Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 972 Virtual World, Smart Manufacturing and Beautiful Countryside Project

"Phoenix Technology is able to combine its own advantages and technical conditions to promote the transformation of the Internet from two-dimensional to three-dimensional. This idea is very correct. If the next-generation Internet is, I think it should be a virtual world.

Have you ever thought about moving the real world into the virtual world, building a virtual earth, or a grand virtual new world.

Then in this world, commercial and economic activities can be carried out to promote the development of the virtual economy, and when the conditions are ripe, the currencies in the virtual world and the real world can be exchanged.

We all know that the scale of the real economy will eventually reach its limit. At present, my country's real economy still has some room for development, but this time will not last forever.

After the real economy enters the stage of normalization, if we want to continue to develop the economy, we must either develop into space. We have already made a good layout in this regard.

Or develop into the financial aspect, the work in this area will be undertaken by the Chaozhou Group, but the number of people who can directly benefit from finance is limited, and the disadvantages are still obvious.

Then the rest, I think, should be the virtual economy. The virtual world can get rid of various resource constraints in the real world, and the upper limit is naturally much higher than that of the real economy.

Moreover, the number of people benefited by the virtual economy is much larger. It can even be said that almost everyone is likely to benefit from the virtual economy.

Conversely, the development of the virtual economy can also promote the development of the real economy, at least it has a very positive significance in promoting the circulation of real commodities.

The only disadvantage is to avoid excessive indulging in the virtual world. After all, people exist as entities, not a series of numbers, and they still have to return to reality after all.

If you really have the ability to build a virtual world, you need to use it as a supplement to the real world. The relationship between primary and secondary cannot be reversed. I hope you can remember it.

How to determine the primary and secondary relationship to achieve the purpose of supplementing the real economy? I think the easiest way is to control the opening hours.

For example, it is hot during the day in summer and it is inconvenient to go out. At this time, you can choose to open it for eight hours a day during the day. Conversely, in winter, it is cold at night, and most people will not go out.

At this time, open the virtual world for eight hours at night, so that the virtual world can become a supplement to the real world, and the virtual economy can be fully developed without disturbing the real economic order.

Of course, you can also try to give eight hours a day, and the user can freely control it. Compared with the above method, it is more conducive to reasonable personal arrangements.

However, this method is not conducive to promoting the prosperity of the virtual world economy. After all, economic development requires people to communicate with each other. The more people gather, the higher the possibility of transactions. "Leaf Book said.

Regarding the idea of ​​building a virtual world, it is estimated that the people of Phoenix Technology also have it. After all, this is not an unimaginable thing. The difficulty lies in whether the technology can achieve it.

However, the principle he emphasized, I guess they have not thought about it. He is not against the construction of virtual worlds, but he is against excessive virtualization, which must be controlled to a certain degree.

When Lei Jun heard his praise, he immediately smiled. After all, this is a major innovation made by Ye Zishu after they let go of Phoenix Technology.

However, Lei Jun also mentioned the difficulties they faced, and he said: "We fully support Mr. Ye's idea, and we are actually aware of the importance of building a 3D Internet.

Although this business was only launched last year, it has played a very positive role in the development of its business. Without the emergence of this technology, our revenue may not be so good.

It’s just that if you want to develop from the current 3D application to the virtual world mentioned by Mr. Ye, it’s unlikely to appear in a short period of time. The required computing power alone is currently unattainable. "

In fact, the workload of building a virtual world is huge, and only with the assistance of artificial intelligence, they are able to do so with ease. Otherwise, the labor cost alone would be unaffordable for them.

Of course, virtual worlds can also be constructed modularly,

However, the virtual world constructed in this way has a very low degree of realism, and naturally has low appeal to many people, and it cannot play the expected role.

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Using traditional computers to build a virtual world does require a huge cost, and it may not be so real.

Ye Zishu thought for a while and said, "Actually, Baihu Technology Company has a super quantum computer whose computing power is not at the same level as the existing computers, but it can meet your needs.

It’s just that the quantum computer is still in the secrecy stage. If you can do a good job in keeping it secret, you can buy it from Baihu Technology Company, but the price is not cheap. A super quantum computer is estimated to cost hundreds of billions of yuan. "

When Lei Jun heard about the super quantum computer, his eyes immediately lit up. He is also a person who has been dealing with computers for a long time, and he is naturally very clear about the computing power of quantum computers.

