Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 706 Live broadcast benefit distribution


Ye Ziqi, who was sitting next to him, saw that Ye Zishu only took about an hour to write a complex live broadcast system, which felt a bit magical.

The previous game still had a basic skeleton, Ye Zishu only needed to focus on writing the game content, and this live broadcast system was basically built from scratch.

"Brother, do you write programs so fast?" Ye Ziqi asked.

"Basically, it depends on the difficulty of the program. A live broadcast system like this may be difficult for others, but it is not difficult for your brother and me." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

"I heard that it is very hard for programmers to write code, but I think it is very simple for you." Ye Ziqi asked again.

"How difficult is it to write code? If you only stop at the stage of writing code, you can only be a junior programmer.

What's more, writing code can now be handed over to intelligent programs, and programmers only need to focus on solving core technical problems. "Leaf Book said.

"Oh!" Ye Ziqi still felt that the interlacing was like a mountain, so he could only simply respond, and it was not good to continue to discuss this topic in depth.

After Ye Zi wrote it, he tested it and found that there was basically no problem. He also temporarily served as the anchor for more than ten minutes. During his live broadcast, the advertising performance was very good.

He is not a person who likes to be funny, but during the live broadcast, through some interesting commercial investment, he has a sense of comedy, especially his serious live broadcast, the contrast is very strong.

Of course, the content that interacts with the anchor is not entirely advertising content, and there are also many contents that are specifically active in the live broadcast room. The specific content will be determined according to the content of the anchor's speech and the style of the live broadcast room.

"I didn't expect the live broadcast to be so interesting." Ye Ziqi said with a smile after watching Ye Zishu's live broadcast.

"This effect is what we want. Most people are busy all day, physically and mentally exhausted, and need to relax, and the live broadcast is to achieve this goal.

Of course, the live broadcast is not only about relaxing and funny content, but also more serious content, such as news comments, knowledge sharing and so on.

For this kind of live broadcast content, the live broadcast system needs to highlight their key points, so that the audience can quickly understand the core content in the complicated and lengthy words.

In short, this live broadcast system must be among the top in the world. Perhaps after more than ten years, there is still no similar system that can match it. "Ye Zishu said with a smile.

Ye Ziqi doesn't understand these things, but she has no doubts about Ye Zishu's words. The foundation she is in charge of is also supported by many advanced systems, and she still knows a thing or two about domestic software capabilities.

And these are just a business under the leaf book industry, which shows how far the technology in the entire system has reached, so she doesn't have to doubt what leaf book says.

After finishing this matter, Ye Zishu contacted Kunpeng Information Technology Company and asked it to set up a subsidiary company specializing in live broadcast business, and sent them the prepared live broadcast system.

And temporarily wrote a business plan, although the content is a bit short, but clearly written all the content of the business operation that he thought of, and let them complete it according to this business plan.

After finishing all this, it was already 9 o'clock, Ye Zishu said: "It's already 9 o'clock in the evening, I will take you back to the hotel, go to bed early, and have to work tomorrow."

Ye Ziqi didn't refuse, and stood up. Although she didn't go out for a walk that day, she also saw the working status of Ye Zishu, which was a huge gain for her.

After delivering Ye Ziqi to the hotel, Ye Zishu went straight back to the office. More than half an hour had passed. He continued to sit down and work, and it was a bit early to rest now.

As soon as Ye Zishu got up the next day, he saw Ye Ziqi standing outside the door, and said, "Have you had breakfast?"

"Isn't this going to eat with you?" Ye Ziqi said with a smile.

"Oh, by the way, aren't you busy today?" Ye Zishu asked.

"It's not in a hurry, I made an appointment at 10 o'clock, and I still have time." Ye Ziqi said.

After breakfast, Ye Ziqi went to get busy, while Ye Zishu returned to his office and continued to be busy with the things at hand.

Just when Ye Zishu was busy, Seagull Interactive Entertainment announced on its official website that it would hold a global competitive competition based on the game written by Ye Zishu.

It also announced the organization method and specific time schedule of the competition. At the same time, it also provided generous bonuses and launched a support plan for game clubs.

Since there is no such world-wide competitive competition, if it wants to develop, it must invest more, so that the participants can see the real benefits, otherwise they may face the risk of organizational failure.

At the same time, they launched the live broadcast business globally on the same day, without any delays. For the live broadcast business, don't think about making money in the early stage.

In order to attract more people to join the live broadcast industry, they launched a lot of incentives, and at the same time cooperated with Shengshi Culture Group to promote the anchor brokerage business.

Originally, Kunpeng Information Technology Company could also operate the brokerage business by itself, but after thinking about it, it is better to hand it over to Shengshi Cultural Group.

One is that they are basically platform-based, excessively involved in offline business, which is not conducive to management, and there is no need to spend too much energy on this.

