Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 996 The culture, medical and software industries are still developing rapidly

Time seemed to pass very slowly, and the elderly in the village began to feel a little impatient, wanting to get the first pension in their lives, although they didn't care about this money at all given their family circumstances.

But this meaning is completely different. Their situation is better, after all, their children are still rich.

In some areas, the living expenses of the elderly depend on the face of their children. In fact, they are not too happy in their hearts, but there is no way.

Even in order to be able to reflect their role in the family, they have to go to work in the fields, or do some work within their ability, and dare not neglect in the slightest.

Ye Zishu grew up in the countryside since he was a child, and he is even more familiar with the pension situation in the countryside. Although everyone's life has improved a lot, the essence has not changed fundamentally.

It is precisely because of this that, adhering to the principle of enabling everyone to live a decent and dignified life, we strongly promote that all elderly people can receive pensions, and truly realize the need for old-age care.

It's just that the formulation of the pension system did not follow Ye Shu's original idea. He considered equality, and the country also considered incentives.

Therefore, the pension is divided according to 9 levels. If there is no violation of law and discipline before, and the credit record is generally very good, you can get the fifth level of pension, which is currently 5,000 yuan per month.

Based on the fifth-level pension standard, people who have made significant contributions in the past can receive different levels of pensions according to the size of their contributions. The highest level is level 9, which is currently 10,000 yuan per month.

On the other hand, if you have committed crimes and violated laws and disciplines before, depending on the seriousness of the circumstances and subsequent performance, you will receive different pensions. You can only receive pensions from level 1 to level 4, and the level 1 pension is currently 2000 dollars.

In this way, many people have to consider the consequences when doing things, which is conducive to maintaining social stability, and also gives many people the motivation to struggle when they are young, so that they can make contributions to society and the country.

Of course, most people can only get level 5 pensions, and it is still relatively difficult to get pensions above level 5. Even ordinary employees in the government can only get this level.

What makes Ye Zishu more satisfied is that the pension does not necessarily depend on the level of the position as the basis for judging. This is a huge change from the past, but the assessed contribution is used as the basis for grading.

For this reason, there is also a set of very thick implementation standards. This set of standards applies not only to the government, public institutions, and state-owned enterprises, but also to private enterprises and flexible employees. It is determined that the staff of the pension fund will do it.

Because the system is very large and has a lot of content, if it is handed over to humans for evaluation, problems will easily arise. However, pension funds are managed by artificial intelligence and general robots, and institutions are located all over the country.

Many people are more convinced by the pension fund's evaluation of contributions, and some things involve secrets, so it is the best solution for the general robot to evaluate without worrying about leaks.

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In fact, the social security funds of the social security fund are not exactly the same, and the level is as high as 21. The assessment is based on social credit and social contribution standards, which is not exactly the same as the assessment of pensions.

Most people receive 11-level social security funds, currently set at 15,000 yuan per month, and according to social credit and social contributions, the social security funds received by each person are different.

However, in the past, the data was incomplete, and the social credit system and social contribution system were not fully operational. At present, they are determined according to the 11-level standard. Whether the past is good or bad, let the past be past the blame.

The reason is that it would be very troublesome if the previous incidents were pursued, and it would not be messy if it was unclear, and it was also a chance for people to reform, so they had to do so.

Although Ye Zishu is a rich man, he actually has his own social security fund, but since his personal income far exceeds the social security fund, so even if he receives it,

You have to go back, and you even have to pay a lot of personal taxes.

Based on Ye Zishu’s past contributions, he would definitely receive the highest-level social security benefits. Currently, he can receive 30,000 yuan per month, which is double the standard social security benefits.

Conversely, the lowest level of social security is the same as the standard pension, that is, 5,000 yuan per month, which can only guarantee personal needs such as food, clothing and housing. It is still relatively difficult to support a family in Hukou.

Although in the foreseeable future, it is impossible for Leaf Book to go bankrupt completely, but for other entrepreneurs, this risk is still quite high.

If the entrepreneurs really go bankrupt, they can still enjoy the support of the social security fund in retrospect, and they will not be in a desperate situation, and they can still live a relatively good life, which is conducive to encouraging more people to start businesses.

Of course, if they succeed in starting a business, they will pay a lot of taxes, which fully embodies the spirit of "everyone for one, one for everyone", and makes them willing to pay more taxes.

The only person in his family who receives social security benefits is her mother. Since the income of the two companies managed by his father belongs to his father's name, his mother does not have any property or income in her name.

Therefore, his mother did not intend to give up the social security fund. Fortunately, she did not need to be present in person. The Social Security Bureau would transfer the money to the personal social security bank account on time on the 1st of every month, no later than the 5th.

