Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 962 Create a super water park


Pei Qing went to the capital, so she naturally had to stop by the headquarters to have a look, and didn't come back until the end of the holiday, while Ye Ziqin went back to school directly, and went north in a few days to start her internship career.

Tianwen Medical College has graduated a batch of undergraduates this year. Unfortunately, whether it is biology or medicine, undergraduates are just beginners, and it is difficult for them to take on major responsibilities in medical institutions or research institutes.

Therefore, it is not possible to provide Taiji Group with many talents, but in terms of the training quality of the first batch of graduates, he is still very satisfied, and it also makes Taiji Group, the sponsor, very satisfied.

Among the first batch of undergraduates, some were self-enrolled. Although the grades of these students may not be very good, they have great potential for training. They are considered the best in their majors.

As for the students who passed the college entrance examination, they themselves were not very good students in the college entrance examination, and they all had no choice but to choose Tianwen Medical College because they were not admitted to other better universities.

I thought it would be difficult for this group of students to excel in their grades, but I didn't expect that after reasonable training, although the proportion of them becoming top talents is not high, they are generally good and have the potential to be trained as researchers.

This shows that, except for a very few gifted students, most of the students' talents are actually similar. As long as they are properly cultivated and their interests are guided, it is possible to cultivate them.

It may be that Tianwen Medical College is unique. It is the only university among all the current universities that exempts tuition and miscellaneous fees and can even get a salary, so it stands out even more.

It may also be that the publicity was in place, or the first batch of students affected the social evaluation. In short, the admission scores for the college entrance examination in the next few years have increased significantly every year.

Of course, it is also possible that the golden signboard of the Taiji Group played a role. It is rumored that as long as you enter this academy, you will get a direct ticket to the Taiji Group.

And Taiji Group, as a national and even the world's top medical, pharmaceutical and other enterprises, can enter it, which means that the rest of the life will be safe and worry-free.

This may also be a factor that many students consider when applying for the exam. For most people, going to university is to find a high-paying and stable job.

What's more, this university does not require tuition fees, and even gets salary. For many students from poor families, it can not only reduce the burden on the family, but also subsidize the family. It can be said to kill three birds with one stone.

When Ye Zishu went to university, the university had already started to charge fees. At that time, with Ye Zishu's grades, not only did he not have to pay tuition fees, but he could also get a huge reward.

It's a pity that he didn't ask for it at the time, which is why he just chose the tuition and miscellaneous fee exemption, but he didn't accept the rewards from the government and the school, because it was not necessary for him.

He is confident that he will make his first pot of gold after going to college,

It turned out to be true. In the first year of college, I made a lot of money, which not only supported my family, but also had funds for starting a business.

The reason why he didn't accept the reward was mainly to avoid possible troubles. In his mind, eating people with a soft mouth and short hands is not a must. Naturally, there is no need to get involved in karma.

Tianwen Medical College's college entrance examination score has reached more than 600 points. This score line is not inferior to the top domestic universities. This is everyone's recognition of this school.

Although this score line is not top-notch in China, it is a very remarkable achievement for a college that has only been established for a few years, and it is still a private college.

There is this school in the county, and the economy in the county has grown by leaps and bounds in recent years, and its popularity in the country is also getting higher and higher. For a place, fame itself can bring economic benefits.

What's more, the consumer economy of this school is not easy to underestimate. For a small county, tens of thousands of consumers are added every year, which is extremely beneficial to the development of local businesses.

In addition, the school already has a large number of scientific research projects, and some relatively basic research is difficult to transform into industry in the short term, but there are also many technical scientific research projects.

A considerable part of these projects have been settled locally, and new enterprises have been established to operate, bringing a lot of economic benefits to the county.

So far, there are dozens of enterprises incubated by Youtianwen Medical School and settled in the local area, and the output value created is also tens of billions of yuan.

