Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 734: Not perfect but acceptable


The treatment given to students by Tianwen Medical College is very good. The monthly living expenses are 800 yuan, let alone in this era, even in previous lives, it is not a small number.

In addition, there are transportation subsidies for summer and winter vacations, which add up to 400 yuan, and the total annual subsidy for living and transportation expenses is 10,000 yuan.

Many students from poor families didn't have any good clothes, and they seemed a little out of place with the whole campus, so they took their student cards and went to shopping malls to spend.

There is a small shopping mall inside the school, which has various stores, which can basically meet the internal supplies. Many students hold student cards and buy suitable clothes and daily necessities here.

There are also many students who choose to go to the library to find out. The library is located in the center of the entire campus and is also the tallest building in the school. It is close to hundreds of meters and has 30 floors, 27 floors above ground and 3 floors underground.

In fact, the library has achieved full digitalization. You don’t need to borrow books here. Through the internal system, you can also borrow all electronic books.

The reason why the library is still built is mainly to increase the atmosphere of books on the campus, and as a landmark building on the campus, it can make the campus more recognizable.

In addition to these, a large number of sports facilities have been built on the east and west edges of the school. There are three football fields alone, two football fields for daily use, and one football field for events.

In addition, outdoor sports facilities such as basketball courts and tennis courts are available. In addition to these outdoor sports facilities, there are also a large number of indoor sports facilities.

In addition to the most common swimming pool, there are also ice sports halls, indoor basketball halls and other facilities. Everything that can be imagined is built here.

Next to the central library, there is also a cultural center dedicated to theatrical performances, which not only provides a large number of performance stages, but also provides cinema facilities.

When Pei Qing came to see it yesterday, she looked around all these places and felt that the 10 billion yuan was well spent. All buildings are equipped with anti-shock devices, and the interior decoration is also quite elegant, and the workmanship is very good.

During the period when the school started, the school's management of outsiders was not strict, and many residents of the county took advantage of this opportunity to follow in to find out.

Because the inside of the school is usually closed to the outside world, students and staff who are not the school cannot enter at all. Don't think that you can get away with it. Advanced face recognition technology is used in front of the door.

As long as you enter, it is very easy to identify the personnel of the school. Unlike the face recognition in the previous life, you need to face the face to identify.

The identity recognition technology and motor vehicle recognition technology used here do not need to face the front face, as long as they enter the recognition range,

It can be recognized without covering the face.

There used to be boring people who came in over the wall, but they were expelled by the security personnel within a few steps, because in addition to the four gates, security identification systems were also installed in other places.

Pei Qing also walked around today, mainly to see how many students came, and what she was most worried about was that many students gave up enrolling here halfway through.

In particular, students who are self-admitted are more valued by her than students who are admitted through the college entrance examination, but this type of students is the group that is most likely to drop out midway.

Since it is a newly established school, and it is a secondary school, the students admitted to the college entrance examination are generally not top students. Fortunately, although the enrollment has been expanded in this era, it is not so exaggerated.

The overall quality of the students who can be admitted to the second university is not bad. If it is against the background of large-scale enrollment expansion, it will be more difficult to obtain qualified students with the qualifications of the second university.

On the first day of enrollment, Pei Qing began to pay attention to the number of students who came to register today. They recruited a total of 5,000 students. The self-enrolment was not full, and the actual enrollment was around 4,500.

Generally, the number of people who come to the school to register on the first day is the largest, and it will gradually decrease later. The school allows two days for registration. The number of students who came to register today has reached more than 3,200.

This number reassured her a little. What she was most afraid of was spending so much money to establish a college, but the number of people who came to study was not even half of the actual number, which would be a bit embarrassing.

Today, she sat down with New Oriental Education Group and the school's teaching committee to discuss the curriculum design, hoping to finalize the final plan before the official class.

Originally, she didn't pay attention to this matter, but since she came here this time, she invited her, the big benefactor, to participate together. On the one hand, she respected her, and on the other hand, she wanted to refer to her opinion.

At present, the employment direction of students in this school is basically Taiji Group, so Taiji Group must be very concerned about the quality of the students it trains.

In addition to this reason, another reason is that the New Oriental Education Group and the teaching committee have great differences on the curriculum arrangement. I hope she can make a decision to avoid the continuation of the differences.

The meaning of New Oriental Education Group is very clear, that is, it is necessary to maintain a high learning intensity, and the learning process must have a certain degree of compulsion.

