Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 845 Tidal Investment Company’s Bank Bid


I thought I had finished reading it, but there are still a few pages below, telling about their application for opening a bank. According to their narration, the situation gradually became clear, and it has reached the final sprint stage.

The reason why they can do this is that they have given up the deposit business of commercial banks, that is to say, the banks they run cannot accept personal deposits from the public, but can only accept corporate deposits.

If you don't give up this, it is very difficult to start a wholly-owned commercial bank. Now that you have given up this, it is actually not much different from a private bank.

Although it can absorb corporate deposits, it is still very different from personal deposits. The reason is that corporate deposits are basically demand deposits.

This means that it is necessary to maintain a high capital reserve ratio, and the number of turnover of loans will be strictly limited. Otherwise, it will be very troublesome for enterprises to have no money when they need to use it.

If other people set up such a bank, it would not make much sense. The most valuable deposits in the bank are fixed deposits and demand deposits. In fact, they cannot create much value for the bank.

But for Tidal Investment Corporation, such banks still have great value, because they don't need to absorb public deposits at all, and they can have a large amount of deposits.

The industrial system under Ye Zishu is so huge, if the deposits of these enterprises are placed in this bank, it will be a huge number for a bank.

What's more, there is a close relationship between the two, and they can communicate openly and honestly, so that the normal operation of the company can be guaranteed, and there is no need to worry that the bank will not be able to withdraw deposits.

Leaving aside other things, even if the bank can double its deposits, it is enough for the bank to complete a large number of financial operations, and it is a real capital amplifier.

With the industrial deposits under his banner, this bank can immediately become the largest financial institution in the country, regardless of personal deposits.

To be honest, even if these industries under him don't put all their deposits in this bank, the size of Tidal Investment's own funds is not a small number.

Harvesting trillions of yuan from the global financial market every year, over the years, the size of its own assets alone is enough to become the world's top bank, and there is no need to rely too much on external deposits.

That's why Tidal Investment Company chose to give up the personal deposit business in order to speed up the approval of the bank's application and at the same time maintain a sole proprietorship to hold all the shares.

In fact, if he really wants to have a real commercial bank, it is also possible, that is, all the companies under him will hold shares in the newly established Minsheng Bank.

Each company holds 10% of the shares, which is enough to increase the shareholding ratio to more than 50%. If there is no restriction, they can even control 100% of the shares.

Anyway, joint-stock commercial banks will not restrict the boss of these joint-stock companies from being a single person, not in the name of an individual, but in the name of a company.

Every enterprise has the status of an independent legal person and has the right to independently invest and operate. Of course, this is only on the surface. In fact, it is hard to say whether it will work or not. After all, it depends on what the people who make the rules think.

In fact, his companies, including Tidal Investment Company, together account for 30% of the shares in Minsheng Bank, and the proportion of shares held by each company is different.

If it wasn't for Yeshu's telling them not to take up too many shares, their combined shares would definitely be more than 50%, and they wouldn't be short of this money at all.

It’s just that once it exceeds 50%, many things will be more troublesome. First, this kind of behavior is a bit like putting eye drops on the relevant leaders. This is not their original intention. Otherwise, it would not be stipulated that each participating party’s shareholding should not exceed 10%. up.

The second is that after becoming an absolute controlling shareholder, it means that the bank has to worry about everything big and small. Although he is an absolute major shareholder in name, he is actually reduced to a wage earner.

Ye Zishu has no interest in making money for other capitalists, even if he can benefit a lot from it, if it were someone else, he would definitely be willing to cooperate.

He is already so rich that he doesn't care how much money he makes, but if he wants to work for other capital, it will make him very uncomfortable.

Therefore, although the companies under him have a high shareholding, they do not participate in any operations. They just let Tidal Investment Company send a director to supervise the specific operation of the bank.

If one day the bank really fails, he probably won't bother to save it. In his opinion, opening a bank in China can open it and close it, so it's better to close it.