Of course, you can also give up receiving it. For people like Ye Zishu, there is no need to repay the bill back and forth. They simply choose not to receive it temporarily in their social security account.

In January next year, it will be uniformly verified. If the individual's after-tax income last year exceeds the social security fund, then the money will be automatically returned to the social security fund.

Conversely, if last year's after-tax income is less than the social security fund income, the tax refund paid by the individual will be used to make up the difference first, and if it is not enough, the difference will be made up from the social security fund.

His mother was very excited when she saw that her first social security payment was repaid. She never thought that after working hard for half her life, she would be able to receive this income one day.

Although the mother is not short of this little money now, it does not affect her happiness for it in the slightest. Seeing her mother's happy appearance, Ye Zishu feels that the 10 years of hard work have not been in vain.

Maybe today the whole country will be full of joy, the elderly no longer need to rely on their children to provide for them, the monthly pension they receive is enough for them to spend, the medical expenses are not large, all major diseases are reimbursed, and the reimbursement rate for the elderly with minor illnesses is as high as 90%.

If it weren't for the fear of running out of medical resources, to be honest, the free waiver would not cost much. The big ones are paid out, and I don't care about the small ones. It's just that if we do this, the medical resources will probably be run out, which will have a great impact on the medical system. hazards.

As for the unemployed, receiving the first social security fund issued by the state in history, although they can't live a life of great wealth and wealth, they can still support their families in a down-to-earth manner.

The couple together have 30,000 yuan per month. Even if they buy or rent a house with a loan, and they have two children, they can also buy a private car. As long as they don't spend too much, they can live without any pressure.

The number of people receiving social security benefits is about the same as that estimated by Ye Zishu. The total number is about 50 million, mainly housewives and young people who are over 18 years old but do not have a job.

There has not been a large-scale resignation of enterprise employees. It will take some time for the market to respond, and everyone has their own considerations, and it takes time to make up their minds.

Leaf Book asked its robots to pay the employment fee. In fact, the funds are still very abundant. The reason why the first month is paid according to the standard of 15,000 yuan is mainly because they are not sure about the actual funds paid.

In order to balance the financial situation, the first month must be quite conservative. After the robot employment fee for the first month is paid, the payment standard may be adjusted.

In the future, it will be adjusted dynamically every month according to the actual income and expenditure situation. For the social security fund, there is no need to accumulate too much funds in its own hands. The most important thing is to achieve a balance of income and expenditure.

This is different from pensions, which will not be adjusted dynamically. Generally, they will be adjusted once a year according to the economic situation and the level of consumption.

His mother was very happy to receive the money, and she was much more active in reading and studying than before. According to the regulations, she could improve her social credit and social contribution value by obtaining qualification certificates, improving diplomas, publishing papers, etc.

Then after accumulating a certain value, it will be automatically upgraded to the next social security level and receive more social security benefits, so studying and studying at home can allow yourself to receive more money.

Since every household in his village can receive dividends from Juewei Food Group and Xingmiao Aquatic Products Company, and the per capita income exceeds the social security standard, basically no social security benefits are received.

In fact, due to the tax adjustment, the capital tax rate has been greatly increased, which is very different from before. In the past, it was basically adjusted from the labor tax, and the tax rate of the active tax was adjusted.

However, capital gains are passive taxes, and the tax paid is relatively small. This tax reform has adjusted and standardized this area of ​​taxation, and has improved it to varying degrees.

Therefore, after the people in their village receive the company's dividends, they pay higher taxes than before, because the capital income is merged into the personal income, and the tax is uniformly paid according to the personal income.

And each of their households received more than 2 million yuan in dividends from Juewei Food last year. They only needed to pay 20% tax in the past, but now they need to pay 45% tax.

Personal income tax is a tax that adjusts the gap between the rich and the poor. It is very painful for a large number of high-income people, especially those with capital income, and they need to pay more taxes.

On January 5th, all the annual reports of Ye Zishu's subsidiaries came out. Although he doesn't pay much attention to its operations now, he still has to read the annual reports carefully.

The first thing he looked at was the annual report of Shengshi Cultural Group. Last year, their revenue had a good increase compared with the previous year. The total revenue reached 5 trillion yuan, an increase of 1.5 trillion yuan.

The revenue growth rate was 43%, which was much higher than the 17% growth rate of the previous year. There are three main reasons. The first is that the global economy has basically recovered, and their global revenue has been greatly improved.

It has been two or three years since the financial crisis occurred in 1997. During this time, Tidal Investment Company invested most of the money it earned, providing strong support for the recovery of the global economy.

In addition, my country's economic growth has not been greatly affected in these years, and it has become the pinnacle of the global economy. Countries that have more trade with my country can also quickly recover from the impact of the crisis.

