Reborn Technology Upstart

Seven hundred and ninetieth chapters full biological robot technology


That night, he entered the robot library area as usual, followed the bookshelves he had seen yesterday to find the next one, and picked up the introduction to the technology of this set of robots.

What he didn't expect was that this set of robot technology turned out to be a set of all-biological robot technology. As the name suggests, the entire robot is composed of cells and other biological foundations.

When he saw this, he immediately felt a little creepy. This kind of body is no different from that of a human being, but it has no thinking consciousness of its own, as if it is a walking dead controlled by others.

What's even more frightening is that this kind of all-biological robot has the ability to reproduce itself. Except that it has no self-awareness, everything else is no different from human beings.

Of course, with this set of full biological robot technology, not only humanoid biological robots can be made, but also any form of biological robots can be made.

The underlying technologies of all these are gene technology and biological system technology. The former establishes the reproduction and basic characteristics of biological robots, and the latter establishes the overall state of biological performance.

It stands to reason that this is a very advanced robot technology, but it makes him afraid to actually produce this kind of robot, because it involves ethical issues and will also cause a huge ideological shock.

Even with a little more brain hole, is the self-awareness that we humans think is real self-awareness, or is it given to us by other external objects, are we humans really intelligent creatures?

This kind of question seems to be very meaningful, but in fact, from the current height, exploring such a problem beyond cognition may not necessarily lead to good results, and various extreme ideas may be born as a result.

He certainly wouldn't dare to take out this set of technologies casually, but there are still many technologies in it that are quite remarkable and worthy of his reference. Moreover, through this set of technologies, he has a clearer understanding of life and machines.

One of the technologies caught his attention, that is, bio-robot enhancement technology, which means that bio-robots can obtain abilities far beyond ordinary bio-robots.

It stands to reason that biological robots have no significant advantages over other robots, just like humans have no significant advantages over machines except for intelligence.

If the production of biological robots is not only similar to human beings, but their abilities are not as good as those of the mechanical robots seen earlier, and the overall performance is mediocre, then it does not make much sense.

Therefore, this set of fully biological robots is also equipped with a set of advanced enhancement technologies, allowing biological robots to surpass the scope of ordinary creatures and gain advantages far beyond other types of robots.

The self-reproduction mentioned above is also one of the advantages of biological robots, but it only reduces the production cost, and it does not have much effect in practical use.

But with this set of enhanced technology, the performance of ordinary biological robots is very outstanding,

Just like Superman, both self-healing ability and strength have been greatly enhanced.

And it also has all kinds of incredible abilities, but he thinks that these are generally not very useful, and what he values ​​most is the self-healing ability.

Pei Qing also talked with him about the treatment of the disabled before. He believed that letting human body tissue grow and repair itself is the best solution, and it is also a relatively low-cost solution.

In fact, he already has a similar technology in mind to promote the regeneration of body tissue. After all, it is not for nothing that he has read so much medical and biological knowledge before.

It's just that the regeneration technology in his heart is not perfect. First, the regeneration is very slow, and often takes half a year or even several years, and the efficiency is very low.

The second is that the regeneration process is not so comfortable, it will be accompanied by unbearable pain such as itching, combined with the characteristics of a long treatment time, the patient may fall into a mental breakdown before recovery.

So he proposed a new alternative, which is to use the current cell orientation induction technology to cultivate missing tissues and organs for patients, and then use bioglue to glue them together.

In this way, the patient does not have to endure long-term pain. Although there will be similar pain during the fusion stage after the bioglue is bonded, the time is shorter, and one week has passed.

During this week, pain nerve blockers can be used appropriately to relieve the pain, and most people can resist it, which is much better than the above one.

Of course, the first solution can also use nerve blocking drugs to relieve pain, but the nerve blocking cannot be maintained for a long time, otherwise it will easily lead to damage to the nervous system, and the gain outweighs the gain.

Now, from the enhanced technology part of this set of biological robots, he has discovered the perfect biological tissue repair technology. The rebirth of severed limbs will not be so painful, and even the growth rate is very fast.

After all, bio-robots are tools, and it is impossible to wait for the tools to be repaired slowly. The repair efficiency is very important, and he believes that these technologies can be used in medicine.

Generally, the growth speed of tissues and organs is controlled by genes, not to say that you can go fast if you want to, but if you want to achieve the goal, you usually have to modify the genes.

Although he also has the technology to modify genes, he does not advocate doing so. After all, it is easy to modify genes, but it is more difficult to change them back, and it is easy to cause genetic pollution and mutations.

In this enhanced technology, a special nano-robot is used, which can transport nutrients and other substances to special places at a faster speed, promote the speed of cell metabolism, and accelerate the growth of cells.

At the same time, in order to reduce the amount of data transmitted by nerve signals, they use tissue repair in batches, that is to say, they will not give birth to the nervous system at the same time as the repair of tissues and organs.

Instead, first generate non-nervous tissue, and wait until this reaches a perfect state to reproduce nervous tissue, so that pain-like neural pain signals and data will not be produced all the time.

