Reborn: The Godfather Has Fallen For Me

Chapter 1025 Poison Hair, Half Demon

"White Ape, what do you mean by what you just said? What does it mean that Dabao was almost disemboweled?"

Shen Xiaoxiao was anxious, and the white ape seemed to really know something, so he immediately asked it.

"Hey, this girl has a great chance. Don't worry, the girl accidentally swallowed the demon pill."

"What? Demon elixir? Crystal stone?"

"No, it's a demon pill, not a crystal stone. Although everyone thinks that a crystal stone is a demon pill, in fact, only the crystal stones in the body of the eternal holy beast can be called a demon pill."

"Eternal holy beast? Kirin or dragon?"

"No, it's older than them. There are colored crystals in their bodies. This golden light is older than the colored crystals. I'm afraid it's a sacred beast from the prehistoric era. The girl has a great chance."

"What kind of opportunity? I don't want her to have this opportunity. Look at the horns on her forehead. People would think she is a dragon."

"Little Dragon Man? This title is very appropriate."

At this time, who cares whether you are appropriate or not?

After Yan Kuan and Shen Xiaoxiao saw that Dabao stopped crying in pain and seemed to have no problem and was jumping around as before, they couldn't believe what the white ape said.

Dabao and Xiaobao were sitting on one side. Xiaobao kept touching the horns on Dabao's head, causing the two to fight.

"Didn't it hurt just now? Why are you so energetic now?"

Shen Xiaoxiao was almost speechless. Didn't he say he felt very uncomfortable just now? Why is nothing happening now?

Yan Kuan also took a closer look and saw that Dabao was really alive and kicking again. What was going on?

"White Ape, you always say there are opportunities. I want to know what opportunities they are. Will my daughter be in danger?"

"This opportunity always comes with danger."

"You mean there's danger?"

"Hey, you don't know that this golden demon pill has always existed only in legends. There are even rumors that if you get the golden demon pill, you can ascend to immortality, turn a dragon into a dragon, and transform a dragon into a super god. You can imagine this. The usefulness of golden elixir."

"Then is my daughter going to become an immortal? Why do I feel like she has become a monster?"

Shen Xiaoxiao's words made Yan Kuan dumbfounded, but it was not a joke. He had grown horns, didn't he become a monster?

"Your daughter has long been a member of the Warcraft clan, including your son, so they belong to the Warcraft clan. If a Warcraft takes the demon pill, it will indeed turn into a half-demon body."


"Yes, half-demon, neither human, nor demon, nor demon."

"White Ape, I can't understand you anymore."

"Hey, the opportunity has not come yet. What will happen in the future depends on her own destiny."

"White Ape, what's the reason for you coming in this time? Are you just looking at us?"

"No, the elders summoned all the Level 5 Warcraft. The Ten Thousand Years Calamity Tribulation is coming. I thought it was the calamity of the little white dragon. From the thunder starting today, it seems that it is also the day of the Thousand Years Calendar Tribulation in the World of Warcraft. Therefore, the elders convened. , we need to discuss how to deal with it.”


"Yes, when the time comes, all the magic beasts will have to find a place to hide to avoid the thunder. If they are hit by the thunder, the magic crystal will be destroyed at best, or they will die on the spot."

"Then we have to hide too?"

"You don't have to, but we have two babies. We need to take good care of them."

"I know, thank you Bai Yuan for reminding me."

"Please help me take care of my little monkey. I'll go first."


Bai Yuan's trip was not in vain. He sent a little monkey and solved such a big problem for them. They almost went to find the elder. According to Bai Yuan, once such an eternal demon pill is known to others, , it must have been snatched by everyone, but how could this demon pill be in this hot spring pool? They stayed there for several days and didn't find it. Why did they see it when Dabao was swimming, and it happened to be when Xiaobao went to pee.

This is really fate, a bloody fate.

"Dabao, come here quickly, daddy has a look at your head."

"Dad, will I always grow like this in the future? Is it the same as Dabai?"

"This is true for the time being, but we will find a way to solve it."

"Oh fine."

"Dabao, don't be unhappy. You have to be happy. No matter what you look like, you are still a good daughter of your parents."

"I'm not unhappy. I know I am the most beautiful little princess."

"Yes, our Dabao is the most beautiful little princess."

Thinking of the red spots that suddenly appeared just now, Shen Xiaoxiao's heart was filled with distress.

Her head was a little dizzy. It was no longer easy for her to sustain the continuous use of strong physical strength.

Something happened to my daughter again. She was so excited that her whole body started to feel weak.

"Xiaoxiao, what's wrong with you?"

Yan Kuan was going crazy. Something happened to his daughter just now, and something happened to his wife too.

"Damn it, the medicine has worn off."

Yinhua Tears, damn Yinhua Tears.

This time the attack was so violent that Yan Kuan just screamed a few times and Shen Xiaoxiao fell headlong.

It is definitely not a good thing to get sick at this time. There is no nutrient solution and no antidote. This is definitely a life-threatening matter.

"Mommy mommy."

As soon as he fell down, Shen Xiaoxiao's whole body became extremely stiff in an instant. Yan Kuan secretly screamed "Damn it" and quickly carried him to the sleeping bag aside.

He immediately went to get the antidote, but it turned out that Shen Xiao had already eaten up the antidote. Why had she not said anything? If she told him, he would definitely go back halfway.

"Mommy mommy."

"Dad, hasn't Mom's poison been released yet?"

"Xiaobao, take good care of Dabao, don't worry about mom."

Although he said this, Yan Kuan was still very impatient, but he knew that there were many genius treasures in this mountain forest, and Xiaobao had picked a Ganoderma lucidum before. Yan Kuan said to Xiaobao:

"Xiaobao, the Ganoderma lucidum you collected earlier was given to Dad. Dad wants to give it to Mom. Now I'm going to look for wild ginseng outside. These are all good for Mom."

Ginseng hangs its head, so this is the only way to do it.

Dabao and Xiaobao watched Yan Kuan go out anxiously. The two children were frightened to death. The two looked at Shen Xiaoxiao fainting and lying there motionless. They were so frightened that they didn't dare to express their anger.

"Why hasn't mom recovered yet? Didn't you tell me to find medicine?"

"Yeah, didn't you say you were looking for medicine last time?"

"Hey, medicine, Xiaobao, didn't you leave the life-saving things that uncle gave to your mother? Did you give them to your mother?"

"I gave it. I don't know if mom has brought it."

"Look for it."


Fortunately, the two children had good memories and immediately started to look through Yan Kuan and Shen Xiaoxiao's bags. However, to their disappointment, they found nothing after looking through everything.

"None of them."

"Is it going to be on mom's body?"

"Look again."

The two children continued to search around Shen Xiaoxiao's body, and finally saw a silver chain specially set into a bracelet on Shen Xiaoxiao's wrist.

"This is it, this is it, take it off quickly."

The two of them cooperated and immediately took off the beads, which were just like yellow wood. Without saying a word, they picked up the stone on the side and smashed it down. With a snap, the small wood cracked directly, and a faint fragrance came out.

"Open mom's mouth and let her eat."

Without Yan Kuan's knowledge, the two children gave Shen Xiaoxiao a life-saving medicine...

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