Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter eight hundred and fortieth running around for the development of education


The increase in domestic income is very beneficial to the development of the cultural industry. For example, in the past, domestic online music platforms were basically free, but now they are gradually charging.

The reason is very simple. In the past, the income of domestic residents was so low. If they charged fees, they would cut themselves off from the market. In order to occupy the market, free is a necessary strategy.

Although it is only charged for some songs now, as long as you buy a membership, you can listen to all the songs, and even the download is free, which is much cheaper than abroad.

In countries with high incomes abroad, members can only listen to songs online for free, but cannot download them for free, and additional download fees are required for downloading. This strategy is currently not applicable in China.

And the membership fee is also cheaper, it only costs 9.9 yuan per month, which is not too much pressure on the current domestic income.

Moreover, residents' income has increased, and their consumption power for cultural industries such as concerts has also become stronger, which has allowed Shengshi Records' offline business to develop better and better.

Therefore, the revenue growth of Shengshi Records last year was not bad. The revenue reached 400 billion yuan, and the growth rate reached 33.3%. The results are very gratifying.

However, the net profit margin has dropped, from 70% before to 60% now. The reason is that the number of offline employees has increased very rapidly, and more and more people are engaged in music and performing arts.

Since Shengshi Records is almost the only one in the music field, and the number of music talents graduating every year is also increasing rapidly, in order to solve more employment problems, they have to recruit more people.

Some of these personnel are engaged in music creation, and most of them are engaged in offline music performance services. For this reason, Shengshi Records has established many music activities and achieved good results.

At present, the number of formal employees signed by Shengshi Records has exceeded 100,000. These talents are special talents, and their income is much higher than that of ordinary people. The average annual salary is about 300,000 yuan.

In addition, the operating cost of offline activities is relatively high, which also lowers the net profit margin, but he doesn't care about it very much. The net profit margin was indeed a bit high before, which is an abnormal state.

Now to increase the operation of offline business, the number of employees has increased greatly, which is what he wants to see. At least it can maintain a huge domestic music talent system, so that it will not be wiped out by artificial intelligence.

Before, he wanted Shengshi Records to acquire the international record giant and get more music libraries, but they haven't done it yet, and it seems that they still want to wait, because the current price is too high.

Ye Zishu has no intention of urging this. To be honest, it would be better if it can be acquired, and it doesn’t matter if there is no acquisition. As time goes by, these so-called music libraries will gradually be forgotten in history.

only classic music,

It will occasionally appear in front of the world, but the value that can be created is extremely limited. From a business logic point of view, it is dispensable.

The revenue of Shengshi Advertising Company also increased significantly last year, reaching 600 billion yuan, but the net profit also dropped sharply, only about 50%.

The reason is also that the development of offline business has led to a substantial increase in operating expenses. In addition, those huge electronic billboards are expensive and cost a lot of money.

Although there is an intelligent system for advertising content management, it still needs to maintain a larger number of employees. At present, their number of employees has reached 50,000, distributed all over the country.

The increase in staff is not only an increase in salary costs, but also a rapid increase in operating costs. Ye Zishu is not dissatisfied with this. It stands to reason that with such a large revenue, the number of employees is actually very small.

Although Shengshi Film and Television Company worked very hard, its revenue ranked from the first place before to the fourth place in the group of companies, and it was difficult to make a contribution to the entire group's revenue.

Basically, their income can only be used for their own use, and they cannot hand over a large amount of profits. Fortunately, everyone understands their difficulties. After all, Phoenix Special Effects Company is too against the sky.

However, they have also made a lot of efforts. Last year, the number of their film and television dramas shot reached 1,000. For a film and television company, it is already very remarkable.

The revenue has also increased from the previous 100 billion yuan to 150 billion yuan, and the average revenue of each film and television drama has increased from 125 million yuan to 150 million yuan, which is very good.

The increase in average income is either due to the expansion of the market, or the better quality of film and television works. Ye Zishu believes that the quality of their film and television works must be showing improvement.

Because the efficiency cannot keep up with the Phoenix Special Effects Company, if the quality is poor, it will be difficult for them to have a place in the fierce market, let alone increase the income per unit.

Of course, the emergence of smart glasses is a good thing for the expansion of the film and television drama market. Perhaps the increase in their revenue is also closely related to this.

Compared with Phoenix Special Effects, the rate of return is very different. The net profit margin is still maintained at 30%, and the net profit is 45 billion yuan, which is not bad.

Because they are investing more and more in real assets, they have previously formulated the construction of a film and television theme park, and gathered Wancheng Foundation and Phoenix Special Effects Company, preparing to develop it as a business.

Perhaps this decision has opened up their business ideas, and they also have a strong demand, so they decided to build a large-scale film and television shooting tourism base on a large scale.

When they were shooting before, they tried to use the existing buildings to shoot. If not, they also used special effects technology to replace them, which saved costs more.

