Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 855 Ye Ziqin's ambition and self-inflicted trap


Seeing Ye Ziqin running upstairs after eating, Ye Zishu was a little strange, she should have sat on the sofa to watch TV at this time in the past.

So he asked: "What's wrong with Ziqin, you ran to the room after eating?"

"I heard she's going to play a game!" Ye Ziqi said while eating.

"What game?" Ye Zishu was a little puzzled.

"What kind of competition can it be, just a game competition!" Ye Ziqi said indifferently.

Ye Ziqin had never seen Ye Ziqin play a game before, why did he suddenly play a game, and he was able to play a game? At least it meant that he played well, which made him even more surprised.

It's just that he didn't bother to ask such detailed questions when he was eating now. After all, his parents are here, and it's not good to talk too much, which will inevitably make them worry.

After eating, Ye Zishu came to Ye Ziqin's room and knocked on the door. After waiting for a while, Ye Ziqin opened the door. When she saw that it was him, she let him in without worry.

Ye Zishu glanced at the computer, and found that it was the multiplayer battle competitive game he used to relieve Ye Ziqi last time. Unexpectedly, Ye Ziqin didn't play it very much, but Ye Ziqin did.

"The game is over?" Ye Zishu asked.

"Not yet, isn't it time to open the door? Wait a minute, I'll finish this round first, and I just opened the door while I was going home to buy equipment." Ye Ziqin hurried to her seat after speaking, and started playing with headphones on. up.

Ye Zishu didn't urge her either, she moved a chair and placed it next to Ye Ziqin, sat down and watched Ye Ziqin play the game, wanting to see what level she was, and she was so fascinated by the game.

I saw Ye Ziqin quickly purchased the equipment, then walked to the middle road, walked to the wild area at the fork in the middle, and prepared to outflank the opposite middle road from the side and the middle road together.

She didn't go through the river grass as usual, but directly flashed and jumped to the place where she was laning in the middle lane, not far from the mid laner. It was a control skill in an instant, and the opponent didn't react at all.

Although the mid laner here didn't expect her to flash over directly, he reacted in a timely manner. He instantly dealt a set of skill damage to the opponent, and at the same time used his own control skills to control the opponent for another 1.5 seconds.

As a support, the character controlled by Ye Ziqin gave him a deceleration skill, so that the opponent was decelerated just after releasing the control, and then without thinking too much, he directly cooperated with his mid laner to take away the opponent and get an assist.

"How do you judge that the grass in the river has the opponent's vision?" Ye Zishu asked.

Ye Ziqin didn't show a smug smile on her face, turned off her voice, and said, "Do you still have to judge?

Now it is 6 minutes, and the mid laner is the most dangerous existence.

It is necessary to prevent both junglers and roaming support. During this period of time, our jungler and support have not shown up. The opponent will definitely look at the grass in the river, otherwise they will not dare to cross the center line to take soldiers. "

Ye Zishu felt that what she said was very reasonable, so he nodded and stopped talking. If it was him, he might do the same, after all, this is the best way.

The only requirement is that the skill must be released quickly after flashing, and it must be accurate, otherwise a flash is wasted, but the opponent is not killed, which is very disadvantageous.

Next, the support controlled by Ye Ziqin occasionally returns to the lane to cooperate with the bottom lane, and spends most of the time roaming, and every time he roams, he can always gain something, and the timing is quite good.

He didn't expect Ye Ziqin to have a talent for playing games. Looking at the game, her support level was obviously higher than the opponent's. Although the opponent's support also wandered, they didn't grasp the timing very well.

The most important thing is that sometimes the opponent is not decisive, and has two opportunities but fails to seize them. If these two opportunities are seized, the situation will be greatly improved.

Ye Zishu watched it with relish for about 30 minutes. The match was finally over. Occasionally, Ye Ziqin could be heard communicating with his teammates, but not many, and there was no such noisy feeling.

This is different from the team communication he saw in his previous life. He didn't know how her teammates communicated. Ye Ziqin only spoke at critical moments, and was usually doing her own thing.

After playing a round, Ye Ziqin obviously relaxed a lot, turned off the sound, took off the earphones, and asked with a smile: "Brother, my assistant is playing well, right?"

Seeing her proud look, Ye Zishu didn't take it seriously, and said with a smile: "It's not bad, it's just that you are in college now, so you don't play games at school all day, do you?"

