Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 816 Smartphones and smart glasses released


Building such a huge space station requires a lot of modules. In order to reduce the difficulty and cost of manufacturing, he must design it very cleverly and try to be unified.

In addition, how to carry out precise assembly in space is also a problem that needs to be considered, so each module must carry a power system that can realize attitude adjustment.

There are three ways to assemble. The first way is to use automated mechanical assembly. The robotic arm used in the previous Chinese space station is a good idea.

The second way is to allow each module to realize self-docking assembly, but this assembly method is more difficult and must have very high precision, once a mistake is likely to cause a catastrophe.

The third way is to send robots up. With the flexibility of general-purpose robots, they are fully capable of taking on this responsibility, even more flexible than humans.

He prepared all three methods, because as the space station becomes more complex, the assembly will be more difficult, and the three methods can be used at the same time to ensure foolproof.

After design, the entire space station will consist of 501 independent space capsules. The space capsule in the middle has the largest volume and the most complex system structure. It is the control center of the integrated space station and weighs up to 50 tons.

The weight of other space capsules is about 20 tons. The specific weight depends on the weight of the instruments and equipment carried inside, but the volume is the same and they are standardized modules.

In order to prevent the core module from being damaged and affecting the control of other space capsules, in addition to the core module having a control center, other space capsules can temporarily form a distributed control center.

In this way, once the core module is damaged, it will not affect the use of other modules, and can maximize the protection of the safety of other space capsules, which also has the ability to repair the damaged core module.

In addition to the arrangement of the control system, the same is true for the life support system, which can form a whole and operate independently, also in order to ensure safety as much as possible.

Although the cost of doing so is relatively high, Ye Shu thinks it is worth it. Compared with life, the cost is not so important, especially in space, if something goes wrong, it is easy to die.

After the overall design of the entire space station, he also needs to carry out functional design for each space capsule, the most important of which is the arrangement of scientific research projects, so that it is easy to confirm what instruments and equipment to carry.

It was not until September that Ye Zishu completed the design of the entire space station, and by the way, designed a preliminary sketch of the space city for the research personnel of Baihu Technology Company to study.

Based on this sketch, the scientific researchers can understand more clearly his idea of ​​building a space station, and at the same time know which direction the space city construction should go in the future.

While Ye Zishu was busy with the space station and launch system,

The global satellite communication system of Baihu Technology Company officially started construction, so the whole world once again witnessed the scene of my country's crazy satellite launch.

If you want to launch all 256 satellites within half a year, basically you need to launch two satellites per day. In the early stage, Baihu Technology Company has accumulated some satellites, so it can guarantee the average rate of launching two satellites per day in the early stage.

Later, because the satellites accumulated in the early stage were emptied, the launch became one per day. They are currently improving manufacturing efficiency and strive to be able to roll off two satellites per day.

By October, they may have to resume the launch frequency of two satellites per day, so since June, the whole world can see the rocket carrying satellites into space every day.

The reason why they are launched so frequently is that the 256 satellites are very heavy, and they are basically in the middle orbit, and some of them are still in the geostationary orbit.

If it is as small as Starlink in the previous life, dozens of rockets can be launched at a time. In addition to occupying space orbits, such small satellites are actually far behind the communication satellites of Baihu Technology Company.

People need to launch 40,000 satellites to cover the whole world, but Baihu Technology can cover the whole world with 256 communication satellites, and the network speed provided is much higher than the 5G in the previous life.

If all 1024 communication satellites are deployed in place, the network speed provided can reach the 6G standard of the previous life, but now he feels that so many satellites are not needed.

If it is really necessary to upgrade to the 6G standard, it is estimated that it is time for the global use of quantum communication, so in the end, 512 satellites may be able to meet the requirements.

Such intensive launch of satellites by Baihu Technology Company has once again shocked the world. Everyone feels that Baihu Technology Company is not a company that is joking, but really dares to do it.

You must know that before Baihu Technology entered the satellite field, the global satellite growth rate was actually very slow, and the number of satellites in orbit was only a few hundred. This is the total number of satellites in all countries.

