Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 737: Tidal Investment Company, a Crazy Investment Company


Even though Baihu Technology Company is facing a shortage of funds, the research that should be carried out cannot be delayed. It is particularly important to speed up basic research while these people are still here.

Leaf Book promised that before or early next year, it will provide technical information on naval equipment. The current task of their management team is to stabilize the research team.

You have finally seconded so many people, so don't let it go easily, try to keep them as much as possible, not only that, but also find a way to second more people.

At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen the construction of its own scientific research strength, and continue to recruit reliable and skilled talents. After these seconded personnel return to their original units, Baihu Technology Company itself can support this stall.

After the meeting, Ye Zishu returned to his office and began to check the income of Tidal Investment Company. It is now October and has entered the last quarter of this year.

Their investment basically takes the quarter as the investment cycle. At the beginning of each new quarter, the income obtained will be withdrawn from the financial market to ensure that the benefits will not be harvested in a targeted manner.

Their average daily rate of return in the first quarter was more than 2%. According to this rate of return, they achieved a 6-fold increase in capital in the first quarter, with a total income of more than 660 billion yuan.

In the second quarter, the average daily rate of return dropped to about 1.8%, achieving a 5-fold increase in capital gains, with a total gain of more than 550 billion yuan.

Although the third quarter has not yet been fully counted, according to system estimates, the average daily rate of return is around 2.2%. The accuracy of this judgment is still very high, and there will not be a big difference.

According to this average daily rate of return, it will achieve a 7.4 times increase in revenue, completely earning back the declining revenue in the second quarter, and the total revenue will reach more than 800 billion yuan.

The total rate of return in the first three quarters was more than 2 trillion yuan. Although there is still a big difference compared with the income of his large group companies, these are cash and freely flowing funds.

Although the profits they have obtained are huge, they do not have much impact in the global financial market, because their operations are micro-operations.

Such financial operations minimize the sensitivity of the financial market. In addition, funds are scattered in the global financial market, and the actual outflow of funds from major markets will not be very large.

It is precisely because of this that Tidal Investment Company can freely harvest in the global financial market. Up to now, it has not caused any financial shocks. On the surface, everything is calm.

In terms of the strategy of capital exit, it also follows the principle of financial stability, and gradually withdraws funds, and the withdrawn funds will be invested at a very fast speed to purchase physical assets and mineral resources.

And the people and businesses that sell these assets and resources,

After getting the money, a considerable part of the funds flowed into the financial market, which is tantamount to a perfect cycle, but in this process, resources and assets flowed into the hands of Tidal Investment Company.

Some people feel that getting a large amount of cash is worth the money, because compared with assets and resources, money has better liquidity, and holding funds can be invested globally.

But Tidal Investment Company is really keen to buy assets and resources, because Ye Shu believes that only these are real things, and cash is just a pile of worthless paper in the final analysis.

When these banknotes cannot purchase physical assets and resources as usual, it will depreciate on a large scale, and even become worthless.

The assets that Tidal Investment Company chose to purchase were not those high-tech companies that everyone was keen on. The reason was that Ye Zishu believed that these so-called high-tech companies could be completely destroyed as long as he wanted to.

Therefore, their investment targets are in real estate, mining enterprises, retail enterprises, etc. Real estate mainly has a long construction period, and the market supply will not expand infinitely in a short period of time.

This means that the house has a strong value preservation feature, and the rent collected after purchase can also bring them continuous income. Most importantly, this industry can accommodate a large amount of capital.

Wherever there is a depression in the value of real estate in the world, they will go to buy in bulk, until they reach a reasonable level, they will choose to stop and wait and see.

Investing in mining companies is easy to understand. Whether it is investing in shares or buying spot goods, it is a cost-effective deal for them.

my country's large-scale infrastructure construction requires a large scale of various mineral resources. If you invest in these mining companies now, you will definitely make a profit in the future.

If there is still excess funds, they will choose to buy futures and spot goods, transport these resources to the country, and sell them to Kirin Basic Industries Group. They say they are selling, but they are actually just keeping an account.

The reason why I am keen on investing in retail companies is to control the retail channels. Now the domestic economic situation is very good, and the export trade volume has repeatedly hit new highs.

The only shortcoming is that there are few global sales channels. Even for his industries, the sales channels established are very narrow, which is a weak link for a huge business system.

Self-built retail channels now may not be able to win against these long-established companies, so simply buy the shares of these retail companies to see if they can be directly purchased in the future.

Their investment is basically 50-50 at home and abroad. The largest domestic investment target is Kirin Agricultural Development Group, which directly gave them 500 billion yuan, and may continue to invest.

The scale of domestic investment that is not under other systems is about 200 billion yuan, mainly to support the transformation of low-end industries, not just simple processing of supplied materials.

Although the production equipment in his subsidiary industry is very advanced, but the domestic sales volume has not met the expectation, the reason is very simple, there is no money to buy these expensive equipment.

