Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 967 The development of conventional industries has entered a normal period


On January 5th, the annual reports of all the companies under the company came out. He didn't need to read the previous quarterly reports, but he had to read all the annual reports to understand the development of the company's industries.

Overall, after more than a year of global financial and economic crisis, the global economy this year is doing much better than the previous two years, showing clear signs of recovery.

There are two main reasons for being able to get out of the haze of the financial crisis so quickly. The first reason is that Tidal Investment Company invested the money earned from the financial crisis into countries around the world.

This has important implications for recovering from the global economic crisis, although wealth has changed hands in the process, but for ordinary people, the economic recovery of their lives is much better than before.

It’s just that for the vast number of capitalists and business owners, the loss in this process was heavy. The original plan to spend the money earned was to help the global economy get rid of the impact of the financial crisis as soon as possible.

Being able to recover the global economy within a year or two shows that this strategy is indeed effective, but it will take some time to return to the level before the financial crisis.

The second reason is that my country's economy continues to develop at a high speed. Although Leaf Book deliberately reduces my country's dependence on the global economy, as a part of the global economy, coupled with its huge size, its impact on the global economy cannot be ignored.

Many countries that have a large number of economic and trade exchanges with my country have recovered their economies very quickly in the process of conducting economic and trade exchanges with my country.

It is precisely because my country's position in the global economy is becoming more and more important and its influence is growing. With the support of the government, it is much easier for the Tidal Group to issue a new international currency.

The improvement of the global economy is also very important to the development of his industries. Although he wants to reduce the proportion of overseas trade, he only needs to increase his own economic aggregate and the internal economic market.

It is not in line with business logic to reduce the proportion simply for the sake of reducing the proportion. For commercial enterprises, if there are more opportunities to make money outside, they will naturally not let them go.

This can be seen from the revenue of Shengshi Culture Group. Last year, their total revenue reached 3.5 trillion yuan, although their Shengshi Entertainment Company contributed more.

However, the revenue of its subsidiary Shengshi Advertising Company has increased much higher than last year, indicating that the global advertising market is recovering, business activities are increasing, and there is naturally more demand for advertising.

Of course, the prosperity of the domestic economy has also boosted the national consumption demand for entertainment products, which is inevitable for economic development. As the earliest large-scale enterprise, it naturally eats the fattest cake.

In addition, the entertainment venues they operate are very strictly controlled, and they are considered to be the cleanest entertainment venues in China, which also makes many ordinary people willing to go to these entertainment venues for consumption.

The entertainment venues in the past gave people the impression of being chaotic, which made many children from good families reluctant to get involved with these entertainment venues, and also made entertainment venues the needs of a few people.

This is extremely unfavorable to the development of the domestic entertainment industry. The bad atmosphere and environment will keep a large number of potential consumers out of the door, resulting in the proportion and revenue of entertainment business venues, which seriously do not conform to the economic scale of our country.

Any human being has the need for entertainment consumption, but because of the chaotic environment, many people are discouraged, or they are afraid of getting into trouble, or they are afraid of tarnishing their reputation.

If it is other small businesses, they may not dare to provoke too much because they are afraid of trouble, but for Shengshi Entertainment Company, there is no such worry at all.

You must know that they are very large in size. In the field of entertainment venue management, they can be called super giants, not to mention the Shengshi Cultural Group behind them.

In order to ensure the safety of customers, a large number of intelligent monitoring systems have been installed in all business premises, and the whole process is monitored by artificial intelligence. Once a problem is found, it can immediately warn.

At the same time, in order to protect the security of customers, all monitoring records will only be recorded for one day, in order to serve as evidence after an accident occurs, and if nothing happens, the records will be completely cleared after one day.

There are many other measures, such as establishing a cooperation model with nearby police stations, hiring general-purpose robots as security personnel, formulating strict service specifications, and so on.

In order to avoid problems in management, the headquarters cannot supervise in place, they adopt the same approach as the small headed catering group, and the management personnel of all entertainment and business venues are general-purpose robots.

Although it costs more money to do so, it is very important for the standardized operation of each of its business sites, and it also reduces the supervision cost of the headquarters for the following business sites, which is generally very cost-effective.

At present, they operate more than 50,000 various entertainment venues across the country, becoming the absolute overlord of domestic entertainment venues, with a market share of more than 80%.

