Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 765 Kirin Beverage Industry Group Lives Up to Expectations


Kirin Beverage Industry Group received a lot of technical support from Ye Zishu last year, and has unique advantages in the field of various beverages.

He not only provides a variety of excellent seasoning additives and other technologies, which are harmless to the human body, but also make the human body healthier, which is unmatched by traditional seasoning additives.

Traditional seasoning additives can only be said to be used on a small scale and will not cause great harm to the human body, but there must be very few that are beneficial to the human body, and most of them are for seasoning.

Most of the new additives he provided are organic matter composed of non-protein amino acids, which are decomposed into non-protein amino acids after entering the human body, which play an important role in human metabolism.

Under normal circumstances, these non-protein amino acids will not form larger organic molecules, and generally exist in free form, so it is impossible to have such a rich taste.

But Leaf Book uses advanced technology to organically combine these non-protein amino acids to form organic molecules with various flavors, so as to achieve the purpose of seasoning.

It can be said that this belongs to the exclusive technology of Kirin Beverage Industry Group. Apart from them, there is no similar product in the world, which ensures that their drinks are unique.

If these substances are subjected to secondary fermentation with the probiotic fermentation bacteria provided by him, more beneficial ingredients will be produced, and the taste will become very different, with a more unique flavor.

With these technologies, last year they launched 10 types of soft drink brands alone, and as many as 50 types of subdivided soft drinks. Each brand has its main product, which has been widely welcomed by the market.

Last year was not an ordinary year for global beverage companies, especially for many traditional beverage companies, their markets have been severely challenged.

Take the two giants of carbonated beverages as an example. Their carbonated beverages are sold all over the world, and it is rare for them to meet competitors. With their ultra-low prices and their addictive characteristics, they have never met a decent competitor.

Last year, Kirin Beverage Industry Group also launched its own brand of carbonated drinks, launching a total of 5 subdivided carbonated drinks, directly occupying 30% of the global carbonated drinks market.

The reason is actually very simple. It is health. In fact, everyone knows the dangers of syrup-based carbonated drinks. It is just that the appetite is unbearable, and the urge to drink is always there. This is a desire for sugar in the human body.

In addition, carbonated beverages are considered cheap among all beverages, and ordinary people can easily afford them, which is one of the important reasons for their global marketing.

But if there is a product with an acceptable price but not so much harm to the human body, many consumers are willing to give it a try.

Unless you are a fanatical fan who has a special preference for the brand, as long as the average consumer comes into contact with the beverages of Kirin Beverage Industry Group,

will be highly rated.

In fact, what beverages people like to drink is not what human beings love emotionally, but comes from the instinctive desire of the body, just like sometimes when people are hungry, they are not really hungry, but the symbiotic bacteria in the body need to eat.

And these beverages of Kirin Beverage Industry Group are very beneficial to the body. It is not surprising that they are welcomed by consumers except for the unacceptable taste.

Moreover, the cost can be lower than the other party, just because of its unique competitiveness, Kirin Beverage Industry Group does not need to place extreme emphasis on price.

Setting the price a little higher than them is actually acceptable to the market. For most consumers, whether they like to drink is the most important thing.

In fact, the best drinks they sell are not carbonated drinks, but mineral drinks, which is what we commonly call mineral water, but it is not natural mineral water.

This formula is given by Ye Zishu. It uses various minerals that are beneficial to the body's absorption, and adds them to purified water in a certain proportion, and performs secondary fermentation through probiotic fermentation bacteria.

In fact, this drink has no obvious taste, but after drinking it, the human body can clearly feel the very natural sweetness, which is very special.

Even in the hot summer, this kind of water does not need to be frozen, and it has an obvious thirst-quenching effect when drunk. It is the best drink for many thirsty people.

Just a few products under the brand have sold more than 500 billion bottles worldwide, and have almost become the daily drinks of many people. They are must-drink products every day and are known as the best hydrating drinks.

Selling so much does not mean that they are cheap. Like this product, they can earn 2 yuan for every 500ml standard bottle sold, and the market sales price is generally around 4 yuan.

In order to save transportation costs, they have established their own factories in each country, and the headquarters only need to provide probiotic fermentation bacteria.

In fact, his beverages all use this method. After all, the transportation cost is too high and there is no need for it. As long as the headquarters has the core raw materials, there is no need to worry about leaking the secrets.

In the beginning, these filling plants were all established by themselves. After all, they were not well-known at the beginning, and others were unwilling to cooperate with them, so they had to build them by themselves.

It's just that they didn't expect that after their products went on the market, they would immediately trigger a huge response, and the development speed exceeded many people's expectations. At this time, many local businessmen came to cooperate.

Seeing so many businessmen come to cooperate, they are naturally happy. This kind of low-profit filling link can also reduce their own investment costs.

Their own capital is actually not high, only tens of billions of dollars. If all the filling plants in the world are built by themselves, the consumption will be very large and it is completely unnecessary.

Moreover, it is much easier for them to enter these markets with the help of powerful local businessmen than to develop their own markets.

In fact, it is not only the global market, but also the domestic market. They have established filling plants in every province. One is to supply nearby and reduce transportation costs.

The second is to break through the barriers of local protectionism, invest and build factories locally, and generate tax revenue for the local area. The local government is also very welcome.

