Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 808 Ambitious Space Program


The next day, Ye Zishu continued to sort out technical information on disability treatment. This kind of disease also has a huge market demand, and it will be one of the important sources of revenue for Tai Chi Group in the future.

As for how to treat disability, I have said something about it before. Generally, there are two methods. The first method is to use drugs to induce somatic cells to continue to develop, and directly grow the damaged tissue from the patient.

Of course, this is not something that can be achieved by just one drug, and many kinds of drugs need to be used together to achieve the best therapeutic effect and reduce the pain of the patient at the same time.

When he read the bio-robots earlier, he got the relevant tissue regeneration technology, and it was much stronger than the method he came up with earlier, at least the pain of the patient was much less.

There are several types of drugs that need to be developed. The first type is drugs that induce tissue cell redevelopment. This is a type of drug, not a single drug.

Because each disability needs to be induced in a different direction, and even the induction steps are different, different drugs are required to correspond to different disabilities and induction steps.

For example, in order to alleviate the pain of patients during treatment, they first induce muscle, skin and bone regeneration, and then induce nerve cell tissue regeneration.

The second type of drugs are nerve blocking drugs, which block the connection between the treated part and other nervous systems in the body, further reducing the pain of the patient during the treatment.

The third type of drug rehabilitation drugs, the new tissue is relatively fragile, just like a baby, this state is seriously inconsistent with the state of other parts of the body, and cannot play an important role yet.

At this time, it is necessary to continue to use rehabilitation drugs to further strengthen the new tissue so that it can become stronger until it reaches the same level as other body parts.

Rehabilitation drugs include drugs that promote tissue strengthening and drugs that supplement nutritional needs. This type of drug that supplements nutritional needs runs through the entire treatment process and is not just used during the rehabilitation stage.

Especially in the process of tissue regeneration, it is necessary to supplement a large amount of nutrients to meet the needs of tissue regeneration, and these nutrients are equivalent to raw materials and energy in the regeneration process.

The second method is to use bio-adhesives to bond the tissue grown in the factory with the damaged tissue of the patient, and it will be considered a success when the two grow together.

Compared with the previous method, this method is much faster, patients do not need to go through such a long treatment time, and even the overall treatment cost can be reduced a lot.

The disadvantage is also obvious, that is, it looks sticky, and even ordinary actions will not be disturbed too much, but when performing high-intensity exercise, the gap can be clearly felt.

Because although bioadhesives can bind two tissues together,

However, it is still not possible to achieve a seamless oneness. To achieve a seamless oneness, it will take a long time for self-healing.

Among the drugs used in the treatment of such diseases, in addition to super drug bioadhesives, there is another drug that has a large market for Tai Chi Group, and that is wound repair agents.

After all, it can be used in the treatment of such major diseases, and it can also be used to remove scars, which has a great effect in beauty and skin care products.

It sounds simple here, but in fact there are many types of drugs that need to be developed, all of which add up to hundreds of types, and all possible situations need to be dealt with.

In fact, he also has relatively common drugs, but he doesn't want to take them out, such as cell-induced tissue regeneration drugs, which can be done with a single drug.

It's just that this kind of generic drug is a gene drug, not a biological cell drug that everyone is familiar with. Everyone is more sensitive to gene drugs, and the review is much stricter.

And he is afraid of using such drugs in unpredictable fields. He just wants to use them for medical treatment and does not want his products to be overused.

When Ye Zishu was busy, Baihu Technology announced its own space exploration development plan. The plan was very ambitious and even looked a bit sci-fi.

Like the space station construction he mentioned earlier, there is a clear idea. The first step is to build a conventional space station that can accommodate 100 people. This capacity has shocked many people.

The current space station generally can only allow a few astronauts to live and work on it at the same time, but their space station is to allow 100 people to live and work in it at the same time, so how big does it need to be?

And that's not counting, they are going to implement gravity on their own space station project, allowing astronauts to stay longer on the space station.

