Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 798 Kun Gua Members and Qian Gua Members


After dealing with these matters, Ye Zishu will be officially busy with the virtual world. Without the assistance of the virtual helmet, this task is also very huge.

But with the virtual helmet, he felt that he could complete the work in about half a month, and his efficiency was much higher than before.

While Ye Zishu was busy in the virtual world, Huanyu Group held a new product release conference. If they had done it before, they would not have done this, because the development conference was not well-known.

Now Huanyu Group has become one of the world's top auto companies. Last year, its sales volume surpassed that of many established auto companies, making it the fastest growing auto company.

This year's performance is as good as ever. The original annual production capacity of 12 million cars was miraculously sold out. There are almost no cars in the backlog. This achievement has attracted many people's attention.

In addition to the booming overseas market as always, the domestic auto market has also been stimulated. This year, his industry has raised salaries, and the job is very stable, which has led many people to take loans to buy cars to own their first cars in advance.

In the past three months, Huanyu Group's domestic sales have exceeded 2 million vehicles. If they continue to maintain this advantage, the domestic market alone will be able to absorb their production capacity of 8 million vehicles.

Although the cars sold in China are mainly models worth more than 100,000 yuan, the profit is not that big, but it is still of great significance to the development of Huanyu Group's industries.

With such a domestic market, even if all foreign markets are lost, the existing automobile industry of Huanyu Group can still survive easily, and its ability to resist risks has been greatly strengthened.

According to this development trend, the domestic auto market is expected to achieve an annual consumption of 20 million vehicles in the next three years, and will become the world's largest incremental market.

Facing such a booming domestic auto market and still booming overseas markets, Huanyu Group continued to expand production in the first quarter, expanding its auto production capacity to 15 million units.

Although this production capacity is very large, their car sales have not decreased at all, and they are even still in a tense state, and the market still needs to make an appointment to buy cars.

Faced with a market that exceeds expectations, Huanyu Group intends to continue to expand the production capacity of automobiles in the second quarter to an annual output of 18 million vehicles.

For their bold approach, Ye Zishu actually agrees, and does not think that there will be overcapacity in the future, and even further expansion in the future.

The reason is simple, that is, he believes that he can rapidly increase the domestic per capita income. This year, his average salary is 7,000 yuan, and next year it will rise to an average monthly salary of 10,000 yuan.

According to his idea, the average monthly salary of his industries can be raised to at least 20,000 yuan per month.

There is still a long room for growth.

Then the companies under him spend their high salaries on consumption, driving the income of other employees to increase, and achieving a rapid increase in the income level of the entire society.

An increase in income does not mean that the corresponding prices will skyrocket, because he has long been prepared, and many industries under the Kirin Industrial Group are dealing with this.

Grain production no longer depends on land, which means unlimited production. As long as the market is sufficient, they can produce food that meets market demand, and it is impossible for food prices to rise sharply.

The same is true for meat. Kylin Agricultural Development Group intends to expand its meat production capacity to 50 million tons this year. Together with the original meat farming output, it is able to maintain the slow growth of domestic meat prices.

At the same time, their planting bases and cooperative planting farmers are also producing large quantities of vegetables and other crops, which can also play a very good role in restraining market prices.

What they want is not to keep prices unchanged, but to make the increase in basic prices less than the increase in social wages, so that social panic will not arise and severe inflation will not occur.

As the energy shortage problem is alleviated, the prices of these agricultural products will not rise as much as last year, and will go through a relatively stable price increase stage.

In short, the disposable income of social households will still be at a relatively high growth level in the next few years. If the income increases, it will naturally be bought and bought, and it can only depreciate in disguise.

Of course, the prerequisite for residents to consume with peace of mind is naturally to have an advanced security system, so that they don’t have to worry about running out of money when they get sick, don’t worry about finding a good school for their children, and don’t worry about not being able to receive pensions when they get old. .

The medical institutions under the Taiji Group have relieved them of their worries, and they have launched a more diverse membership system to meet the needs of different customers.