If a super quantum computer can be purchased, not to mention hundreds of billions of dollars, even trillions of dollars is worth it. The increase in computing power brought about is crucial to their development.

With the further development of software and Internet applications, the current computer system is becoming more and more outdated. In fact, not only Qinglong Technology is researching quantum computing technology, they are also conducting research in this area.

However, it is not easy to develop quantum computing technology, and it is far away from entering the practical stage. They have not yet expected to use it in a short time.

I just didn't expect that Baihu Technology Company has this technology, and it has entered the stage of practical application. Let alone Lei Jun, everyone else was shocked.

"Mr. Ye, can our companies also purchase super quantum computers?" Guo Dongmei also made purchase requests on behalf of other presidents.

Ye Zishu thought for a while and said, "Although the urgency for you is not so great, if you really need it, you can buy it. The requirements are the same, and you must do a good job of keeping it secret."

Hearing that Ye Zishu agreed, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. As for whether it can be used, they are not worried. If the hardware conditions are met, more application scenarios will naturally emerge.

As for the confidentiality work, they don't have to worry about it, and let the general-purpose robot be responsible for the operation and maintenance work. Now they are used to the existence of the general-purpose robot, and they no longer have the same resistance as before.

Ye Zishu's decision will bring trillions of yuan in revenue to Baihu Technology Company in the future. They are all owners who are not short of money. They dare not say how much they are. There is not much pressure for each to buy one.

After every company has a super quantum computer, it will be more conducive to promoting the intelligent development of the entire system, at least artificial intelligence will become more intelligent than it is now.

At present, artificial intelligence 3.0 has not been fully opened. At present, Phoenix Technology Company and New Oriental Education Group are using artificial intelligence 2.0, and most other companies are still using version 1.0.

However, for scientific research needs, it is currently supported comprehensively. The front-end uses version 1.0, and the background uses version 2.0 as the main support. 3.0 will only provide support when it is really needed.

The difference between the first two versions is mainly reflected in the humanized performance, and the difference between the latter two is mainly reflected in the creativity. Although there are differences in other aspects, they are not big.

After talking about this matter, Ye Zishu continued: "A long time ago, I mentioned the concept of the Internet of Everything, and the Internet of Things was born for this.

The current Internet is mostly used in the fields of entertainment and commerce, and has little support for industry and agriculture. The Internet of Things will be an important infrastructure for the next generation of industries.

In this regard, I hope that you can devote more energy to prepare the Internet of Things technology in advance to lay a solid foundation for the next economic take-off.

As for how to develop the Internet of Things, you can communicate and cooperate with Xingguang Group and Xinghuo Group. They are obviously ahead of you in this regard. "

The Internet of Things cannot be completed by one or two companies. It requires the participation of many companies. Only when everyone pays attention can it be possible to realize the goal of the Internet of Everything.

Fortunately, this matter is not particularly urgent, so he just mentioned it. This is a good breakthrough for companies that have already encountered a development bottleneck.

"Mr. Ren, you can choose the right time to announce your 4G standard. Compared with 3G, 4G

Chapter 972 Virtual World, Smart Manufacturing, and Beautiful Countryside Project Free to read.

It is one of the necessary conditions for the development of the Internet of Things. "Leaf Book said.

Lao Ren simply agreed. The 4G research and development work has actually been completed long ago, but due to commercial considerations, he has not disclosed too many details to the outside world.

They are now developing 5G communication technology, and they are also researching quantum communication technology. Compared with the communication technology owned by Baihu Technology Company, although it is a bit behind, it is much higher than the existing communication technology level.

In the face of Qinglong Technology Company, Ye Zishu asked them to strengthen the development of their robotics business. The form may not be limited to humanoid robots, and it may not be limited to domestic service robots.

However, it is still necessary to be cautious in the application of robots that may lead to mass unemployment. Social stability is sometimes more important than economic development.

When a large number of redundant labor positions have not been created, the application of robots cannot go too fast, but the technology cannot be left behind, and research and development cannot be stopped just because the market prohibits it.

Only by accumulating sufficiently deep technology can we come up with mature products when needed to solve the problems encountered by the society, and we should not have the idea of ​​cramming.

In addition, he asked Qinglong Technology to continue to expand and strengthen the sensor business. The Internet of Things is based on both the Internet and sensors.

Qinglong Technology Company itself has a strong foundation in this area, and it is hoped that they will combine this business with its industry more closely to produce more new products and applications.

