Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 812 A little upset, change the plan at hand


After Ye Zishu was busy sorting out the follow-up medical and related technology materials, he didn't plan to stay here any longer. Pei Qing had already called several times.

The two have been separated for several months, and it doesn't matter where I stay, if I don't want to come to see the super quantum computer, there is no need to come here.

However, before leaving Xi'an, Ye Zishu personally took a look at the production of the communication satellite. Currently, it is officially entering the production process, because it will be launched soon.

It takes half a year to complete the launch of 256 communication satellites, with an average of nearly two satellites per day. The launch frequency is very high, and the pressure on satellite manufacturing is also great.

Looking at the huge satellite in front of him, it is completely different from his original version, all because of the addition of a quantum communication module, which has greatly changed its appearance.

Each communication satellite carries a 1,000-qubit communication module. According to the manufacturing level of the quantum communication chip of Baihu Technology Company, the module is not too big.

In fact, there is no need to equip each satellite with a communication module of 1,000 qubits, because the communication volume of one satellite is enough for everyone in the world to hold a quantum communicator and communicate at the same time.

The reason why each satellite is equipped is mainly for future considerations. At present, the quantum communication chip used by the ground quantum communicator is 32 qubits, which can obtain more than 4.2 billion quantum information bits at a time.

Compared with the current 3g communication technology of Qinglong Technology Company, the data transmission capacity is much larger, even for military use, such transmission bandwidth is more than enough.

But this kind of information transmission capacity will not be enough in the field of virtual Internet in the future, and the Internet in the future will inevitably exist like the virtual world.

The data transmission between the virtual world and the virtual headset is very demanding, not only requires almost zero delay, but also has a very high communication volume.

This is why the chip used by the virtual helmet is 1000 qubits. Although it belongs to the integrated design of computing and communication, the number of qubits used for communication still reaches half, that is, 500 qubits.

Only with such a large amount of data transmission can the details of the virtual world be fully displayed to the user, otherwise what the user sees may be a mosaic world.

This is still only the data that the user can see and feel with the naked eye. If you want to transmit more subtle data, the amount of data will increase exponentially.

Although he is not sure when the virtual world will be used by civilians and enter thousands of households, he believes that there will be such a day after all, and it may not take long.

At present, the Internet is developing rapidly, whether it is optical fiber Internet or mobile Internet,

The development is very fast, and fast is naturally a good thing, but it also means that the potential is easily exhausted.

When the Internet develops to a certain level, it will be difficult to grow again. How to continue to develop becomes a question that needs to be considered. After all, the economy always needs to develop.

In addition to developing new technologies and products, it is to upgrade existing industries. If you want to continue to develop the Internet at that time, the virtual world is the best substitute.

According to this situation analysis, he believes that 20 years later, the civilization of the virtual world must be considered. 20 years later, the current Internet potential has basically been exhausted.

If it is really necessary to replace the Internet and popularize the virtual world, the quantum communication part of this communication satellite system can be directly used by civilians, which can save a lot of money.

For Baihu Technology, this arrangement did not add unbearable costs, and it was not a complete waste. There were always enough ways to absorb these capabilities.

For example, weapons that originally used laser and other guidance technologies can now use intelligent image guidance, allowing missiles to have the ability of human thinking, and no longer behave so stupidly and easily deceived by ordinary means.

At present, one communication satellite is basically offline every day. This speed is a bit slow. The person in charge of production thinks this is temporary, and it will increase to two satellites every day.

And he promised that he would never delay the plan. Seeing his promise, Ye Zishu believed it for the time being. Qinglong Technology Company will soon release smartphones. He hopes that consumers can enjoy satellite communication services at the same time.

After reading the communication satellite production situation, Ye Zishu asked the management of Baihu Technology Company to issue an announcement announcing the construction plan of the global communication satellite system.

Now that their previous plans for a space program had already made such a big splash, he wouldn't mind adding fuel to make White Tiger's previous space program seem more real.