The second step is to build a small-scale space city. The minimum goal is to accommodate 10,000 people to live and live in the space city at the same time, carry out relevant research work, and have certain space processing capabilities.

It is not difficult to imagine that such a space city must also need to realize gravity, otherwise it will need to change people frequently, and the meaning of existence will be greatly weakened.

The third step is to build a large-scale space city, striving to achieve 100,000 people staying in the space city for a long time, and equipped with a space port, which can dock space warships and cargo spacecraft.

This line is very clear, so clear that everyone feels a bit fantasy, especially the space city, which feels a bit sci-fi, but Baihu Technology has also formulated a plan timetable.

For example, the construction of the space station was completed in 1998, and it is only about two years away from now. No one can imagine how to build such a huge space station in such a short period of time.

And their small space city is expected to be implemented around 2008, and it is hoped to complete the implementation within 5 to 10 years, which means that the construction of the small space city will be completed in 2013 at the earliest and 2018 at the latest.

The large-scale space city will be launched after the completion of the small space city, and the time span will be even greater, spanning a full 20 years, which seems very long.

In fact, in the field of space, this time is not long. According to the latest plan, the construction of a large-scale space city will be completed by 2038, which is only 40 years away from now.

In addition to this set of plans, they also made a supplementary statement that during the construction phase of the space city, they will strive to reduce the cost of space transportation to a level that ordinary middle-class people can afford.

Now only the super-rich can afford the high cost of space tourism, and even the small rich dare not hope for it. Baihu Technology really hopes to make it affordable for ordinary middle-class people.

But thinking about it makes me feel relieved. If you want to make money from the space city project, apart from conventional scientific research projects and space processing business, the space tourism business is more promising.

But the number of rich people in the world is numerous, and it is impossible for people to stay in the space city every day. If you want to meet the reception capacity of the space city, you must make it affordable for more people.

The second space exploration route is the lunar exploration plan. The first step is to realize the exploration of the lunar lander. This is not surprising, but the time is very short, and it is expected to be completed in 1997.

It is now 1996, and it will take more than a year to do all the work. If the old aerospace companies say so, no one has any opinion, just think that they have accumulated for a long time.

However, Baihu Technology Company has only been established for a few years, and many people think that it will take more than a year to complete this work, which seems a bit anxious.

The second step is to realize manned landing on the moon. The completion time is before 2000. Instead of giving a fixed time, a time frame is given, which seems to be quite cautious.

But it is only about four years from now, which is still not long, and manned landing on the moon and landing on the moon with a lander are completely different things, and the difficulty is much greater. Where does their confidence come from? Everyone is still confused.

The third step is to establish a permanent base on the moon, which has enabled scientific researchers to engage in scientific research activities for a long time, and at the same time carry out certain mineral mining operations, echoing the space city plan.

Therefore, this step is also highly consistent with the space city plan. The completion time node is before 2020, and an exact time is not given, but a time range is given.

The manned moon landing program is actually not surprising to everyone. After all, we are now a big country. Since we want to develop a space program, manned is almost a touchstone.

Only when manned landing on the moon is realized can it be said that it has become one of the world's space technology powerhouses. After all, my old m has already achieved it decades ago.

However, it is much more difficult to establish a permanent base. First, the consumption of money is very large, and the cost of transporting a large amount of materials to the moon is too high.

The second is that the technical difficulty is too high. Because it needs to stay for a long time, it must be guaranteed that it can still operate without the support of the earth. This requirement alone is very difficult.

What's more, how to deal with the harm caused by the impact of meteorites in space is also a problem that must be considered, because this kind of thing is very sudden, and it may not be possible to evacuate in time.

What's more, they also want to realize the mining of mineral resources on the moon, and transport the refined minerals back to the earth, which requires a complete set of mining and refining industries, which is even more difficult.

It is not easy to transport these equipment to the moon, and the cost is very high, unless the transported back are high-value minerals, at least more expensive than gold, which is obviously difficult to do.

