Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 704 Organizing a Global Competitive Game Competition


"Why did Seagull Interactive Entertainment suddenly launch an online game without warning?" a young man with yellow hair in the Internet cafe said suddenly.

The companion next to him stretched out his face, glanced at it, and said, "Really, what is a multiplayer online competitive game?"

"Why bother so much, just download and play, their games shouldn't be a big problem!" the young man with yellow hair said with a smile.

Just when the young man with yellow hair was about to download, his companion glanced at his desktop and said in surprise: "There is no need to download, it seems that there is a game icon on the desktop, which looks a bit like an advertisement picture."

Hearing what his companion said, the young man with yellow hair hurriedly switched to the desktop, there was an extra icon, and said with a smile: "This Internet cafe is quite fast!"

This statement was approved by his companions. The service of Shengshi Internet Cafe is indeed unmatched, whether it is management standards or services, it is indeed incomparable to other Internet cafes.

Now there are other Internet cafes in China, but many people are still willing to come to Shengshi Internet cafe to surf the Internet. Not only is the price not expensive here, but the environment is much better, and there has never been any smoky things.

Under the same environment, other Internet cafes are generally more expensive than Shengshi Internet cafes. The main reason is that Shengshi Internet cafes are rich and powerful, and they don't care how much money they make in Internet cafes. They are really small profits but quick turnover.

The price of Shengshi Internet cafes is now cheaper than before. It only costs 2 yuan per hour to surf the Internet, while other Internet cafes basically cost 3 yuan, and the machine density is even higher.

Since last year, Shengshi Cultural Group has continued to strengthen the development of this business, and now their business has extended to all counties in China, with as many as 100,000 Internet cafes.

The number of Internet cafes they own accounts for 95% of the entire market, and the number of installed computers is even higher. The average number of installed computers in each Internet cafe is about 250, and the total number of installed computers is 25 million.

Due to the large-scale procurement, great discounts can be obtained, but the total investment scale is still as high as more than 150 billion yuan, which can be described as quite bold.

In the past, the payback period was about one year, but now the overall payback period is about one and a half years. This is due to the fact that computers are still relatively expensive equipment in China, and many families cannot afford them.

As domestic families become richer and there is no pressure to buy computers, Internet cafes will gradually decline. In fact, this time will not take long, probably only two or three years.

At that time, Shengshi Internet Cafe’s machine investment had probably completed a round, because the longest replacement cycle of Internet cafe machines was 5 years, and it would not be able to meet the demand if it was not updated for a long time.

So after three years, Shengshi Internet Cafe will gradually close its Internet cafes and reduce the number of Internet cafes.

As for whether to completely withdraw from the market, it is still uncertain.

In the past two years, thanks to the surge in the number of Prosperous Internet cafes, the number of domestic Internet users has exploded, especially last year, when the number of domestic Internet users reached hundreds of millions.

This year this number may double, but the per capita contribution of domestic Internet users is not particularly high, and the domestic sales of Phoenix Technology's many value-added services are not very good.

Of course, there are exceptions, and that is Seagull Interactive Entertainment, which has a very high domestic income. Last year, the domestic income was as high as 20 billion yuan, and this growth rate is still very fast.

For the domestic market, Sea-Gull Interactive Entertainment also adopts a low-price strategy. For example, a game that sells for $60 abroad can be bought in China for only 60 yuan.

There is not much difference in online game fees. It is basically 0.6 yuan per hour in foreign countries and 0.4 yuan per hour in China. However, there are many activities in China and the discount is very strong. The average price is 0.2 yuan per hour.

The most popular online game in the world at present is produced by Seagull Interactive Entertainment Company. It has been very popular in the world since it was launched last year. This game is actually the setting made by Ye Zishu imitating the previous "World of Warcraft".

Although the characters in it are not exactly the same as the previous life, the gameplay is not much different, and the overall style is similar to the previous life, but it is much more sophisticated.

For him, there is no need to be bold and innovative in terms of games, just take out the games that have proved successful in the previous life, and save a lot of energy.

In fact, this is indeed the case. It has been more than a year since the game was launched, and the number of online users in the world has exceeded 10 million, which is much more popular than in the previous life.

The reason is that the current players are still young, and Seagull Interactive Entertainment Company directly produces such high-quality games, which belongs to the rhythm of slamming the world, and naturally attracts a large number of game players to participate.

In fact, making money from online games is not very fast. If they only rely on point cards and monthly cards, such popular online games will bring them more than 15 billion yuan in revenue a year.

So in order to increase their income, they built a lot of interesting furniture and various skins in it. This kind of non-attribute props can be obtained through missions or purchased directly.

