Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 758: The most profitable company under Phoenix


Thanks to smart TVs and home game consoles conquering cities around the world, Kunpeng Information Technology Company has controlled a large number of TV end users through the Internet.

Coupled with the fact that computer entertainment is becoming more and more powerful, and that no one can shake it in the field of computer video, the combination of the two aspects makes it the world's largest video media platform.

Last year, Internet users exceeded the 800 million mark, and the number of streaming media users of Kunpeng Information Technology Company also reached this number, occupying almost the entire market.

Due to its rich film and television content and TV program resources, the proportion of users who purchase streaming media platform members is extremely high, almost reaching 100%, making it the streaming media platform with the largest number of members in the world.

The membership club alone can bring more than 800 billion yuan in revenue to Kunpeng Information Technology Co., Ltd. in one year. In addition, there is also advertising revenue, which also reached 800 billion yuan last year.

In addition, there is also the income from online movie tickets. This business, which was not optimistic before, also brought in a lot of income, with the revenue reaching 300 billion yuan.

Membership fees will not be shared with content providers, and advertising and online theater revenue will be shared 50-50 with content providers. This distribution of benefits is already a common practice.

This means that in terms of streaming media business, Kunpeng Information Technology Company has obtained a total revenue of 1.35 trillion yuan, becoming the world's most profitable video content service provider.

If it weren't for the support of Phoenix Special Effects Company, other companies would definitely be mad with jealousy when they saw that they were making so much money in this field, and they would definitely come up to grab the cake, and it was the same in fact.

It's just that Phoenix Special Effects, relying on high-yield and high-quality content support, beat these companies that came in to get a share of the pie.

Moreover, Kunpeng Information Technology Company is not made of mud. With advanced artificial intelligence technology, even if it does not have an absolute advantage in content, it will not allow the other party to gain a competitive advantage, but it cannot achieve such a monopoly.

Of course, this achievement is not only inseparable from the support of Phoenix Special Effects Company, but also the support of Qinglong Technology Company, a hardware manufacturer.

Without their built-in client, it is impossible to occupy such a large share of the global TV market in such a short period of time, so this achievement is the result of everyone's joint efforts.

Obviously, this achievement is not the limit of this business. As long as the Internet continues to grow rapidly, the revenue brought by this business will continue to increase and become the most profitable business under Kunpeng Information Technology Company.

Another important business of theirs is the search engine, which is currently fully commercialized, but the income is not particularly high, only 300 billion yuan.

Leaf Book is quite satisfied with this,

After all, they have just been commercialized not long ago, and there are only more than 800 million Internet access users worldwide. This income is thanks to their intelligent advertising system, otherwise it will be even less.

The income of the music platform has increased slightly, only 300 billion yuan in income, but in terms of the entire music industry, it is a super profitable existence.

Music platforms are naturally relatively weak in making money, which is caused by the industry itself, and the growth of this area will not be particularly fast in the future, because they are not content producers, and copyright income does not belong to them.

The e-mail business growth is not particularly fast, only 150 billion yuan, an increase of only 60 billion yuan from the previous year, mainly because personal mailboxes are not very profitable, and the number of users has increased, but the income has not doubled.

However, Ye Shu is also quite satisfied with this result. The email business is not such an easy part to make money. To be able to have this income has already done its best.

News portal revenue has achieved rapid growth, reaching 400 billion yuan in revenue last year. Advertising revenue is not the fastest growing, but membership and value-added services, which are enthusiastically sought after by the market.

The press secretary service launched by them relying on smart headphones has become the first choice of many people, and it has also increased the stickiness of users. This business alone has brought them more than 200 billion yuan in revenue.

The remaining less than 200 billion yuan is the real advertising revenue of the news portal. If it is not for the use of the new version of the portal website, it would be even more difficult to obtain this income.

As for their text content platform income, although they are working hard, compared with the above businesses, their income is still much inferior. Last year, the company’s income was only 100 billion yuan.

Even so, their revenue in the field of written content still surpasses many established publishers, becoming the most profitable company in this field, and the authors who rely on this platform to survive also have good returns.

Adding the 20 billion yuan in revenue from other non-mainstream businesses, Kunpeng Information Technology earned a total of 2.6 trillion yuan in revenue last year, even slightly more profitable than Phoenix Software.

But it is inevitable for them to make so much money. Ye Zishu gave them all the more profitable businesses in the Internet age. It would be strange if they didn't make money.

In contrast, Qingluan Information Technology Company, which is also in the limelight, is much inferior, because their business is relatively simple, with only many social platforms and no other miscellaneous businesses.

Fortunately, relying on its monopoly position in the field of social platforms and the strong stickiness of users to social platforms, it still created a lot of income. Last year, the revenue reached 200 billion yuan, which achieved leapfrog development compared with the previous year.

Anyone who has been in contact with the Internet is a user of their social platform. Among the many social platforms, there is always one that suits the needs of users, making the number of users very large.