The state-owned enterprises that purchase the most advanced equipment are still state-owned enterprises. Even though many state-owned enterprises are currently experiencing operational difficulties, they are relatively generous in terms of equipment purchases.

Because their source of funds is not the state-owned enterprises themselves, but money from the government, they hope to reverse their own development difficulties with advanced equipment.

This idea is actually correct, but if the state-owned enterprise management system is not reformed, it is still unclear whether the ideal goal can be achieved. The quality of enterprise management is not entirely a matter of equipment quality, but a matter of business vitality.

The scale of private enterprises purchasing these advanced equipment is not large, because the strength of private enterprises is not strong, and financing is difficult to solve, so they can only rely on the little money they earn to develop and grow.

The investment target of Tidal Investment Company is mainly on enterprising private enterprises, providing them with financial support to enhance their enterprise competitiveness.

Because even if Tidal Investment Company does not invest in these potential private enterprises, foreign capital will not let them go. Instead of this, it is better to make arrangements in advance and let foreign capital come in and find that there are no assets to buy.

Accepting the investment from Tidal Investment Company is the best for domestic private enterprises. They can not only obtain sufficient financial support, but also obtain advanced management experience and patented technology authorization.

A large number of patented technologies are born every year in the industries under the leaf book, but they themselves have not fully tapped the potential of the patented technology, which is really a waste.

However, they are not the owners of poor money themselves. The proportion of patent income to their revenue is too low, and they are not particularly enthusiastic about patent licensing.

However, not all investment goals can receive full support, and they will determine the degree of support based on the shares held by the investment.

If the shareholding ratio is below 30%, only capital investment will be made, and other tidal investment companies will ignore it. If it can do better, they will not save it if they can’t.

Because Tidal Investment Company did not invest in this company, they adopted a wide-spread investment method. When your company closed down, it seemed that there was a loss, but the overall loss was very limited.

The main reason is that 30% of the shares may seem like a lot, but in fact the total investment is not large. In this era, the number of domestic private enterprises with assets exceeding 100 million yuan is not very large, and the assets of most enterprises are only tens of millions of yuan.

If the shareholding ratio is between 30% and 50%, Tidal Investment Company will cooperate with the industries under Ye Zishu to introduce patented technology, or collect patent fees, or use technology as investment to obtain certain shares.

Once technology is adopted as a shareholding, the joint venture between Tidal Investment Company and the entity enterprises under Ye Zishu will often exceed 50% of the shareholding ratio, and has actually obtained a controlling stake in the enterprise.

But under normal circumstances, they will not intervene in the operation of the enterprise, unless the founders of the enterprise have seriously violated the regulations and harmed their interests, they will join forces to intervene in the operation of the enterprise.

In fact, even if the two of them jointly acquire a controlling stake, they have no substantial interest in these companies, because these companies are still out of their sight.

If the shareholding ratio reaches absolute control, that is, the shareholding ratio reaches more than 67%, the support will be even greater, not only financial support and technical support, but also management support will be given.

For such a large industrial system under the leaf book, technology certainly plays an important role, but advanced management models also play a pivotal role.

With the continuous improvement of the degree of artificial intelligence, the management efficiency of the entire industrial system is also getting higher and higher. Coupled with advanced technology in hand, it is difficult not to win.

Only companies that hold more than 67% of the shares will be treated as their own people, hoping to support them, instead of leaving them alone and letting them fend for themselves.

These are all aimed at third-party companies, and many of them are jointly established by Tidal Investment Company and its subsidiaries, and the cooperation projects are very extensive.

For example, Wancheng Foundation's hotel business and department store supermarket business are cooperation between the two. Tidal Investment Company provides financial support, and Wancheng Foundation provides personnel and management support.

There are many other industries, which used to be looked down upon by his subsidiaries, but they have a good market. Tidal Investment Company believes that there is a certain investment value, so they will cooperate in the development.

The funds for the first two quarters have already been invested by them, and the income for the third quarter will take at least one month to be withdrawn from the financial market.

After reading the situation of Tidal Investment Company, Ye Zishu asked him to keep 300 billion yuan of funds not to invest, and planned to use this fund for Baihu Technology Company.

Although Baihu Technology Company is developing rapidly, it is definitely no problem to get a bank loan, but the possibility of interest-free loans is very low, and even low-interest loans are difficult to obtain.

It doesn't matter. It is very likely that someone will take advantage of the shortage of funds of Baihu Technology Company to make things right, or make excessive demands.

Anyone who has been in contact with Baihu Technology Company knows the development potential of this enterprise. As long as they invest in it now, it will be a huge profit, which will definitely drive many people crazy.

Ordinary rich people may not dare to touch the reverse scale of Baihu Technology Company, but some self-righteous people can't help the greed in their hearts and want to test his bottom line.

So to put it simply, if the bank is blocked, just use the money to invest directly, there is no need to talk nonsense with them, it is a waste of time and energy.

He doesn't even allow others to get involved in the civilian industry. How could it be possible for people to get involved in Baihu Technology Company? In his heart, Baihu Technology Company is more important.

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