Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 810 Drugs to Improve Physical Fitness and Intellect


Ye Zishu spent a week sorting out the detailed technical information on the drugs, equipment and treatment measures related to the treatment of disabilities, which is much more detailed than the previous ones.

It can't even be described by technical materials, it can be called an operation manual, and the R\u0026D personnel only need to follow the information he gave and complete the R\u0026D tasks step by step.

Compared with drugs related to the treatment of the nervous system, the drugs and equipment for the treatment of disabilities are even more inconceivable. If the information he gave is not detailed enough, it will cause great trouble to the research and development personnel.

And he no longer just gave a simple manufacturing method as before, but explained the principles involved in it in more detail, involving more advanced biomedical principles.

It is believed that the R\u0026D personnel have understood the biomedical principles he gave, and have a fairly high understanding of biological cells, which is far beyond the world level in this field.

After doing all this, the affairs of Taiji Group should come to an end. With so many advanced medical equipment support, Taiji Group's revenue will not decrease, but there is still a lot of room for growth.

Whether it is drugs for the treatment of nervous system damage, or drugs and equipment for the treatment of disabilities, especially major disabilities, the price is very high, and it is impossible for a unique business to sell for the price of cabbage.

Drug treatment for nerve damage requires at least 50,000 yuan and a maximum of hundreds of thousands of yuan, because the difficulty of treatment for different nerve injuries is also different.

The cost of treating disabilities varies greatly, ranging from about 10,000 yuan to millions of yuan, depending on the treatment method used and the degree of injury. It is difficult to have an exact treatment fee.

Fortunately, Taiji Group has a very high degree of preferential treatment for the domestic market. Generally, the domestic price is about 50% lower than the international standard price. Otherwise, Taiji Pharmaceutical Group will be more profitable.

For the third world countries, there are actually good discounts, which are generally about 20% lower than the international standard price, but the exact amount of the lower price needs to be negotiated with the government of the country where it is located.

The price needs to be judged according to the economic level, friendship degree, cooperation degree, etc. of the country where the country is located. Although this approach harms the interests of the Taiji Group.

However, it has greatly expanded our country's international influence and created favorable conditions for domestic companies to go overseas. The great development of his industries last year also has a lot to do with this.

When Ye Zishu asked the intelligent assistant to upload these materials to Taiji Group's technical database, he suddenly remembered something and felt that it was necessary to take it out in advance.

Now Kirin Basic Industries Group, in addition to carrying out regular business, is making every effort to develop universal robots, because anyone with a normal IQ knows that this will be a cross-generational progress.

we can even say,

The emergence of universal robots has the potential to change the global pattern and even the development of human society. As for the more profound changes, even Ye Zishu may not be able to understand.

It’s just that general-purpose robots are good, but how humans deal with themselves has become a problem that must be considered. Life can’t be just eating, drinking, and messing around, and you have to find the meaning of your own existence.

If only an individual loses the meaning and purpose of existence and cannot affect the overall situation, but the whole society loses its purpose and does not know the value and meaning of its own existence, then it is very dangerous.

With the current human ability, in the face of general-purpose robots plus artificial intelligence, especially artificial intelligence with the blessing of super quantum computers, it will appear to be powerless.

In terms of strength, agility, endurance and other physical qualities, humans are definitely at a disadvantage. Although he did not deliberately strengthen these data of general-purpose robots, they are still much higher than humans.

The wisdom and innovative ability that humans were proud of in the past will also look ridiculous in front of super quantum computers, unless the human population is even larger, it is really incomparable to rely on such a small number of people on the earth.

The earth is so big, and there are so many resources, the number of people to support will definitely reach the limit, so it is obviously impossible to rely on the advantage of population size to compete with general-purpose robots in intelligence.

Then we can only solve the problem from the perspective of improving human IQ. In the case of a certain population size, improving the IQ of a single human being, thereby increasing the overall intelligence level of society, is also a way out.

