Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 79 TV Drama Purchasing Meeting

After writing the script of the animated film "The Lion King", I found employees with experience in animation shooting in the special effects department and held a project kick-off meeting.

This animated film is mainly aimed at foreign audiences. To be more specific, it is prepared for the American market, so there are many problems that need to be explained by him himself.

As for the domestic market, even live-action movies are struggling now, not to mention animated movies. In China, animation is almost connected with children.

Although the special effects department has employees with experience in animation production, there is still a big difference between domestic animation and foreign animation.

After a meeting, he still felt that some problems were not clearly explained, so he took the staff of the special effects department and personally produced the previous 5-minute special effects.

All the characters in the animated film were produced, and they were shown how to tell a story and how to present the plot in the script.

Then he asked the employees of the special effects department to personally produce the plot of the animated film later, while he watched quietly from the sidelines, pointed out when he saw any dissatisfaction, discussed with the employees, and then continued to produce.

After going on like this, until a week later, the employees in the special effects department finally got the hang of it, basically without him asking, they made it perfectly by themselves.

Even in some places, on the premise of taking care of American animation, some elements of domestic animation were added, and the effect was even better than Ye Zishu thought.

Seeing this situation, he felt relieved, so he completely entrusted the production of the animated film "The Lion King" to the special effects department.

And he gave the technical department of Phoenix Special Effects Company the task of improving the film and television special effects software system next.

Before, due to the tight time, he only focused on the development of core functions, and there were many functions that were not so important, but he ignored the functions that could exert effects during the production of special effects.

Now there are 100 employees in the technical department, let them improve the work behind, just at the right time, due to their technical problems, the progress of the improvement work cannot be fast.

Because if you want to improve, you must first fully understand the system architecture and underlying code of the set of film and television special effects software he wrote, which will take them a lot of time, and they can only supervise them.

When Ye Zishu returned to Phoenix Software Company and continued to lead the company's technical staff to develop the operating system, Zhang Guoli came to him.

When asked why, it turned out that like last time, they went directly to CCTV's TV drama department and wanted to sell the completed "Legend of the White Snake" to CCTV.

Since the cost of this TV series is 5 million yuan, and it is also a mythological drama, it is not easy to place advertisements in it, so we can only rely on selling movies to recover the cost.

However, the price given by CCTV is only 3 million yuan, which is far from the cost of producing this TV series. Naturally, the two parties did not reach an agreement.

Ye Zishu was taken aback when he heard the news. He could imagine that CCTV was picky, but he didn't expect it to be so picky. He was only willing to pay 3 million yuan for the purchase.

"In this way, I will be in charge of the procurement negotiations with CCTV, and you will be responsible for selling this TV series to Taiwan TV." Ye Zishu said after thinking for a moment.

Since CCTV has a lot of problems, he is going to discuss TV drama procurement with the former production unit, Taiwan TV. After all, they were the producers in the previous life, so they must be interested in such stories.

"Which TV station?" Zhang Guoli asked suspiciously.

"It's not from the mainland, it's Taiwan Television Corporation on the other side. If you're not familiar with it, you can ask Guo Dongsheng to contact Rolling Stone Records on the other side and introduce you." Ye Zishu said.

After hearing Ye Zishu's explanation, Zhang Guoli nodded, and then said, "Do you want to talk about Hong Kong and Macau?"

"Of course,

You are in charge of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. It would be even better if you can sell to other countries! "Leaf Book said.

So after the division of labor between the two, Zhang Guoli immediately started to act. After all, the negotiation with CCTV was not done well, and he hoped to do a good job in other aspects so that he could pay back the cost as soon as possible.

And Ye Zishu came to CCTV and found the person in charge of their TV series procurement department. The two parties got together in the office and started to negotiate again on the procurement of the TV series "Legend of the New White Snake".

"Director, you should be quite aware of the quality of the TV series "Legend of the New White Snake", but the purchase price you gave will make us lose our pants!" Ye Zishu said straight to the point.

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, the director himself was a little embarrassed, but he knew the situation of CCTV. There were many projects but little funds, so he had to reduce the purchase price.

In addition, the current TV drama procurement market is not completely market-oriented. As the largest TV media in China, CCTV believes that it has stronger bargaining power, so it is naturally not polite.

"You can't say that, what you sold us was broadcasting rights, not copyrights, the purchase price must be low, and the purchase price can't be calculated based on your cost.

If this is the case, if you spend 100 million to make a TV series, we will come up with a purchase price of more than 100 million, which makes no sense. " said the director.

"You can't say that. The purchase price depends on the cost on the one hand, and the income on the other. Given the quality of this TV series, the income will definitely not be low." Ye Zishu said seriously.

"Although what you said is correct, domestic TV dramas can't make a lot of money. We still need funds from above to keep the system running. It's not as easy as you think." The director complained.

"Our last TV series "I Love My Family", didn't the cooperation between the two parties go well? CCTV should have made a lot of money, right?" Ye Zishu said.

"It's two different things. "I Love My Family" has 40 episodes, and the purchase cost is much less than this, while your TV series only has 50 episodes, and the purchase price we gave for a single episode is already much higher than the previous one.

This is already because we have given such a high price considering the production costs and types of the two TV series are different. "The director explained.

After Ye Zishu heard what he said, he felt that this matter was very difficult. For the sake of millions, he couldn't spend all his time on this matter.

So he thought for a while and asked, "What does the director mean, the TV station is currently in a tight budget and can't pay such a high price to purchase TV dramas?"

"That's what it means!" The director responded very simply.

"If this is not the case, your CCTV will give you 5 minutes before and after the broadcasting time of the TV series, and we will find advertisers ourselves, and the TV series will not need to be purchased by the station. What do you think?" Ye Zishu asked.

"You want to find advertising resources for this TV series?" the director asked back.

"That's what it means. After the director explained the difficulties of Taili, we also understand that this is not to solve the problems of Taili, and it is also beneficial to both parties." Ye Zishu said.

"You have made a good plan. This mode has never been done before, and I can't guarantee whether it will pass." The director said with a smile.

"There is a first time for everything. If we follow the usual practice, then human beings are still rolling in the Stone Age!" Ye Zishu also said with a smile.

"I know what you think. I can't give you an answer right now. We'll talk about it when we have a conclusion. What do you think?" the director said.

"It's no problem, I hope the director can give us an answer as soon as possible!" Ye Zishu said.

"We will notify you as soon as we have a conclusion!" the director said briskly.

Leaving the CCTV building, Ye Zishu looked back and felt that doing something in this era is really difficult, especially for a private company like him.

Just now, the director of the purchasing department was already being polite to him. It was because of his face as a big star. If it was someone else who came to talk, the situation might be even worse.

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