Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 853 Cloud Repelling Technology and Seabed Mining Technology Solution


Pushing the clouds to move in the designated direction was very difficult, and he never thought of adopting such a clumsy method, and instantly thought of another technical solution in his mind.

The water vapor in the sky can form clouds, indicating that the high-altitude water vapor has accumulated to a certain extent. As long as they are not allowed to land in unnecessary places, the water vapor will still accumulate at high altitudes.

So his method is very simple, that is to disperse the high-altitude clouds and prevent them from forming rain where they are not needed, so that the high-altitude water vapor will delay landing and drift to other places with the high-altitude air flow.

When it reaches the place where rainfall is needed, the high-altitude water vapor gathers again, and then artificial rainfall technology is used to condense the high-altitude water vapor into raindrops and land.

There are several key points here. The first key point is to accurately predict the direction of high-air flow and determine where the air flow will bring the dispelled water vapor.

As long as accurate predictions can be made, it means that a temporary transport corridor can be established at high altitude, which is quite consistent with the "Tianhe" he mentioned earlier.

The second key point is the accuracy of dispersing the clouds. It cannot be dispersed too much, and it may drift over the place where you want to rain with the high air flow.

Although artificial rainfall technology can also be used to condense excessively dispersed water vapor, the cost is much higher and the cost performance is very low.

If precise dispersal can be achieved, it can be ensured that when the dispelled water vapor reaches the place where rainfall is needed, cumulonimbus clouds can be formed naturally, and then artificial rainfall operations will be performed, which will get twice the result with half the effort.

Moreover, there are two ways to disperse the cloud layer, which are easy to realize. The first method is to heat the cloud layer, using microwave radiation heating technology.

It’s just that the energy consumption required for heating is very high, and the heated cloud layer will form a local high-temperature pressure, causing the dispersed water vapor to be at a higher spatial altitude.

It is very likely that the high-altitude cold air will condense into high-altitude clouds again, which is tantamount to doing useless work, which is still good, at least the water vapor is still here.

The most troublesome thing is that the high-altitude water vapor is difficult to condense together to form clouds due to the height. In addition, the high-altitude air flow is faster, and it directly drifts across the national border.

Moreover, the cost of artificial rainfall operations for higher cloud layers will also increase accordingly, and the economy is naturally very poor. The cost in the front is already high, and it is not worthwhile to spend a high cost later.

The second is the sonic vibration dispersal technology. The sonic vibration can not only form a local high pressure to accelerate the condensation of water vapor, but also form a vibration dispersing force on the water droplets that are about to condense, making it difficult for water vapor to condense into water droplets.

The technical principle is the same, but there are great differences in details such as the direction and frequency of the sound wave vibration. It is this difference that leads to the same technology,

have different effects.

Moreover, this method cannot be applied to all cloud layers. Accurate predictions must be made, comprehensive judgments must be made, and the best economic method should be selected.

Among these solutions, he prefers to use heat-absorbing technology to solve artificial rainfall, because the energy consumption is very low.

As for the technology to disperse clouds, he prefers the sonic shock dispersal technology because it is low in cost, easy to operate, and has the lowest impact on the environment.

Although these methods were thought of in his mind, Ye Zishu didn't say them on the spot. After thinking about it, the matter is over, and all the techniques will be sorted out at that time.

If it is not that the development of these technologies is really difficult, it is not the difficulty of the hardware, but the development of the control system is difficult, and it takes a lot of time to establish accurate model data.

At the same time, it is also necessary to quickly realize the accurate detection and analysis of cloud layer data. These are the difficulties of these technologies, and then the relevant equipment can be intelligently controlled according to the data.

Kylin Paper Products Industry Group and Kylin Wood Industry Group, both companies are doing well at present, they just need to develop step by step, and he doesn't have any special instructions.

For Kirin Resource Development Company, he asked in detail about the progress of the research and development of seabed mining technology. Although this matter is not particularly urgent, he still hopes to complete the research and development as soon as possible and enter the stage of equipment production.

There are two ways of seabed mining. The first way is to build a large offshore mining platform, and then rely on a large fixed platform to mine the seabed minerals around the platform.

The advantage is that it is easier to implement technically, and it is more in line with the current mainstream technology in the world. The only difficulty is the high pressure-resistant material. After all, the pressure on the seabed is very high. If this problem is not solved, other discussions will be avoided.