Having said so much, their entire soft drink business revenue last year was 1.5 trillion yuan, which was their own money, not sales revenue.

As far as this revenue is concerned, their soft drink industry has already achieved the number one in the world. It can be said that it is not difficult to achieve this result.

This kind of explosion at the beginning is not uncommon, but it is not common. In the final analysis, the formula and technology provided by Ye Zishu are powerful, which directly hit the taste buds of consumers.

In addition to soft drinks, they also have alcoholic beverages, mainly liquor at present, not because they do not want to make fruit wine products, but because they cannot guarantee a stable supply of fruit products.

If this cannot be achieved, the stable quality cannot be guaranteed, so I simply did not do it, and it is not too late to think about it after the Kirin Agricultural Development Group's own fruit planting base is established.

It is not easy to enter the liquor industry. After all, liquor preferences are higher than soft drinks, and they all have their own fixed customer groups. Ye Shu must understand this situation.

Probiotic fermentation bacteria were born for this purpose. Although soft drinks have a better effect after being added, the biggest effect is still on the fermentation of wine.

Different ratios of liquor raw materials, plus probiotic fermentation bacteria, can produce liquor with different tastes, and the flavors are very unique. Compared with ordinary liquor, the taste is generally much better.

Last year they also launched 10 baijiu brands, and they set different grades according to slight differences, and their global sales are also very impressive.

Among them, the best-selling liquor is not high-alcohol liquor, but low-alcohol liquor. They have done special treatment on low-alcohol liquor, so that the taste of low-alcohol liquor is very good, without the spicy taste of ordinary liquor.

On the contrary, the mellow aroma of wine products between the lips and teeth is brought to the extreme, which makes people drink endless aftertaste, which is not comparable to ordinary wine.

The reason why he wants to reduce the spicyness of alcohol in low-alcohol liquor products is because he thinks that he is already drinking low-alcohol liquor, which means that he does not particularly like the stimulation brought by alcohol, but just enjoys the slightly drunk state brought by alcohol.

That being the case, the mouthfeel of this kind of wine is optimized, so that this kind of consumers will drink it more naturally, and will not find it difficult to drink, but will like this kind of taste.

Among low-alcohol liquors, blended wine is the most popular. This type of wine has a more complex taste and can satisfy more people's taste buds, so it is more popular.

For medium-to-high liquors, they did not deliberately reduce the spiciness of the alcohol, but added various flavors according to the positioning of different brands.

In terms of liquor revenue, although it is not as exaggerated as soft drinks, it has also achieved a good result of 500 billion yuan, and there is still a lot of room for growth in the future.

In addition to liquor, Kirin Beverage Industry Group also has its own beer products. Its business strategy is similar to that of soft drinks. They all choose to build local factories and even cooperate with local businessmen.

Kylin Beverage Industry Group only provides raw materials, including grain and probiotic fermentation bacteria. The main reason for providing food is that these grains are produced by Kylin Grain and Oil Industry Group.

Compared with natural food crops, they provide more types of food and more stable quality. Using such raw materials can make better beer.

Although the revenue of beer is not as high as that of liquor, it has reached 300 billion yuan. For fledgling beer brands, this achievement still beats other beer brands.

Finally, there are various milk drinks and dairy products in the old business of Kirin Beverage. Last year, it produced a total of 50 million tons of standard fresh milk products and obtained a revenue of 250 billion yuan.

In China, fresh milk and milk yoghurt are the main products. In order to allow other products to open up the domestic market, they had to ask Wancheng Foundation to help open a cake chain store.

The cooperation model is very interesting. Wancheng Jiye provides property and management, and Kirin Beverage Industry Group provides decoration, and the money is provided free of charge. It is neither a shareholding nor does Wancheng Jiye need to return it.

Such a good thing, Wancheng Foundation is naturally willing to do it, isn't it just to set up a chain cake brand under its own banner, they are good at this, so the two hit it off.

In terms of property and management, Wancheng Jiye has a solid foundation. After the cooperation between the two parties, this cake chain has developed very fast, expanding to 10,000 last year.

Relying on the properties of Wancheng Jiye, they have opened almost all over the country, and by the way, they also helped Wancheng Jiye solve the employment of some internal personnel. There is simply no more cost-effective business than this.

It can be said that the cooperation between the two parties has been a great success, which has made Qilin Agricultural Development Group jealous. After all, they have a variety of high-end meat and organic vegetable products, and they also need to find markets.

So they also took the same approach to cooperate with Wancheng Jiye, allowing Wancheng Jiye to open various restaurant chain brands, including a chain brand that specializes in Western food, and a restaurant brand with international flavors that focuses on mutton dishes.

It's just that Wancheng Jiye is not willing to manage these restaurants. Compared with Western-style pastry chain stores, it takes too much energy and may not be able to do well, so I simply recommend the "China Little Master" restaurant group to them.

Wancheng Foundation has cooperated with them a lot, and still trusts the ability of this catering group. It is the best choice to let them run the business, which is much better than doing it by themselves.

Last year, Kirin Beverage Industry Group achieved a total revenue of 2.55 trillion yuan, with a net profit rate of 70%, and a net profit of 1.78 trillion yuan. They lived up to Ye Zishu's expectations, and even exceeded his expectations.

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