Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 859 Someone doesn't want him to have a good year!


Seeing the results of artificial intelligence work, he has more confidence in this plan. The only thing that worries him is the traffic problem, which is an important factor restricting the development of many places.

Although Wancheng Jiye has invested heavily in expressway construction in the past two years, according to the order of priority, they give priority to building expressways in areas with relatively developed economies.

There are two reasons. The first reason is that it is more profitable to build expressways in these places. Wancheng Foundation always needs to see returns on its investment. Obviously, it is more profitable to build in these places.

And if they don't build, others will also see the business opportunities in it, and for market considerations, they will give priority to large-scale construction of expressways in economically developed areas.

The second reason is that it has a stronger driving effect on economic development. The construction of expressways in these areas can not only promote the development of the automobile industry, but also effectively reduce costs and improve economic operation efficiency.

However, the cost of road transportation is still too high, and long-distance transportation also has a great impact on goods with high timeliness requirements. In his opinion, it is more suitable for short-distance transportation, such as intra-provincial transportation.

Long-distance transportation still needs to rely on water transport and iron transport. The cost of the former is very low, which is conducive to the circulation of bulk low-value commodities. For example, various building materials are transported by water.

Although the latter has a higher cost, it is more time-sensitive, and the transportation volume is not small. It is not highly dependent on the water system, which is conducive to long-distance transportation, and the cost is lower than that of road transportation.

Therefore, he is now very eager to promote the development of domestic ultra-high-speed maglev transportation tracks. Once a maglev transportation network extending in all directions is established in the country, all regions can be developed.

Just when Ye Zishu was full of confidence for the future, the intelligent system on his computer popped up a message box, and the title was a bit like a previous life Internet news.

"The Trillionaire We Are Ignoring!

! "When he saw the pop-up news, he knew it must be related to him, and he might even be talking about himself.

Because if it has nothing to do with him, the intelligent system on his computer will not remind him in the form of a pop-up window, so he is very interested in this report.

After clicking on it, I found that it was not reported by the domestic media, but from a well-known economic magazine by Mr. M. The entire article has been translated, and it is obvious that it has not been reprinted by the domestic media.

But the more he looked, the more ugly his face became. This report was not groundless and exaggerated, but quoted a lot of data to prove their point of view.

If there is no data support, everyone will have fun after reading it, and will not take it too seriously, but after reading this long report, it is difficult for people not to believe it.

Although in his view,

There are obvious fallacies in the data, but overall there is nothing wrong with it. The data errors are just because their data is incomplete and the data is much smaller.

According to their statistics, Ye Zishu's personal wealth should have reached more than 5 trillion US dollars, and it will only be more or less. Let alone unprecedented, even in the foreseeable future, it is difficult to have such a super rich .

Although there is a big gap between this statistical data and his actual wealth, although his actual wealth has not been calculated, it is obviously much more than this, and the net profit of last year alone is higher than this.

The problem is that this number is a huge shock to ordinary people. When everyone is still busy with three meals a day, someone is so rich. Isn't this a proper way to attract hatred?

Even if his wealth can stand the investigation, and the small loophole of selling tapes has been filled in the past, but the jealousy of some people and the greedy heart of wanting to divide the profits cannot be blocked.

The other party was able to obtain so much data, it must have gone through a long period of investigation, although the data is not accurate, but the source of the data is well documented, not slander or fabrication.

It’s just that it’s intriguing to report this on the day before the Chinese New Year. It’s obvious that I don’t want him to have a good New Year in comfort, and I want to add trouble to him on the day before the Chinese New Year.

It stands to reason that the general media would not dare to casually report on his level of wealth, just like their media would not casually report on the real rich families in their country.

Only those rich people who have just become rich and have no deep-rooted family power will be reported. These rich people may even be pawns they launched.

Only when the chess pieces pushed out are more dazzling, can they hide in the dark without being noticed, so there is also an unwritten tacit understanding, that is, it will be taboo not to report on the truly powerful forces.