The disadvantages are also obvious, that is, the platform construction costs a lot, and it is easy to be the target of attacks. The mining scope is relatively fixed, and the overall cost may be higher than that of land mining.

In offshore low-depth waters, the cost may be acceptable. If it is in the deep sea, the cost of platform construction alone is unbearable. In addition to a series of other costs, there is no advantage compared with land mining.

The second method is fully submerged mining. Using large-scale integrated mining submersibles can realize the mining and rough processing of seabed ores, and the cost is much lower.

But the technical difficulty is very high, not to mention the technology outside his industrial system, even the technology inside his industrial system, it is difficult to do this easily.

In addition to the low cost, the advantage is that it can quietly mine minerals in the oceans of the world. Not to mention it is difficult to be discovered, even if it is discovered, it is difficult for other countries to interfere.

Because this method can often carry out mineral mining on the seabed of thousands of meters, or even tens of thousands of meters, it is difficult for submersibles from other countries to reach, let alone weapons, which are crushed by water pressure before they reach the bottom.

He gave information related to the two technical routes to Qilin Resource Development Group. The first technical solution is ready to be sold for money, and it is more suitable for offshore resource mining.

Although he wants to mine minerals all over the world, he is not arrogant enough to mine in front of other people's homes. He still has to leave room for him, otherwise he will become the public enemy of the whole world.

The second technical solution is for personal use. In addition to being able to mine deep sea resources, what he values ​​most is the characteristic of being invisible, so that others can't see the specific mining points on the seabed.

After the mined minerals are roughly processed, they will be transported to the transfer site by a large submarine submersible, and then a large mineral transport ship will be dispatched to transport the rough processed minerals to the mainland for further processing.

At most, everyone only knows the transfer point of mineral transportation. After the transfer is completed, the submersible will go deep into the seabed for several kilometers, which cannot be detected by ordinary technology. There is absolutely no way to take it.

If it is not considered that the submersibles transport a large amount of minerals on the seabed at a very slow speed, or if the submersibles are directly transported to the mainland, it will be even more invisible.

If it was before, it would take a long time to develop all these two seabed mining technologies and form an industrial chain, even with the help of brother companies, it would not be easy.

Technical problems involve communication, intelligent unmanned, high-end materials, precision equipment, energy storage technology, seabed surveying and mapping, seabed environmental protection, seabed exploration, etc.

Especially for seabed environmental protection. Although he wants to obtain seabed minerals, he is unwilling to make a mess of the seabed and cause huge damage to the seabed environment.

Originally, there were relatively few scientific researchers in our country, and most of them were snatched away by his industries. As companies involved in technology research and development for the first time, their technical manpower reserves were not rich.

Fortunately, Universal Robots has solved their problems. They have hired more than 50,000 Universal Robots from Kirin Basic Industries Group for scientific research.

So now the speed is much faster than before. According to the progress, they believe that by April and May of this year, a set of usable industrial chain will be built.

At that time, it will be able to enter the actual production stage. The whole assembly production plan will be entrusted to Huanyu Group Company to help produce, and the materials will be entrusted to Kirin Basic Industry Group to help produce.

Other internal functional equipment, etc., are ready to be outsourced. With the help of the original industrial chain system, the cost can be greatly reduced, and there is no need to worry about overcapacity in the future.

It is impossible to increase seabed mining indefinitely, and the service life of equipment is relatively long. After they accumulate a certain amount of equipment in their hands, they may not continue to produce.

Unless their offshore mining equipment and technology is popular internationally, which is unlikely because the combined cost is not necessarily cheaper than buying from outside.

According to their estimates, if they want to complete the production of the first set of seabed mining equipment, they need to wait until the end of the year before entering the formal mining process.

The president of the resource development group also mentioned the exploration of seabed resources, thinking that this is the most rare, and it may take a lot of energy and time just to explore.

In this regard, Ye Zishu told him about the resource exploration satellite system of Baihu Technology Company, and suggested that they cooperate in this aspect, so that the resources of the entire earth can be explored at a faster speed.

However, we cannot rely entirely on satellite technology, because it takes a long time to complete the resource exploration of the entire earth, and the information about reserves and resource density may not be very accurate.

So he suggested that Kylin Resources Development Group develop a small submarine resource detector, which can build dozens or hundreds of ships and put them in the sea to let them automatically find mines.

