Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 840 Continue to increase energy input and expand the production capacity of general robots

As the president of Kirin Industrial Group, he seldom cares about the companies he manages. He only has a general impression of the development of its industries, and he has to read the annual report for details.

Benefiting from the expansion of the domestic market, Kirin Textile Industry Group has continued to expand its revenue, reaching 7 trillion yuan, an increase of 1.9 trillion yuan over last year.

Although the growth was not as fast as the previous year, he was still surprised that the company could develop to such a scale in three years. He did not expect the textile and garment industry to have such a large volume.

However, he glanced at various statistics and felt that it was a matter of course. Last year, their clothing products sold 12 billion pieces, shoes products sold 3 billion pieces, and luggage products also sold 500 million pieces. .

Their products are all branded goods, even if they are low-cost products, they also have their own brands, and they will not manufacture for others like other clothing companies.

In addition, most of their products are high-value-added products, and even many products are only owned by themselves, and the raw materials will not be sold externally, and they will compete with other domestic clothing companies in a misplaced manner.

If coupled with the global clothing sales network and the promotion channels of brother companies all over the world, it is not surprising to have such a development speed.

At present, they have as many as 8 million employees, most of them are sales staff, the rest are mainly marketing staff and production staff, and the proportion of design staff is not very high.

This does not mean that their designs are poor. The intelligent clothing design system has accumulated more than 50 million clothing designs, and its design strength is stronger than that of any clothing company in the world.

In terms of technical strength, design ability, management ability, manufacturing ability, and marketing ability, Kirin Textile Industry Group has achieved the top in the industry, and it is not surprising to have such a performance.

If the domestic people are richer and more willing to spend money on clothing, their revenue will be higher, and it is not surprising that the total income will reach 10 trillion yuan.

At present, Kirin Textile Industry Group is cooperating with Taiji Group and Shengshi Media Group to launch a vigorous fashion brand promotion in China, creating many fashion media and fashion week activities.

I hope to enlighten the domestic people in fashion in this way, and at the same time, I want to expand the influence of domestic clothing in the global fashion field, and I can't always give the right to speak to others.

Don't look at their high-end products selling so much, it's because of their hard power to make a bloody way out. If they can buy 8,000 yuan for an ordinary straw hat, it really means that the right to speak in fashion has been lost. They mastered.

Although relying on hard power to kill the blood is not bad, but in the final analysis, this situation is still hard work. If the technology he provided is not too advanced, there is absolutely no such achievement.

In order to promote them, they also took great pains and spent a lot of money on advertising, whether online or offline, a lot of advertisements were placed.

If it weren't for this, with their advanced management capabilities and advanced technology, the net profit margin would definitely exceed 50. In the early stages of development, it is very necessary to spend a huge amount of money on publicity.

Kirin Beverage Industry Group, last year's revenue was 4 trillion yuan, an increase of 1.45 trillion yuan compared with the previous year, of which the growth rate of alcohol products was the fastest.

The reason is that after the anti-alcoholic medicine of Tai Chi Group came into the market, the global alcohol consumption has increased significantly. In terms of taste, their alcohol is the best, and everyone prefers to drink it.

Moreover, among the many alcoholic beverages, the alcoholic drink from the Kirin Beverage Industry Group has the best effect when drunk and taken with anti-alcoholic medicine, which has almost no side effects.

Other alcohols will have some side effects more or less, such as migraine, dry mouth, stomach upset, etc. The reason is that Ye Zishu specially arranged this way when he was developing the anti-alcoholic medicine.

The anti-alcoholic medicine has a special effect on special fermenting bacteria, and the effect is the best, but ordinary people don't know it, they just think that the quality of the alcohol of Kirin Beverage Industry Group is the best.

Therefore, although the wine market has expanded a lot,

But the largest share is occupied by Kirin Beverage Industry Group, and they don't need to be stored for a long time like other alcoholic beverages, and the output can keep up.

It can even be said that as long as the market can digest it, they can produce enough products. Even if the market expands, other wine companies will find it difficult to grasp the opportunity. After all, it is difficult to expand production capacity.

The domestic sales of dairy products are also continuing to expand, and their dairy production capacity has expanded to 50 million tons, but the proportion of this business to total revenue is not high, and it is not a major contributor to growth.

Of course, this is also related to the relatively cheap selling of their dairy products. For example, 1 liter of standard fresh milk, the market terminal price is only seven or eight yuan, and the ex-factory price is even lower.

The grain production capacity of Kirin Grain and Oil Industry Group expanded to 100 million tons last year, basically producing mid-to-high-end grain, not much ordinary grain.

