Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 824 Helping the Qilin Agricultural Development Group in scientific research


Plants in the hands of Ye Zishu are like little girls who can dress up whatever they want. Using the same tools, the things they make are completely different.

In order to promote the scientific research level of Qilin Agricultural Development Group, free their minds, and make full use of the tools he provided to develop new varieties, Ye Zishu did not conduct research and development in the virtual laboratory.

Instead, he used a series of tools he gave to Qilin Agricultural Development Group to lead a group of scientific researchers to research and develop new varieties of existing crops and varieties that have not yet appeared in nature.

For example, our common apples grow on relatively tall trees, which is very troublesome to pick, and the fruit setting rate is not particularly high, neither in terms of efficiency nor yield.

Leaving aside the taste, he believes that the workload of planting and picking apples is relatively large, and it is difficult to adapt to large-scale mechanized operations.

Moreover, they still use temperature-controlled greenhouses for planting, and the state of plants must naturally adapt to the environment of temperature-controlled greenhouses. Generally, tree-like plants are planted in temperature-controlled greenhouses, which is not easy to manage.

So he turned the apples that originally grew on the tree into vines. The fruit bearing rate is very high, and it can bear fruit twice a year, and the yield per mu is as high as 30,000 catties.

Vine-shaped apples can be like grapes. By building a shelf, the whole shelf can be covered, and then the grown apples hang down, almost densely packed.

When picking, you can use an automated robotic arm, which can be picked efficiently without damaging the apples, which is much more efficient than manual picking, and can even be picked while packing.

This is just changing the growth form of the existing plants, and he will definitely not be satisfied with this. He has also made a lot of innovations in the taste, and there are as many as ten or twenty varieties of apples alone.

Each apple has a different shape and taste, which can meet the various needs of consumers. In terms of nutrition, we will try our best to do our best while taking care of the taste.

In fact, in the future, people will not lack nutrition at all, and most people will have excess nutrition, so compared to nutrition, taste is the most important thing.

However, in the actual research and development process, he found that the use of traditional supercomputer simulation research and development could not keep up with his ideas, and it often took a long time to verify one of his ideas.

In order to solve this problem, he directly connected the super quantum computer, and Baihu Technology Company has assembled three super quantum computers.

Two of them are used for the virtual world and Baihu Technology Company's own use. Originally, one was intended to be moved to its own private laboratory. Now it seems that it is better to use it for its own industries.

With the blessing of super quantum computers, the computing power is no longer the bottleneck, and the efficiency of his research and development has been greatly improved.

Originally, the research and development of a new variety could only be completed in one day.

Now as long as his thinking is fast enough, the system can give results in real time, and dozens of new varieties can be developed in a day. This is the result of his work during the day, and he has to be busy with other things at night.

With the improvement of efficiency, the scientific researchers have already come up with ideas from the sidelines, and they have completely become helpers, and the entire laboratory has become his home field alone.

Ye Zishu stayed in the laboratory of Kylin Agricultural Development Group for a long time this time. He was busy until the end of November, and more than 500 new fruit varieties were born from him.

Ye Zishu is also very annoying to eat fruit full of seeds. It feels very troublesome to eat. Since he does it himself this time, he will definitely develop a lot of seedless fruits.

Generally, the genes of seedless fruits are triploid, such as the most typical banana. This is done through cultivation, and it is not so troublesome from the genetic level.

He directly started from the genetic point of view, and developed the fruit with seeds. When it matures, the seeds in the fruit will automatically decompose into nutrients.

Like the most common watermelons, grapes, pomegranates, etc., although not all of them are operated in this way, a considerable part of them are operated in this way, and it is more enjoyable to eat without seeds.

Especially pomegranate, seeded and seedless are completely two fruits, seedless pomegranates are broken apart to reveal pearl-like fruit grains, which taste different.

There are also some unacceptable characteristics that have been changed, such as durian, which is unacceptable to many people because of its smell, but it still tastes good.

If this shortcoming can be changed so that it does not have a bad smell, but the taste can remain the same, or even better, the audience will be much larger.