This kind of technology is not very difficult for them. Many technologies can be extended from seabed mining technology, and he doesn't need to do it at all.

Finally, when it comes to funds, Ye Zishu allocated 500 billion yuan directly from Kirin Industrial Group to them, which is enough for them to complete these tasks.

At that time, they will be able to continue mining to make money by themselves, without financial support from the headquarters, and they will be able to turn over profits to the headquarters on a large scale.

Speaking of which, Ye Zishu thinks that the shares they bought before can be entrusted to Tide Investment Company to take care of them. If seabed mining is really realized, they can make a wave of money in the financial market.

At that time, it will not be very necessary to hold shares in these mining companies. Of course, it does not matter to buy and hold these shares, and you can still make some money from them.

Kirin Agricultural Development Group is more concerned about their research and development of aquatic production technology and production capacity construction. According to them, the technical aspects have been dealt with, and they are now preparing for production capacity construction.

This requires the cooperation of many enterprises, mainly the Kirin Basic Industry Group. Only they have the technology for many equipments. The technology mastered by the Kirin Agricultural Development Group is mainly based on cultivation technology.

The biggest difference between the production of aquatic products and the production of meat is that meat does not need to produce whole live animals, as long as the meat quality is fresh, it does not matter whether the whole animal is whole or not.

However, many aquatic products, especially freshwater products, need to be fresh and alive. The price gap between dead fish and live fish is still quite large. However, seafood does not need to be so troublesome, it can be processed and frozen directly.

He was relieved when he heard that it was in the stage of preparing for capacity construction. Most of the production capacity will be built in the middle of the year. As long as the equipment can keep up, it will not be a big problem.

However, they said that the price of eggs on the market is relatively high. The reason is that they produce a large amount of poultry meat, but they do not produce eggs, resulting in a shortage of eggs in the market.

This caught him off guard. Eggs are an important source of protein and nutrition for the common people. Fortunately, the milk they sell is also very cheap, which can be regarded as making up for the problem caused by the shortage of eggs.

However, besides supplementing protein, eggs are still very important raw materials for dishes, so this problem must be solved, so he said: "Then build an egg production factory quickly to ease the market supply and demand."

Egg production is also not difficult, even simpler than meat production, and the output and efficiency will be higher. There is no need to specifically mention this matter with him.

"How much capacity should we build?" asked the president of the Agricultural Development Group.

Originally, he wanted to ask him about this kind of thing, but after thinking about it, he realized why he asked such a question. The main reason was that they were worried and did not dare to do it with all their strength.

"Let's build a production capacity of 20 million tons first. The domestic market is enough to absorb it. Whether to increase production later depends on the market situation." Ye Zishu said.

After this problem was dealt with, Leaf Book began to inquire about the planting and research and development of their new crop varieties, which will be the focus of the Kylin Agricultural Development Group in the future.

He was relieved when he heard that all the new varieties were being tested. As for the development of new varieties by themselves, he was patient enough and did not urge them.

Finally, they had a meeting with Kylin Food Industry Group. Ye Zishu firstly praised their achievements last year. Such rapid development must have put a lot of energy into it.

Moreover, their industrial development is very planned. Even when their strength is not enough, they have already planned clearly, and their management ability has been recognized by him.

However, he still told them to strengthen food safety management and standardize the food production process. Food is a major issue and there should be no sloppy.

After chatting with the heads of each group individually, Ye Zishu made a simple distribution of the funds, and the remaining funds were placed at the headquarters of the Kirin Industrial Group, and applications could be made if necessary.

The internal annual meeting of Kirin Industry Group was held all day, and Ye Zishu had a video conference with Yuko Ogura of Xiaodangjia Catering Group in the evening.

Xiaodangjia Catering Group is no longer a small business like it used to be, and it has already caught his attention. If it was in the past, he would not even bother to hold the annual meeting, thinking it was a waste of time.

There was nothing to say during the meeting, the main thing was to affirm their past achievements and announce additional investment, which made Yuko Ogura very happy.

The investment of 100 billion yuan is already very large for the catering industry. In addition, their current industry can also provide funds, and the scale of funds is even larger.

After the annual meeting with all its subsidiaries, Ye Zishu also started to prepare to go back to his hometown for the New Year. After all, the New Year is only a few days away, and there is no point in procrastinating for a few days.

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