Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 833 Universal Robots Participate in Aerospace Research


On January 10, Baihu Technology announced a more detailed construction plan of the space station, and even released the renderings of the space station.

Originally, everyone didn't believe in Baihu Technology's space program, let alone completely, but they definitely didn't believe that it could be implemented in a short time.

Because with the existing aerospace technology, if it is really going to be implemented, the scale of funds consumed will be too large, let alone a company, even a country cannot bear it.

After all, space projects are basically loss-making, and it is difficult to make money. If human beings have to look up to the starry sky to find new resources and new homes for the future, otherwise no one is willing to invest huge sums of money in it.

Even if it is for the sake of face and to show the strength of the country, it only needs to be a little more advanced than the other party. If you are too advanced, you may fold yourself into it, and the gain outweighs the loss.

I just didn't expect that Baihu Technology Company was here for real, and it moved so fast. Not long after it announced many space project plans, it will start to implement the construction of the space station.

And judging from the published renderings, this space station is very sci-fi, and it looks a bit like a flying saucer overall, which can provide astronauts with a gravity place and extend the time astronauts stay in space.

The most important thing is that the weight of this space station is very heavy, reaching an astonishing 10,000 tons. If materials and instruments and equipment are included, the weight will be even greater.

Not to mention being in space, even a 10,000-ton giant ship on the ground is a giant, not to mention that the space station uses lightweight special materials, which are much lighter than shipbuilding materials.

Therefore, with the same weight, the volume of the space station is at least several times larger than that of the ground ship. How to push such a huge object is a problem.

You must know that if there is no power to maintain it, the space station will slowly lower its orbit until it cannot be maintained, and it will naturally fall to the ground and burn.

Not to mention, according to the news released by Baihu Technology, the entire space station will be equipped with a magnetic field shield to resist the impact of various high-energy particles from space.

The use of this technology alone means that a huge amount of energy is required, and how the space station maintains the energy supply will also be a huge problem.

In short, in the eyes of many people, the renderings released by Baihu Technology are full of loopholes, but now no one dares to say that they are fooling around.

Because people have already formulated a construction schedule, the launch will start around June this year, and it is expected to take one to one and a half years to complete all launch tasks.

If it is really completed according to this time point, it means that the rocket will be launched twice a day to complete all the launch tasks in a little over a year.

If changed to before,

People only think that crazy people can do such things, but now everyone is used to crazy launches.

Because since their first satellite system, high-intensity launch missions have become commonplace. Now as long as there is a rocket launch, people subconsciously think that White Tiger Technology is launching satellites into space again.

Now that the specific time has been announced, there is a high probability that this matter is true, because the first launch is just around the corner, and it will be clear in half a year, so everyone can still wait.

Not everyone is in a good mood to watch the show, but the most anxious ones are the countries that participated in the construction of the International Space Station, especially the two leading countries, which are very uncomfortable.

We must know that their International Space Station project was established earlier, but the launch has not yet started. It is not known when the construction is completed, and the progress is much slower.

Slow is slow, if it is more advanced in technology, it can be justified, but judging from the information disclosed by Baihu Technology, it is much more advanced than the space station jointly built by more than a dozen countries.

It can even be said that the two are not at the same level conceptually, which means that they have fallen behind before starting construction, and now they are facing a dilemma.

Either continue to follow the original plan, or use the original design, so that the initial investment will not be considered in vain, and the progress of the plan can be guaranteed.

Either abolish the previous plan and the design of the space station, and formulate a more technologically advanced space station plan based on the space station of Baihu Technology Company.

Doing so would mean a heavy loss of investment in the early stage, which is not a big deal. After all, it has not been launched yet, and the loss is only part of it. It is also wise to stop the loss in time.

But how to ensure that your own space station is more advanced. If the design is very advanced, but the technical implementation is difficult, or even not feasible, it is tantamount to no use.

If it is too late to break through the bottleneck of a more advanced design, it means that it has been lagging behind. It is still unknown whether everyone is willing to wait for their space station.

Because Baihu Technology also revealed the operation plan of the future space station this time, saying that it will carry out space research project cooperation and provide service support for scholars and countries around the world who are interested in space research.

This method is very simple, that is, they want to do global business. For many countries that do not have the space station, this is a good opportunity.

They spend very little money to send astronauts from their own country into space. Regardless of whether the research is valuable or not, this name is very gimmick.

If there is no space infrastructure provided by a big country, with the ability of a small country, it will never be able to connect with space, because they cannot do it with the power of the whole country, and there are inherent limitations.

Baihu Technology has hurriedly announced the operation method, also wanting to win over some potential customers in advance, so that they don't place bets in advance, and wait and see.

Such a huge space station must not only send its own astronauts, nor can it only send domestic astronauts. The operating costs are too high and it is not cost-effective at all.