The second is that domestic cultural consumption has been increasing year by year. Many cultural industries that they have deployed in advance have reached their harvest period one after another, contributing to their revenue growth.

Like the cultural and art centers built in every prefecture-level city, they basically opened for business last year, becoming a good place for cultural consumption of urban residents.

Moreover, the culture-related industries that were incubated before have gradually become bigger and stronger. Although they are not comparable to the main business revenue, the number is quite large, and the total amount is still considerable.

The third is the expansion of the market boundary that he mentioned at last year's annual meeting. Last year, they lived up to expectations and made great efforts in this area and achieved great development.

Facts have proved that under the current economic conditions, the cultural consumption market in non-big cities is also not small, and their cultural consumption potential is no worse than that of big cities.

In a small county like his, there were cultural performances almost every day last year, involving a wide range of content, almost every day was full of seats, and the revenue generated was very considerable.

According to the statistics of Wancheng Jiye and Shengshi Cultural Group, the per capita consumption of cultural performances in their county last year was as high as 10,000 yuan, and the county has nearly 600,000 people, contributing 6 billion yuan in cultural output value.

Although the per capita income of his county is relatively high, and the per capita consumption of cultural performances is relatively high, other counties are not particularly bad, and the consumption of cultural performances is also much higher than before.

The total revenue of the cultural performance market in non-big cities alone is as high as 0.6 trillion yuan. In addition to the development of other cultural industries brought about by cultural performances, the new contribution is nearly 0.8 trillion yuan.

In fact, they don't have enough artists to support such a huge population and market. The traditional talent training mechanism is too slow, so they borrow a lot of virtual star authorization from Phoenix Special Effects Company.

As a result, a large number of well-known entertainers were obtained, and at the same time, a large number of additional personnel were hired from Kirin Basic Industries Group to engage in behind-the-scenes work such as traditional cultural performances and planning.

The reason is that the market scale is expanding too fast, and the number of artists cannot keep up. It takes a long time to cultivate a mature artist, and there is no time at all. Falsification will only damage one's own brand.

Moreover, the demand for behind-the-scenes personnel is also very strong, and they dare not use novices casually, especially some performances are dangerous. If something goes wrong, it will be a big accident.

At this time, we can only hire general-purpose robots to work, but these general-purpose robots, especially performing arts robots, are specially customized and not hired casually.

Including the performance business of cultural and art centers above prefecture-level cities, they hired a total of 200,000 general-purpose robots from Kirin Basic Industries Group last year, which is quite large.

Shengshi Cultural Group has found a new growth point for performance, and the future potential is still very large. According to their current situation, it is really possible to realize a group enterprise with annual revenue exceeding 10 trillion yuan.

Phoenix Technology's revenue last year was also very good. The total revenue reached 38 trillion yuan, and the revenue growth rate reached 26.7%. It is not easy to have such a high growth rate in this volume.

First of all, thanks to the recovery of the global economy, the demand for various software has increased significantly, and after so many years of reshuffle, many of their competitors have disappeared in the long river of history.

They have a monopoly in many product and software industries. When global demand increases, they will naturally be the first to benefit, which will be reflected in revenue growth immediately.

The second is that cloud-based technology has been fully implemented, and its business has undergone major adjustments and changes to provide users with the latest software function experience in real time, thereby continuously generating income.

At the same time, relying on cloud technology, they have also launched a large number of new service content, and the value-added services brought by these content have also created a lot of income for them.

Then there are local life service companies and e-commerce businesses, which are still continuing to develop at a high speed. Relying on advanced technological advantages, they have global exclusivity in this area, which has brought them a lot of revenue growth.

The most important thing is that Danque Financial Services Company, which has been losing money, started commercial operations last year. This business is the reason why their revenue grew so fast last year.

Danque Financial Services Company is already the world's largest online payment system, which has almost monopolized the global online payment market without any competitors.

The proportion of the offline payment market is also very good. Although it is not as scary as online, it still accounts for 50% of the overall market. Among them, the domestic offline payment accounts for more than 90%. This year, with the promotion of digital currency, it will further increase .

There are highs and lows in various foreign countries, and the overall offline payment ratio is around 20%. Although it is not as exaggerated as in China, it is still a good result and there is a lot of room for development in the future.

These figures still cannot reflect the strength of their financial service platform. Last year, the scale of capital transfer through their platform was as high as 500 trillion yuan.

The number of its users is as high as 3 billion. The reason is that they cooperated with Qingluan Information Technology Company to build their online payment platform into their social platform.

In this way, when they use it, they don't need to open the online payment platform, and can directly use the social platform to realize online payment and offline payment, which is more convenient than before.

With this number of users, it is almost certain that anyone with a mobile phone has registered their payment platform account. In the payment field, they are the well-deserved global hegemony.