In the past, members with critical illness insurance significance have been launched. This year, the price has been raised to 200 yuan per month, but the reimbursement ratio has been increased. In addition to paying fixed service fees, treatment expenses are fully reimbursed.

This fixed service fee is not high, and you only need to pay 100 yuan at a time, which is completely negligible for treatment costs that often cost tens of thousands of yuan, or even hundreds of thousands of yuan.

The reason why this amount of money is still charged is mainly because of the fear of over-treatment of member purchasers, which will cause great harm to Tai Chi Group and society.

Although Taiji Group has built a large number of hospitals, the medical resources of the whole society are still relatively tight. If everyone has no cost, it is easy to run out of medical resources.

The second is that the cost of medical institutions under the Tai Chi Group has risen, and labor costs and operating costs have increased significantly. The wool still comes from the sheep. If the cost increases, the fees that other people need to pay will naturally increase.

Therefore, even if the amount of money is not very high, it is still very necessary. It can effectively restrain the run on medical resources and maintain the fair enjoyment of social medical resources.

They refer to serious illness members as Kun Gua members, and the membership card they launched is Kun Gua Card, which means that holding such a member can play a role in supporting the life safety of members.

In addition, they also launched the Qiangua membership, which can not only be fully reimbursed for major diseases, but also reimburse the treatment expenses for non-critical diseases.

If it is a common disease, you only need to pay a registration fee of 20 yuan. If it is a serious disease, you only need to pay a fixed service fee of 100 yuan. This is still to prevent a run on medical resources.

Except for the money that needs to be paid by members, there is no need to pay any fees during the treatment process, and members will be provided with two comprehensive physical examinations for free every year.

Obviously, Qiangua members need to pay higher fees. In fact, the entire treatment cost of major diseases is not the highest in the total medical costs. On the contrary, the medical costs of various non-major diseases account for a relatively high proportion.

Taiji Group charges Qiangua membership fee based on 8% of monthly income. If you can’t prove how much you can earn in a month, you can also pay a fixed fee of 500 yuan per month.

For low-income groups, it is the most cost-effective to pay monthly income. For high-income groups, it stands to reason that it is the most cost-effective to adopt fixed fees.

However, Taiji Group needs its members to guarantee honesty and trustworthiness. The fixed membership fee is mainly for people with uncertain income. Once members are found to be lying, they may face punitive payment.

Although such an approach is a bit outrageous and unreasonable, only in this way can everyone enjoy high-quality medical services fairly.

They launched Qiangua membership originally to replace comprehensive medical insurance, but the market effect is not particularly good. Except for all the industrial personnel under Ye Zishu who buy Qiangua membership, social personnel still mainly buy Kungua membership.

The reason is very simple. For many people, except for major diseases, common diseases will pass with just one resistance, and there is no need to go to the hospital at all. It is not worthwhile to pay so much money for this.

In order to make the Qiangua Card more attractive, they have adopted a joint insurance system for underage children. That is to say, after purchasing the Qiangua Card, not only the person can enjoy comprehensive medical care, but also the underage children can enjoy the same.

If you have paid for a minimum of 20 years, you can enjoy free medical care after retirement to solve the problem of seeing a doctor when they are old.

Not only Qian Gua members have been upgraded, but Kun Gua members have also been upgraded. Underage children can also enjoy free treatment for major diseases.

If you have paid for a minimum of 20 consecutive years, and after retirement, you can enjoy free treatment for major diseases, but the elderly and infants have too many minor problems. This measure of Kun Gua members is less attractive than Qian Gua members.

Therefore, the upgraded Qian Gua membership is more attractive and has attracted a large number of social personnel to buy. As of April, Taiji Group's Qian Gua members have sold 200 million copies, and Kun Gua members have sold 100 million copies.

Those who choose to buy Qiangua membership, except for the employees under Ye Zishu's industries who will compulsorily buy it, the rest of the buyers are people with seniors and juniors, and purchasing Qiangua membership is more secure.

Most of the people who buy Kungua members are young people, or those whose income is not very high and want to save more money. Buying Kungua members can deal with emergencies.