It's just that it is more difficult to obtain through tasks, and it takes a long time. Many game players will choose to buy them directly. The income of these non-attribute props is even much more than that of point cards.

This approach not only did not arouse the resentment of the players, but for many players, it increased the fun of the game, and was welcomed by many consumers.

With these two young people, there are still many people who have discovered that Sea-Gull Interactive Entertainment has launched new games, because their advertisements are very simple and rude, that is, direct pop-up advertisements through Internet cafes all over the world.

At the same time, a lot of advertisements have also been invested in major Internet platforms. Anyone who is in contact with the Internet can basically see their advertisements, and the density of advertisements is very high.

Without any hesitation, the two clicked on it directly, and then used their social platform accounts to log in, and began to enter the teaching stage. After the two finished the teaching, they found that the game was quite simple.

So the two began to explore, and found that there was a two-person team mode, so the two formed a team and started to play queue. They thought that there were not many people inside, but found that they only waited for a few seconds before they lined up.

After entering, since everyone was a novice, there was no one-sided massacre, and various funny operations were common, and it was immediately full of laughter.

At the beginning, players can get 10 heroes for free, and they can also get fragments through upgrading. After accumulating enough fragments, they can buy new heroes.

Ye Zishu and Ye Ziqi, who were far away in Xi'an, went back to the office, sat down and looked at the number of online games in China, and found that there were already more than 1 million people.

So he said to Ye Ziqi: "Now there are millions of players online, you should be able to find opponents and teammates."

"You don't play?" Ye Ziqi asked.

"Your brother and I still have to work, so you don't have time to play games, you should play by yourself." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

Hearing what he said, Ye Ziqi didn't insist on playing with him. He took the laptop, sat across from Ye Zishu's desk, and started to log in to the game, ready to start fighting.

Ye Zishu, on the other hand, continued to devote himself to the great cause of writing. Before it started, Ye Ziqi, who was sitting across from him, suddenly let out a surprise, and attracted Ye Zishu's attention.

"What's wrong?" Ye Zishu asked.

"It's nothing, I just found out that it went in too fast. I just clicked and didn't react, and I was matched. Is it a bit too fast?" Ye Ziqi asked.

"It should be because of the large number of people." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

"Oh!" Ye Ziqi responded, and devoted himself to the game.

Ye Zishu smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth. In fact, there are millions of people online, and it is impossible to be so fast. The reason why it is so fast is because artificial intelligence has been added to it.

The game will give priority to matching players. If there are nine missing one or eight missing two, it will be quickly filled by artificial intelligence. Players cannot be kept waiting for too long. It is necessary to ensure that the matching time is within one minute.

This will not only keep players from waiting too long, but also create an atmosphere where many people play. In the early stages of the game, both of these are very important.

The character controlled by artificial intelligence will automatically adjust to the same level as the laning player according to the real level of the opposing player, so that the player will have a better game experience.

It is already July, and Ye Zishu is still writing something related to nerves, but it is coming to an end, and it will be finished in another week.

After writing the neurological content, he will immediately write the systematic medical content, and he plans to finish writing it in August. By then, he has completed all the writing work.

Time ran fast, Ye Zishu was still immersed in writing, Ye Ziqi knocked on the table and pulled him out of the working state.

"What's wrong?" Ye Zishu asked.

"What time do you want to see?" Ye Ziqi asked.

Ye Zishu glanced at the time, it was already 6:30 in the evening, so he said embarrassedly: "I was too absorbed just now, I didn't pay attention, let's go, let's go eat."

Ye Ziqi heard what he said, and stood up quickly, feeling very enthusiastic about eating, and the two came to the cafeteria. There were much fewer people here than at noon, and most of them had gone home for dinner.

With experience this time, Ye Ziqi didn't take too much food and ate all the food, and Ye Zishu didn't have to eat the leftovers she ate.

"Are you going back to the hotel, or continue to follow me to the office?" Ye Zishu asked.

"Let's go to your office for a while. I had a good idea just now and I want to talk to you." Ye Ziqi smiled mysteriously and said.

"What kind of idea is still so mysterious?" Ye Zishu asked.

"It's not too late to go back and talk," Ye Ziqi said.

The two returned to the office. Since they had just eaten, they didn't start working immediately. Instead, they made a pot of tea, sat on the sofa and chatted while drinking tea.

"Now we can talk." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

"I think this game is very suitable for competition. It is absolutely possible to hold competitive competitions based on this game. At that time, inviting top players from all over the world will definitely increase the popularity of this game." Ye Ziqi said.

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