Reborn: The Godfather Has Fallen For Me

Chapter 1000 Talking White Ape

Even Yan Kuan has never seen a fifth-level monster. The most powerful one he has ever seen is a blue-level monster. He has never even fought against it. Super breed, they don't know how to describe the mood at the moment.

This white ape is about the same shape as Yan Kuan, at most half a head taller, with white hair all over. It is not as huge as they imagined, but it looks very ordinary, so ordinary that they don't even think it has anything when they see it at first glance. A little aggressive.

"Little monkey, do you want us to save it?"

The white ape did not speak from the beginning to the end, but looked at the little monkey with extremely kind eyes, and even looked at them with a hint of a smile, as if he was not afraid that they would take advantage of the fire and take away the spar while it was seriously injured .

"Chi Chi Chi Chi"

Well, they don't understand.

But I probably understood what this meant, and I really wanted them to save him.

The two looked at each other, and Yan Kuan stepped forward. He looked at the wound of the white monkey. Fortunately, the internal organs were not damaged, but the wound was too large. Obviously, the wound had not healed for some days, and it was still flesh and blood. Cracked.

"If it was a human, it would definitely be stitched up directly. If a beast is injured, it will either heal itself or wait to die, not to mention such a large wound. This white ape probably really thought he was going to die, so he was so calm."

"But to injure a 5-crystal monster, it must be at least level 5, right? This second forest has level 5?"

"This is not surprising. Not all monsters must stay in the third forest. Humans know that big hermits live in the city and small hermits live in the wild, let alone animals. I have always thought that animals are smarter than humans .”

"Oh, is the white ape's wound healed?"

"Sew it up, and then reduce the inflammation. It should be able to survive. After all, it is a fifth-level monster. If it didn't have a certain recovery system, it might not be able to survive now. It has been at least half a month since I saw the wound."

"Then let me come, your legs are not good, and you have walked so much just now, lie down and rest."

"Little monkey, you tell your friend, I'll treat it."

Sure enough, the little monkey could hear what she said, and Shen Xiaoxiao even patted the medicine box, so the little monkey understood it in seconds.

It chattered at the white ape and didn't know what it was talking about. They saw the white ape turn to look at them, his eyes were still defenseless, which made Shen Xiaoxiao and Yan Kuan feel relieved.

But then the white ape spoke, which made them startled:

"It's time for you, little human friend."

"You can speak human language?"

"White ape and humans belong to the same family, and I am a fifth-level monster, so I can naturally understand human language. Don't be surprised, other fifth-level monsters will not understand."

"Oh, so, but, this, this, this is still a strange experience."

The white ape looked very tired, and slowly closed his eyes and didn't speak, but he was very relieved that they were treating it.

It can understand what they said, so it naturally understood what Shen Xiaoxiao and Yan Kuan said just now, and must also know that they did not intend to take away the spar, so the white ape is relieved of them, probably for this reason.

The wound on the white ape is long, and the recovery is not very good. It is estimated that it has been split many times, and some places have suppurated. Shen Xiaoxiao should carefully scrape off the suppurated places, and then shave off the white ape hair. Then the inflammation was reduced, and then the stitches were slowly stitched up with needles.

The pain during the whole process can be imagined, but the white ape still kept his eyes closed and didn't say a word, which forced Shen Xiaoxiao to speed up.

It took her at least half an hour to sew up the white ape's wound, and she also sprinkled the wound finely with medicinal powder, and then wrapped it with white gauze several times before completely tidying up the white ape's wound.

"Okay, Bai Yuan, you don't need to remove the stitches for this wound, just change the dressing every day, as long as you don't move around, lie down and rest well, it will heal within 7 days."

Hearing that it can heal in 7 days, Bai Yuan opened his eyes and looked at them in surprise.

Shen Xiaoxiao took a pill and fed it into the white ape's mouth. After the white ape swallowed it, he said:

"Little friends are good at it."

When Shen Xiaoxiao heard what Bai Yuan said, she smiled, then packed up the medicine box and sat next to Yan Kuan, seeing that the wound on his leg was not open, she was relieved.

Bai Yuan watched the actions of the two, and then continued:

"You want to enter the third forest?"


They don't hide their purpose, and that's what they want to do. It's rare to meet a monster who can speak and understand human language, but they don't want to hide anything at all.

"Hey, after I recover from my injury, I'll take you there. There is absolutely no possibility of getting in with you alone."

"Why are you so sure? Although there are many monsters, this is the second forest, and we can deal with them."

After hearing what they said, the white ape looked at the two of them, but it paused for a moment when its eyes were on Yan Kuan's waist, and then said clearly:

"So that's how it is, my little friend has a black ax to open mountains, so he really has nothing to fear."

Both of them lowered their heads at the same time to look at the black transparent axe. The white ape was talking about this axe. What's the point?

"Little friend really has a chance, so I don't need to worry about it, so let my grandson guide you."

Naturally, this refers to the little monkey, but the species of the golden monkey and the white ape seem to be different.

"White Ape, you are a fifth-level monster. I want to ask you something. Is there a white dragon in the third forest?"

Hearing this, the white ape was taken aback for a moment, and then they saw the different expressions of the white ape since entering here until now.

"Are you going for the white dragon?"

"What's wrong? Is there really a white dragon?"

"If you are going after the white dragon, I advise you to turn back as soon as possible. The white dragon is an ancient beast. Although it was trapped in the World of Warcraft with the ghost pool unicorn, it is not something you can provoke."

so serious? But they didn't go for Bailong, they went for the two dolls on Bailong.

But Yan Kuan was still smart, he immediately changed the subject and said to the white ape:

"I don't know about the white ape. Did you ever know that there are two human children in the third forest?"

"Human? Impossible. Except for you, I have never seen any human dare to enter here. Of course, there was one more than 10 years ago, and the treasure of our second forest was taken away."

The white ape glanced at the black ax in Yan Kuan's hand, and naturally knew that the human who took away the ax more than ten years ago was the kid in front of him, but he didn't expect that he escaped by luck more than ten years ago, and dared to come back more than ten years later. Small.

"Little friend, since you have been here, you should also know the danger here, let alone the third forest?"

"To be honest, our children got separated from us, and someone saw them with the white dragon before, so we want to enter the third forest."

"It's impossible. Bailong is trapped by the fairy rope and can't get out of the deep pool at all. How did you see it?"

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