Therefore, if you want to run the space station well and make some money from it, you must carry out international cooperation. There is no good way except this way.

As a company, Baihu Technology Co., Ltd., even if it can't make too much money, can't lose too much money. It must be positive in terms of overall benefits, and negative benefits are not something a company should do.

The investment scale of the entire space station is about 100 billion yuan. According to the new plan he provided, the launch cost will be greatly reduced, which is about 10 billion yuan.

The construction cost of the space station itself is just over 90 billion yuan, which is already very low, and it is still such a huge space station. If it is based on other people's standards, the launch cost alone will exceed this figure.

Therefore, it is not that difficult to make a profit. The entire space station can accommodate 100 astronauts for a long-term stay, and each astronaut earns about 1 billion yuan a year, which should not be very high.

Needless to say, big countries, even small countries can get the money, unless it is a very small island country, the money will be very big for them, as long as the country is slightly bigger, there will be no difficulty.

If you can spend a small amount of money every year, you can let your country participate in the space program. I believe most countries are willing. For them, this is a typical big thing with a small amount of money.

If the expected effect is achieved and the operating costs are deducted, the space station may be able to pay back in a few years, and it will basically be pure profit in the future. Such a business can definitely be done.

White Tiger Technology's determination to resolutely implement the space program has been confirmed through the news announced this time. They are definitely not doing it for a gimmick, but they really have this plan.

It's just that everyone doesn't understand why our country suddenly has so many scientific researchers. When our country was poor before, there must be not so much money invested in it, and the number of talents trained must be limited.

Although the economy has grown up now, it takes time to accumulate in the aerospace field. No country can develop rapidly in the aerospace field in three to five years, surpassing the old aerospace powers for many years in one fell swoop.

This is a question in many countries. Not to mention aerospace researchers, it takes a lot of time to build supporting industries. Why does Baihu Technology Company think that it can complete the construction of the industrial chain in more than half a year.

To be honest, Baihu Technology Company also thought so at the beginning. Although they cooperated with the relevant national aerospace departments, they did not have much confidence in the face of such a huge plan.

The reason is that the total number of their scientific researchers is actually very limited. Even if Ye Zishu gave a full set of technical information, there must be enough scientific researchers to realize it.

Aerospace technology is a top-notch technology, and production personnel need professional personnel. It is not possible to just recruit someone to be a worker. There is a serious shortage of talents.

Until Ye Zishu told them that the general-purpose robot developed by Kirin Basic Industry Group is not inferior to human beings in terms of ability, so there is no need to worry about the shortage of scientific research personnel.

Hearing this news, the management and technical director of Baihu Technology immediately contacted Kirin Basic Industries Group and went to see Universal Robots in person.

After reading it, they were relieved and hired 200,000 general-purpose robots from Kirin Basic Industries Group on the spot to serve as scientific researchers and industrial chain construction personnel.

Almost all the general-purpose robots produced by Kirin Basic Industries Group have been hired. This is a good thing for both parties and solves the problems of both parties.

Baihu Technology has such a large number of high-quality labor to join, no matter whether it is scientific research or building an industrial chain, there is no shortage of manpower.

For Kirin Basic Industries Group, it is not easy to find such a high-paying job at present, which can bring them a lot of income.

Baihu Technology employs general-purpose robots to engage in high-tech fields, and the cost of employment is very high, with an average monthly labor fee of 15,000 yuan for each robot.

If these robots work in Baihu Technology Company for half a year, they can bring more than 18 billion yuan in revenue to Kirin Basic Industries Group, and there is no need to worry about the damage of the general-purpose robots.

Because these jobs they are engaged in are all mental work, not physical work, the risk is very low, resulting in low possible maintenance costs.

This kind of high-return work is the favorite of Kirin Basic Industry Group. If the income is based on this income, the cost can be recovered within 3 years, and the next 90 years will be pure profit.

Moreover, Baihu Technology Company is the first company to hire general-purpose robots to engage in high-tech industries, which is of symbolic significance and is more important than the money earned.

The general public is still not aware of the news about the general robot. Although the relevant state departments know that the general robot is very powerful, they have not yet thought about the advanced scientific research and technology field.

Because in people's minds, robots should be engaged in highly repetitive physical labor. In the eyes of many people, being a teacher is already very remarkable.

The industries they tested that required professional qualification certificates were not in the field of scientific research, because there was no such thing as a qualification certificate in the field of scientific research, and it was impossible to use a professional qualification certificate to define a person's ability.

If Baihu Technology really completes the huge scientific research mission of the space station and the construction of related industrial chains with the help of Universal Robots, there is no need to think about the impact it will bring.

This means that our country will have a steady stream of highly intelligent workers, our country's innovation ability will be greatly enhanced, and the value created will be unimaginable.