There are two reasons. The first reason is that ordinary grain is not very profitable. The national purchase price is 0.8 yuan per catty. The second reason is that it is not suitable for producing a large amount of ordinary grain, and the market must be left to grain growers.

Therefore, their grain prices are relatively high. The ex-factory price is about 4 yuan per catty, the market price is generally around 5 yuan, and the market price of ordinary grain is generally around 2 yuan per catty.

The reason why it sells so high and can still sell so much is that consumers like to eat it. Whether it is taste, taste or nutritional value, it is not comparable to ordinary food.

Moreover, the variety is rich, allowing consumers to eat in different ways. Most of them will choose to buy their high-quality grain products if they are not short of money.

In addition, some high-end grains are exported, which also consumes part of the production capacity, but it is not much in terms of quantity, but the income it brings is not low. The price of exported grains is generally more than 10 yuan per catty.

Last year, the grain business alone brought them an income of nearly 1 trillion yuan. It is quite remarkable to achieve such a result in the grain field.

However, there is another business, which is actually related to food, which is to provide nutrients to the Qilin Agricultural Development Group, and this business volume is relatively large.

Last year, the meat production capacity of Kylin Agricultural Development Group expanded to 50 million tons. Every catty of meat produced costs 2 yuan in nutritional costs, and this money goes into their pockets.

This business alone has brought them an income of 200 billion yuan. The development potential of this business is still great, and the Kirin Agricultural Development Group will continue to expand the scale of meat production.

At the same time, they will build a production capacity of 50 million tons of fish and seafood products this year, and some seafood nutrients are more expensive than this, which can bring them more income.

This business alone may bring them trillions of yuan in revenue in the future, mainly because they don't need to worry about this business at all, as long as they supply goods.

Last year, their edible oil production capacity also reached 50 million tons, which was built a long time ago, but it was able to produce at full capacity last year. This business brought them 500 billion yuan in revenue last year.

Kirin Grain and Oil Industry Group achieved great development last year, achieving a total revenue of 1.7 trillion yuan, an increase of 1.5 trillion yuan over the previous year, with an increase of 750%.

Needless to say, Kirin Energy Industry Group is still in a state of loss. Last year, it invested 3 trillion yuan, but its revenue was only 700 billion yuan. Not counting the previous investment, the loss still reached 2.3 trillion yuan.

This company will continue to be in a state of loss in the next few years. In order to meet domestic energy demand, it can only continue to build, which is impossible.

When the construction reaches a certain level, they will usher in a sustainable profit model, which belongs to the type that can lose money while lying at home, so he doesn't care much about the company's losses.

In fact, Kirin Energy Industry Group is not the only one engaged in construction around electric power. The State Grid is also updating a large number of modern power facilities to improve the transmission capacity of the terminal power grid.

After a period of testing, it has been fully proved that Kirin Electric Industry Group's superconducting power transmission technology is safe and reliable, and because it is DC transmission, it is safer and more durable.

Previously, they were struggling with whether to replace the terminal grid facilities with superconducting DC transmission, but now they have gradually reached a consensus and began to use the superconducting DC transmission facilities of Kirin Electric Industry Group.

This is very effective in improving the status quo of terminal power transmission. Most importantly, it can integrate the backbone power grid and the terminal power grid without having to build a large number of conversion facilities.

This is very beneficial to Kirin Electric Industry Group. If there are still many manufacturers of AC facilities, although their technology is very advanced, there is still a lot of equipment that does not need to be purchased from them.

But in the field of direct current transmission, they have unique advantages. Although they will not own the entire market, most of the market will fall into their hands.

Therefore, the performance of Kirin Electric Industry Group last year was also quite good. The annual revenue reached 2 trillion yuan, and the main income came from the power grid business, which reached 1.2 trillion yuan.

The rest are mainly household electrical equipment, enterprise electrical equipment and other businesses, which have brought them a total of 800 billion yuan in revenue, and the business development in this area is also very good.

The only shortcoming is that their international business development is not very good. There are two main reasons. The first reason is the superconducting direct current transmission technology, which is temporarily prohibited from export.

Here, superconducting technology is a relatively sensitive technology. If it is exported, it will inevitably not be used for other purposes, so the export of these products is relatively strict.

The second reason is that the construction of ultra-high-voltage AC transmission network in China is relatively lagging behind, because there is already superconducting DC transmission technology, and there is no need to build an ultra-high-voltage AC transmission network.

However, if State Grid wants to develop international business, it can only export ultra-high voltage AC transmission technology, but there is no demonstration network, which is not conducive to technology export.

In order to solve this problem, they are now following two steps. For the electricity generated by solar energy, they adopt the DC transmission mode to transmit electricity to thousands of households.

