.

For different talents, artificial intelligence will ask some questions, and can also generate questions that match the recruitment situation according to the different answers of the respondents.

There are not only professional knowledge, but also psychological and personality tests. The artificial intelligence will give professional ability evaluation and comprehensive quality evaluation based on the applicant's answers.

And it will recommend suitable positions. As for whether the human resources department adopts it, artificial intelligence does not care, but these contents will also be recorded.

In order to avoid trouble, some people generally choose the option recommended by artificial intelligence, so that at least they can guarantee that if something goes wrong, their responsibility will be much less.

Leaf Book also hopes to be able to complete various tasks under the recommendation of artificial intelligence, and does not require employees to use their unique insights in this regard, because it is not necessary.

The current artificial intelligence is sufficient for these routine jobs. If it is not necessary to provide jobs, many jobs in other industrial systems can actually be cut.

Some people learn a lot of knowledge with the assistance of artificial intelligence, while others become less thinking with the assistance of artificial intelligence. Ye Zishu also foresees this. Everyone will have different choices when facing the same situation.

People who are good at thinking and learning will definitely achieve greater success in the future, while those who don't like thinking can also obtain a more relaxed working atmosphere with the help of artificial intelligence, which is also considered to be what they deserve.

He didn't require all employees to be motivated. This is impossible. The minimum requirement is to be able to complete their own work. Those who are capable will be given more opportunities to exercise, and those who are incompetent will not be dismissed casually.

Because most of the jobs in the company do not actually have technical content, just like the front office in the government, high school students or even junior high school students are definitely enough.

If you want to have undergraduates or graduate students sit there, it is a waste of human resources. In fact, the company is also an ecosystem. It has both outstanding talents and some ordinary talents.

This is the same as society, both elites are required to lead the society forward, and ordinary people are also required to help the society develop. If all are elites, the results will often not be very good, and they will not be able to do so.

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