At present, the number of general-purpose robots is not large, and they will not deeply participate in all aspects of society, and the feelings will not be particularly deep, but this is only temporary, and the situation may reverse in less than 10 years.

At that time, the material conditions of human beings will be very good, and they will be able to survive easily even if they don’t work. In this environment, people will be very confused. It’s okay to say that human beings are cheap, but that’s the truth.

Especially if this situation continues, it is inevitable that the whole society will lose the goal of struggle, because no matter what it does, it is not as good as robots and artificial intelligence, so why bother, just eat and wait for death.

Therefore, he believes that from now on, it is necessary to study the technology to improve human ability, and the improvement of human ability is nothing more than the improvement of physical fitness and intellectual level.

Improving physical fitness can be done from two aspects. The first one belongs to the postnatal improvement method, that is, it does not involve genetic modification, but only strengthens from the perspective of cells.

If you really want to improve your physical fitness, this method should be the easiest to be accepted by the public. After all, it does not involve genes and will not cause genetic pollution.

Even if something goes wrong, it only involves the individual itself, and it will not spread through the whole society through genetic means, so the safety is undoubtedly much higher.

But this method is the most difficult, because it is not an easy task to change the human body from the inside to the outside.

Moreover, the upper limit of this method of improving physical fitness is actually very low, because limited by genes, if the change is too large, the cost of maintaining this state will be too high.

Because the genes will change the human body every moment, and there will be serious conflicts with the upgraded body, causing the human body to gradually degenerate even if it is upgraded, and the greater the gap, the faster the degeneration will be.

The second is to start from the genetic level to improve physical fitness. If you start from the baby or during pregnancy, the cost is very low and it has a high degree of popularization.

But this method is difficult to be accepted by people in a short period of time. After all, genes are related to the fundamentals of biology, and there is a world of difference between man-made changes and natural selection.

This is not to say which one is better or worse. In fact, there is no distinction between good and bad. The main reason for this is that human beings rely on nature to exist.

In other words, the current state of human beings is actually caused by adapting to the natural environment, indicating that the current state is a state of high integration with nature.

If the genes are artificially changed, the physical quality of human beings will be changed, whether it will seriously deviate from nature, and whether there will be unpredictable problems, no one knows.

With the current ability of human beings, it is still impossible to fight against nature. Since it is impossible to fight against nature, it needs to adapt to nature to some extent, otherwise there is a risk of being eliminated by nature.

With the continuous development of human science and technology, human beings not only simply adapt to nature, but also have part of the ability to transform nature, and the stronger this ability is, the stronger the ability of human self-control will be.

Therefore, strengthening oneself through genes will be the inevitable direction of human development in the future, but we need to be cautious at the moment. After all, if a super virus emerges now, it may be wiped out by the group, and it will not reach the above level.

He didn't know whether to study body enhancement technology, he was afraid that it would open Pandora's Box, and Tai Chi Group was one of his important sources of income, if it was strengthened, would it affect the revenue.

In fact, he has a lot of concerns. After thinking for a long time, he thinks that it is still necessary to conduct relevant research. Whether to promote it is another matter.

Just study this kind of problem from a scientific point of view, so there is no need to worry too much, and it is impossible to come up with something against the sky in the early stage, and the degree of strengthening is limited.

After thinking about it, Ye Zishu had a clear idea. He planned to come up with an enhancement technology that could double his physical fitness, and it didn't involve genetic modification, but simply started from the cell level.

This kind of strengthening is easy to accept conceptually, and even if it flows into society, it will not cause too many problems. After all, human society currently does not rely on the body as a measure of force value, and no matter how high the physical fitness is, it cannot stop a bullet.

In addition to strengthening the body, he is more concerned about the improvement of intelligence. Human beings have come to the present, definitely not relying on force value, and they don't need their own force to obtain resources in nature like in the barbaric era.

Moreover, with the ridiculous force value of human beings, it is completely worthless in front of nature. Human beings have developed to this day, and they are no longer competing with other species, but with nature.

