Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 695: The Way and Technique of Medicine

On June 5th, Ye Zishu finally walked out of the office where they hardly ever went out, and came to the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Base together with the management of Baihu Technology Company.

Today, the rocket developed and manufactured by Baihu Technology Company will be launched here. Since it is the first experiment, Ye Zishu also wants to come and see the situation.

The satellite used in this launch is a simulated satellite. After it is launched, it will run in orbit for a period of time, then let it automatically change orbit, and finally fall into the atmosphere and burn up.

After all, real satellites are too expensive. If the launch fails, the loss will be too great. At the same time, the use of simulated satellites is also to verify the highly controllable satellite recovery technology and prevent satellites from becoming space junk.

When Ye Zishu came to the base, it was already a busy scene. This time, it was not only a test of the rocket, but also a verification of the current brand new rocket launch system.

Leaf Book provides a complete set of advanced space launch system, including satellite monitoring system, orbit monitoring system, rocket status monitoring system and so on.

The purpose is naturally to speed up the launch frequency of satellites. If the original mode is still followed, the interval between launches is too large.

Two months have passed, and only two positioning and navigation satellites of Baihu Technology Company have been launched. Fortunately, both of them have safely reached the predetermined orbit.

The entire navigation and positioning satellite system needs at least 35 satellites. As for when all 55 satellites will be launched, it depends on whether Baihu Technology has money in hand.

Anyway, the 250 billion yuan in the hands of Baihu Technology Company has spent most of the funds after building a huge industrial chain, and the remaining funds are not much left.

The leader of the launch base met Ye Zishu and his party. After greetings, they began to communicate about the current overall situation. At least so far, the rocket is in very good condition.

After the rocket is assembled in the factory, it will be tested by the neutrino detection system and then pulled to the launch base. After arriving at the base, the rocket will be inspected as a whole again.

This is not over yet. After the rocket is on the launch pad, a neutrino detection will be carried out, and if there are no unexpected conditions, preparations for the launch will begin, such as injecting fuel, starting the cooling system, and so on.

Ye Zishu saw the launch site on the big screen of the launch center just now, and the rocket has been put on the shelf, which means that no accident happened during the rocket transportation.

In order to better avoid problems during the transportation and attitude change of the rocket, Baihu Technology Company commissioned Wancheng Foundation to develop a super self-propelled module transport vehicle.

This kind of vehicle can not only transport large-scale structural products like rockets, but the most important thing is that it has super shock absorption technology, which can still ensure that the vibration of the transported items is very small in the face of complex principles.

This kind of vibration amplitude is unobservable to the naked eye. It is currently the most advanced transport vehicle in the world, but the price is also very expensive, but Baihu Technology Company doesn't care, and it buys several vehicles.

After hearing the situation here, Ye Zishu felt much more relieved. He had more confidence in the entire system and the rocket than anyone present, and what he was most afraid of was that something would happen during the transportation.

Now after numerous tests, the results show that there is no accident, so he doesn't think the launch will fail. If he doesn't even have confidence in himself, it is impossible to take it out.

After the communication between the two parties, they went to work separately. Although Ye Shu is the boss and the provider of this system and rocket technology, he really has nothing to do here.

The base has arranged for an escort, and if he has any requirements, he can talk to this escort, so he was a little bored staying in the launch center, so he decided to take a look outside.

But after going around outside, I came back in despair, because there was really nothing to see, except that the terrain was flat, and there was not much vegetation on it, which seemed a bit desolate.

On the contrary, the three huge launchers are very shocking from a distance, but he didn't take a closer look,

The launch mission is being arranged over there, so irrelevant personnel like him should not join in the fun.

Originally, there was only one launcher here. The number of domestic satellite launches was limited before, and one was enough. But now Baihu Technology Company has too many launch missions, and one is not enough.

This year, there are as many as 101 satellites for positioning, navigation and remote sensing. If it is a launch pad, even if it has an advanced system, it will not be able to handle it.

This year is not bad. Next year, Baihu Technology may establish a global communication satellite system. The minimum goal is to launch 256 satellites. If it is really going to be launched, it may also need to be launched within a year.

He doesn't like to procrastinate. As long as conditions permit, it is best to complete the construction in a short time and provide services to the outside world as soon as possible. This is actually the most cost-effective.

Of course, this also requires sufficient confidence in one’s own satellite system. In general, a few satellites are launched for technical verification and scenario verification. Only when satisfactory results are obtained can the speed of construction be accelerated.

Baihu Technology Company has only completed the production of one rocket so far, and the follow-up rockets are still in production. According to the plan, a total of 10 rockets will be produced and used alternately for launches.

It is now June. If we want to launch all 101 satellites this year, we have to arrange launch missions almost every day. If there are not enough spare rockets, this mission cannot be completed at all.

After the rocket is recovered, it takes 5 days for inspection and repair. The inspection is actually very fast, and the damaged part can be clearly understood by scanning with a machine.

The main reason is that the non-recyclable parts need to be installed and transported. 5 days is already very tight, and the efficiency is already very high. Then there is a certain amount of redundant time left. The 10-day rotation is the best choice.

When he came to the lobby of the launch base, Ye Zishu saw that he didn't seem to have anything to do, so he simply found a place that would not delay other people's work, sat down, took out his notebook, and continued to work.

After two months of writing, he has completed half of the workload. The previous writings are all basic medical knowledge, and the difficulty is actually not that big.

The content written later is more advanced. Like what he is writing now is neuromedical knowledge. In fact, the current research on the nervous system is not very deep, and the progress is not fast.