In Yeshu's opinion, it is already very good for them to be able to obtain such an income. After all, social platforms should first consider the user experience, and advertising is relatively restrained.

Such a high income is mainly due to the advanced technology of recommended advertising, which improves the income of advertising, otherwise it is impossible to have such a high advertising income.

However, their real income growth should be in the era of mobile Internet. In the era of mobile Internet, Ye Zishu believes that their total income should reach trillions of yuan.

In order to secure their dominance in the social field, Ye Zishu intends to hand over mobile applications similar to Douyin to them for operation. After all, this also belongs to the category of video social networking.

The loss of Danque Financial Services Company not only did not shrink, but continued to expand. Seeing this, Ye Zishu not only didn't blame him, but felt happier.

The company's losses have expanded, indicating that more users use it, more transactions are made on this platform, and the system it has built is even larger.

With the comprehensive acceleration of the Internet era, Internet payment has become the basic payment that everyone needs. Danque Financial Services Company has become the absolute leader in this field by virtue of its technological advantages and time advantages.

What's more, with the help of many brother companies, it is difficult for other competitors to challenge their position, so in this field, they are the absolute overlord.

Last year, their loss expanded to 50 billion yuan, a 10-fold increase compared to the previous year's loss, which shows that the overall business volume has increased by more than 10 times compared with the previous year.

In this loss, the contribution of the e-commerce company is very large. If you want to buy goods from this company's online platform, you must use the payment system of Danque Financial Services Company.

Last year, the e-commerce company also ushered in great development. With its excellent logistics system and warehousing system, it became the fastest growing online sales platform in the world.

It also lost 160 billion yuan the year before last. Although it was still in a state of loss overall, it has achieved a breakeven for the whole of last year, which is a remarkable achievement.

Last year, they achieved sales revenue of 2 trillion yuan, with an overall sales profit margin of around 10%, and platform revenue of 200 billion yuan. However, they need to continue to invest in logistics and warehousing, basically taking these profits into account.

Moreover, the rapid development last year led to a rapid increase in the number of their employees, and a corresponding increase in management costs. It is not bad to be able to achieve this level.

However, with the absolute advantages in the field of intelligent logistics and warehousing in the past two years, it is difficult for other competitors to shake their position in the field of online direct sales business.

So this year they will launch a new shopping platform, similar to Taobao and Tmall in the previous life. Early entry will help seize the opportunity. Anyway, if they don’t do it, other companies will definitely do it. This is not such a difficult thing to imagine.

They can achieve 2 trillion yuan in sales, and Ye Zishu did not expect it. He thought that last year's hard work should only achieve 1 trillion yuan, which is already overestimated.

Unexpectedly, they did such a good job, allowing consumers to accept online shopping so quickly, which shows that for most consumers, the shopping experience on their platform is very good.

But after thinking about it, they are relieved. Isn't it just to improve the user experience that they spend so much money on the construction of intelligent logistics and warehousing?

In addition, the entire website is also built on artificial intelligence technology, and the products recommended for users are all what users need, so that users have a strong desire to buy.

And last year, a large number of drones were used for terminal delivery services, which is very friendly to many users living in the suburbs, and the delivery is faster.

However, this aspect still needs to be improved, mainly because the two major navigation and remote sensing satellites came out this year, the communication satellite system has not yet been established, and the support for drone delivery is not enough.

Now they are supported by antennas near the warehouse. This method cannot be sent too far, and the map needs to scan the terrain in advance, which is also very troublesome.

When the three major satellite systems are all established, the UAV terminal delivery service built on this basis will become more robust and able to play a greater role.

Seagull Interactive Entertainment's revenue last year was 700 billion yuan. Although the growth rate is not particularly high, but with this revenue, in the field of games, it still beats all game companies in the world.

However, their revenue has gradually entered a bottleneck period, and it is difficult for their future revenue to grow explosively. It depends on how the revenue of mobile games will be after the release of smartphones this year.

If there is a big increase in mobile games, their revenue in the game field will also experience a wave of growth this year, and then they can only grow according to market conditions, and the growth rate will return to a normal state.

However, he is not particularly worried about this. As long as Sea-Gull Interactive Entertainment is still aggressive, its revenue will continue to grow year after year, and it will not be difficult to break through the trillion yuan mark.

As far as game types are concerned, stand-alone games are absolutely dominant, but the proportion of pure online games is gradually increasing. With the continuous increase of Internet users, there is still a lot of room for growth in this proportion.

In terms of income ratio, the income from buying games is relatively small, and the income from props is increasing rapidly. They spend a lot of money on the sale of props, and the income in this area is as high as 400 billion yuan.

Although these props will not increase combat power, they will make the game more interesting and make a considerable number of players pay more attention to these props, among which female players are the most.

Sea-gull Interactive Entertainment also knows that relying on the sales of the game itself will eventually encounter bottlenecks. After all, the time of players is limited, and the average time for playing games per capita is certain.

Only start from the props, which can not only meet the needs of players, but also create more income for themselves.

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