He doesn't object to playing games, but playing games all day is a problem. Although Ye Ziqin doesn't have to worry about her future livelihood, she can't waste her studies.

Especially since she was still in Tianwen Medical College, if her grades were not good, where would his old face be, not to mention, Ye Ziqin is so smart, it would be a pity not to do serious studies.

Her mind is indeed much better than her sister Ye Ziqi's. After playing around, her college entrance examination results are still very good, and she got the top five in the province. If Ye Ziqi worked as hard as she did, she might rank even higher.

"Don't worry about that. I just played for a few hours during my break at night. I definitely didn't delay my studies. I even got an excellent evaluation. If you don't believe me, you can check it out." Ye Ziqin said proudly.

He believed what she said. Among the younger siblings, she was probably the least afraid of him. There was no need to lie about this matter, and Ye Zishu's expression became much better.

"What kind of game are you playing? The teammates are also girls?" Ye Zishu asked.

Hearing Ye Zishu's question, Ye Ziqin faltered for a while, and then told the truth in Ye Zishu's eyes. It turned out that she was playing in the anchor league, which meant that she was also a game anchor.

Seeing his serious face, Ye Ziqin said: "I think I want to play games anyway, so I started a live broadcast by the way, so that not only can I play games, but also have someone to chat with you and earn income. It's better than just playing games Bar."

"How many hours do you play every day?" Ye Zishu asked.

Ye Ziqin did not hide it, saying that she usually plays for four hours, and in special cases, she will play for five to six hours. Since she is a girl, she plays well and has gained a lot of attention on domestic live broadcast platforms.

The number of followers has reached millions, and I have been an anchor for about 4 months. After the college entrance examination last year, I started playing at home during the summer vacation.

After playing it, she thought the game was very interesting, and it was not difficult for her. It only took two months from a rookie to a king.

At that time, she didn't know about broadcasting. After all, the information in rural areas was not that developed. It wasn't until she went to college and met classmates from all over the world that she realized that there was still a way to make money through webcasting.

So he registered as a game anchor on the largest live broadcast platform. Although he didn't show his face, he attracted a large number of fans by virtue of the queen's gimmick, and became a dark horse anchor in the game section of the live broadcast platform.

According to her words, although she has not signed a brokerage company, she can get at least 10,000 yuan a month by virtue of gift rewards and advertising revenue sharing.

"The family is not short of your money. If you really want to make money, you don't need to be an anchor!" Ye Zishu said.

"The family's money is the family's money. I just save it. The money I earn is my own money. I can spend it comfortably." Ye Ziqin said.

Regarding her statement, Ye Zishu did not take it seriously on the surface, but in his heart he recognized it very much. No matter what, self-reliance is worth affirming.

"Then are you live streaming or not?" Ye Zishu said.

"Of course it's a live broadcast. Didn't you come here? I turned off the sound in the live broadcast room to avoid misunderstanding!" Ye Ziqin said.

This reason is also reasonable, and what should be understood is also understood. Ye Zishu didn't plan to stay here any longer, and was about to go back, but was held back by Ye Ziqin.

"Brother, did you forget something?" Ye Ziqin said with a smile.

Ye Zishu was puzzled and asked, "What did you forget?"

"I heard that when my sister was in college, you gave me 1 million yuan, so you won't lose it when I come to you?" Ye Ziqin said.

He thought it was something important, but it turned out to be this, he was busy and didn't pay attention, and she was studying at home, so he didn't have to worry, so he didn't take it to heart.

"It's not impossible to give it to you, but why do you want so much money? I guess Dad usually gives you a lot of money, right?" Ye Zishu said.

"It's different, you can't have a bowl of water that's not fair." Ye Ziqin said.

"Look at what you said, I may not have much money. I can still give you 1 million, but you haven't told me what you plan to use the money for. Maybe I will make more money in the future." Ye Zishu laughed said.

"No one knows in the future, it's real if you get it, and I'm really useful. I'm planning to acquire a game club. I'm very optimistic about the development of this aspect." Ye Ziqin said.

Unexpectedly, Ye Ziqin not only played games and became an anchor by herself, but also wanted to buy a club to be the owner.

Does his family really have the material to do business? This made him very suspicious. In a peasant family, everyone is so ambitious? Or is it influenced by him?