Humans are like this. Once excess energy is not used in the right way, it will be used in crooked ways. To prevent everyone from venting too much energy on the earth and provoking various conflicts and wars, it is better to provoke the space race.

The space race requires a huge amount of money. When the total amount of funds is limited, the more money spent on space, the less money spent on military affairs.

In his view, although the space race is a bit unfavorable to White Tiger Technology, it is a benign competition after all. It is definitely much better to invest in space than in military warfare.

The two satellite systems established by Baihu Technology Company have already proved the strength of Baihu Technology Company to the outside world, but after all, there was no enthusiasm before, and everyone did not feel deeply.

Now that the heat has not passed, the new satellite system construction plan is announced at this moment, and it will start soon. Everyone will be more impressed with the strength of Baihu Technology.

Then the space project plan formulated before will not appear so fake. In the eyes of many people, perhaps Baihu Technology Company is really capable of doing it.

Regardless of whether they are really capable or not, they will increase the space project budget to some extent. In fact, not long after White Tiger Technology announced the space project plan, some national space agencies have released positive signals to the outside world.

It’s just that it was too hasty at that time, and there was no time to study it. Now it is continuing to add fuel to the fire and let them make a decision as soon as possible, instead of adopting delaying tactics to dilute public opinion.

Sure enough, Baihu Technology released the news through the company's social platform account, which immediately attracted a large number of onlookers, and within half an hour, TV media began to report the matter.

The public opinion that had just dropped a little bit suddenly rose again. The ambitious space program of Baihu Technology Company was brought up again, and everyone believed in these space programs even more.

According to the global satellite communication system announced by Baihu Technology Company, the number of the first phase is as high as 256, and the investment scale has reached hundreds of billions of yuan, which is very large.

Just a satellite system is willing to invest such a large amount of money, let alone a space station. Almost no one doubts this space project anymore.

After all, if the International Space Station does not bring China to play, China will definitely build one on its own, not to mention that it is not short of money at present, and even a set of satellites has invested hundreds of billions of dollars casually, which looks like a rich man.

As for whether the technical strength can be achieved, everyone is actually not too suspicious. After all, the level of science and technology in our country has risen in a straight line in the past few years, which is completely beyond common sense. The improvement of the level of space technology is not impossible.

What's interesting is that Baihu Technology Company then released the space station construction plan, and it was more detailed than the previously released timetable. Although the word tentative was added at the end, everyone believed it even more.

You must know that the preparations for the International Space Station have been in progress for several years, but no space capsule has been launched yet. According to the schedule of Baihu Technology, they are typical latecomers and first comers.

At that time, in front of such a huge space station, there is no need to continue the previous plan for the International Space Station, because the construction has already fallen behind before it started.

Although being outdated can be used, the space project itself is not only practical, but more about saving face, because it is one of the symbols of a great power.

If it is outdated before construction, the necessity of construction will be greatly reduced. If you give up, the initial investment will be in vain. If you continue to build, you will always feel uneasy, and it is a pity to abandon it without taste.

It is basically impossible to build it before Baihu Technology Company. Such a multi-national cooperation, high-tech and dangerous project cannot be so reckless.

A certain process must be followed, and none of them can be saved. Once there is a problem, someone will come out to take the blame, and no one is willing to take the role of taking the blame.

White Tiger Technology announced the detailed timetable for the construction of the space station, and Ye Zishu was also surprised. He didn't let them do this, it was the result of their own initiative.

However, they have not made any preparations for the construction of the space station. At present, they have not even completed the formation of the team. They have only reached a cooperation with the national unit, and their own scientific research team is not perfect.

Now he has given a relatively detailed timetable, and he is too clear about what it means. Although he understands it, he is still not very happy. This is forcing him.

The reason is very simple, that is, the space project was formulated at his request, but he did not make any progress. Before that, he was still busy with the scientific research project of Taiji Group.

Other plans for the moon and Mars are fine. After all, no detailed timetable has been given, but the space station plan is very detailed, so the whole Baihu Technology Company is under great pressure.