And these projects not only increase the economic scale of the county, but also bring a large number of high-end talents. Talents are one of the important factors for the development of a place, even the key factor.

It can be said that when Tianwen Medical College landed here, it was considered a treasure in the county. If Ye Shu was not a local, it would be almost impossible to win the favor of the college.

In fact, the county has also thought about discussing with Tianwen Medical College, and the finance can provide 2 billion yuan a year as a subsidy. The condition is that local students must be given 100 places for self-enrollment each year.

The purpose of doing this is to increase the enrollment rate of local high school students, but it was rejected by Ye Zishu. Tianwen Medical College is actually very willing.

Because on average, each student can bring financial subsidies of 20 million yuan to colleges and universities. Such a bargain deal is attractive to any school, not to mention that they are still private schools, and there is no psychological burden.

But Ye Zishu understands that if a cooperation is really reached, such a project will hardly benefit students from ordinary backgrounds, and the Tai Chi Group is not short of money, so there is no need for this benefit.

What's more, if people are soft-spoken and short-handed, if they really accept the financial support from the county government, their independence may be shaken. In the future, the larger the amount of funds given, the less independent they will be.

And it doesn't sound good to say it. For the public, the government's financial education funds should go to public schools and private schools to enjoy the benefits. Although it won't be much, there will definitely be criticism.

Taiji Group now provides Tianwen Medical College with a teaching fund of 10 billion yuan per year, and the average teaching and training fund for each student is as high as 500,000 yuan, which is definitely a top-notch existence in China.

At the same time, it also provides sufficient support for scientific research funding every year, which has reached 40 billion yuan, and the combined funding of the two items has reached 50 billion yuan, not counting student subsidies.

With the development of the economy, the student subsidy has also increased rapidly. Now the monthly subsidy for each student has reached 5,000 yuan. Calculated on a 12-month basis every year, the total cost of the subsidy alone is nearly 1 billion yuan per year.

Therefore, there is no shortage of funds for Tianwen Medical College. It can even be said that in China, there are very few funds higher than theirs. At present, only Tianwen Institute of Technology has more education funds than them.

However, the scale of Tianwen Institute of Technology is much larger than that of the medical school, and the number of students in the school is also much larger than them. Calculated according to the per capita funds, the medical school is slightly better.

Of course, the strength of the companies behind Tianwen Institute of Technology is not weak. Currently, the supported companies include Qinglong Technology Company, Xuanwu Technology Company, Phoenix Technology Company, Kirin Industry Group, Huanyu Group, Baihu Technology Company and Wancheng Foundation.

Therefore, Tianwen Institute of Technology is no longer an ordinary college, but has formed a huge university town in Nanchang, and its internal departments have formed a complex relationship that is relatively independent and cooperative with each other.

And because the companies behind it are all top companies in the industry, the various disciplines of the school will naturally not be weak, and many teachers are senior scientific researchers in these companies.

Of course, top scholars from all over the world have been invited to join. The teaching and scientific research strength is absolutely outstanding among domestic science and engineering colleges.

In addition, students entering Tianwen Institute of Technology are more likely to enter these well-known companies to work, and naturally they are more favored by students.

Their college entrance examination score is higher than that of Tianwen Medical College. Last year's college entrance examination score was as high as 680 points, which is already in the first echelon of the country.

This year, their school-running funds have reached 100 billion yuan. With the start of postgraduate training, their school-running funds may be even higher in the future.

In contrast, the school-running funds of Tianwen Medical College have basically reached the ceiling, and the possibility of a substantial increase in the future is low. After all, the school is so large, and the current school-running funds are already sufficient.

Compared with these two schools, Tianwen Academy of Industrial Arts established by Shengshi Cultural Group is relatively low-key, and it can even be said that it is not well-known.

The main reason is that there are many art colleges in China, and the admission requirements are still relatively low. In contrast, the admission requirements of the Industrial Art Institute are much higher.