For Kirin Basic Industries Group, the greatest significance is to earn a lot of money. You must know that the labor fee of 15,000 yuan is due to the fact that Baihu Technology Company is a brother company.

In addition, the two companies also cooperated with each other before, and they offered a preferential price. If it was hired by an outsider, the fee would have to be doubled at least, depending on the level of scientific research they were engaged in.

If it is scientific research at the level of aerospace technology, the monthly labor fee will be at least 50,000 yuan, because in the view of Kirin Basic Industries Group, the work performed by Universal Robots is worth the price.

The more high-end the job, the higher the labor cost of the general-purpose robot. It is inevitable to look after the dishes, because what they provide is the service value, not the general-purpose robot itself.

Moreover, if you hire a general-purpose robot to go back, you will not work hard for the employer. If you work eight hours a day, you will work at the speed of a normal person. If you want to pay more quickly.

It's not that Kirin Basic Industries Group wants to do this, but that Yeshu wants them to do so. The reason is very simple. With the speed of general-purpose robots, it's no problem to say that one can support 100 robots.

If companies spend a little more money and get overreported, will they still hire human workers? This kind of thing can be imagined with feet.

For enterprises, whoever can create more profits for them can use them, and they will never consider social issues, nor should they.

As a rule maker, it is necessary to set the rules in advance, and not give others control, and even make them feel that it is not very cost-effective to hire general-purpose robots to replace human employees.

Otherwise, there will be a large number of unemployed people in the country. Before the system is established and perfected, this will undoubtedly be a disaster for many people, and it may affect the normal operation of Universal Robots.

Moreover, general-purpose robots occupy a large number of high-end positions, which is not conducive to increasing the income of the people, and will also dampen people's confidence in working hard for high-end positions, which is a serious hidden danger to society.

Only by greatly increasing the cost of using general-purpose robots, can general-purpose robots be used as temporary employees to play a role of social lubrication, rather than replacing all human jobs in a short period of time.

With the support of such a large new force, Baihu Technology Company can quickly carry out various tasks. For these robots, there is no need to learn, just copy a copy of the data.

Then, with the support of artificial intelligence in the background, you can quickly master the work you should do, and you can arrange the work properly without even being directed by the manager.

And these robots don't have to go on vacation. Even if the Spring Festival is coming soon, they still stick to their jobs and work hard for Baihu Technology Company.

Ye Shu was not on site, but for the researchers involved in the construction of the space station and new rocket technology, this is an unforgettable moment in their lives.

Watching the white tiger technology company pull the universal robot back to the Xi'an headquarters in a car, standing in the square, it is a dark place. If it is matched with a serious expression, it will give people a great sense of oppression.

Then the technical director of Baihu Technology Company arranged the tasks. He didn't specify who would do which job, but simply explained what should be done next and when it should be done.

After the announcement, these general-purpose robots will be automatically grouped into several small scientific research teams, and each scientific research team is responsible for the tasks assigned by the artificial intelligence in the background.

The allocation of each task is strictly calculated, and it is considered that it can be completed before the time node, and neither too many resources nor too few resources will be allocated.

As long as things that are not under the control of artificial intelligence are delayed, the plan assigned by artificial intelligence is the most efficient and the lowest cost plan.

Artificial intelligence cannot direct human researchers, so Baihu Technology arranges its own scientific researchers to work with these robots according to their professional abilities.

As for the scientific research personnel of the national aerospace department, they are responsible for allocating manpower, either by themselves or with robots.

Most of them will choose to work with the robot, because the complete set of technical information is in the hands of Baihu Technology Company. The technical information they obtain is incomplete, and it is not interesting to work alone, and it will increase the cost.

It’s just that many scientific researchers are more resistant to working with robots. After all, in their view, human beings must be engaged in scientific research. How can robots conduct such high-end scientific research?

The reality taught them a lesson. When working with the general robot, they found that the facts were completely different from what they imagined.

All kinds of experimental equipment, these robots are very proficient, much more proficient than those who have been engaged in scientific research for many years, this alone stunned them.

Because it is not enough to operate complex experimental instruments, but also to analyze the experimental data and judge whether the experiment is successful, which is also part of the work of the experimenters.

The most frightening thing is that these robots hardly make mistakes, and they have a very thorough understanding of the technologies mentioned in the technical materials. Even researchers like them have not fully figured it out, and they have already started working.

When these robots discussed issues with them, their performance was also beyond their expectations. They felt that they were not discussing issues with a robot, but with a senior industry insider.

Even most of the questions appear to be very mentally handicapped, and the robot can give perfect answers with almost no thinking, which is something that many of them cannot do.

So the more they interact with these general-purpose robots, the more they feel that humans have no advantage in front of robots, and they are undoubtedly a little panicked.

At the same time, I can clearly feel that the world is changing so fast that those who are on the front line of scientific research actually feel old.

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