Moreover, it has also expanded a lot of business, cooperated with many well-known fund companies, and added online fund purchase services. These are value-added services that require money.

Insurance business, bank wealth management products, personal consumption loans and other businesses have gradually increased on their platform, and these have brought them a lot of income.

Last year was just the first time to test the water, and its revenue scale reached 1 trillion yuan. Not only did it earn back all the money it lost before, but it also made a lot of profits.

The rapid revenue growth has exceeded Ye Zishu's expectations. Sure enough, doing finance is to make money, and charging financial tolls like them is lying down to make money.

Taiji Group’s total revenue last year was 85 trillion yuan, with a revenue growth rate of 21.4%. It has also achieved impressive results, especially in the case of a large volume, which is not easy.

There are two main businesses that contribute to their new revenue. The first is the medical aesthetics business. With advanced and safe and painless medical aesthetics technology, this business has developed rapidly around the world last year.

This business alone contributed 7 trillion yuan in revenue to them last year, serving 30 million customers, with an average contribution of more than 250,000 yuan per customer.

In fact, their medical beauty prices are much more expensive than this, just because they are relatively cheap in China, which lowers the overall single-customer price, otherwise the revenue scale will be larger.

The second is the nano-medical robot business. Nano-medical robots are widely used in the medical field, and have developed rapidly since they came out, becoming one of their main sources of new revenue.

To use a nanomedical robot, you need a set of matching equipment, and you need to pay extra for the nanomedical robot. The cost is still very high.

But for many diseases, the use of nano-medical robots is very convenient. For example, diseases such as thrombosis and high blood pressure were not easy to solve in the past, but using nano-medical robots is very simple.

The use of nano-medical robots in China has been included in the medical insurance, so I don’t have any special feelings, but the cost of using a nano-medical robot abroad is generally around 100,000 yuan.

Moreover, different nanomedical robots have different prices. For example, the nanorobots used to treat cerebral thrombosis cost as much as 300,000 yuan for one use.

This business alone brought them 3 trillion yuan in revenue last year, which does not include domestic revenue, because the domestic technology has entered medical insurance, and the amount of income depends on the total amount of medical insurance.

In addition, Taiji Group also launched a lot of genetic disease data drugs and technologies last year, which also brought them a lot of income, such as cleft lip, the use of gene therapy drugs, the effect is very good.

Gene therapy drugs belong to the world's top medical technology, and there are not many users, so the price is often relatively expensive, and they are monopolized, so naturally they will not be sold cheaply.

In addition, they have also launched many conventional alternative drugs and new conventional disease treatment drugs. Although the price is not very expensive, they are more versatile and used in larger quantities, which also bring additional benefits.

Ye Zishu did not participate in the research and development of these drugs, which shows that Taiji Group is accelerating its growth in the field of pharmaceutical research and development, which is much better than before.

Of course, it doesn't mean that their scientific researchers are very powerful, because they employ a large number of general-purpose robots to serve as medical and medical technology research and development personnel, which is a slick approach.

But it is undeniable that this approach has completely solved the talent problem of the Taiji Group, and it can also continuously accumulate technical background for the Taiji Group, and it will not make a difference because it is a general-purpose robot.

Moreover, these general-purpose robots have given good guidance to new employees, are the guides for many new employees, and played a positive role in the rapid growth of new employees.

The other businesses of the group are also developing rapidly. Nursing and cosmetics, health care, medicinal diet, functional drinks, and body shaping businesses have all grown to varying degrees.

In particular, their medicated diet business has actually gone abroad, not in East Asian and Southeast Asian countries. These countries are more or less influenced by domestic Chinese medicine culture, and their acceptance of medicated diet is relatively high.

Instead, it has been driven to Western countries, which was difficult to do before. The reason is the cultural advantages generated by the highly developed economy and technology, which forced it to accept our country's cultural thinking.

What's more, this business is done by Taiji Group. As the world's largest and most technologically advanced pharmaceutical and medical group, no matter what experts say, consumers have a blind sense of trust.

What's more, Taiji Group is not a charlatan in this business. It has indeed given full play to the advantages of combining traditional Chinese medicine technology and Chinese cooking skills, and the medicinal food products it provides are very effective.

To be honest, the status of the world's top economic and technological countries brings advantages in all aspects. If we put it in the past, it would be troublesome to do even a small thing.

But now, you can boldly and confidently say that I am the standard, and it is correct to follow the standards I set. The counterparts in other countries will generally abide by them. This is the embodiment of soft power brought about by the improvement of the country's hard power.

Why it was so easy for developed countries to make money in the past, not only because of their high level of technology, but also because of the advantages brought about by soft power.

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