According to this rule, he should not be reported at length. Could it be that the forces behind them are not afraid that he will expose their old background, and everyone will just slip away and show it to the public?

Obviously they have considered this point, they will not be so naive that they can't investigate them, they have to believe in the power of capital, they have to be willing to spend money, there is no information that they can't get, "money can make ghosts go round", let alone are people.

That being the case, what is their motivation for doing so? Obviously, to do so would obviously be against him, and taking such a risk to do this would definitely not be done by a family.

Because for a single family, there is no need to provoke such a powerful enemy for themselves. Once a war starts, no matter what the final result is, they will inevitably be severely injured, and in the end they may be eaten up by other forces.

Then this decision must be the result of the unanimous decision of many forces, so that everyone will be prosperous and both will be prosperous, and if one is damaged, they will not be afraid of his revenge. If the loss is huge, it will be a loss for everyone, and no one can think of being alone.

The unanimous decision of so many forces shows that he has become a thorn in the side of many forces, and there is really nothing to do with him in other aspects. He wants technology, capital, and capital, and has major interests involved with countries around the world.

It is very difficult to impose sanctions on him, unless the world economy stops functioning. You must know that his industry directly and indirectly promotes the development of the global economy. Sanctioning him is tantamount to harming everyone's interests.

Since direct sanctions cannot be achieved, we should make full use of our country's special situation and divide from within. As long as there is a gap between him, the government and the people, it will be beneficial to them.

Our country's economy is developing so fast that they can't even react, and it's even more impossible to stop them. They can only watch our country's economy run wildly, and will soon pass by them.

It is impossible to say that they are not in a hurry, but is there a good way to use "killing with a borrowed knife" now, it is considered a slow response.

Although it is said that capital has no borders, and it flows to whichever country is profitable, capitalists have countries, and they know this much better than our capitalists.

What's more, they don't want to see the birth of an economic tsar in the world and put it on their heads. This will seriously affect their interests. This is a situation that no big capital wants to see.

Not to mention far away, the development of his industry has seriously affected their interests and caused them great losses.

Unless they don't want to develop, if they want to develop, they have to compete with his industries everywhere. The problem is that they feel that they have no chance of winning and cannot beat his industries openly.

It can be said that this trick of "borrowing a knife to kill" is also a helpless move, otherwise it would not be used now, which can be seen from the data they investigated, and it is already a bit outdated.

If this trick really works, not only will they be able to eliminate the threat, but they will also be able to feast on it. It is estimated that his overseas industries will fall and be divided up by them.

Although his overseas industries are not considered core industries, they are still very attractive to many people. Leaving aside other things, his overseas Internet industry can make them a lot of money.

For these visible benefits, it must be worthwhile for them to unite and take some risks, not to mention that they unite and don't think they can do anything to them.

After analyzing their motives, Ye Zishu feels that this matter must be handled properly, and it is definitely impossible to conceal it. "Man dies for money, and birds die for food." There will always be someone who will cooperate with their plan.

Ye Zishu was sitting on a chair thinking about what to do, but before he could figure it out, Ye Zihua hurriedly knocked on the door and came in, and saw him sitting on a chair thinking.

So he said, "Brother, you know!"

Ye Zishu knew what he meant, nodded, and said, "I just realized that this matter is a bit tricky to deal with!"

Ye Zihua also knew that this matter was difficult to deal with, and it would definitely be impossible to do nothing, as this would only make the other party more unscrupulous.

"You go out first, let me think carefully!" Ye Zishu said.

Hearing what he said, Ye Zihua knew that there was no rush for this matter, so she could only say, "Well, I'll go out first!"

Looking at Ye Zi's painting, Ye Zishu felt that it was necessary to take the initiative. Anyway, he has a magnanimous heart, and he has paid great attention to it over the years. Instead of making people speculate, it is better to show it openly.

In fact, the last time the financial magazine of Shengshi Media Group exposed his wealth, it was a little bit of an idea to get vaccinated in advance to let everyone get used to the fact that he is so rich.