Therefore, he needs to systematically explain the existing neuromedical knowledge, and also needs to add a lot of knowledge that is not available at present. The amount of knowledge may not be large, but the workload is indeed not small.

Because this knowledge is not enough for him to write in textbooks, and he has to be understood and recognized by others, so he needs to write professional papers to describe each new knowledge point.

After he finished writing neurology, he will write systemic medicine later. This is his newly added concept, which is actually a systematic elaboration of the modernization theory of Chinese medicine in my country.

The ancient world view was born on the basis of ancient culture. Chinese medicine is the embodiment of this world view. In fact, it is a very advanced medical philosophy system.

But now people's concepts are no longer what they used to be, and it is a bit difficult for people to go back to the past to understand the thinking patterns and philosophical thoughts of the ancients.

This is not to say that the philosophical thoughts of the ancients do not exist now, but that few people study them deeply and systematically, and they lack sufficient understanding of TCM theories.

People often have prejudices against things that they cannot understand. This is why it is said that "the ignorant have no fear". In previous lives, it was said that people can only earn money within the scope of their own knowledge. In fact, people can only understand knowledge within the scope of their own knowledge. .

Cognition is the decisive factor that limits an individual's ability, and cognition is often difficult to change. The older you are, the easier it is to solidify. Even he has no good solution.

Therefore, according to the characteristics of Chinese medicine, he defines it as systematic medicine, adopts his own way of understanding the thinking of Chinese medicine, and narrates it in a way that everyone can understand, which may be more effective.

In addition to inheriting the ancient Chinese medicine thought and then making a modern narrative, he also needs to add a lot of new theories to it to make systematic medicine more instructive.

If it is just the modernization of ancient Chinese medicine, there are still many flaws in it, and it will still be difficult for people to understand.

Therefore, he must supplement the problematic part. Maybe there was no such problem in ancient times, but in the process of inheritance, it was gradually lost, so it must be supplemented.

In addition, it is necessary to add more theoretical knowledge on the basis of the existing traditional Chinese medicine to make it a real systematic medical discipline with stronger adaptability.

In fact, Chinese medicine does not stop at the technical level of medical knowledge, which is also the fundamental reason why it is difficult for everyone to understand. The technical skills can be easily understood by people with ordinary qualifications.

But once it rises to the level of philosophical thoughts or theories, many people are confused and unable to understand it. Once they understand it thoroughly, then with such a set of philosophical thoughts and theories, they can guide technical techniques to cure diseases and save lives.

This is why Chinese medicine does not have a fixed number of ways to treat diseases and save lives. Everyone who studies Chinese medicine has their own way of understanding, and it is difficult to achieve absolute unity.

At the same time, Chinese medicine also treats according to the actual situation of each person, so there are thousands of people and thousands of prescriptions. This is a huge test for learners with low understanding.

Modern technology emphasizes that one is one and two is two. In fact, the basic constituent element of this world is uncertainty, and certainty is just a concept given to this world by human beings.

So he needs to add a lot of his own understanding, which is also the essence of what he has learned during this period of time. If someone can really understand it thoroughly, he has the potential to become a top famous doctor.

Because after a thorough understanding of the systematic medical theory, it still needs to be transformed into surgery. If you can't achieve perfection in the transformation process, then you can't be considered a top doctor.

In addition to talking about the theory of systematic medicine, he also needs to write practical content, otherwise, most students will only learn the superficial level if they stay at the theoretical level.

Because this kind of thing cannot be fully understood in a short period of time, it requires them to master it in a long period of practice, but art can help students understand theoretical knowledge.

Going back and forth between art and Tao can deepen the understanding of Tao, and art is not only at the stage of Chinese medicine skills, in his eyes, there is no distinction between Chinese medicine and Western medicine.

Once the distinction is made in the subconscious mind, it will be fundamentally at a disadvantage. Therefore, in the beginning of a series of his medical books, he describes his own medical views to prevent students from holding binary thinking at the beginning, which will affect them. later study.

Therefore, these medical works written by him are all-encompassing. Even if you can't fully understand the medical theories he expounded, you can get some skills to live and live from these "skills".

In fact, he does not ask everyone to fully understand it, because it is too difficult. Some theories still exist metaphysically, and it is difficult to describe them clearly, but they can indeed play a miraculous effect in guiding practice.

This kind of existence means that if you understand it, you will understand it, and if you don’t understand it, you really don’t understand it. This is the most terrible thing, so this part of the content will be discussed at the beginning and end.

The purpose is to initially establish a medical concept, and then go through a series of learning about techniques, and finally return to the stage of Tao. Only in this way can students understand as much as possible. As for whether they really understand, he doesn't care.

After all, there is indeed a gap in human aptitude. It is a bit difficult to force everyone to understand.

So it seems that he has written most of the knowledge points involved, but the last half is the essence of the whole series, and it is also a work that he needs to spend a lot of energy on.

After he finished writing everything, he still needed to provide Taiji Group with a large amount of medical information, so as to make the medical knowledge easier to practice.

For example, if there is no relevant medicine and treatment methods in the neurology that is written now, no matter how clearly it is explained, it will not have much effect, at least not in the short term.

He can selflessly contribute theoretical knowledge, after all, it is beneficial to promote the development of human medicine, but at the technical level, he actually has reservations, the reason is naturally that it involves real economic interests.

Like the medical products he used to treat neurological diseases later on, he would definitely not give them out for free. If he did, he would definitely be considered a fool by many people.

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