Now it is found that it is not enough to only consider cost savings, but also consider the associated benefits, so the construction of large-scale real scenes has been put on the agenda. The purpose is not only for film and television shooting, but also to develop the tourism industry.

This work is still in cooperation with Wancheng Foundation, but the funds will be provided by them, and Wancheng Foundation will be responsible for the construction. Ye Shu neither objected nor expressed support for this.

He is not sure whether the current film and television production method can effectively promote the development of film and television scene tourism business, so he can only wait and see, without a clear statement.

Although Shengshi Entertainment Company also has a lot of revenue, its investment scale is larger. Last year, the total investment scale reached 400 billion yuan, and its business scope is very extensive.

Ye Zishu didn't draw any profits from Shengshi Cultural Company, so they had sufficient funds in their hands. These funds could not be stored in the bank, and they must be invested.

Most of its industries are in a state of profitability, and only Shengshi Entertainment has a huge investment demand, so most of the funds are tilted towards this company.

Moreover, Shengshi Entertainment Company does not want to rent properties like other operating companies. Most of them choose to buy properties. It is more cost-effective to buy properties while the property value is not too high.

In addition, Ye Zishu asked them to build a large number of cultural and artistic performance centers before. The scale of these investments is very large, not only art performance centers, but also a large number of commercial facilities.

Their behavior is defined by Wancheng Foundation as a large-scale cultural and artistic performance complex project. It is a good development idea to drive commercial development through artistic performances.

Wancheng Foundation is very optimistic about the future development of this project, but was taken away by Shengshi Culture Company in advance, but Wancheng Foundation still gained a lot of benefits by being able to participate in the construction.

Moreover, the two parties have reached a cooperation agreement. In addition to the operation of the cultural and artistic performance venues, the commercial management of the rest of the venues will be entrusted to Wancheng Foundation.

For Wancheng Foundation, this is also a good operating income. For Shengshi Entertainment Company, it does not need to maintain a large number of physical employees. They are not in this business, and it is more appropriate to leave it to professional companies.

Although the revenue has reached 600 billion yuan, the loss has further expanded to 300 billion yuan. It is really rich and willful. Fortunately, it has several profitable subsidiaries.

However, the expansion of offline business venues is of great benefit to creating employment. The number of employees of Shengshi Entertainment Company alone has reached more than 3 million.

Shengshi Toys' revenue last year was 80 billion yuan, an increase of 30 billion yuan over the previous year. The growth rate is still quite fast. It seems that their brand awareness is getting higher and higher.

The year before last and last year, robots were prevalent, leading to more and more topics about robots. Robots are no longer separated from the lives of ordinary people, and they no longer just stay in film and television dramas.

Therefore, Shengshi Toys has launched a large number of robot toys, and uses simple intelligent technology to make robots lively and interesting.

At the same time, they also entrusted Phoenix Special Effects Company to produce a large number of robot animation film and television dramas, making the image of robots deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, resulting in a very good development of their business.

Coupled with the fact that other businesses are still growing, it is not so surprising to have such a performance. Although the revenue is not so conspicuous among many companies, its position in the toy field is becoming more and more stable.

Shengshi Media Group's revenue last year was 45 billion yuan, an increase of 5 billion yuan over the previous year. It seems that the development has encountered a bottleneck, and the growth rate is only 12.5%.

In fact, such a growth rate is still good, but it is not so impressive compared to the growth rate of previous years, but compared with its peers, the development is not bad.

They cannot be like those foreign media groups whose development is actually subject to certain restrictions. If they have their own TV stations, the situation may be different.

It is very rare to have such a revenue and growth rate only by relying on newspapers, book publishing, and online news to obtain income. Naturally, Ye Zishu will not criticize them.

There are also some incubating projects at the headquarters of Shengshi Culture Company. In the past, the total revenue scale was relatively small, and the profit margin was not high, so it was included in miscellaneous income.

Last year, although the revenue of these businesses alone was not on the table, but together, they still had a revenue of 5 billion yuan, which is considered to be developing well.

The total revenue of Shengshi Culture Company was 1.88 trillion yuan last year, and the revenue growth is still quite high, but the profit is not high, only about 342 billion yuan, and the net profit margin is 18.2%.

It seems that there is a big gap compared with the 30% net profit of the previous year. In fact, it is a statistical problem. The loss of Shengshi Entertainment is also calculated. According to last year's statistics, the net profit rate is about 34%.

Although the profit of Shengshi Culture Company is not bad, Ye Zishu still doesn't plan to let them hand over the profits, because the profits handed over by other groups are enough.

Shengshi Culture Company still allows them to have enough funds for development. If they continue to invest, at least it will bring a lot of jobs. He is very satisfied with the investment of Shengshi Entertainment Company.