Moreover, common durians grow on very tall trees and need to be picked manually, which is also very dangerous. Obviously, it does not meet his requirements, so he turned it into a vine plant, which can be worked like picking grapes, which is more convenient.

Faced with such a magical change, the R\u0026D staff are most worried about whether consumers will accept it, because it completely subverts the perception of these fruits in consumers' minds.

Ye Zishu doesn't care much about this, as long as the fruit is safe and the performance is better, as for the concept, it can actually be changed. Don't underestimate the speed of human beings' acceptance of new things.

There are far more than a few hundred kinds of fruits in the world, but he has limited time, and it is impossible to improve all the fruits in nature, and he simply does not have the energy.

Fortunately, during his stay in the laboratory, the researchers in the laboratory witnessed how he improved varieties and learned a lot.

Moreover, he also intends to improve the level of these researchers, explained in detail the key points in the improvement process, and also gave a lot of theoretical basis.

In fact, everything is inseparable from mathematics. Even plant improvement can use a lot of mathematics to prove how to achieve the desired effect.

You must know that the entire virtual world is simulated through mathematics. There are mountains, rivers, and countless animals and plants in it, all of which are built on the basis of mathematics.

In the same way, things in the real world can also be expressed in mathematics. It is normal to infer the experimental results through mathematical formulas and theories.

It can even be said that as long as all human beings are smart, schools only need to teach two courses, one is language and the other is mathematics, and other courses are based on these two.

However, mathematics is too abstract, how to express the world we see in mathematics, many people do not necessarily have this ability even if they go to university.

Most people who study mathematics only learn superficial things, but do not really learn the essence of mathematics, that is, they habitually use mathematical thinking to think about everything.

If you do not develop mathematical thinking, no matter how many mathematical formulas you learn, you will not be able to become a master of mathematics. If you are not even very smart, you may not even be able to use ready-made mathematical formulas proficiently.

In the laboratory, Ye Zishu fully demonstrated the application of mathematics in the field of plant cultivation to these researchers, which these researchers had never thought of before.

Because biology and mathematics are not related at all, but the relationship is not so close. Compared with physical chemistry, biology is more like experimental science or empirical science.

Now Ye Zishu told them that their previous knowledge of biology was useless, and he was able to give mathematical solutions based on subtle observations based on the conclusions drawn through complex experiments.

By comparing the experiment with the mathematical formula, it is found that they are surprisingly consistent, and even the mathematical formula is expressed more accurately, because there are errors in the experimental method.

It's just that it's probably impossible for them to master such an ability. The reason is that sometimes mathematics is not pure mathematics, but also a summary of natural laws.

The reason why Ye Zishu is able to use mathematics to accurately express plant cultivation, genetic modification, and biological characteristics is based on his own deep knowledge reserve.

Without these profound knowledge reserves, it is impossible to generate mathematical inspiration, or even know how to start and describe things mathematically.

However, through exchanges, these scientific researchers have obtained a lot of highly practical mathematical formulas, which can be applied in future work, which is also a great harvest.

The most important thing is that through working with Ye Zishu, their thinking has been opened. It turns out that cultivation does not need to stick to the existing form, but to have divergent thinking and what is the desired result.

As for whether their results can be realized, it is up to the R\u0026D system provided by Ye Zishu to make a decision. As for whether there will be negative effects, it is not their first consideration.

Scientific research must first dare to think, and then explore slowly. If you dare not even dare to think, you are destined to have no great achievements. Therefore, the most powerful scientists must also be lunatics, but only rational lunatics.

During this period of time, he also instructed the researchers in the laboratory on how to cultivate new varieties of vegetables. Vegetable cultivation should be simpler, mainly from two perspectives.

The first one is good appearance. Whether it is an industrial product or an agricultural product, as long as it is facing consumers, there is this requirement. Only with good appearance can it be sold at a good price, and consumers are more willing to buy it.

However, generally good-looking agricultural products use a lot of drugs, or are selected from many products, and natural products are not very good-looking.