Not only does it require students to have a solid foundation in art, but it also requires a high level of culture. However, those who engage in art in China often do not achieve very good grades in culture.

Even though the School of Industrial Art also exempts students from tuition and miscellaneous fees, although it does not pay students like medical schools, the proportion of scholarships is very high and the amount is not low.

When this school was established, they had actually foreseen this situation. Therefore, in terms of enrollment, they did not reserve places for college entrance examination students like the previous two schools, but all adopted independent enrollment.

Fortunately, when recruiting students independently every year, they would follow behind the School of Medicine and the School of Science and Technology, and they all had the signboard of Tianwen, which fooled a considerable number of students into entering.

In fact, as long as they are in the domestic art industry, they seldom leave the Shengshi Cultural Group, not to mention film and television, music, traditional art and other fields.

Even in the field of industrial art, Shengshi Cultural Group also has a good influence. Among the projects incubated by the headquarters, many of them are related to industrial art.

In addition to his entire industrial system, there is a greater demand for industrial art talents. As long as you enter the Academy of Industrial Art, you will be on the road to prosperity.

The main reason why the Academy of Industrial Art is not so famous is that they all enroll students independently, so their influence in the domestic education system is naturally much weaker.

Pure art, in fact, does not provide many jobs, and in fact, our country is not short of pure art, but lacks the cultivation of diverse artistic talents.

In the previous life, these talents were created by themselves. There are many unfavorable factors for the systematic training of relevant talents. This is also the reason why the Industrial Art Institute was established.

Therefore, the Academy of Industrial Art does not aim at cultivating artists. In the eyes of some people, the grade is much lower. It seems that only artists are tall, and others are not worth mentioning.

Fortunately, the School of Industrial Art is backed by the Shengshi Cultural Group. If there are talents who are dedicated to art, there is no shortage of stages for them to perform. Compared with other art schools, there is much more room for choice.

"There are more things going on over there?" Ye Zishu hugged Pei Qing who had just returned home, and then said with a smile.

He thought it would only take three to five days for Pei Qing to go to the capital, but in the end it took about 10 days. Obviously there should be more things for her to deal with, otherwise she wouldn't have stayed that long.

"Fortunately, the main reason is that Taiji Medical Group's medical beauty business has started nationwide. This will be a long-term business project for them. Naturally, we should pay more attention to it, so we went to inspect it specially.

In addition, the establishment of their overseas medical institutions is also actively advancing. If you don't want me to go abroad, I plan to inspect it and see for myself how the situation is. "Pei Qing said with a smile.

In fact, she can handle the daily work at home, and even the inspection work can be passed by a double, but after all, it is not a personal inspection, which feels almost meaningless.

"By the way, have my two pet horses arrived?" Pei Qing asked again.

"I just arrived yesterday, Ziqin has been thinking about it for a long time, but it's a pity that I'm back to school!" Ye Zishu said with a smile.

"It's okay, I'll call her and ask her to come over to play on weekends!" Pei Qing said with a smile.

"I don't think so. She will go to practice soon, and she will leave in two days." Ye Zishu said.

"That's really a pity!" Pei Qing said helplessly.

After making arrangements here, the two of them went to see the two horses that had arrived. The two horses were all white and about the same height, and the stallion was slightly taller.

Pei Qing touched the hair, and the texture was very soft. These hairs were not strictly imitated from natural hairs, but were improved on this basis.

The purpose is to make the texture more comfortable and easy to take care of. If natural hair is used, even if it is a robot pet, it needs to be taken care of regularly, which is troublesome.

"Has the saddle you bought arrived?" Pei Qing asked again.

"I've arrived a long time ago, why, are you going to ride now?" Ye Zishu looked at the sky, and it was already mid-afternoon.

"It's not dark yet, so let's take a walk around the shore of the lake in front, do you know how to ride?" Pei Qing asked.

"I haven't ridden before, will you?" Ye Zishu asked back.