"You are playing games, being an anchor, and wanting to do business. You must know that you are a student now, so don't put your energy into these meaningless things." Ye Zishu said.

"I bought the game club to be the owner. I only need to make decisions, and I'm not responsible for the specific operations. This can be handed over to the club manager." Ye Ziqin said.

This answer made Ye Zishu look at him with admiration. Leaving aside other things, just relying on this idea, he has the material to do business, knowing that the key to doing business is to employ talents.

"Why did you suddenly want to start a business? I think you are very good as an anchor. You can make money and play games." Ye Zishu asked.

"You think that I am still a child, and if I want to survive in this world, if I have the ability, I have to do a lot of preparations to avoid problems in the future, so that I won't be unable to eat.

What's more, people all want to grow up. It's fine if you don't have the conditions. If you have the conditions, you need to see the world more. Only by seeing the world more and exercising more can you grow faster.

What's more, with our family's conditions, if I fail to do business, I will only lose some money and will not be seriously injured. If I dare not do business with such a good foundation, I would be stupid.

I know that the security guard you arranged for me was a robot, which made me realize that the society in the future may be completely different from the present.

Although I don't know what the future looks like, I know that the best field for development in the future is the people-oriented service industry, and the opportunities are even greater.

No matter how advanced the technology and robots are in the future, the services that humans need will not disappear, especially when the material conditions are good, spiritual services will become more and more popular.

And the game competition industry will be a relatively popular service industry, which is also an important reason why I plan to invest in this industry. Do you think I am right? "Ye Ziqin said.

Ye Zishu didn't expect that Ye Ziqin, who used to like to watch TV, would have such deep thinking after she went to university. Not to mention whether she was right or not, at least it would be difficult to come up with so many reasons.

What's more, what she said is indeed true. No matter how human society changes, spiritual needs will never disappear, but will only change with the times.

If humans really don’t need spiritual needs, they will be no different from robots. As a relatively new industry, game competition will be a rapidly developing industry, at least for a period of time in the future.

"You can think so much, it means that you have really grown up, and I feel more at ease as a big brother. Since your original intention is good, as long as you don't delay your studies, I will naturally support you.

Let alone 1 million yuan, the elder brother will give you 5 million yuan, which should be able to help your club through the initial stage of development. As for the latter, it depends on your management ability. "Leaf Book said.

If he just took the past and saved it, he would definitely only give 1 million yuan. If he used the money to do business, he couldn't turn a blind eye to it, and it was okay to give more.

And with Ye Zihua's personality, if she really ran out of money, just tell Ye Zihua, and he would definitely give the money. Anyway, in terms of spending money, he is much better than Ye Zishu.

Hearing what he said, Ye Ziqin suddenly felt a lot happier. It wasn't because of the money problem. She really wanted money, and she had plenty of ways. Whether she wanted it from her father or her second brother, it was better than getting it from her elder brother. many

What she is really happy about is that this matter has been approved by her elder brother. Although she is usually not convinced, she knows in her heart that there is still a long way to go between her and her elder brother. The elder brother owes a lot to the fact that the family is today.

And the eldest brother did not object to her doing this, which meant that the game club still had certain development prospects, otherwise the eldest brother would definitely not be willing to let her waste the money.

"Don't get too excited too early. Analysis is important to the market, but whether you can do it or not is a test of your real strength. Any business is not easy, even a roadside stall has many skills." Ye Zishu warned .

"I know, don't worry, your smart sister will definitely succeed!" Ye Ziqin promised.

"Okay, you don't have to promise me. You ask your second brother for the money. He knows my personal account. I won't bother you anymore. You can play slowly." Ye Zishu stood up and said with a smile.

Ye Ziqin sent him outside the door, and hurried back to communicate with her teammates. They probably didn't hear her reaction, and they probably would be very dissatisfied. They thought she was showing off.

Ye Zishu left Ye Ziqin's bedroom, found Ye Zihua and told about the matter, and found out that Ye Zihua had also given 5 million yuan. The so-called purchase of the club had already been purchased.

It's just that running the club in the early days is very expensive, and the previous money has already been spent. If there is no more capital injection, it is estimated that it will be cold.

Hearing Ye Zihua's words, I felt that I was looking for Ye Ziqin this time, and I was throwing myself into a trap, otherwise I would definitely go to Ye Zihua if I had no money.

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