For existing hydropower facilities, they plan to adopt ultra-high voltage AC transmission technology, because the electricity generated by hydropower facilities is itself AC.

The electricity generated by solar energy itself is direct current, so there is no need for complicated conversion facilities, the cost is much lower, and the hydroelectric power generation facilities will be used for a long time.

In the future, even if the proportion of solar power generation is very large, hydropower generation will not be abolished, because dam construction is not only for power generation, but also for other comprehensive functions.

Moreover, the cost of hydroelectric power generation is actually very low, and the service life is extremely long. It is qualified to compete with the solar power generation cost of Kirin Energy Industry Group.

Therefore, thermal power facilities are destined to be eliminated in the future, so the existing thermal power plants and the State Grid have no plans to build ultra-high voltage AC transmission technology.

After the solar power generation capacity is improved, traditional thermal power plants will be gradually eliminated and replaced by new power regulation power plants.

That is, the thermoelectric induction power plant built by Kirin Energy Industry Group. This technology is different from traditional thermal power plants. The core technology is thermoelectric induction materials.

Therefore, thermal power generation through this technology does not generate alternating current, but direct current, and the power generation efficiency is much higher than that of traditional thermal power generation technology.

After such an arrangement, the domestic backbone power transmission network will consist of two parts in the future, one part is the superconducting direct current transmission network, which can directly transmit electricity to thousands of households in a more convenient way.

The other part is the ultra-high-voltage AC power transmission network. Conversion facilities will be built at the backbone end to convert ultra-high-voltage AC power into superconducting DC power and provide it to thousands of households.

As superconducting direct current enters millions of households, terminal DC electrical equipment has gradually begun to occupy the market, and the previous terminal AC electrical equipment will gradually be eliminated.

It is precisely because of this that Kirin Electric Industry Group had such a huge sales volume of household and business electrical products last year, and this business will continue to expand in the future.

Kirin Basic Industry Group is a relatively special existence in Kirin Industrial Group. It not only produces advanced equipment and products far beyond the current era, but also operates very basic industries.

Their advanced equipment is not sold outside the Leaf Book industry system, but only for internal sales. The outside world basically knows nothing about the advanced equipment of Kirin Basic Industry Group.

The advanced equipment they can buy is basically supplied by Xuanwu Technology Company, and many cutting-edge equipment used in Xuanwu Technology Company are purchased from Kirin Basic Industries Group.

It stands to reason that in such a closed business environment, it is difficult to expand and strengthen this business, but the scale of his industry is too large, even if he does not depend on the external market, he can still live happily.

Last year, their cutting-edge equipment business brought them 6 trillion yuan in revenue. Few equipment companies can reach their industrial scale.

Of course, this is also related to the high price of their equipment. For example, the construction of a 1 million-ton meat factory by Qilin Agricultural Development Group costs 10 billion yuan.

All the advanced equipment of the entire Kirin Industrial Group is supplied by the Kirin Basic Industry Group. It is difficult not to make money. The profit margin of these equipment is very high, and the net profit margin is basically around 50.

Other businesses are also very complex, including catalysts, basic chemicals, steel and other metal smelting and processing businesses, high-end materials, daily chemicals, etc., which brought them a total of about 4 trillion yuan in revenue last year.

Here I would like to talk about the metal smelting business such as iron and steel. Last year, the construction capacity was still increasing. Although many are still under construction, many have been completed but have not been put into production.

The reason is simple, that is, insufficient energy. Although Kirin Energy Industrial Group built a large number of solar power generation facilities last year, it must prioritize the development of other more valuable industries.

Relatively speaking, the profit margin of the metal smelting business is low. In the case of insufficient power supply, the production capacity put into production will naturally be reduced, which is unavoidable.

Although their electric power smelting technology is very advanced and the energy utilization rate is extremely high, it still takes 5,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity to smelt one ton of iron ore.

According to the 200 million tons of steel smelting capacity they built before, they need to consume 1 trillion kilowatt-hours of electricity, and the power generation facilities currently built by Kirin Energy Industry Group have an annual power generation capacity of only 4.8 trillion kilowatt-hours.

Even if the power generation capacity of other power generation facilities is included, the national power generation capacity is only about 5.7 trillion kWh. Now the construction of thermal power generation facilities in China has basically stagnated, and we are waiting for Kirin Energy Industry Group to build solar power generation facilities.

Therefore, although their new 300 million tons of steel production capacity has been completed one after another, none of them have been put into production, and they will only be put into production this year.

All of their metal smelting facilities use electricity instead of any other fuels, so they rely heavily on electricity, and the lack of electricity severely limits the development of this business.