His properties have always relied on their own funds and rarely borrowed from banks. This business model can only be successful for his properties.

Generally speaking, as long as it is a business operation, it is impossible not to have loans. This is also the reason why finance can affect real companies and can hold the lifeline of real companies.

But the industry under his banner is very special. All the advanced technologies come from within. These don't need to spend money, at most it costs a little money to turn the technology into a real thing.

It is also a high-profit industry. As long as it develops, it will continue to make money. Let alone borrowing from the bank, how to spend the money I earn is a little troublesome.

This way of doing business is actually very unpopular, because they have a lot of deposits and own a huge property, but they don't lend money, which makes it difficult for banks to lend out a lot of deposits.

Without the implementation of market interest rates, it is equivalent to banks subsidizing interest all the time, but it is difficult for banks to earn enough interest to pay their interest, which has greatly disturbed the financial market.

This is also one of the reasons why Tidal Investment Company's bid to run a bank was successful. In this case, let them play by themselves, and their own bank will never give up loans.

If your own bank does not lend, then the existence of the bank is of little significance. As long as these deposits can be loaned out, it means that the national economy will develop at a faster speed.

The original tens of billions of yuan of funds, after being enlarged by the bank, even if it is doubled, will become more than 200 trillion yuan, which means that the funds in the domestic market have doubled.

If it were someone else, such a large amount of funds entering the market would only bring inflation. If it was him, many people believed that he could use the extra money reasonably.

The brilliant achievements in the past few years have made everyone aware of his value in the fields of technology and economic development. As long as he is willing to invest, the rate of return will be good, and the assets formed are basically high-quality assets.

If you want to make him work harder, you naturally need to give him benefits to motivate him to develop hard. The most fearful thing is that if he chooses to lie down now, the domestic economic development will be seriously affected.

Ye Zishu doesn't know what the total domestic economy was last year, but judging from his industries, the domestic economic aggregate will become the world's largest this year, which is basically a certainty.

But the number one in the total is not something to be proud of, and the top per capita is the goal of their next struggle. Therefore, the revolution has not yet succeeded, and comrades still need to work hard.

Especially in the process of growing from the first in terms of total quantity to the top per capita, he can play a greater role, because now it is a real process from quantity to quality, and more advanced technologies and products are needed to support industrial development.

Understanding this, it is not surprising that Tidal Investment Company's bid to run a bank will be successful. Tidal Investment Company can say in its annual report that it is close to success, which is basically a certainty.

However, even if the application for the bank is approved, it is not immediately possible to operate the bank, and a lot of preparatory work is required.

Fortunately, they cannot accept personal deposits, which means that they do not need to set up offices everywhere. They only need to build offices in several major cities in China, so that enterprises in these cities can handle business.

If it is bigger, it only needs to set up offices in various prefecture-level cities, instead of going deep into every corner of the country, which can be regarded as saving a lot of manpower and material resources.

In addition, it is impossible to withdraw all of his industrial funds from other banks at once, which will seriously affect the normal operation of other banks, and may even go bankrupt.

This process needs to last for a long time, giving each bank a chance to adjust slowly. The whole process will last for three to five years, so the banks of Tidal Investment Company will not get a huge amount of deposits all at once.

Fortunately, they can make a lot of money themselves, which is enough to carry out the basic business of the bank. In the initial stage, stability is the main thing, and various infrastructures are built well, and rapid expansion is not suitable.

He wrote down his vision for the future of the bank in the subsequent comments, hoping that they will build a fully digital banking system and use artificial intelligence and big data analysis to guide and manage all the bank's businesses.

Especially in the face of public business, they do not have too many offline outlets and need to conduct business online. Digitalization is an inevitable choice, and a strict system must be established without any loopholes.

For example, the establishment of a credit investigation system, bank digital security assurance, monitoring of capital and loan flow, risk assessment, etc., can all achieve digital management and minimize human intervention.

