Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 804: Causality Algorithm and Dao Algorithm, Interpreting the Wonderful World

Keeping this idea in mind, Leaf Book continued to test and spent a day. Overall, the simulation of terrain and architecture was relatively successful.

Because the remote sensing satellite system provides detailed data, as long as it is on the surface, it can basically be simulated very realistically. Of course, it is not certain whether the building materials are real, and the scenes inside the buildings are also unreal.

The surface soil can be simulated based on the data obtained by remote sensing satellites, but the geological structure and underground mineral simulations are completely deduced based on remote sensing satellite data, which is not true.

The same is true for vegetation and water systems. On the surface, the problem is not big, but it cannot be studied carefully. If you look closely, you can still see the gap between reality and virtuality, but the overall distribution is not a big problem.

The simulations of the cultural phenomena in various countries are both familiar and unfamiliar to him, and some of them are not very clear to him, but he can still see the basic characteristics of each country, and the ethnic simulations are also similar.

Most of these data sources are based on the global characteristics collected by Phoenix Technology. In fact, many of the simulated data are also constructed from the data described in various books around the world collected by them.

It’s just that some data have more data, and the simulation results are more realistic, some data are more vague, and the simulation results are specious, and some data are seriously missing, and artificial intelligence can only simulate according to general laws.

Generally speaking, as long as you don't come to the scene in person, most people can't see much similarities and differences. He thinks that this level of simulation is completely qualified as an exercise scene.

Except for the simulation of surface characteristics, the air simulation is basically consistent with the real world, and the space scene does not seem to be a big problem. Even the satellites above the earth are simulated in a decent way.

After spending a day reading these, Leaf Book confirmed that it has reached a usable level, indicating that the project has basically been a success.

To be honest, if you don’t know that this virtual world is built by yourself and you have superpowers in it, it is easy to confuse the difference between reality and virtuality. With human observation, it is difficult to find the difference.

After exiting the virtual world, Ye Zishu notified the management of Baihu Technology Company to hold a meeting, and then left the office, went to the virtual reality project team of Baihu Technology Company, and took away several virtual helmets from here.

Then, when he came to the meeting site and saw that several managements of Baihu Technology Company had come, Ye Zishu handed them the virtual helmet directly and said, "This is the virtual helmet we developed, and it is the main device to connect to the virtual world."

Hearing what he said, the management was immediately surprised, and the president Lu Desheng asked quickly: "Did the virtual world succeed?"

Seeing his excited look and the unbelievable rhetorical question, Ye Zishu nodded and said with a smile: "Successful, the time spent on this project is not short, if we drag it on, we will have to drink the northwest wind." .”

He also hoped that this would make a fortune for Baihu Technology Company. Now Baihu Technology Company does not seem to be shutting down. In fact, many projects he wants to carry out have not yet been carried out.

Hearing his affirmative words, all the high-level executives at the scene suddenly became excited collectively, because the virtual world that Ye Zishu described to them before was too magical, which made them feel unreal.

Now that Ye Zishu told them that it had been completed, they were not excited but rather surprised. It can be said that the most technologically advanced product currently developed by Baihu Technology is this set of virtual worlds.

They didn't talk so much nonsense, they directly picked up the virtual helmet that looked a bit like a motorcycle helmet, put it on their own heads, and then taught how to use it under the guidance of Ye Zishu.

After they pressed the start button, they closed their eyes and waited for a few seconds, and they came to a small room in an instant, which was the space belonging to the virtual helmet itself.

After they came to this small room and waited for a few seconds, the voice assistant prompted the virtual world to connect successfully and asked them if they wanted to go, of course they agreed.

The thought of agreeing just popped up,

The scene in front of them suddenly changed again. The places where they descended into the virtual world were different, but they were all in the city.

Seeing them who can't tell the difference between virtual and reality, the shock can be imagined. Looking at the city with cars passing by, the orderly pedestrians, and the bustling street shops on both sides, it's hard to believe that this is virtual reality.

For the sake of experimentation, some management deliberately pretended to be a pedestrian who was walking towards him. As a result, a quarrel naturally occurred. Because he deliberately angered the other party, the two fought.

