Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 718 Disagreement on life-extending medicine


Because the technology is too advanced, he hasn't planned to spread it yet, because the unpredictability it brings is too high. If he didn't think it was necessary to take it out, he certainly wouldn't be in such a hurry.

Therefore, when designing, he tried to design the parts inside as finely as possible, and disassembled the parts and put them into independent confidential factories for production.

The assembly process is a fully automatic assembly line, and relatively speaking, it also has a certain degree of confidentiality, but this kind of confidentiality does not play much role, and there are ways to understand it.

Therefore, he intends to keep the software more confidential. If there is no advanced software driver, these hardwares are actually a bunch of iron bumps and have little effect.

After considering these things clearly, Ye Zishu began to prepare. The first thing is to sort out the technology of the full-sensing virtual helmet, and leave the rest behind.

Because of this set of equipment, when he sorts out technical information in the future, the efficiency will be at least a hundred times faster than it is now, and the sharpening of the knife will not miss the woodcutter, and the time spent later will be much less.

"When did you come back?"

Ye Zishu raised his head and saw Pei Qing standing at the door looking at him, checked the time, it was already six o'clock in the evening, and said with a smile: "I came back after lunch at noon. The dishes are ready, I will trouble you."

Although Pei Qing was very moved when she heard this, she said, "I didn't say you don't work, I just care about you."

"I know, but after all, you also work for a day, and it's much harder than me. I should do something. I can't really ask you to serve me." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

After finishing speaking, there was no delay. After locking the computer, he stood up and said, "Let's go, let's make dinner together. It will be faster this way, and I will show you my knife skills."

Originally, Pei Qing thought that she was disturbing his work, so she was too reluctant to go, but Ye Zishu couldn't help but walk out of the study with her shoulders, and headed for the kitchen.

Next, Pei Qing was busy washing the pots and pans, and Ye Zishu was processing the vegetables quickly. He saw a kitchen knife playfully in his hand. Not only was the cutting speed fast, but also the size was very uniform, as if Just like machine cut.

This made Pei Qing stare sideways after washing the pots and pans, and asked in surprise: "When did you learn cooking secretly? Your knife skills are better than restaurant chefs."

Hearing Pei Qing's words, Ye Zishu said angrily: "Do I need to learn cooking skills? I learned all these knife skills when I was studying surgery."

Hearing his explanation, Pei Qing was stunned, it made sense, and she also felt that it was impossible for Ye Zishu to study this specifically, because it was a waste of time for him.

But another question arises,

That is where he studied surgery. You must know that if you want to learn this, you need an environment. Generally, only medical schools have this condition.

But she didn't ask this question, because she has been in contact with him for a long time, and she has seen many incredible things. Things like this are the most ordinary things.

She is not the kind of person who is very curious, even if she is very curious, she knows how to measure it. Everyone has secrets, not to mention a person with a big secret like him, to explore will only make her lose him.

If it was Pei Qing who cut the vegetables, it would take at least ten minutes, but after Ye Zishu did all this, it was all done in less than three or four minutes.

The work of cooking was handed over to Pei Qing. Because the cooking fumes were relatively large, Pei Qing asked him to sit outside. The cooking may take about 10 minutes.

After leaving the kitchen, Ye Zishu was not in the mood to go to work in the study, but lay down on the sofa in the living room and continued to think about things. Then everything revolved around quantum technology.

To be honest, he really didn't think about advancing the technology so much all at once, and he wanted to play slowly so that he wouldn't be so tired.

Because the higher the technical level, the more energy he expends. First of all, the knowledge reserve must keep up. Don't think that everything will be fine after taking the technical materials. You must also learn and make things your own.

The second is to prevent the spread of technology. The better thing is that these black technologies can be placed on Baihu Technology Company. Due to the characteristics of this enterprise, the natural confidentiality is stronger than other companies.

The employees who entered Baihu Technology Company knew what kind of work they were engaged in before they came in. They are generally more self-disciplined and will not speak out casually.

In addition, these employees only enter the company after undergoing strict review, which is still very different from the ordinary recruited employees in the society.

The other is that the legal protection is more in place. Like other companies, if there is a leak, they will be sentenced to a few years at most, but if the technology of Baihu Technology Company is leaked, it will not only be sentenced to a few years.

This is also one of the reasons why he dared to take it out. If it was a civilian commercial enterprise under his banner, he would have to think twice, and he would never take it out unless it was absolutely necessary.

He thought about it for a while, and this is also good, just to form a high-tech match. Baihu Technology Company will take over the most advanced technology he brought out, and when it is almost ready for civilian use, it can be directly transformed into civilian technology.