The second is that Shengshi Cultural Group has more advantages in the field of cultural content operation. Although the anchors are all amateurs, as long as they are famous enough, they can be cultivated and become a qualified star.

In this way, more packaging and training can be carried out, so that the anchor has greater development potential. Of course, it is not easy to do this, and it is not something that ordinary anchors can possess.

But this is very attractive to many anchors, and it can also attract more people to join the ranks of anchors, which is also of great benefit to the platform.

In terms of benefit distribution, the platform gets 50%, and the remaining 50% is distributed by the anchor and the brokerage company. Shengshi Culture Group will dynamically adjust the distribution ratio according to the income of the anchor and the investment of the company.

But they don't sit on the basis that the more famous the anchor is, the lower the allocation ratio is, but in reverse, the higher the income of the anchor, the higher the distribution ratio of the brokerage company, and vice versa.

In fact, sitting like this violates the general business logic, because the more famous the anchor, the more bargaining power he has. If he is not satisfied, he can go out and do it alone.

On the contrary, those anchors with low income do not have much bargaining power with the brokerage company. It is reasonable to say that they can exploit as much as they want, but Shengshi Culture Group disdains to do so.

In addition to adopting the model of proportional sharing, you can also choose fixed salary. In the early stage, there may be more anchors who choose fixed salary to sign contracts, because the interests can be guaranteed in this way.

The source of income for the brokerage company is, on the one hand, the sharing income obtained by the anchor’s gift rewards, and on the other hand, part of the advertising sharing income shared with the platform.

The former is valid for everyone, even if the anchor does not sign with the brokerage company, the anchor can still get the reward share, so this is a universal measure.

As for the sharing of platform advertisements, it is an exclusive cooperation agreement reached with Shengshi Cultural Group. The condition is that Shengshi Cultural Group needs to provide necessary support and subsidies to the later anchors.

In other words, if the anchors who signed the Shengshi Cultural Group have little or no income, then the losses caused need to be made up by the Shengshi Cultural Group so that these anchors can also survive.

The purpose of doing this is that if the platform wants to be more prosperous, it must maintain a sufficient number of anchors, and only in this way can more live content be produced.

The platform side does not want to bind the interests of the platform with the head anchor, because this binding is very unreliable, and it is necessary to support newcomers and later anchors.

In addition to taking on this responsibility, Shengshi Cultural Group also needs to provide training and guidance to the anchor's live broadcast content and live broadcast style, and cannot completely let the anchor play stand-alone.

As for the follow-up commercial operation, it is not included in their cooperation agreement, and will be completely dominated by Shengshi Cultural Group, which has nothing to do with the platform side.

If it is two unrelated companies, it is impossible to reach such a cooperation, because it is grabbing food from the platform bowl, and the platform side cannot share the benefits obtained.

Moreover, after the brokerage company grows bigger, if it turns its face, the platform side will suffer huge losses, so not only can't reach such a cooperation with the brokerage company, but it must restrict the brokerage company from being the only one.

But these two companies have the same boss, and they have cooperated closely before. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are a community of interests, so Kunpeng Information Technology Company is willing to give up more benefits.

For the live broadcast industry, Qinglong Technology Company is also preparing to launch a live broadcast equipment set, which is currently under intense research and development. This is not too difficult for them, and it can be done in ten days.

With these live broadcast kits, the live broadcast of the anchor will become easier and the live broadcast process will become more intelligent, which may bring them a lot of benefits.

After the live broadcast platform was launched, it attracted tens of thousands of people to sign up in less than a day, and there were only more than 1,000 anchors who started broadcasting and live broadcast for more than an hour.

This result can be said to be good or bad, because the live broadcast platform has not yet started publicity, so it is not bad to have so many people registering. After all, people with a desire to express only account for a part of it.

From the next day, Kunpeng Information Technology Co., Ltd. started advertising, partly through its own platform, and partly through other company platforms and traditional media.

The effect of advertising is naturally different. In just one day, it attracted 100,000 people around the world to register as anchors, and the number of broadcasters reached 50,000.

However, most of the anchors are from abroad, and the number of domestic anchors is still very small, and there are not many people watching the live broadcast. It seems that it will take a certain amount of time to prosper.

The number of people who watched the live broadcast was as high as 1 million. Many people actually watched it as a surprise. It doesn't cost money anyway, and many people are still willing to join in the fun.

It's just that after they came in, they found that live broadcasts are quite interesting. Now they mainly focus on live games, and the games are mainly competitive games that have just been released.

For many viewers who are still in the groping stage, watching the live broadcast can improve their game skills at a relatively fast speed, so that the anchor can get the first reward in his life.

The live broadcast tidbits, content editing, live commentary, etc. tailored by artificial intelligence for the game anchor make the live broadcast lively and interesting, and the retention rate of the audience is very high.

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