Not to mention, it still hurts to be hit by others with their fists. If they didn't know that this is a virtual world, they would have wondered if they were really beaten.

Within a few minutes of the fight between the two, a police car ran over with its horn honking, and directly arrested the two of them, wanting to mediate on the spot. In order to see how the plot develops later, the management did not accept the mediation.

So the two were taken to the police station, their basic information was recorded, and then they were asked about the ins and outs. After these were over, they were told that they could go to court to sue if they were not satisfied.

These processes are basically no different from the real world. From the look of these NPCs and the way they handle things, I don't feel that these are NPCs at all.

In order to avoid subsequent troubles, he simply apologized to the other party. Since there were no serious injuries, the other party did not continue to entangle with him, so he accepted his apology and did not file a claim against him.

When he left the police station, he heard the other party calling him a lunatic, so he ignored him and left, but he stood at the gate of the police station but didn't know where to go next.

So I thought about going to a hotel to find a place to live, and after looking for a distance along the street, I finally saw a hotel, which belonged to a family hotel. Unfortunately, when I asked him to pay, I found that I had no money.

Although he had just fought, his clothes were a little damaged, and his face was still a little bruised, but his overall appearance was still very handsome. It just so happened that the proprietress of the inn was a widow, so he started thinking about it.

What happened next made him feel unexpected. He was actually attracted by an NPC. This was something he had never thought of before.

Before, he just tested the normal reaction of NPCs in the virtual world, but he didn't expect that every NPC here has their own feelings, so he heard a piece of the relationship history of the proprietress, which made him call it incredible.

He is very sure that he found this hotel randomly, and the proprietress must have arranged it long ago, and it was not designed in advance according to his needs, which means that in this virtual world, everyone has an independent story background.

Even each NPC has its own independent personality and thought arrangement, and these personalities and thoughts are closely related to their story background, but there are many differences.

Because different people have experienced similar things and have different manifestations. They also experienced a tragic childhood. Some people feel compassionate because of this, while others are full of violence towards society.

And these differences were also simulated in the virtual world. Anyway, when he heard the story of the proprietress, he actually had a different kind of emotion, and the proprietress herself was a bit pretty, so he even wanted to be the guest of honor.

Fortunately, he still knows his identity, otherwise, he might really be indulging in the gentle village. This kind of emotional reality shocked him very much.

It is relatively easy to simulate objective scenes, as long as there is data, this kind of simulation of people's hearts, interests and emotions is what makes him feel incredible.

The management doesn't know what technology can do this, which is completely beyond his understanding of technology. You must know that he is also from a technical background, but he can't understand it at all.

Seeing several managers immersed in the virtual world, Ye Zishu was not in a hurry. Instead, he made a cup of tea and drank it slowly, giving them time to experience it to the fullest.

One hour has passed in the real world, while three hours have passed in the virtual world. The reason why there is a time difference between the real world and the virtual world is that he has adjusted the rhythm of the entire virtual world.

In fact, time does not exist, it is the general perception of the movement of world matter. If the world matter does not move, then time will stand still.

It is also very simple to make the time in the virtual world three times that of the real world, that is to speed up the material movement in the virtual world. From a macro level, it feels that the time in the virtual world is much faster than the real world.

So time is both objective and subjective. It is a kind of feedback from the human senses to the frequency of world movement, and it is naturally not difficult to adjust it.

Just as Ye Zishu finished drinking a cup of tea, everyone quit the virtual world one after another. After all, they still had a meeting and remembered their own affairs.

Back in the real world, the manager whose experience was described just now asked immediately: "Mr. Ye, how did you simulate human hearts, interests, and emotional involvement?"

This was the biggest question in his mind. Ye Zishu didn't say that he had no comment, but said, "I can't say the specific technology, but I can talk about the name of the technology. This is a causal algorithm."

We are all Chinese, and we are no strangers to cause and effect in the ideas we have accepted since childhood. After hearing Ye Zishu's words, he nodded thoughtfully, but he was still at a loss as to how to do it.