Fortunately, other metal smelting enterprises in China use coal as energy, so they don't have to worry about the shortage of electricity, so that the domestic steel demand will not be so tense.

Seeing this, Ye Zishu feels that it is necessary to continue to accelerate the investment scale of Kirin Energy Industry Group in the field of solar power generation, and continue to quickly make up for the domestic power shortage.

At the beginning, he thought that 10 trillion kilowatt-hours of power supply in the country would be enough, but now it seems that this power expectation is far from enough.

The industries under the Kirin Industrial Group alone consume a terrible amount of electricity. In a few years, it is estimated that the Kirin Industrial Group itself will be able to consume all the power.

You must know that metal smelting, carbon industry, chemicals, high-end materials, etc. are all based on electricity, and it was not obvious that there were other energy alternatives in the past.

Now all electricity is used as energy, which has led to a continuous increase in the demand for electricity across the country. Kirin Energy Industry Group has been working hard to build, but it has not been able to fully meet the industrial needs.

Coupled with the continuous increase in the income of residents, residential and commercial electricity consumption will continue to increase. Although this type of consumption does not account for a large proportion, the total amount is still considerable.

In addition, electricity is also used to produce fossil energy such as gasoline, kerosene, diesel, and natural gas. The electricity consumed by these industries alone is estimated to consume 10 trillion kilowatt-hours of electricity.

In addition to the electricity consumed by other industries, it is estimated that the country will need to build power generation facilities with an annual output of 300,000 kilowatt-hours to meet the requirements. This does not include the emergence of industries that consume a lot of electricity in the future.

Just based on the inferred results of the current industry, such a high demand for electricity is required. If the previous construction plan is followed, it is estimated that it will always be in a state of energy shortage.

Ye Zishu kept this matter in mind, and planned to continue to increase the investment of Kirin Energy Industry Group, increasing the annual installed capacity from 2 trillion watts to 3 trillion watts.

He wants to continue to improve, but it is easy to increase production capacity, but if it is not used in the future, it will cause huge waste. The annual construction of 3 trillion watts, even if the energy is not very abundant, but it will not be particularly scarce.

In fact, the investment in the future will be less and less. The power generation facilities built before can already continue to produce value. The power generation facilities built now can bring in 1.68 trillion yuan in revenue every year.

If they wait until next year, they will not need external capital investment, and their own revenue will be sufficient to support the development of the energy industry, realizing a virtuous circle.

After reading the annual report of Kirin Basic Industries Group, he was basically satisfied, but Ye Zishu pondered for a long time on their general robot business.

Then carefully wrote down their opinions in the column of opinions, suggesting that they expand the production capacity of general-purpose robots to 5 million units, and their profits would not need to be handed over to be used for the construction of these production capacities.

He found that there are too many places that need general-purpose robots, and the previous production capacity is simply not enough. Baihu Technology has hired 200,000 general-purpose robots this time, which may become a long-term employment.

New Oriental Education Group may need about 3 million general-purpose robots as teachers, and it needs to continue to employ them for a long time until there are enough teachers to replace general-purpose robots.

His industrial scientific research also needs to employ a large number of general-purpose robots. Although the number is temporarily uncertain, after all, the production capacity is currently in a state of shortage, but he believes that more than 2 million robots are still possible.

And he plans to send a large number of general-purpose robots, under the command of artificial intelligence 3.0, as the vanguard of industrial development, to go deep into the north and south of the motherland and drive the economic development of poor areas.

But for this item alone, millions of general-purpose robots may be needed. It is difficult to send his employees to do entrepreneurial work. It is better to send general-purpose robots to do it, and the success rate may be much higher.

The above demands are relatively urgent, and we cannot wait for Kirin Basic Industries Group to produce them slowly. They must be produced within a year or two, so we simply asked them to expand their production capacity to 5 million units.

In this way, even if it is produced for 10 years, only 50 million units will be produced. With the huge population and economic volume in the country, it is enough to accommodate so many general-purpose robots, and there are so many years, it is also enough to adjust the social and economic structure.

Moreover, these positions are high-income positions, which is conducive to the rapid return of Kirin Basic Industry Group. In the future, relying on these labor forces alone will be able to support the development of subsequent production capacity.

At that time, the production capacity will be expanded to 10 million units, and no additional investment will be required. Relying on these existing general-purpose robots to work, it will be able to meet the consumption of funds and achieve a virtuous circle.

This matter should be done sooner rather than later. After Ye Zi finished writing his opinion, he sent it directly to Kirin Basic Industry Group, so that he could make arrangements in advance, which would save a lot of time.

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