Shengshi Cultural Group also merged the urban cultural center project into Shengshi Entertainment Company, and the construction has been completed one after another. It is estimated that it will be put into operation on a large scale this year.

In the past two or three years, they have not only waited for the construction of the city's cultural center to be completed, but have also done a lot of work behind it. They have carried out extensive cooperation with domestic traditional cultural figures and cultivated a large number of talents.

This is where Ye Zishu is more satisfied. They have broken the traditional artist training mechanism, which is conducive to the spread of traditional art, rather than becoming the exclusive domain of a small group of people.

The main reason for being able to do this is that Shengshi Cultural Group's status in the domestic entertainment field is too high. If you want to do well in this field, you absolutely cannot do without Shengshi Cultural Group.

It is not a few years ago now, and everyone's thinking is much more open than before. As long as their interests can be protected, it is not impossible to change the tradition, not to mention that it is not a good tradition.

At present, the number of employees of Shengshi Cultural Group is nearly 5 million, and the employment positions provided are very good, among which the scale of talents cultivated by themselves accounts for the vast majority.

This is actually not surprising. The rapid development of the country has a great demand for talents, and the scale of social and school training is actually very limited, which cannot meet their needs at all.

If you want talents to meet market demand, you can only carry out internal training, especially in the cultural industry, where talent training takes longer and the average investment is larger.

Fortunately, Ye Zishu has not collected any profits from them in recent years, so that it has enough funds to invest, and its business is going smoothly, so it is naturally more willing to invest in this area.

However, their current expansion should almost come to an end. In the future, they will either conduct more overseas expansion or improve service quality. It is difficult to expand in terms of quantity as before.

Thanks to the in-depth development of smart glasses applications and the construction of virtual scenes, Phoenix Technology has contributed to a new round of development of their many industries.

In the past, everyone entered the Internet from the plane, but now everyone enters the visual 3D world through virtual glasses, which not only further consolidates its dominance in the Internet and software fields.

At the same time, it has also greatly promoted the growth of the global consumer market, especially in our country. Through the construction of the virtual world, the enthusiasm for consumption among the people who like to save has also become high.

In addition, the value of advertising in the virtual world is higher than that of the ordinary Internet, which promotes the further expansion of the advertising market, and these are beneficial to promote the development of Phoenix Technology's business.

Therefore, their revenue last year was still very impressive, especially domestic e-commerce, local life services and other businesses, and the mutual promotion of physical industries, but it also showed prosperity.

Originally, he was very worried that e-commerce would have a great impact on the development of the domestic physical retail industry, so he made adjustments in many aspects. For example, e-commerce platforms charge high service fees and also need to pay taxes.

The purpose of doing this is not to make the price gap between e-commerce and physical retail products too large. After all, there is a difference in the real cost between the two. Only by charging a higher service fee or sharing ratio can this gap be bridged .

Of course, the platform does not take all of these fees for itself, but distributes a considerable part of the income to the employees of the logistics system, which can reduce logistics costs.

At the same time, crack down on counterfeit products and pirated goods on the e-commerce platform, regulate the entire e-commerce market, and prevent bad money from driving out good money. It is good for consumers, real industries, commodity producers, and intellectual property owners.

All domestic e-commerce platforms under his banner are subject to compulsory taxation, which has greatly increased the country's tax revenue. After all, it is usually difficult to collect taxes, especially for small and medium-sized businesses.

However, for e-commerce sellers with a small business scale, there is a certain amount of tax exemption. If it exceeds this amount, tax will be levied.

Of course, they dare to do this because they are the only one in the domestic market and have no strong competitors. Otherwise, they would not be so polite in order to compete for the market.

It is not that there have been e-commerce and local life service Internet companies in China, but their technology gap is too large, and the supporting services are not as good as those of Phoenix Technology.

What's more, many exclusive products are only sold on these platforms, and they are simply not available on other platforms, so the appeal to consumers is naturally much weaker.

In addition, their capital strength is weak, user familiarity is not high, product quality is not guaranteed, and the logistics system is not perfect, etc., making it difficult to be competitive even if it is cheap.

Now it is different from a few years ago, when people were relatively poor and there was a great demand for cheap goods, but now the per capita income is already very high, in terms of price and quality, they value quality more.

There are even quite a few consumers who have very high demand for brands, and these are precisely the strengths of his industries, which makes it impossible for competitors to compete through low-quality and cheap products.

At present, they plan to build a huge virtual world, and all the data in it will become unique, which means that people can buy digital assets in this virtual world.