When talking with Xuanwu Technology Company, Ye Zishu emphasized the importance of intelligent manufacturing. If Xuanwu Technology Company wants to break through its current limitations and obtain new development opportunities, it must spend more energy in this area.

In fact, they have already made efforts in this regard, and some results have been achieved, but the current task is not to need smart industrial equipment, but to create more job opportunities.

Leaf Book does not require them to be widely used now, but it can be piloted in various industries. First, it is easier to find problems by accumulating data and experience and going through the actual production process.

The second is to help expand their scope in the field of intelligent manufacturing, and better understand where the market for intelligent manufacturing is. If you sit in the laboratory and think about it, there will always be limitations.

Although he is more cautious in the industrial field, he believes that intelligence has great potential in consumer products, and even gave many examples to illustrate the characteristics of smart consumer products.

At present, the domestic economy has come to this point. It is difficult to boost the economy if we want to increase the number of commodities. It will only lead to overcapacity, and we must abandon the previous model of large-scale development.

It is easy to understand the search for new markets in terms of finding new market demands and improving product quality. For example, the county-level entertainment consumer market mentioned above is a new market demand.

There is also the central city of Jurassic Park that he personally designed. This city is not just a simple stack of buildings, but a smart city that uses too many new technologies.

The reason for this is, on the one hand, to give tourists more novelty, and on the other hand, to promote new samples of urban development and promote the development of other domestic cities.

Then through domestic smart cities to influence the global demand for smart cities, so as to promote his industries to have a broader market in the world.

If this effect is very good, the creation of smart cities alone can create a large market, which plays an important role in improving the economy, and can also improve the convenience of life for urban residents, improve the efficiency of urban operations, and reduce urban consumption.

The establishment of a central city is not only to create a model of a smart city, to create a new market, but also to meet the needs of many new smart consumer end, and to promote the development of various industries.

At present, in the field of semiconductors, the manufacturing process has reached the level of 10 nanometers, and in the future it will be below 10 nanometers, and the manufacturing cost will become higher and higher, gradually reaching the limit of silicon-based chips.

The leaf book made Qinglong Technology Company and Xuanwu Technology Company to consider developing optical brain products from now on, as an upgraded version to replace the silicon-based electronic computing field.

Of course, other electronic computing technologies are also

Chapter 972 Virtual World, Smart Manufacturing, and Beautiful Countryside Project Free to read.

What can be developed, such as the carbon-based chips mentioned before, or other more advanced electronic chips, does not immediately abandon electronic computing technology and directly apply optical computing technology.

The reason is actually very simple. In addition to commercial interests, the most important reason is the smooth transition of society. At present, too many technological products are based on electronics.

It is difficult to achieve a comprehensive replacement in the short term by abandoning electronics and promoting photonic applications all at once, and photonic applications are not just a simple development of an optical brain, but extensive and profound comprehensive application research and technical accumulation of photons.

Therefore, this process takes a long time, and the electronics industry cannot be stagnated in the middle. It is still necessary to continuously introduce new ones and firmly control the electronics industry chain and market.

Of course, the comprehensive R\u0026D and application of photons cannot be done by relying on the two companies. It is necessary to gather the entire industry under his company to comprehensively explore the application research of photon technology to achieve good results.

When he had a meeting with Yu Minhong, the president of New Oriental Education Group, he said: "Now there are people starting to offer various training courses in the society, you should understand this.

It can be said that none of these training courses are qualified, and it can even be said that they are basically nonsense. Without serious knowledge, they are quite good at fooling around.

The study of success, if there is a study of success, then all the successful people in the world, compared to teaching management is relatively good.

However, the level of these so-called management training masters is also uneven, and most of them have no real talent and learning. It can even be said that they have memorized a few cases that can fool people, and the rest are all imaginary.

This kind of social atmosphere is very bad, and it also shows that there is a demand for this in the society. We are not the government, and we cannot issue management regulations to regulate the market.

But we also have our own method, which is to compete with them openly, and use your teachers' advantages and systematic knowledge system to set up a special school.

This can not only meet the society's demand for such knowledge, but also prevent scammers from running rampant. Most importantly, the indiscriminate knowledge they teach will directly pollute the business environment of domestic enterprises and must be severely cracked down on.

If you want to be successful, you must study the field you are involved in for a long time. It is by no means that you can be enlightened after listening to three or two lectures. You should know this truth.