"No!" Pei Qing said directly.

"Actually, it doesn't matter whether it will or not. The robot pet horse is not a real horse. It's not that violent. As long as you don't run, you can ride it for a while. It's completely fine. When I was young, I even rode a cow when I was herding cows." Ye Zishu Said.

So the two put on the saddle they bought. To be honest, the saddle was quite heavy. Ye Zishu decided to go back and buy two saddles made of carbon fiber, which were much lighter than this.

Neither of them had done these things before, and it took half an hour to get them done. Then they got on the horses and sat on the saddle, which was quite high from the ground. Both of them were tall horses.

The two rode horses, took the elevator in front of the house and descended directly to the bottom, and then the door opened automatically, and after the two left, the door closed automatically, as if there was no door in place.

Since the land of the house was originally a very high slope, after the slope was filled up, a steep high wall was formed in front, and people usually walk behind.

The water of the lake has not completely receded, and the two of them rode a horse each, walking along the edge of the lake, looking at the lake view in the distance, and blowing the evening wind, a sense of comfort arose spontaneously.

At first, the two could only walk on horseback. After mastering some skills, they could run at a low speed. When it was getting late, the two of them could run fast.

Compared with real horses, robot pet horses are much easier to ride. You don’t have to worry about losing your temper and running around, and you don’t have to flick the whip desperately. You can control the horse’s running speed directly according to the frequency of pulling the reins.

Of course, you can also ask the robot pet horse to simulate the temper of a real horse, but in this case, it will take a long time to control it, and most people probably don't like being abused.

The next day, Pei Qing still rode a horse, followed by a horse, and went directly to the county town to find Ye Ziqin, intending to give her a surprise before her internship.

According to Pei Qing's return, the two rode horses along the Nanshan Mountain next to the county seat for a long time. The scenery there was better than this side, with lush mountains on one side and an endless lake on the other.

With these two horses, the two have a regular program before dinner. Almost every day, they have to ride around the lake for about an hour, which is much more interesting than sitting at home.

However, the lakeside is actually not suitable for riding horses. The reason is that the surrounding field ridges are relatively narrow, and there are many drainage ditches, so you can't run too fast.

This made Ye Zishu read it, and wanted to invest a sum of money for free to repair the embankment of the entire Xingmiao Lake, using the antique plank road structure, and this side will be more beautiful by then.

After finishing talking, I went to do it, so I went to my parents' house and told my father about this idea, but my father didn't object, after all, it was a good thing.

If it is really repaired here, the residents of the villages along the lake will also have a good place to relax, but it will cost a lot of money, because the area of ​​Xingmiao Lake is really too big.

After discussions between the two parties, it was decided that it would be better to develop it as a tourist attraction. If it is just a personal hobby, the real effect will not be very good, and the residents along the lake will benefit less.

As long as it is developed into a water tourism project, the residents of the surrounding villages will get more benefits. Among other things, just opening a restaurant to receive tourists can also make a fortune.

If it is developed as a tourism project, it can also get the support of the county government, and it will be easier to do a lot of work, and even get a project development support fund from the county government.

Thinking of this, Ye Zishu contacted Wancheng Jiye and asked if they wanted to do this project, but they didn't have that strong desire.

The main reason is that the development of tourism projects here is relatively simple and not attractive enough. Compared with the invested funds, the income is not large, and if it is not done well, it may lose money.

Ye Zishu never insisted on others, even if Wancheng Jiye was a company under his own, since they were not willing to do it, he did not force it.

Just looking back, he handed over the project to the Starlight Group. He wanted to see if the project, which Wancheng Jiye thought was not a good one, could be done well under the operation of artificial intelligence.

If it really doesn't work well, it doesn't matter too much. Just build it for yourself. At worst, I will personally compensate them with a sum of money and let his father take over. Anyway, the funds in his personal account will not be spent.