At the same time, the combination of the virtual world and the real world breaks through the boundary between virtual and reality, and breaks through the limitation of real distance and investment in the real world.

However, this plan is not easy to implement, and it is still in the technical research stage. Compared with building a separate 3D virtual application, this plan is undoubtedly much larger.

The main reason is not only technical issues, but also cost issues. With the current computing power of traditional computers, it would cost too much to support a more realistic virtual world.

At present, the super quantum computer is not allowed to be used by them, and these companies are not even told that there is a super quantum computer. Currently, only Baihu Technology is using it.

Of course, AI 3.0 is also deployed on the super quantum computer hosted by Baihu Technology to provide innovative artificial intelligence services to the entire industry under its umbrella.

Although he felt that this plan was a bit ahead of its time in this era, he did not stop it. After all, as a scientific research project, it can promote the development of many technologies.

Even if it is not applied in the virtual reality world in the future, it may be used in other fields. In short, there is nothing wrong with the technology, and it can be quickly used when it is necessary.

Therefore, their development last year was also good. The total revenue of their industries reached 30 trillion yuan, with a growth rate of 20%. The main contributions came from the e-commerce business and local life business.

However, their other businesses have more or less developed, especially the smart city project of Baihe Software Company, which has been favored by many cities in China.

At present, their smart city project has been tested in 10 domestic cities. If the effect is good, it may further promote the construction of smart cities.

There are more than 300 prefecture-level cities in China alone, and even more counties. If it can really develop in an all-round way and further promote the construction and services of smart cities, the market size is not small.

It is estimated that the total scale will reach more than 500 billion yuan, depending on how far it develops. To be honest, Ye Zishu can't imagine how far it can develop. This is not something that can be imagined by one person's brain.

Baihe Software Company is only improving while running, and it will appear rough at the beginning. Only by in-depth understanding of needs, solving needs, and gradually improving, will it finally come up with an advanced smart city system.

Revenue has increased, but the net profit margin has decreased. Last year, their net profit margin was only 45%, a decrease of 5% from the previous year.

The reason is that the number of employees is increasing, local life services require a large number of service employees, the same is true for the logistics system, plus more investment in advanced equipment, and an increase in employee salaries.

These have devoured their net profit, but Ye Zishu is still very satisfied with it. Their net profit margin was too high before. If it weren't for Wancheng Foundation to help them spend it, I don't know if they can spend it effectively. This money.

For enterprises, it is valuable to invest cash in industries with development potential in a timely manner, and it is not a good practice to put it in the bank.

Only by continuously spending money can we create more value, create more jobs, increase the income of the people, and obtain more returns on investment.

Although the net profit is 13.5 trillion yuan, Yepshu still asks them to hand over 10 trillion yuan, leaving the remaining 3.5 trillion yuan for their own use, which is enough for them.

The development of Xuanwu Technology has gradually fallen into a bottleneck period, and the revenue growth is now declining year after year. The main reason is that the development of conventional industries has reached a bottleneck period.

As a representative of domestic conventional industrial development, Xuanwu Technology Company is naturally also affected by economic laws. It will become more and more difficult to achieve rapid development relying on the existing conventional industrial system.

Last year, their total revenue was 50 trillion yuan, with a growth rate of about 11%. This is due to the development of the robot industry, otherwise the growth rate may be even lower.

They urgently need to find new business growth points, which is obviously not so easy to find. In addition, the rise of Starlight Group and Xinghuo Group has made it difficult for them to achieve breakthroughs in new businesses.

Fortunately, the interstellar ship project will be launched soon, and Xuanwu Technology will be one of the main participants, and it can use this opportunity to find new development directions.

To be honest, he has no good solution to the plight of Xuanwu Technology Company. Their system is already very complicated and huge, and it is not something that he can achieve substantial development by just providing one or two technologies.

When an industrial system develops to a mature stage, it will inevitably face such a situation. Ye Zishu has long been psychologically prepared for this, and has not been too harsh on Xuanwu Technology's achievements.

In their own field, they have done well enough, and they are the main force supporting the rapid development of our country's industry. As long as they can continue to maintain their current status, he will be very satisfied.

In order to allow them to have enough funds to participate in the interstellar ship project, or other space projects, Leaf Book no longer requires them to hand over their profits.