Of course, not all businesses are conducted online. For corporate loan business, offline operations will still be carried out. How to control risks and prevent illegal operations will be their focus.

He suggested that general-purpose robots should be used in key positions of offline business, and general-purpose robots must also be arranged to participate in tracking loan business, especially in the process of investigating the operation of loan companies.

People have desires, no matter how strict the system is, it is difficult to prevent the tricks inside. If the industries under his banner are not based on internal circulation, the strict management system he designed would not be perfect.

Even so, he still plans to arrange a large number of general-purpose robots to enter his business, the purpose is to further manage the offline business, instead of relying solely on the online intelligent management system.

Of course, he did not suggest that all general-purpose robots be used. After all, running a business is not only for making money, but also for employment. If no employee is used, it is meaningless to make more money.

Financial talents are still relatively scarce in China, and high-end financial talents are even more scarce. It is inevitable to use a large number of general-purpose robots in the early stage. Otherwise, their banking business is estimated to not be able to start until next year.

In addition to the domestic business, he also specially instructed Tidal Investment Company to build a global financial network, making money is the second priority, and the focus is to cooperate with Danque Financial Services Company's global payment system construction.

After reading all the company's annual reports, Ye Zishu sat alone in a chair, feeling hard to calm down for a while. He never thought that in just a few years, the domestic economy would become the number one in the world.

If someone told him that when he first started his business, he would definitely not believe it. Economic development must be regular, and how can it continue to develop by leaps and bounds.

But the fact is that it makes him, who personally participated in it, feel a little dreamy, and at the same time, he also feels that these years of working day and night have finally achieved a reward that makes him happy.

Now he has established several advantageous industries, namely medicine and medical industry, software and Internet industry, electronic semiconductor and consumer electronics industry, cultural industry, education industry, infrastructure industry, carbon industry and basic livelihood industries, financial industry, military industry .

These nine major industries, let alone in the country, are in a leading position in the world. They are also nine major industries, supporting my country to become the country with the largest economic aggregate in the world.

Every industry is at least a trillion yuan level, and industries with a level of more than 100,000 yuan can be found everywhere. It can be said that every industry is at the peak of the industry.

But what to do next? It will be a question that he has to think about. If he wants to grow from the first in the total amount to the top per capita, it is best to reach the first per capita.

In the previous industrial development, he can also rely on his advanced technology and the vision brought by his previous life to develop smoothly without much difficulty.

Apart from working harder, he didn't put much thought into it. All performances were sure to win, and everyone under his hands was impressed by his talent.

But what comes next is the real test for him, how to lead everyone from one glory to another. If he fails in this process, the foundation of the huge economic empire established before may also be shaken.

Next, there are two ways to go. The first way is to retreat bravely, no longer participate in the development of industries, and let these industries develop naturally. The society will self-regulate and grow itself according to needs.

As long as the domestic society remains stable and there will be no violent turmoil in the external environment, according to the inertia of economic development and the foundation laid in the early stage, the economy will still have a long-term development momentum.

The meaning of this road is obvious. I have already put in a lot of effort before, and it is up to you. Whether it is good or bad has nothing to do with me.

The second way is to use the latest upgraded artificial intelligence 3.0 and super quantum computers to predict and plan economic development, rather than relying on him alone to think about future development issues.

Even if he is a genius, it is impossible for him to do everything. He is not developing an enterprise, but an economic empire. The difficulty is incomparable.

Obviously he chose the second path, which is a path that humans have never walked before. As a creator, he also wants to see if this path can work.

Although he did not intentionally prepare these technologies for the problems he was about to face, but by chance, he was not so at a loss for the future and still maintained enough confidence in future development.

Next, we will look at artificial intelligence 3.0, super quantum computers and universal robots. These three have given him infinite confidence. The future may not be clear, but it will definitely not be so bad.

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