Taiji Medical Group has also reached an agreement with the relevant departments of the national medical insurance. If you purchase the relevant members of Taiji Medical Group, you can reduce the corresponding medical insurance fees, so that you do not need to purchase repeatedly, reducing the burden.

At the same time, the principle of mutual recognition has also been realized. Holding a national medical insurance card can also be treated in Taiji Medical Group. Conversely, if you hold a Taiji Medical Group membership card, you can also use it in other medical institutions.

However, other medical institutions with Tai Chi Medical Group membership cards will not be fully reimbursed, because Tai Chi Medical Group will only pay to other hospitals according to the cost of its own treatment of the disease, and users must bear the excess.

Conversely, if you hold a national medical card and go to Tai Chi Medical Group for treatment, most of the cases will not be free of charge, and will still be calculated according to the respective treatment costs.

Generally speaking, the treatment cost of the national medical card is relatively high, and most people who hold the medical card can enjoy full free treatment when they go to the hospitals under the Tai Chi Medical Group for treatment.

The reason is that the hospital treatment cost of Tai Chi Medical Group is slightly lower than that of other hospitals, which is mainly reflected in the cost difference caused by different management efficiency and operating principles.

The hospitals under Taiji Medical Group have more advanced medical equipment and higher treatment efficiency. With the support of intelligent medical systems, the personnel costs are much lower than other hospitals.

Of course, the more important reason is that Tai Chi Medical Group is able to withstand greater losses. Even if it can achieve a breakeven, it means that it has achieved its goal, and it has never thought of making too much money.

But other hospitals need to consider the issue of how much money to make. They don’t have a super backer like Tai Chi Group behind them, and the government’s support for them is very limited.

If they lose money for a long time, it means that they cannot continue to operate for a long time and must make money. Therefore, the goals of the two are different, and the resulting cost difference is also very large.

Under such circumstances, the purpose of the cooperation between the state and Taiji Medical Group is actually to promote state-run hospitals to reduce costs, improve efficiency, and bring more benefits to the people.

If they verbally emphasize that there is no effect, they can do whatever they want, but if a strong competitor is introduced, the effect may be much better than the document under the catfish effect.

Anyway, as far as the country is concerned, it is enough to reduce the overall medical cost of the society and provide better medical services to the people. As for who earns the money, it is not within their consideration, as long as the domestic enterprises earn the money.

After the mutual recognition agreement between the two parties was reached, there was a great shock in the domestic medical field. In the past, the rapid development of Taiji Medical Group did not have much impact on the original medical system.

Because the two are completely different modes of operation, and they firmly control the people who pay for medical insurance, which is different now. They have given the people the right to choose freely, and they have been placed under market competition.

The result is that Taiji Medical Group, which already has a large number of members, is still increasing the number of members relatively quickly. If there is no change, the domestic medical field is estimated to become their world.

But the change does not happen overnight, which has led many people to oppose such cooperation, but the reason given is a little hard to convince. That is, Tai Chi Medical Group is a private hospital, and it may raise prices after reaching a monopoly, leading to a sharp rise in medical costs.

I hope that the country will not ignore the long-term interests because of the short-term interests, and emphasize that public hospitals are the cornerstone of the national medical system and cannot be easily destroyed.

This is the best reason among the many reasons they have searched. It is impossible for them to say that the medical technology of Taiji Medical Group is not good. They are the world's top medical equipment and pharmaceutical companies, and they must not say that the technology is not good.

It is also impossible for them to say how Tai Chi Medical Group will not go bankrupt, and if it goes bankrupt, how will it guarantee the medical benefits of its members for the elderly.

Anyone who understands knows that it is very difficult to make Tai Chi Medical Group go bankrupt, and since it has done so, there must be relevant regulations in the country that do not allow Tai Chi Medical Group to go bankrupt casually.

After much deliberation, we can only object from the perspective of public and private. If it were another private medical institution, this reason would be enough, but it is difficult to stand up to Taiji Medical Group.

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