Extensive use of medicines has more or less a certain impact on consumers. In his opinion, try not to use them if you can. What's more, Qilin Agricultural Development Group's own business is organic vegetables, so we should pay more attention to this point.

If you choose good-looking products from many products, it means that a lot of waste will be generated, and consumers will pay indirectly. After all, the eliminated products must also be included in the cost.

Therefore, he believes that the most reasonable way to solve this problem is to start with two factors. The first factor is the growth environment factor. Precise control of the plant growth environment is conducive to the consistency of the produced products.

This includes not only the climate environment such as temperature and humidity, but also the precise control of nutrients, so the best way is to use hydroponics, which is more precise in nutrient control.

In this regard, Kylin Agricultural Development Group has its own advantages. High-standard temperature-controlled greenhouses have the ability to accurately control temperature, humidity and other climates, and can even achieve intelligent control without human intervention at all.

As for the precise control of nutrients, although it has nothing to do with temperature-controlled greenhouses, they also have such technology, and even the nutritional control of meat can be very precise, let alone plants.

Of course, these measures can only ensure that the consistency of agricultural products is stronger, and it does not mean that the appearance of consistent products is good. The key is that the appearance of the varieties themselves is better.

The second factor is good genes. From the perspective of genes, we should think about what new varieties should be like, and how to ensure the consistency of products.

There is such a theory in the content of his guidance during this period of time. Good appearance cannot be unified, and the appearance of each agricultural product is also different. It is not easy to say whether it is good or bad.

The technology he gave is how to ensure the stability of the appearance of agricultural products from the genetic level, that is to say, even if the external environment is quite different, the agricultural products will not be too different.

If planted in a temperature-controlled greenhouse, basically the same size, color, and appearance of agricultural products can be obtained, and the difference is almost negligible.

This technology has considerable potential in the field of standardized agriculture, which refers not only to standardized farming methods, but also to standardized products.

The second is that the internal quality is better, generally richer in nutrition and better in taste, but this aspect is the most difficult to grasp, because it is difficult to have a certain number.

In fact, it can be seen whether the appearance is good or not, as long as it conforms to the public's aesthetics, but the taste is difficult to grasp. It is normal for some people to find something delicious, while others think it is not good.

What we have to do is how to meet the tastes of more people. Ye Zishu still has a lot of research on this aspect, which stems from his research on biology.

Whether the taste is good or not depends on the body's response, such as the stimulation of the secretion of human hormones, the stimulation of the brain nerves, etc., all of which affect human beings' perception of the taste of crops.

Generally speaking, products that are more nutritious have a better taste, because the human body will naturally have a good impression of nutritious products unless there are substances that are not easily accepted by the human body.

Ye Zishu has also compiled a whole set of information on this area for scientific researchers to learn. Although learning this agricultural product may not be 100% able to develop a good taste, it will definitely not be too bad.

It is much easier to be rich in nutrition. As long as you are proficient in nutrition, it is relatively clear which substances in agricultural products are beneficial to the human body.

The difference is how to mix and match the agricultural products with the same material composition, but different proportions give people completely different feelings. Regarding this knowledge, he has also compiled a set of technical materials.

The purpose of these methods is to be able to achieve the goal more accurately during the research and development stage, instead of waiting until it is cultivated and trying to eat it, which is a waste of time.

In early December, Ye Zishu spent a few days conducting intensive training for the scientific researchers responsible for the production of fish and seafood products, explaining the difficulties in detail.

At the same time, I did not forget to ask them to use these technologies with caution. At present, they can only be used in the production of fish and seafood products, and the scope of research cannot be expanded.

The reason is that the combination of these technologies has most of the technologies for cloning experiments. Don't make a clone of him at that time, and he will face great pressure from public opinion.

If you really want to do research, it's Taiji Group's research. It's better for them to do research in the agricultural field with peace of mind, otherwise it will be messed up.

Fortunately, apart from verbal warnings, he still kept a few hands in his hands. There are still some problems in trying to clone humans perfectly. The fear is that the strong curiosity of the scientific researchers will not take his warnings seriously.

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