Although he feels that the use of nano-robots to accelerate cell repair is equally expensive, and he is not willing to export products that are too advanced.

But he was inspired by it, and he is fully capable of researching a drug and using drug technology to increase the speed of cell metabolism.

At the same time, drugs can also be used to control the order of tissue generation, so that when the patient's missing tissue repairs itself, it will not be so painful.

The only pain is that there will be a little pain during the growth of nerve cell tissue, but nerve signal blocking drugs can be used temporarily, because this process does not last very long, and it can usually be completed within a day or two.

At that time, both the treatment with this technology and the treatment with bioglue bonding technology can be launched. In contrast, the cost of using bioglue bonding treatment technology is high, and the customization fee alone is expensive.

And in terms of effect, the biological glue bonding treatment technology is also inferior. To achieve a seamless body, it takes a long period of recuperation to achieve it. The only advantage is that there is no pain and the speed is very fast.

Those who have money and don’t need to do heavy physical work, using this technique is the best choice, while ordinary people still use a treatment technique that costs less and has better results. It’s just a little painful, but it’s still acceptable. within range.

As for this kind of all-biological robotics technology, he also has a lot of ideas. Although it is impossible to use it on humanoid robots, it would be too scary, but it can be used in other fields.

There are also many enhancement techniques, but he thinks that they are not suitable. The reason is that modification at the genetic level is required, and from the perspective of the entire population, it is a bit too alternative.

You can accept a friend who is slightly stronger by your side, but you absolutely cannot accept a scary guy who can lift tons of weight casually, let alone a guy who can breathe fire, and will be considered a different kind by the population.

What's more, this kind of modification at the genetic level will eventually be mixed into the population's genes, and the results will be unpredictable. At least it is best not to do so before collecting everyone's genetic samples for analysis.

After reading this set of bio-robot materials, I took a break before dawn. Today is Chinese New Year, and there is a lot of work to do during the day.

The New Year’s Eve process is fixed, which has already been mentioned before and I won’t talk about it here. The basic work during the day is to post Spring Festival couplets and door gods, as well as related sacrificial activities.

After the New Year's Eve dinner in the evening, the family sat together to watch the Spring Festival Gala, but his father took out a set of mahjong and prepared a few people to play mahjong to pass the time.

Ye Zishu had never seen his father play mahjong before, and thought his father had just learned it, but his mother told him that his father also played mahjong when he was young, but he didn't play much, and everyone had no money at that time.

After getting married and having their first child, my father quit this hobby directly. The reason is simple, just to save money. After all, it is not easy to raise children. If you can save money, save money.

As a result, Ye Zishu has never seen his father play cards since he was a child. From this perspective, his father is a more caring person who knows the priorities.

Now that the conditions at home are good, my father occasionally plays cards, but he doesn’t play cards with any strangers, and he doesn’t play cards outside. He plays cards with a few friends in the village when he is free.

The cards they play are also very small, and they are all a few cents a few dollars, just for fun. It is too big, and I feel uncomfortable if I lose too much. I don’t feel much sense of accomplishment after winning too much. His family is not short of money. No need to win money on this.

When his father took out the mahjong, Ye Zishu touched it and said in surprise, "Is this ivory mahjong?"

"I heard from people who bought it that it was ivory mahjong, but I heard that it is not real ivory, but man-made. Otherwise, how could it be so cheap. This mahjong only cost 10,000 yuan." His father said.

Hearing what his father said, Ye Zishu touched it again, and it was no different from real ivory. If any company has this kind of technology to confuse the real with the fake, it must be the Qilin Industrial Group.

"Why don't you get some ivory chopsticks?" Ye Zishu asked.

"It is true that there are also ivory pen holders. I bought one and gave it to Ziqin, but the ivory chopsticks look beautiful, but they are not comfortable to hold and are not very practical." His father said with a smile.

Hearing what he said, he finally decided that it should be man-made. If it was natural ivory, how could he get so many goods? Only industrialized production can supply the market in large quantities.

It takes four people to play mahjong. His father, he and Ye Zihua can play mahjong, but they don’t usually play it very much, but Ye Zihua can’t, so they can only learn and sell it now.

His father thought that his poker skills were not bad, he thought he could win more and lose less, but in the end he was too hasty when faced with three heaven-defying children.

The game started at eight o'clock until the door opened at twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, but he didn't win a game. Ye Ziqi lost several times in a row at the beginning, and after getting familiar with it, there were losses and wins.

This result is completely different from what he thought. The reason is very simple, that is, the three of them have excellent memories and excellent analytical skills, and his father has no advantage at all in card counting.

If one person can count cards, he may win because of his luck. But if all three can count cards, he alone has poor card counting ability, and he will naturally lose.

Hearing that this was the reason, his father was both happy and disappointed. He was happy because his children were very smart, surpassing him as a father. No one would not like the next generation to be better than himself.

The disappointment is that I will not be able to play mahjong with them in the future. They are not on the same level at all.

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