In addition to organizing special management training courses to fight against them, they also like to use you as a template for successful cases. I hope everyone here will give clarification and don't be taken advantage of by those who are interested. "

Ye Zishu didn't mention this matter, they didn't pay much attention to it, the reason was that they didn't have much relationship with them, the overall scale was relatively small, and they didn't have much interest.

Among the types of training classes in the previous life, the cram school was the largest. Now there are very few cram schools in the society. It's not that everyone has no money, but that they have lost the soil.

The basic education schools under the New Oriental Education Group, in order to cope with the emergence of extracurricular tutoring, have launched tutoring services in various schools. The price is relatively low, and ordinary families can easily afford it.

Even those who want to participate in difficulties at home can get free opportunities. These actions have severely hit the emergence of cram schools outside and made them lose the soil for their existence.

However, they do not advocate the practice of extracurricular tutoring. In order to kill students' time, they have launched a large number of interest classes, which are very meaningful for cultivating students' interests and hobbies and mastering skills other than basic knowledge.

In addition, students are now using IQ drugs, and there is no such thing as insufficient IQ. As long as they are a little more serious, the knowledge in the classroom will not be too difficult for the students.

This is also an important reason for the disappearance of extra-curricular cram schools. New Oriental Education Group launched extra-curricular interest classes, which can not only increase the school’s income, but also reduce the burden on students’ parents and prevent involution. It can be said to kill three birds with one stone.

Now this approach has been implemented in other schools. Many schools do not have enough teachers to teach interest classes, so they have reached cooperation with New Oriental Education Group.

Hire teachers from their basic education schools, and go to these schools to teach interest classes after school. The fees are basically in accordance with the fees charged by New Oriental Education Group.

Chapter 972 Virtual World, Smart Manufacturing, and Beautiful Countryside Project Free to read.

, the market is already quite regulated.

In addition, New Oriental Education Group has also launched the activity of going to the countryside for interest classes, and will arrange some teachers to provide cheaper services or even free teaching services to children in rural basic education schools.

This approach still upholds the concept of equal educational resources and does not allow children in rural schools to distance themselves from children in cities.

In addition, they also regularly provide free training to rural teachers to improve the professional level of teachers in rural areas. This is a long-term work.

Therefore, the current training courses in the society are aimed at adults who are out of society, and they are all people with small fortunes, either small business owners, or people who are lucky enough to get a fortune.

Such people are generally not highly educated and have made some money by taking advantage of the reform and opening up, but they are at a loss in the face of the rapidly changing society and hope to improve themselves through training.

This idea is good, but they are eager for success. Learning is a long-term process, and it is definitely not something that can be enlightened after a few lessons from others.

But the teachers in these training classes are really good at eloquence, and they also like to use psychology. The atmosphere on the scene is very good, so that the people participating in it are easy to fall into a state of collective dementia.

If it was just a simple trick, Ye Zishu didn't bother to care about it. Anyway, it was just being cheated of some money. If they weren't cheated here, they might be cheated elsewhere. It wasn't something he should worry about.

It's just that in order to compete for a limited market, these training courses are very serious about involution, and they have begun to rely on thick and black science to fool them, which is very harmful to society.

This kind of practice has polluted the domestic political and business environment, and has a particularly bad impact on the social atmosphere. It must be resolutely cracked down, so he brought up this matter.

During the meeting with Wancheng Foundation, Ye Zishu mentioned the beautiful countryside plan. Previously, Wancheng Foundation's main business was still in cities, which played a vital role in promoting the development of urbanization.

Urbanization is a product of the development of industrialization, which is of positive significance to the economic development of our country, but for the people, the yearning for nature and the countryside will never be lost.

Moreover, with the highly developed urbanization, the nostalgia for the countryside will become more and more intense. Rural tourism, farmhouse entertainment, etc. in previous lives are all manifestations of this kind of plot.

It just so happens that the rapid development of urbanization is about to pass, and when it becomes normal, they will have enough manpower to promote the construction of beautiful countryside and promote the harmonious development of urban and rural areas.

Turn the countryside into the back garden of the city, where you can relax in your spare time, and at the same time promote the development of the rural economy and provide more opportunities for these people.

In addition to Wancheng Jiye, Leaf Book also involved Kylin Agricultural Development Group, linking rural infrastructure and agricultural development, which is the real beautiful countryside.

It also happens that Kirin Agricultural Development Group can further accelerate the development of rural industries and increase the income level of farmers, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

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