As a result, after the establishment of the three satellite systems of Baihu Technology Company, the number of satellites of a company basically accounts for half of the total number of satellites in orbit.

Later, Baihu Technology Company will build more satellite systems, such as meteorological satellite systems and earth exploration satellite systems. As long as the two major satellite systems are established, the construction of the main satellite system will be completed.

Originally there was a reconnaissance satellite system, but with the high accuracy of Baihu Technology's remote sensing satellite system, there was no need for such an additional satellite system.

In fact, there is a resource satellite system, but he intends to integrate it into the earth exploration satellite system, because the earth exploration satellite system can detect even the core of the earth, not to mention the mineral resources that are not very deep from the earth's surface, which is simply a piece of cake.

For such a crazy white tiger technology company, many space agencies have to think again whether the previously announced space program is true.

It's just that the answer will never be revealed immediately, so in order to avoid being completely behind, all powerful national space agencies have to increase funding in this area, even if they are not ahead, they cannot let themselves fall too far behind.

In September, Qinglong Technology Company held this year's new product release conference. With their appeal, the conference was naturally very lively, and the number of on-site media was as high as a thousand.

The number of viewers who used the live broadcast system to watch this new product launch is as high as 300 million, which is more popular than the new product launch of Tai Chi Group.

At this new product launch conference, the first thing to be released is the upgraded version of some existing products, the most notable of which is their fiber optic network equipment.

Compared with their previous generation products, the network speed will be increased by ten times, but the price will remain almost unchanged, which is equivalent to a 10 times price reduction per unit of data, which will bring huge benefits to the majority of Internet users.

As for other products, although they have been improved to varying degrees, they are not particularly amazing, so the response is not very great, but among similar products, they are still the best.

Then there is the grand finale of this year. There are two types of finale products of Qinglong Technology Company this year. The first category is smartphone products, which are operated by Lingtong Technology Company and Huawei Technologies Company respectively.

Since there are too many types of products and brands under Qinglong Technology Company, they will not emphasize the brand at the press conference, but emphasize the product.

If you want to view the products of each brand, you can watch the product launches of each brand, and you can directly click the link in the live broadcast room to jump to the live broadcast of the press conference you want to watch.

It can be said that the smartphone of Qinglong Technology Co., Ltd. has been called for a long time, but when it was unveiled, it gave a very amazing feeling to all the live audience and the audience watching the live broadcast.

In order to avoid clashing with the tablet computer released earlier, they have put a lot of effort into the design and a lot of thought into the manufacturing process.

Of course, such amazing designs are all high-end models, followed by mid-range models, and more popular low-end models, and the price difference is very large.

Like their high-end models, the starting price is 5,000 yuan, and the highest reaches tens of thousands of yuan. For rich people, they must buy this high-end model, and they will be the most beautiful boy on the street.

For people with stable jobs and a little money in their hands, they can buy models between 2,000 yuan and 4,000 yuan. The main focus is cost performance, and it can also meet some needs.

Then there are models below 2,000 yuan. Generally speaking, models of this level do not have a great sense of design, and the materials used are also based on cost considerations. The configuration can only be said to meet daily Internet access needs.

There is no problem in playing some small games, but if you want to play some large-scale mobile games, there are more problems, such as fever and freezing phenomenon are more obvious, and the experience is not very good.

But the advantage is that it is cheap. The lowest model can be taken home for only 999 yuan, which is a very friendly price for the current domestic income level.

All models of all their brands have added satellite communication modules, no matter where they are on the earth, as long as they are willing to spend money, they can use the network unimpeded.

This point was deliberately shown at the press conference for a certain amount of time. The purpose was not to want everyone to use satellite communications, but to force communication operators to speed up the construction of 3G networks.

Although the 3g mobile communication network has been in full swing around the world since last year, it has not yet met their expectations. The main reason is that there are no communication products that give full play to the advantages of 3g communication.

Now that smartphones have been publicly released, communication operators can rest assured that they will step up their efforts to build them, because consumers may buy and use such advanced smartphones without waiting for them to build them.

how to use? It must use a satellite communication network. If you are at home, you can connect to a wireless router and use an optical fiber network to access the Internet. You don't need to wait for the communication provider to complete the construction before you can use it.