In fact, with the increase in labor costs, their net profit margin is also declining. Last year, the overall net profit margin was only 20%, a drop of 5 percentage points, and the net profit was more than 1 trillion yuan less than the previous year.

Qinglong Technology's revenue last year was 40 trillion yuan, an increase of 6 trillion yuan over the previous year, with a growth rate of only 17.6%, which can be regarded as a relatively slow growth year in these years.

This is also due to the fact that smart home sales are becoming more and more popular in China. At the same time, the robot business is becoming more and more mature, and the market size is increasing, otherwise the situation will be even more ugly.

In the future, if their robotics business develops into the fast lane, they still have room for growth. If the development is not too good, they may also face the same situation as Xuanwu Technology.

In the final analysis, Qinglong Technology Company is actually included in the conventional industrial system by him, and it is already a remarkable achievement to be able to achieve its current scale.

Their net profit margin has also declined, only 20%, compared to 30% in the previous year, because they need to make a substantial profit concession to Xuanwu Technology.

After all, building a humanoid robot industry system requires a lot of cost, and it is natural to make compensation for throwing the hardest work to Xuanwu Technology.

For Qinglong Technology Company, they can't use such a high profit, because their number of employees is not large, and the total number of employees is currently only 100,000.

In addition, it has reduced the price of many of its products in order to maximize the size of the domestic market and avoid giving up the market to competitors.

Ye Zishu believes that Qinglong Technology may also be entering a bottleneck period. With their current size, it is actually difficult for a certain innovation to achieve large-scale growth.

Even if there is a robot business, it is impossible to experience explosive growth like before. Just like our country's economy, when the volume reaches a certain level, every increase of one percentage point is particularly difficult.

This time, Ye Zishu did not intend to let them turn over their profits. They needed money to participate in the interstellar ship project, and at the same time to develop the robot business. Whether it was to continue to increase investment in research and development, or to support industrial development, they needed huge funds.

Among conventional industrial enterprises, Huanyu Group has a faster growth rate. The reason is that the development of the domestic automobile industry is in full swing, and the enthusiasm for consumption of automobile products is very high.

People have to spend whatever they earn, and even those who like to save have a limit to their savings. They want to buy a house but find that the supply of houses on the market is very limited.

In addition, the people around started to buy a lot of cars. Even people who didn't want to buy a car at first would buy one. Anyway, the cheap one is only more than 100,000 yuan, which is not very expensive, and there is no problem at all for transportation.

Moreover, the mileage of domestic highways opened to traffic has exceeded the 100,000-kilometer mark, and most economically developed regions have realized the opening to traffic at the county level, and the traffic conditions have been greatly improved.

Even remote areas, economically backward areas, and mountainous areas are actively building expressways, but construction in these areas is relatively difficult and takes a long time.

In addition, urbanization has begun to take shape, and various road conditions have been greatly improved. These have provided strong support for car consumption and given people sufficient reasons to buy.

Last year, their car sales reached 40 million units, far exceeding Ye Zishu's expectations. The reason is that his salary increase strategy played a role.

Ordinary scooters only need to spend about one year's salary to buy one. It is very cheap for the public and has been treated as a normal consumer product.

The total revenue of the battery business is 3 trillion yuan. Although the shipbuilding business has not experienced a significant increase in delivery, it still maintains 40 million tons, but the revenue has increased to 60 million yuan.

The reason is that the proportion of high-tech ships has increased, leading to higher prices per ton. In fact, the net profit margin has not changed much, because the wages of workers have increased.

The revenue of the maglev rail transit business was 1 trillion yuan, an increase of 200 billion yuan compared with the previous year. On the one hand, the investment in construction has increased, and on the other hand, the urban subway business has also increased.

The revenue of the aircraft manufacturing business has doubled compared to the whole year. The reason is that the number of orders delivered has doubled. The total revenue is 600 billion yuan, which is quite impressive for a single business.

Last year, Huanyu Group achieved a total revenue of 17 trillion yuan, an increase of 32.3% over the previous year, with a net profit of 6 trillion yuan and a net profit rate of 35.3%, a slight decline.

Ye Zishu didn't plan to take money from them either. The reason is actually very simple, that is, they have to invest huge sums of money to build the interstellar ship industry chain. As an integrated unit, the scale of funds spent is even larger.

Not to mention the money he earned this year, it is estimated that all the money earned in previous years may also be used, and it may even be borrowed from the bank. The interstellar ship project is very expensive.

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