Since we were under a lot of pressure, and it was caused by the boss, they wanted to put some pressure on the boss, so that he could devote his mind to the space station project as soon as possible.

If it was another boss, a professional manager would face the fate of being fired if he did this, but Ye Zishu thought about it and decided to forget it. Although he was unhappy, it was understandable.

The main reason why he didn't get angry was that what they did was for the public. If it was for selfishness, he wouldn't think so.

He also plans to transform artificial intelligence technology to make artificial intelligence more suitable for super quantum computers, and then replace all the supercomputers currently used by him.

The artificial intelligence with a super quantum computer can perform better than it is now, and can even engage in certain creative work, which can accelerate the development of its industries.

What's more, he also wanted to use super quantum computer and artificial intelligence technology to simulate domestic economic development and guide the more reasonable layout of his industries.

If this project is completed, the development speed of his industries will be faster, the planning will be more reasonable, the operation efficiency will be higher, the value created will be more, and the development momentum will be stronger.

With the changes in the domestic and international environment, he has to think about the future. The worst plan is to lose the global market, how to deal with it so as not to cause major problems.

To solve this problem, we need to speed up the domestic economic cycle, further improve the domestic economic system, and achieve self-sufficiency as much as possible, at least the main industries can achieve self-sufficiency.

And if these plans are done by humans, they will appear to be in a hurry, but if they are calculated by a super quantum computer, they will be much calmer.

Although he felt that this kind of worry was a bit unnecessary, a declining empire would never be willing to fall, and would definitely struggle desperately. As the helm of the industry, he had to prepare for the worst.

It would be great if it didn’t happen, but if it did happen, there wouldn’t be any major problems. If it’s just a small loss of money, the problem isn’t that big.

Moreover, in addition to industrial planning, industrial research and development is also used. With the scientific research personnel under his banner, even all domestic scientific research personnel cannot maintain a leading position in all aspects.

In order to establish some industrial advantages, he has been too busy to touch the ground, even if he has a virtual helmet in his hand to improve efficiency, he can't do it.

At this time, artificial intelligence with the blessing of super quantum computers shows a strong advantage. Not to mention the combination of domestic scientific researchers, or the combination of scientific researchers from all over the world, they can still easily win.

Not to mention pioneering research, but the use of existing scientific achievements, artificial intelligence still has a strong room for development. After all, the current technology of human beings is basically relying on their own money.

What's more, Ye Zishu learned a lot of new theories when studying the virtual world. If these new theories are digested and absorbed by artificial intelligence, the technology created will be even more magical.

Now it seems that this matter still needs to be put aside. First, sort out the technical data of the space station construction. On the one hand, it can meet the demands of Baihu Technology Company, and on the other hand, it can also allow them to prepare purposefully.

At present, they don't know what route he will take to develop the space station, so they don't even know how to prepare. Anyway, according to the current space station construction model, it is definitely not cost-effective.

If the space station is really built according to the current model, not to mention whether it can be built so large, the cost alone will be unbearable for Baihu Technology.

Their income sources are not expected to be high. There are only a few satellite systems in the public sector, and the annual income is only tens of billions, depending on the strength of the satellite communication system.

The rest is military equipment income, which is limited to the military budget, and the money earned in a year is considerable. Unlike civilian enterprises, the market has unlimited possibilities.

If they predict well, the annual revenue will be about 600 billion yuan. Such a scale of funds is enough for general projects, but it is not too much to use in the space field.

Take the International Space Station as an example. The construction cost in the previous life was as high as trillions of yuan, and the construction span reached ten years. Just a space station will consume such a large amount of money.

What's more, the moon-related plans and Mars-related plans may cost tens of trillions, which Baihu Technology Company simply cannot afford.

Let alone a company, it is a bit difficult for a country, or even the strength of the entire planet to support such a plan, so the current route will not work at all.

They have no idea how to get there, they can only place their hopes on Ye Shu, who can perform miracles repeatedly.

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