If it is not for the relatively high cost of satellite communication, the domestic standard call communication fee is 1 yuan per minute, and the standard traffic fee is 20 yuan per gram of traffic.

Although this charging standard is much higher than the 3G communication fee, compared with the current satellite communication fee, it is simply the price of cabbage.

You must know that even after many years, the traffic fee of satellite communication charges more than ten yuan per m, which is simply outrageously expensive, and these fees of Baihu Technology Company can still be used by ordinary people.

If you are not a heavy mobile Internet enthusiast, a month's 5g traffic is almost enough, and it only costs 100 yuan in total, which is a conscience price.

Of course, in developed countries, satellite communication charges are relatively high. This is because Baihu Technology not only guarantees its own interests, but also protects the interests of 3G mobile operators and users in other countries.

The general cost is 25% to 50% higher than the average cost of the local 3G mobile operator, depending on how high the local 3G mobile cost is.

If it is too high and seriously does not match the income of the country where it is located, Baihu Technology may only be 25% higher than the local operators, and may even be equal to their fees in order to force the local operators to cut prices.

Anyway, Baihu Technology Company and Qinglong Technology Company do not belong to the same system, and what Baihu Technology Company does does not need to consider the operator's feelings at all.

This is just like Qinglong Technology's smartphone sales strategy. In countries with more developed economies, the mobile phone brands they sell are mainly mid-to-high-end mobile phones, and they will not sell low-end mobile phones.

The reason is simple, the people in the country where the mid-to-high-end mobile phone is located can afford it, and Qinglong Technology can make more money, so why not do it.

In third world countries, low-end and mid-end mobile phones are the main focus, with the aim of making smartphones as affordable as possible for local people, and making money is secondary at this time.

Although Qinglong Technology Company cannot make much money from low-end mobile phones, it can promote the construction of 3G mobile Internet, and their enterprise business will sell better.

What's more, the more smartphone users there are, the more money Phoenix Technology, an Internet giant, will make, and the associated income is very high, so we can't just look at the income from mobile phone hardware.

Moreover, Qinglong Technology Company can also make part of the money through the app store, and even make part of the money from software pre-installation. This part of the money is basically earned by Phoenix Technology Company.

Phoenix Technology Company has been spending a lot of manpower on the development of mobile phone applications during this period. With their super efficient tools and huge number of employees, they have naturally developed a lot of mobile phone software.

Everything they can think of has been researched and developed. The number of general-purpose mobile phone software is as high as tens of thousands, among which mobile games have the largest number, followed by Internet software, and finally mobile phone function software.

These software are basically mainstream software, as long as they occupy the first-mover advantage, coupled with technological leadership, it can be said that they have established themselves as the main outlet of the mobile Internet.

Another finale product is the smart glasses developed by Yeshu for them. Yeshu called them virtual glasses. As a result, Qinglong Technology Company changed the name to smart glasses, which can echo the current hot intelligent technology.

Leaf Book doesn’t care about this, calling it virtual glasses is indeed a bit of a misnomer. If it can connect to the virtual world, it is the real virtual glasses. Now it is no problem to call it smart glasses.

It's just that the smart glasses don't look particularly amazing, even if the appearance is more fashionable. After all, this is a technology product, not a fashion product.

So a lot was talked about at the press conference, but the audience just marveled at its advanced nature, but couldn't empathize with it, and it was inevitable that it felt a little bit scratchy.

Smart glasses have to be experienced in person to appreciate how amazing this product is, and it can definitely be a great product, comparable to smartphones.

After the product launch, Qinglong Technology's global brand store and flagship store will be released simultaneously, so there is no need to wait. During this period, Xuanwu Technology has produced enough product reserves for them.

After the press conference, many consumers flocked to brand stores, wanting to buy smartphones, and some want to experience smart glasses.

Ordinary smart glasses are priced at 4,999 yuan in China, and higher prices abroad, basically around 7,000 to 8,000 yuan, and the price of other models is as high as tens of thousands of yuan.

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