The route of lunar exploration is actually more difficult than the route of space city. It costs more and is more technically difficult. I don’t know why Baihu Technology has such an irrational plan.

The third space exploration line is actually more exaggerated, that is, the Mars exploration plan. The first step is also to realize the landing of the lander on Mars, explore the topography of Mars, and bring back Martian soil data.

The first step alone is very difficult, and currently no country can complete it. Old M only realized the operation of the lander landing on Mars, but he has no ability to bring soil back from Mars.

The second step is to manned landing on Mars, and set about establishing a permanent Mars experimental base, preparing for more detailed exploration and analysis of Mars.

Although it seems that only the manned link has been added, the amount of materials that need to be transported is very different. No rocket has such a large thrust now.

And this is still sending people there, and they have to be brought back safely. Facing a planet as huge as Mars, just getting rid of gravity consumes a lot of energy.

It is still in the stage of chemical energy, and it is definitely impossible to achieve this. Everyone does not know which technical route Baihu Technology is going to adopt to achieve this.

In addition, the environment of Mars is harsher than that of the moon. At least the moon has no atmospheric interference, and there is no threat from space on Mars. The sandstorm inside Mars alone is difficult to deal with.

The third step is to transform Mars, transform Mars into the second home of mankind, and then realize a large number of Mars immigration, which is the starting point for human beings to move into space immigration.

If the second step is not considered sci-fi, the third step completely blinds everyone's eyes, and everyone should wipe their eyes to see if they are wrong.

Although it is the common wish of all mankind to transform Mars into a planet suitable for human habitation, everyone understands that with the current level of technology on the earth, we can only think about it. After thinking about it, everyone should wash up and sleep.

But Baihu Technology Company has made a plan. Although they didn't give a specific timetable, they really want to do it differently from just thinking about it before.

The question is how? Everyone is at a loss as to why Baihu Technology Company thinks that it can accomplish such a feat at the current stage. If it takes too long, it will not matter whether Baihu Technology Company is still around.

The fourth space exploration route is called the Solar System Exploration Program, which is to use probes to detect the main planets of the solar system in order to collect more data on these planets.

At the same time, the near-orbit detection of the sun will be carried out to detect the operating conditions of the sun at a shorter distance, and to understand the operating mechanism of stars through the detection and analysis of the sun.

Not to mention, Baihu Technology also wants to detect several asteroid belts in the solar system to analyze the number of asteroids, orbits and resource status in the asteroid belt.

This is to prepare for space mining. Only by exploring the distribution of resources can space mining operations be carried out more purposefully. Otherwise, the cost of the trip will be too high. Therefore, before the official mining, it is necessary to find more valuable mineral deposits.

At present, the earth's resources can only support the survival of 10 billion people at most. This is due to the high utilization of the earth's resources by Kirin Industrial Group. Otherwise, it is not known whether it can support the survival of 10 billion people.

If you want more people to survive, you must ask for resources from space. The transformation of Mars and space mining are all for this purpose, and it is also to increase the ability of human populations to resist natural disasters.

If there are two planets inhabited and one planet has a problem, the entire human race will not be destroyed, which is naturally safer, so it is particularly important to transform Mars.

The ambitious space program of Baihu Science and Technology Company really makes people a little excited, especially the people of our country, feel that this is a responsible enterprise.

But how to do it, Baihu Technology Company did not give any clues, and did not even disclose any information about what rockets were used to achieve the goal.

So everyone felt that although the plan was grand, it was a bit unrealistic and more like bragging. Baihu Technology Company did not explain this and did not make any further response.

In addition to these space exploration plans that are closer to reality, there are many space exploration plans, but compared to the above plans, they are not so eye-catching.

According to Baihu Technology, when we stand on the earth, we must keep our feet on the ground and look up at the starry sky. When we enter the solar system, we must not only make full use of the resources of the solar system, but also look to the starry sky beyond the solar system.

Therefore, it is also necessary to explore the outer space of the solar system. Even if it does not immediately pay off, it can guide us to continue to develop, and one day we will become a cosmic race.

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