This will not only ensure the development speed of my country's top technology, but also take care of the development of civilian technology, and have a sustainable role in promoting the entire national economy.

While Ye Zishu was thinking wildly, Pei Qing called out from the kitchen: "Come here and help serve the dishes!"

Ye Zishu quickly stood up and said, "Here we come, we come!"

The two of them don't cook many dishes together, two dishes and one soup, especially in summer, cooking is a bit hot, even if there is an air conditioner at home, it is uncomfortable.

"Didn't you give us a protease last time?" Pei Qing asked while looking at Ye Zishu.

"What protease?" Ye Zishu didn't understand after hearing this nonsense.

"It's the one that can promote metabolism, improve physical health, and prolong life span." Pei Qing explained.

When she said this, Ye Zishu remembered that this substance was discovered when he was studying human blood, and then extracted from it and analyzed, and identified as a protease.

It is definitely unrealistic to separate from the blood, so he developed a set of synthesis technology, so that he can extend his lifespan by directly injecting such substances without exchanging blood.

According to his conclusions in the virtual laboratory, long-term injection of this substance will extend the life span by about 20%, which is a huge improvement for human beings.

The purpose he gave to the Tai Chi Group was to see if he could sell it to the super rich. They have money, and a dose of millions of yuan should be affordable for a drug like this that can prolong life.

The money that Tai Chi Group earns from these super-rich people can be used to lower the price of common medicines, which is beneficial overall.

"I remembered, what's wrong?" Ye Zishu asked after taking a bite.

"After a year or so of research, it has been preliminarily determined that this particular enzyme does indeed have the effect of prolonging life, and even making the elderly look younger.

In addition, we have mature synthesis technology and have reached the conditions for marketing, but there are great differences among us, and it is difficult to make a decision at the moment. "Pei Qing said.

"What's the difference?" Ye Zishu asked.

"Some people think that if these are only used by a few wealthy people, there will definitely be more serious consequences than economic exploitation. Originally, human life is the fairest gift given to human beings by God.

Now we use technology to break this balance. Now 20% does not seem like much. With the advancement of technology in the future, it may be 50% or even 100%.

If things go on like this, solidified classes will be completely formed at the social level, and even two species will be formed in severe cases, which will probably cause social unrest at that time.

Therefore, they believe that this product should either be hidden away, or it should be popularized so that everyone can afford it with a little effort, instead of becoming exclusive to the rich.

Another group of people think that this kind of worry is a bit too much, and society can achieve self-regulation. Although it may cause some problems in the early stage, it can be adjusted in the end.

We are a technology-based company, not the government. Social problems should be solved by the government. We only solve the problems that technology can do.

So they think that our company is a bit offside. As a company, we should do what we should do, instead of thinking too much about the responsibilities that should be borne by the government. "Pei Qing said.

The second statement cannot be said to be selfish, because as a company, its own resources are actually very limited, and too much worry about social issues will seriously consume its own strength.

They are not saying that they do not consider social impact at all, but based on the theoretical basis that society can dynamically adjust itself, they believe that even if they do not consider it, the future society will be able to solve the problems it encounters by itself.

The first statement is actually Yeshu’s idea, but he felt that 20% of the lifespan is not a lot, and this is the best effect of this product.

Because the older you use it, the worse the effect. He believes that most rich people are older and can only prolong their lifespan by about 10 years at most. This gap is still within the range of his tolerance.

But their long-term considerations are indeed in line with his ideas. It was said before that the rich can't reach three generations, which is actually not a bad thing, but the necessity of social self-renewal.

If the able generation is particularly long-lived, then this argument may not be true, because they can wait for the able generation to grow up.

This is not what he wants to see. Society is just like the human body. Only when it is constantly being updated can it develop sustainably and healthily. If the update is slow, it means that the development is very slow.

He has no doubts at all that in order to preserve one's wealth and status, anything is possible. Human selfishness and human brilliance are two sides of one human being, and they are inseparable.

Ye Zishu didn't know how to choose for a while, so he didn't reply immediately, but ate in silence, thinking about how to make a decision in his mind.

He thought for a while, looked at Pei Qing, and said, "Then let's hide it for a while, and take out the health care products I gave you to improve concentration and sell them in China."

After hearing his arrangement, Pei Qing was a little confused. Is there any relationship between the two?

It didn't seem to matter, but Ye Zishu arranged the two things together, which forced Pei Qing to think about the relationship between them.

Seeing that Pei Qing did not agree immediately after hearing this, but had a pensive expression on her face, Ye Zishu asked, "Is this arrangement inappropriate?"

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