Reborn: The Godfather Has Fallen For Me

Chapter 1023 The crocodile exploring the bottom

The giant-tailed crocodile was very entangled. He was just a small crocodile back then, and had not yet cultivated into a level 5 magic beast. He was still an insignificant one in the water tribe.

But when the golden dragon was suffering from the catastrophe of ten thousand years, he stabbed the golden dragon in the back, so that the golden dragon could not withstand the catastrophe of ten thousand years. Of course, it was because the golden dragon itself was injured that year, and it was not prepared for this little crocodile at all.

After the golden dragon got into trouble, its colored crystal was given to the little white dragon, and the red crystal in its body was taken by him.

This is also the reason why the giant-tailed crocodile has never dared to show up outside and buried himself in the water tribe.

After waiting for so many years, it was not easy for everyone to accept the fact that he was a level 5 magic beast. If this golden dragon really appeared and exposed the things that happened that year, the three elders would definitely not forgive it.

Because the dragon is the only sacred object that connects the magic beast world and the fairy world.

For so many years, there has been no immortal species in the magic beast world because there has been no dragon.

Because of a dispute of will and pride, Xiao Bailong had a dispute with Guichi Qilin, and was punished by the fairy world and trapped in this Warcraft World, so the Warcraft World can be said to be forgotten by the six realms.

Now hearing Feisi say this, the giant tailed Warcraft is naturally afraid.

Feisi saw that the giant tailed crocodile was wavering, and continued to say:

"You can go and find out tomorrow. After all, I am injured and can't go out, but you can, you can see if that person has the black axe."

"Okay, I will make a decision after I see it tomorrow."

Feisi looked at the giant tailed crocodile's back and smiled sarcastically. Even if she was demoted to a level two Warcraft, she would find a way to make you restless.

This giant tailed crocodile has been timid all his life, and the only wrong thing he did was to be related to the golden dragon. Now as long as she says that the person is the reincarnation of the golden dragon, the giant tailed crocodile will definitely believe it. The most important thing is that the person really has the black axe.

As for whether that person is a golden dragon, she doesn't believe it. People are just similar. She knows much more about the human world than the giant-tailed crocodile. She still doesn't believe that after 10,000 years, the giant-tailed crocodile can still remember what a golden dragon looks like.

It snowed heavily overnight. Not only that, but there was even thunder in the broad daylight. This is really strange. It was the first time that Yan Kuan and his friends encountered thunder in the snow.

The two children were forced to be taken to the hot spring cave where they stayed before. The cave there is bigger and warmer. Although the children said they were not cold, the parents would never let them do whatever they wanted.

"The weather here is so strange."

"Yeah, it's snowing and thundering, I'm afraid something is going to happen."

"You two little ones, don't bring these, we'll come back when the snow stops, and go to the hot spring cave temporarily. Didn't you say you haven't taken a hot bath for a long time? Mommy will take you to take a good bath."

"Okay, then we won't bring any of them, let's go."

Yan Kuan wanted to hold one and sit on his head as before, but the two little guys now want to walk by themselves, and even said arrogantly that they can find a tiger for them to ride on as long as they want.

Shen Xiaoxiao and Yan Kuan smiled, this child suddenly became filial and grew up, they really can't get used to it.

"This snow mastiff is really big. Isn't it just over a month old? It's older than the generals who are over three months old."

"Snow mastiffs are like this, and they are very human. I was lucky enough to see a wild snow mastiff in the Tibetan area of ​​China. It was very big and stood on the top of a snowy mountain. It was very majestic. A wolf pack of more than ten surrounded it and killed it. And the snow mastiff is very master-aware. You can tell from its attitude towards us that it has already recognized Xiaobao as its master. Poor our big baby thought that the first person the snow mastiff saw was her."

Yan Kuan walked behind and looked at the little guy jumping in front of him. He smiled helplessly. Dabao is sometimes really naive and cute, but also very smart. However, compared with Xiaobao's little head, it is really not enough.

"Yes, if there is a chance, I can also get a snow mastiff for Dabao, it will be fair."

"Well, it seems that we will stay in this World of Warcraft for a while, maybe there will be such an opportunity, let's walk faster, the snow is heavy."

The four of them and the dog were walking in the mountains and forests, and at this time, something unusual happened in front of them.

"Mom and Dad, it's a giant tail crocodile, it's a level 5 Warcraft."

Yan Kuan and Shen Xiaoxiao immediately became alert when they heard it. They had learned a little about the Warcraft world from the two children, and knew that Warcraft would not show mercy on this day, nor would they talk about human feelings with you. If they met, there would definitely be a fight.

And this was a level 5 Warcraft, which was the first time they encountered it. Yan Kuan took out his black axe directly. In this third-level World of Warcraft, he absolutely did not dare to take it lightly.

"Protect the child."

The two had a clear division of labor. Yan Kuan stood directly in front of the level 5 Warcraft with the black axe. He heard that the level 5 Warcraft could electrocute through the air, and he really wanted to see it.

So he asked Shen Xiaoxiao to protect the child and retreat.

Shen Xiaoxiao looked at Yan Kuan standing in front of the 5-polar monster with worry.

This giant-tailed crocodile was also strange. It stood there for a long time, and then suddenly sent out an electric shock. Yan Kuan took the black axe and chopped the electric light hard.

My goodness, the two lights collided in the air, making a loud bang.

Yan Kuan was unharmed, and the giant-tailed crocodile took a step back.

It looked at Yan Kuan for a while, and then when they thought it would make further moves, it actually turned around and walked away. This made Dabao and even Yan Kuan and Shen Xiaoxiao stunned.

This, this, this is a level 5 monster? Was he running too fast?

Moreover, running away if you can't win is the patent of Xiaobao and the others. Is this also the case with this level five monster?

"Wow, dad is so powerful, he actually beat away all the level 5 monsters."

"Yes, Dad, you are amazing."

The two children looked at Yan Kuan with starry eyes. Yan Kuan himself looked at the black ax in his hand thoughtfully. The crocodile seemed to be here for the black ax in his hand? But it has no intention of snatching. What's going on? Is it just to prove the power?

"Is everything okay?"

Shen Xiaoxiao looked at Yan Kuan in a daze and asked worriedly.

"It's okay, let's go, the crocodile won't come back for a while, it's thundering again."

"Okay, let's leave quickly."

After they returned to the cave, the two children quickly stripped themselves naked and jumped into the pool. The hot spring pool was quite large, with a diameter of two meters wide and a depth of about 2 meters. Shen Xiaoxiao looked at the two The children jumped in so quickly, and before they had time to worry that they didn't know how to swim, they watched them swim happily inside.

It seems that children really learn a lot when they are no longer there.

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