It's just that there is a huge gap between the amount of wealth announced at that time and the amount of wealth announced in this article. Obviously, the data in this article is even more shocking.

Not to mention ordinary people, even he felt that this figure was a bit exaggerated for anyone, and even doubted the authenticity of this report.

He chose to take the initiative to expose, because he wanted to take advantage of this mentality, so that everyone felt that this report was a bit nonsense, and at most it was just a chat after dinner.

In addition, over the years, the domestic economy has developed rapidly, and national self-confidence has also been greatly improved. Although it has not yet achieved the effect he wanted to see, it has greatly improved compared to before.

And while he is developing, he is also working hard to let more people share the dividends of development, so that many people have benefited a lot from the development of the country's economy, so the grievances should not be so great.

Coupled with his important role in the process of domestic economic development, it is impossible to really take him. This will seriously affect economic development, especially at the current critical moment.

At present, the country is undergoing a transition from the number one in economic aggregate to the increase in per capita data. Whether it can be number one in per capita, it will be possible to achieve it quickly only if he contributes, which is also in his favor.

After all, the amount of wealth is actually of little significance from the national level. What really makes him stand tall is to make a huge contribution to the country, and contribution is the foundation of his life.

After figuring this out, Ye Zishu asked the artificial intelligence to reprint this article directly on the domestic news portal of Kunpeng Information Technology Company, and wrote an interesting title, "I didn't expect my boss to be so rich!"

! "

He just wants to report this news in this way of ridicule. The more he is facing the enemy, the more "there is no silver three hundred taels here". The best solution is to be generous.

Moreover, domestic publicity through Internet news is not as serious as traditional media. After reading it, people will only sigh with emotion that they are really rich, but they may not necessarily agree in their hearts, because it is too exaggerated.

In addition, none of his properties have been listed. It is difficult for ordinary people to understand the authenticity of these data. Valuation requires very professional knowledge and more detailed financial data. It is difficult to have a clear definition.

This alone is not enough, he is going to ask Shengshi Media Group to publish a review article, based on facts, about his role in the domestic economic development process.

Combined with the rapid economic development in China in the past few years, it is easy to draw the conclusion that as long as it is operated well, everyone will only feel that his contribution is too great, rather than jealous of his wealth.

For ordinary people, these wealth have nothing to do with them, even if there is no rich man like Ye Zishu, this wealth has nothing to do with them.

What they want is a real increase in income, a better life, and an easier life. This is the pursuit of most of them.

In fact, he did the same thing. It was he who strictly implemented the eight-hour working day system, who drove the implementation of the domestic weekend system, and who took the initiative to increase the salaries of employees significantly, which drove the salaries of other industries to follow suit.

It is also him who provides a large number of jobs for the society. The number of employees under his banner is about 200 million. Proportionally speaking, he is involved with almost every family in China.

It is also him who has made my country's industry leap from the low end of the industrial chain to a world-renowned technological power and innovation power. Biomedicine, software Internet, electronic semiconductors, high-end machinery and equipment, etc. are all among the top in the world.

These are his real contributions to the country. Without the huge benefits brought by these industries, how could it be possible to give employees such high salaries, and it is impossible to think about making employees live more comfortably.

Without specific data, just relying on these visible and tangible facts can resonate with many ordinary people, because this is a fact that happened around them and cannot be refuted.

Even ordinary people outside his industrial system are eager to join his industry, so that they can share more benefits, which is human nature.

What's more, when he was developing the industry, he tried his best to put people first. He didn't want those companies in his previous life to have a dark history that could not be erased, and they could always be taken out and flogged.

It can be said that no giant company in the world can be as clean as his industry. If it becomes a thorn in the side just because it is too big, it is really unreasonable.

He allowed his own media to report on this matter, which further proves that he is upright, but he will not overdo it, there is no need, let's see the direction of public opinion first.

If it really got to the point of getting out of hand, it would not be too late for him to stand up and explain himself, and he would not be afraid of being choked up by anyone when he stood up and explained. The caution of these years was not in vain.

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