In other words, New Oriental Education Group's class schedule is very full, almost from Monday to Friday, even on Saturday, the schedule is very full, even in the evening you need to study elective courses.

The learning pressure and class leaders are not lower than those in high school. They believe that only by strictly regulating the learning process can qualified students be cultivated.

However, the teaching committee believes that such an arrangement will easily obliterate the creative talents of students and turn students into learning machines. Although the lower limit of the students trained is very high, it also limits the height of the upper limit.

New Oriental believes that schools must first be responsible for each student. If there are fewer courses and a longer time for self-study, many students with poor self-discipline or poor communication skills will gradually fall behind.

According to the school's regulations, if the student fails two consecutive assessments, the student may face the risk of dropping out of school. This is a huge blow to a student, and it will even have a more adverse impact.

There is actually nothing wrong with New Oriental Education Group's cognition. Their vocational education has actually adopted such a method, and the effect is very good.

Many students who had poor grades before entered their vocational schools, not only made up the previous foundation, but also performed very well in all aspects.

However, in the view of the teaching committee, the purpose of training students in vocational education and higher education is fundamentally different, and it is necessary for vocational education to train students to be obedient.

But higher education cannot emphasize students' obedience, but their creativity, and to stimulate their creativity, they must be given enough free space.

If their time is occupied by class hours, they will have no time to think about problems beyond the course, and it will be difficult for them to have unrestricted imagination, which is a necessary quality for a good scientist.

Both sides actually make sense, because Tianwen Medical College is not a pure science college, scientists may be born here, but most of them end up in medical-related jobs.

The most important thing is that most of the students they enroll are not top talents. If they are students from schools like Qingbei, there is no need to be so restrained.

Their students are basically second-line students. Such students will definitely not have poor IQ, but their self-discipline will definitely not be very strong, and they even have many bad habits.

If they are completely allowed to play freely, a large number of people may be born to dawdle, and passing long live will become a common concept. In her opinion, such students must be unqualified.

After hearing their respective views, Pei Qing did not show her attitude immediately, but explained clearly the current problems of the school, mainly the quality of students.

After listening to her narration, the members of the teaching committee who were very persistent at first had to admit that the facts she said, don't let these students waste their time in vain if scientists are not trained by then.

So the two sides made a concession and canceled the original Saturday class hours, and only arranged full class hours from Monday to Friday, but no more than 8 class hours a day.

This does not mean that students can play around in the rest of the time, but that they will receive more extracurricular tasks. If they want to complete them with high quality, they will study harder than senior high school students.

Anyway, the entire learning process of students will be supervised by the intelligent education system. It is also difficult for teachers to release water, and the instructors of each class are under the jurisdiction of the administrative department, not under the management of the teaching committee.

Such a plan seems to be a concession made by the New Oriental Education Group, but in fact it still follows their opinions. Compared with other universities, Tianwen Medical College is much stricter in terms of teaching management.

The next night, Pei Qing checked the number of students who came to register. The number of students who registered two days ago has reached more than 4,200, and only 300 people did not come.

Pei Qing asked New Oriental Education Group to call the students who did not come to report tomorrow through the contact number, and asked the reason. If they choose to study in other universities, there is no other way.

If they drop out of school due to practical difficulties, the school should provide necessary assistance and strive to prevent any student from continuing to study for some reason.

On the third day, New Oriental Education Group arranged for the admissions teacher to call to inquire about the reason. Most of them gave up studying here because they went to other schools. These people are basically students who recruited independently.

There is also a small part because of family reasons, and the reasons are complicated. Some are because there are sick people in the family and no one is taking care of them, and some are girls because the family arranges a blind date and does not let her come to study.

Some of these people recruited students independently and some came in through the college entrance examination. Fortunately, there is still a month of military training in the future. Pei Qing asked the school to communicate as much as possible to solve their practical difficulties.

If you can’t solve it by phone, you can arrange for the admissions teacher to go to the student’s home and deal with it face to face. If the problem is money, you can provide a loan, and the student will return it after graduation.

If it is a matter of concept, the admissions teachers must try their best to convince their parents, and even make big cakes.

Although the process was not so perfect, she was generally satisfied, and the next work was handed over to New Oriental Education Group and these teachers.

Pei Qing herself chose to go back to the capital on the third day. She had been thinking about Ye Zishu for the past few days, fearing that he would be alone at home, or that he might not eat well.

Unbeknownst to him, Ye Zishu has been living in style for the past few days. He has returned to his working status in Xi'an, and he is busy with virtual reality projects every day.

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