Although it is still in the loss-making stage, its revenue has reached 600 billion yuan, and the number of employees is several million. It not only solves more jobs, but also enriches urban life.

The general service industry is also the focus of his industrial development. At present, only two group companies are involved in these businesses, Shengshi Culture Company and Wancheng Foundation.

Shengshi Culture Company is mainly engaged in the cultural and entertainment service industry, while the service industry operated by Wancheng Foundation is more complicated, mainly retailing, hotels, and tourism.

Speaking of the service industry, New Oriental Education Group is actually engaged in a kind of service industry. The education service industry is also a service industry, but it is special compared to the ordinary service industry.

Thinking of this, Ye Zishu opened the annual report of New Oriental Education Group and looked at their business performance last year. The results were very good, with a total revenue of 2 trillion yuan.

In fact, education is very prone to involution, especially for the middle class, who are reluctant to see their children lagging behind others, and will try their best to let their children enjoy better education within their ability.

The education platform of New Oriental Education Group, to some extent, has created involution around the world, forcing many middle-class families to get involved, unless they are willing to let their children lag behind other children.

Some rich countries are okay, the state subsidizes this area with money, so that children can actually buy related online education courses without spending much money. For example, some wealthy countries in the Middle East do this.

A subsidy of 10,000 to 20,000 yuan per child is actually not a big deal for them. Gold can be dug out of the ground, and the population is small. Financial subsidies are a feasible way.

However, although some countries are rich, financial subsidies are also very difficult. The population is too large to provide subsidies at all, and they can only let it develop, and this is also in line with their habits.

Last year, the number of international users of their education platform reached 100 million, and each user contributed an average of 20,000 yuan in revenue, which alone reached 2 trillion yuan.

The number of domestic users has also increased significantly, reaching 200 million. Although the coverage rate may not necessarily reach 100%, the coverage rate is close to 100%.

It seems that the strategy of free use of the basic education platform in China has worked. In addition, the income of the domestic people has also increased, and the cost of buying education terminals can still be afforded.

However, only higher education platforms in China can make money, and the fees are much cheaper than foreign countries, so the revenue they bring is not large, only about 50 billion yuan, and the growth rate is not large.

As for their vocational schools and compulsory education schools, although the revenue is considered to be New Oriental Education Group, in fact they can't get it, and they have to invest in the operation of the school.

Therefore, this part of the income will be counted and listed separately, and will not be included in the total revenue of the group. The purpose of this is to not think about this income from the beginning, so as to avoid disagreements within the group.

After all, this is also a piece of fat in the eyes of businessmen. The New Oriental Education Group is so big, it is inevitable that some people will have ideas about this income, so they simply list these income separately.

Their revenue is very high, but the investment is also very large. Except for the 2,000 schools that were originally under construction, they still need to invest a sum of money in construction every year. This area alone requires an investment of 600 billion yuan.

At the same time, they have to continue to take over schools from kindergarten to high school from Wancheng Jiye. The number is also increasing. Last year alone, they took over 150,000 schools.

Although many of them are kindergartens, there are also many schools from elementary school to high school, and they are built in the same proportion from kindergarten to high school.

That is to say, it is enough for students to study in schools from kindergarten to high school, and there is no phenomenon of failing the rankings. Although this approach is different from the national education policy, they still do so.

Because this is the idea of ​​Ye Shu, the society of artificial intelligence and robots actually does not have a large demand for labor, especially for low-end labor, the demand will shrink significantly.

Therefore, the society does not need a large number of labor force supplements, and there is enough time for children to study slowly. Even New Oriental Education Group's large-scale construction of vocational education is also a manifestation of this idea.

In fact, one of the most important tasks for human beings in the future is to read and study. Instead, it is not necessary to work in factories or fields.

Therefore, it is very necessary to build enough educational places in the city. We can't wait until the time of need, and then patch them together, and the urban planning will be disrupted.

Since Wancheng Foundation did not make much money in it, the selling price was much lower than the market price. With so many schools, the average selling price for each school was 5 million yuan.

This investment alone is as high as 750 billion yuan, plus the previous 600 billion yuan investment, the total investment scale is 1.35 trillion yuan, and the investment scale is very scary.

If it weren't for a large amount of income support, these tasks would be impossible for them to complete, but these fixed investments will gradually decrease later.

In contrast, their investment in higher education is negligible. Last year, they invested a total of 5 billion yuan. It's not that they don't want to expand investment, but they can only do so, and they must be able to spend it if they have money.

Their investment scale was large last year, but their net profit margin was not low. The net profit margin reached 28%, and the net profit amounted to 574 billion yuan.

Now they are facing many problems. The first is the shortage of teachers. The number of schools taken over the year before last was not many, and the problem of teachers was barely solved.

There were too many kindergartens and schools taken over last year, and there were not enough teachers on the market for them. In addition, the economic conditions are better now, and the problem of dropping out of school has been fundamentally changed.