If you want to compete with nature, you can't do it with force value, unless you become a legendary god and have the ability to move mountains and seas.

Although from the perspective of a scientist, he cannot deny the existence of this possibility, but from the perspective of reality, it is almost impossible to achieve a fairy-like ability.

Therefore, if human beings want to gain more freedom from the cage of nature, they can only rely on intelligence and use the power of nature itself to improve their abilities.

In fact, he has long wanted to make a drug that can improve intelligence, but he was not so eager at that time. Health care products that improve concentration and memory are the embodiment of his idea.

It was a small-scale promotion before, but since last year, Taiji Group has stepped up its efforts in domestic promotion, and even actively lowered the price, which has played a certain role.

It's just that the income of domestic residents was not high enough last year, and quite a few people still couldn't afford it. Most of them were still used by their children, and the results they wanted had not been fully achieved.

The data for the first quarter of this year came out. The sales of this health care product of Tai Chi Group are much better than last year, but the price is lower and the profit is not much.

Although Taiji Group did not ban the export of such health care products, it did not make a big publicity, nor did it take the initiative to promote it, so the growth of overseas markets is not fast.

It’s not that he dislikes a lot of money, but that he doesn’t really want to sell it internationally. Although this product is not that bad, the gap in competitiveness is actually obvious, especially from the perspective of the country.

Therefore, the promotion is very negative, there is no advertisement for this, and there is no marketing or recommendation even in the store. If someone asks them, they will sell it, and if no one asks, they don’t know.

But even so, many people have noticed this health care product, mainly because it has been promoted on a large scale in China, and it is gradually becoming popular. It is difficult not to attract people's attention.

So without any publicity or recommendation, it still sold a lot, and the revenue from this product in the first quarter still reached about 50 billion yuan.

If there is a more effective intelligence-enhancing product, there will be less entanglement with this health product, and it will be sold to the world, making money for nothing.

Similar to improving physical fitness, there are actually two ways to improve intelligence. The first way is to change genes, which may not be widely accepted at present, and he has no intention of adopting this method for the time being.

The second way is to start from the cell level, increase the number and quality of cells related to human IQ, and make brain cells more active, so as to achieve the purpose of improving intelligence.

Health care products that improve concentration and memory actually promote the communication efficiency of brain cells, and to some extent increase the activity of brain cells, making them appear smarter.

But it is completely different from increasing the number and quality of brain cells. This kind of improvement is relatively more comprehensive. It can not only improve concentration and memory, but also improve creativity.

What he wants to do now is to develop from this level, and the technology is already available, but the details are very different, and ordinary people can't handle it.

The increase of brain cells is actually to expand the brain capacity. He has come up with the cell directed proliferation technology before, which is somewhat similar to this method, except that the number of brain cells is not simply increased, and it will become brain cancer.

Rather, it is based on the profound research on the human brain, and it is known that the kind of proliferation is beneficial to the expansion of brain volume, and at the same time it will not cause other problems, and no mistakes can occur.

Drugs that increase the activity of brain cells are actually simpler. They just turn health care products into medicines, which have better effects and last longer.

After thinking about it, he immediately started sorting out the relevant technical materials. It seems that it is still early, but in fact, it has been researched now, and it will take a long time until it is actually put into use.

After all, these are not ordinary drugs. Whether their use will cause problems, even if it is a single case, it will be fatal, and the clinical trial time will be very long.

Even if there is no problem in the clinical trial, it will be very cautious when promoting it. It is impossible to get a large-scale promotion immediately, but it will be promoted in batches, and follow-up adjustments will be made according to the actual data results.

Now that it is developed, it will be considered fast to be fully promoted within 10 years. If there is an accident, it is possible that the promotion process will take decades.

Especially for this kind of drug that is involved in a lot but is not urgently needed, all parties will be very patient, the clearer the better, and they will not promote it in a daze.

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