Within two days, Starlight Group sent employees over to investigate. As an inner lake, the area is still very large. In fact, it is still possible to carry out water tourism projects.

In addition, the cross-lake bridge is close to Chichi, connecting Nanchang and Xunyang. In addition, the county's economy is not bad, especially the pearl farming industry is booming, and business exchanges are relatively frequent, which has the basis for the development of this tourism project.

After three days of investigation, the Starlight Group soon came up with a construction plan, but Ye Zishu couldn't believe it when he saw the investment amount.

The investment amount given by Xingguang Group is as high as 5 billion yuan. The reason is very simple, that is, a lot of work needs to be done to turn the ordinary Xingmiao Lake into a project with strong tourism potential.

It's not that Ye Zishu is reluctant to part with the money, but he seriously doubts whether he can earn the money back. After all, this is a commercial project, not a charity.

Starlight Group intends to turn this project into a super water park, which is still quite attractive to tourists in the hot summer, and is expected to receive 5 million tourists a year.

If calculated according to the consumption of 2,000 yuan per person, it can bring in revenue of 10 billion yuan per year. This is the reason why Starlight Group believes that it can develop.

However, this is only a relatively optimistic forecast. They also have a pessimistic forecast. They may only receive about 100,000 tourists per year, so the annual revenue will only be 200 million yuan.

The difference is 50 times before and after. The reason is that there is no unique advantage here. Although it is built according to the super water park, it can be built in other places, and there is a danger of being copied.

Therefore, we still need to work hard on publicity, and his industry has strong publicity capabilities, which is why their optimistic predictions are so high.

Although there are strong uncertainties, Ye Zishu still intends to let Starlight Group do it. There is no such thing as a stable profit in business. Even if the business is really not good, with so much investment, the appearance here can be greatly improved improve.

And he believes that with the increase of residents' income, the demand for tourism will become higher and higher. Although famous mountains and great rivers have unique advantages, it is impossible to visit famous mountains and great rivers all the time.

If it is combined with the pearl industry in the county to form a pearl industry tourism route, it may have a greater promotion effect. If it has not been started, everything is possible.

"Are you really planning to develop this place into a tourist project?" Pei Qing asked.

"Well, don't you think it's a bit desolate here now? As people from the surrounding villages buy houses in the county town, this place will become desolate in the future. If tourism projects are built here, it will be much more lively in the future."

"It's just that you don't think it's too lively. It's a bit noisy. We're right by the lake, and the distance is too close, which will break the current tranquility." Pei Qing said.

"This is easy to solve. Let the Starlight Group set the center of the super water park near other villages." Ye Zishu said.

"Although your idea is good, the people in the village may not be satisfied. Originally, they could get a piece of the pie, but your decision directly caused them huge losses. It is inevitable that someone will have an idea!" Pei Qing said.

Ye Zishu thought about it, and felt that it was better not to let the Starlight Group do it alone, but to absorb the surrounding residents and set up a joint venture company to operate it, just like the Xingmiao Aquatic Company, which can also avoid other people making trouble.

Since it is a partnership, naturally those with money will contribute money, and those with resources will contribute resources. The people in his village still have a lot of money, and they can get a lot of dividends every year, so that they can share the benefits.

Moreover, the Starlight Group can save a lot of money, but I don't know if they are willing to invest. Anyway, Ye Zishu will definitely not guarantee that he will make money with his own personality.

If you don't make money in the future, everyone will think that you are defrauding them of their money, which will only add trouble to yourself. The cooperation is completely voluntary, the benefits are shared, and naturally the risks are also shared.

After hearing what he said, Pei Qing thought for a while, and said, "You don't want to come forward about this matter, and tell your father later, so that he doesn't get involved."

Ye Zishu understands what she means, and when the time comes to lose money, some people here will say that if they didn't invest in their family's face, they would never get involved.

Although there is a high probability that you will not lose money, but who can say for sure in the result, it is safer to do so.

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