Because in the real world, the law of cause and effect should be a skill mastered by God, and ordinary people are struggling in the cause and effect, unable to escape, and are just puppets in the cause and effect.

Ye Zishu only mentioned a name, and definitely won't say how to do it. All operations in the virtual world, except for objective scientific laws, must abide by the causality algorithm in other aspects.

Artificial intelligence, on the other hand, plays the role of Heavenly Dao. Based on the causality algorithm, it corrects individual situations, checks for leaks and fills in gaps, and maintains the continuous and stable operation of the virtual world.

In fact, there is another important algorithm, which can be used in conjunction with the causality algorithm to make the virtual world more exciting, and this algorithm is the Dao algorithm.

The ancients said, "the great way is fifty, the sky is fourty-nine, and the human escapes one." If only the law of causality is governed, the virtual world will not be so exciting, because everything is evidence-based.

Ordinary people may not be able to see it, but it is no secret to Ye Shu, who creates a virtual world and knows the causality algorithm at the same time, the virtual world seems boring to him.

In other words, if only the causal algorithm governs the operation of the virtual world society, it means that he is a god, and he can know the next fate of each NPC with a pinch of fingers.

Such a world is inevitably boring to him, so he thought of the old saying above, so he developed the Dao algorithm, hoping to bring different changes to the virtual world.

Artificial intelligence acts as the way of heaven in the virtual world, managing the operation of the entire virtual world, emphasizing predictability and stability, and the Dao algorithm is an opening in the case of artificial intelligence acting as the way of heaven.

Let some things not be under the management of the Dao of Heaven, and there will be a slight change. This is the case when people escape from each other. It not only gives everyone a certain law of cause and effect, but also has the accident of "human escape from one".

It is this accident of "one person escapes the other" that makes people with similar experiences and backgrounds have completely different destinies, and the changes in the virtual society are so exciting.

These strange ideas are actually the inspirations he got from reading fairy tales in the past. The cultivation of immortals he read in his previous life always had these two super laws.

He has seen it a lot, and naturally he has a deep understanding of it, but it is impossible to do it in reality. This time when developing the virtual world, in order to make the virtual world run better, he remembered the existence of these two super laws.

The causality algorithm dominates the order of the virtual world, while the Dao algorithm dominates the changes and differences in the virtual world, making the fate of each NPC different and more real.

But as the so-called "Tianyan 49th", generally speaking, the general trend cannot be changed, otherwise it will be easy to get out of control, and the virtual world is in danger of collapsing.

And the "small situation can be changed" here refers to the fact that the fate of an individual can be changed. For example, if the management just now is really nostalgic for the beauty of the hotel proprietress and stays, the future fate of the proprietress may be different.

Although these two core algorithms for maintaining the virtual world are inspired by mythology, they are very suitable for the virtual world. With the blessing of these two algorithms, the virtual world behaves completely differently.

Even the management just now almost fell into it. This is the embodiment of the success of the virtual world. If it is just simulating scientific laws, it will not be so interesting.

In addition to the high-level executive just now, there are also high-level executives who experienced the feeling of dying in the virtual world. He landed in the old M. He happened to see gangs fighting, so he went to join in the fun, and was shot and shot.

Fortunately, he was a soldier, so his instincts still existed, and he dodged almost like a conditioned reflex, but it made him fall into the mud, and was considered a cop by the gangsters.

So there was a fierce fight between the two sides. Although he was superb in skills and tactics, he was no match for four hands with two fists. In the end, he was defeated and killed.

The feeling of the bullet passing through his body is still unforgettable to this day, and he can even feel the vitality gradually withdrawn from his body until he dies and is forced to return to his small room.

The feeling that this executive was able to experience a complete loss of vitality shows that his willpower is very strong. Most people can't hold on until this time, and they are pulled into the small room by the virtual helmet early. This is a protection mechanism for people.

The virtual helmet will monitor the brain activity of the user at all times. Once there is a problem, it will immediately separate its consciousness from the virtual world. Otherwise, although it will not die, there may be a mental disorder, which is no small matter.

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