Teachers in the whole society are in a state of tension, and it is no longer useful to poach people from other schools, and the number of normal students trained each year is also limited, and most of them are recruited by public schools.

It is impossible for them to raise salaries desperately in order to get enough teachers. Everything must be organized. Teachers’ salaries are too high, and parents cannot afford it, which violates the original intention of compulsory education.

In order to operate these newly-acquired schools and maintain a sufficient state, the number of teachers needed is as high as more than 9 million. Even if some teachers are recruited from outside, the gap is still very large.

Fortunately, not all rural students follow their parents to study in cities, which requires a process of migration, but the process of urbanization is unstoppable, and rural children's study in cities is also irreversible.

Even if the occupancy rate is only 50%, more than 4 million teachers are needed. Some schools still have to be equipped with the teachers that should be equipped even if they can't fill one classroom.

If it was in the past, such a problem would be unsolvable, but now the emergence of universal robots can be regarded as solving their problems, and it happened that he also allowed Kirin Basic Industries Group to expand the production of universal robots.

One advantage of general-purpose robots is that they are not tired in class. One general-purpose robot can take all the courses of a class, which can greatly reduce the number of general-purpose robots used.

On the contrary, the ratio of teachers to students in kindergartens is very high. A kindergarten teacher can only take care of a few children.

Therefore, in order to operate these schools at full capacity, about 3 million general-purpose robots are needed. However, according to their current enrollment situation, the average enrollment rate is only 50%.

For the time being, we still don’t need so many general-purpose robots. Two million general-purpose robots are enough. If there are more, Kirin Basic Industries Group will not be able to handle it.

Another task is to try to persuade the government to include private schools in the financial payment plan. Otherwise, if all the students' parents bear it, the cost to pay is too high.

Although they don't want to make money from these schools, they don't think about posting money into them. After all, this is not what a company should do. Even if they support education, they must have a degree.

Who should be responsible should bear it. People should enjoy state education support if they pay taxes. If it was before, their work would not be easy to do.

Now it is much easier for them to do this job. After all, they have too many schools, and the number of schools currently in their hands is too high, so they are educational participants that cannot be ignored.

In addition, the state's finances are much better than before. There is no tax evasion in his industries, and the situation of failing to collect taxes has been greatly reduced, and he is able to support the development of domestic education.

As for the financial support for education inclusiveness plan, it is currently being promoted, and it is estimated that there will be a result in the next year, and the finance will be subsidized according to the number of schools.

For this matter, the New Oriental Education Group broke their legs, and went through all three levels of government. Last year, their main task was this.

In addition to promoting financial support for the development of private education, they also promote the proportion of financial payment for education. The current per capita education funding is still too low.

Teachers' salaries cannot keep up with the growth of social salaries. Not to mention teachers get too high salaries, at least they should be higher than the average social salaries. Too low salaries will seriously affect the enthusiasm of teachers and reduce the quality of teachers.

These are all good, but the real difficulty is that they want to promote financial support for kindergarten education, otherwise the expensive kindergarten education fees are not affordable for ordinary parents.

In addition, they also actively promote the inclusion of high school education in the compulsory education stage, from kindergarten to high school education, collectively referred to as the basic education stage.

It is very difficult to promote this matter, because education-related laws need to be amended. If it is really successful, it means that nine-year compulsory education will become 14-year compulsory education.

Three years in kindergarten, five years in elementary school, three years in junior high school, and three years in high school. They are also worried about this matter. At the same time, they are actively appealing in the field of education, hoping to get more people's support.

Fortunately, the hard work paid off, and the matter was finally included in the discussion agenda, and related work is in progress, but the legislative process is more troublesome. I don’t know if it can be completed before the new school year starts this year.

For their work, Ye Zishu fully affirmed that although they are only a private educational institution, their enthusiasm for education is sincere.

Although he came up with the idea, he didn't expect them to work so hard and care more than he expected. According to his idea, things can be done, but whether they can be done depends on God's will.

The New Oriental Education Group is different. They have an aura that they are bound to win, and they have invested a lot of manpower and material resources for this. The level of dedication makes the entire education industry feel incredible.

In order to avoid criticism and say that they are thinking for themselves, New Oriental Education Group has transformed all the basic education business it took over into a non-profit model.

This meant that the huge amount of money invested in the past was in vain. Even if he could make money in the future, he could not take out the money. His determination caused a sensation in the entire education circle.

It was precisely because of their move that more and more people gathered around them, forming a huge voice, which pushed these things forward.

Even one of their private enterprises is willing to spend such a capital, and the others can only shut up obediently, standing on the commanding heights of morality, and doing things will get twice the result with half the effort.

Seeing their performance, Ye Zishu thought that it was indeed right to find Yu Minhong, that he had found the right person.

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