Reborn: The Godfather Has Fallen For Me

Chapter 1050 Coming to the door

"Does she have a daughter?"

"Hey, Xiaoxiao, you know?"

"I've heard a little bit."

"Her daughter is 19 years old. She has the same moral character as her mother. She liked to go to bars at a young age, and there are many scandals."

"Don't modern people get married too late? How do you think that Linda didn't give birth to a child at the age of 15?"

Huang Yueyan heard Lou Yin's words and smiled ambiguously at Shen Xiaoxiao:

"Lou Yin, do you know how old Xiaoxiao is?"

"how old are you?"

Lou Yin really doesn’t know this question. Is Xiaoxiao very big?

"Hahaha, 23, no, 24 soon."

"What? So young? That damn old cow of Yan Kuan eats tender grass. No wonder he despises me. It turns out he likes young ones."

"Hahaha, yes, aren't you old? That's why people look down on you, but you can find someone younger than you, and then you can eat the fresh meat."

Shen Xiaoxiao looked at Huang Yueyan speechlessly, why is this girl so evil? She got married early and it was her fault for giving birth to a child? Not Yan Kuan.

But she is still very satisfied and satisfied with having two babies.

"I must find someone younger than me, huh."

Lou Yin was indeed stimulated. He drank the wine in one gulp and even mentioned his determination.

"Hahaha, okay, cheers to find some fresh meat."

The three women chatted like crazy and gossiped all over the place. They talked about everything with a hammer and a stick.

Occasionally, a young handsome guy would come over and invite them to drink. For the handsome guy, Lou Yin would come forward and chat a few words, and then he would be too embarrassed not to drink with you. That was a polite refusal.

As for the ugly guy, just go away, my aunt won’t talk to the ugly guy.

Well, such a domineering Lou Yin, with her charming face like a daughter, made both Shen Xiaoxiao and Huang Yueyan blocked by her brilliance.

They drank happily, and Linda and the others also sat in the hall and played happily.

She just likes to sit in the lobby, because there are so many handsome guys coming and going, and she will get in touch with the right ones when she sees them. She has plenty of money, and she has always been generous to men, so she has nothing to fear.

However, two handsome guys happened to be sitting on her side, and a beautiful girl wearing revealing clothes, almost wearing underwear, walked in from the other side.

She is one of those loli-type people who looks innocent but has a hot figure and a slutty behavior. As soon as she appeared on the stage, all the men's eyes in the audience moved to her.

The girl walked directly to Linda's booth and sat down. She took the wine glass and filled it with wine, and then said:

"Why are you calling me here? My friends and I are dancing."

"What kind of attitude do you have? Look at the lack of nobility in your clothes. This is how I taught you."

"Okay, if you want to teach me, you can teach me at home. Isn't it embarrassing to be embarrassed outside? Tell me what's going on?"

"If I didn't come here, I wouldn't be able to find you. There is a cocktail party in Kyoto tomorrow night. Come with me. If I don't inform you in advance, you won't be able to see anyone."

"I'm not free, I won't go."

"You have to go. The bodyguards at the door will follow you. Go home early in the evening."

"I said I won't go. I'm an adult and can decide my own life."

"Before you can decide your own life, I can also decide to stop all your cards."

"You, are you a mother?"

"If I weren't your mother, I would slap you in the face, big or small."

"Okay, got it."

Sure enough, money was still a big threat. After another drink, the energetic girl turned around and disappeared into the bar again. Now everyone knew her identity, she must be Linda's daughter.

"If my eldest daughter dares to do this in the future, I will slap her and me."

"What's wrong with you? Dabao doesn't lack love. That girl obviously lacks love, so you can't even tell."

"That's right, my Dabao is good and obedient, but he's in a lot of troubles."

"Hey, okay, I just want you to come out and be happy. Since 19 said it's okay, it must be okay. If you are sluggish like this, what will your husband and your son do? And Dabao, she will definitely not be either. Happy, do you think they are happy?”

"Hey, I get it, I get it, I get it, come drink, drink."

They didn't want to bring up this somewhat dull topic. Not only did they not want to mention it, they didn't even want to touch it.

The three of them drank a few glasses of wine in silence. At this moment, there was another commotion at the door, but this time they knew at a glance that trouble was coming for them.

"Butler, you said you really saw my senior sister?"

"That's right, it's Principal Lou. I did only see it once, but I'm sure of it."

The young man stood out among the pile of antiques and said excitedly to the housekeeper:

"Where is she? I'm going to find her."

"Master, you'd better take care of yourself first. Besides, I'm afraid Principal Lou has left at this time, but don't be disappointed. You never went out before, so I have been checking all your emails for you. There is a party in your college. Everyone who has graduated in the past 10 years must participate. Master, I think this matter is probably related to Principal Lou. Do you want to participate? "

"Really? Okay, come on, come on. Butler, prepare clothes for me and a stylist. Make sure I dress up to attract everyone's attention."

"Okay, I will definitely take care of it. Don't worry, young master. However, young master, to avoid having dark circles under your eyes when you wake up tomorrow, you should go to bed early tonight."

"Yes, yes, I'm going to bed right away. Go to bed. Let them all go to bed. Don't disturb me. I'm going to sleep."

Seeing the young master leaving, it turned out that the young master would be extra attentive to anything related to Principal Lou. No, this finally allowed this research maniac to have a peaceful sleep. He is really not a good housekeeper.

"Did you come with help?"

"I guess so. I just don't know if his other hand should be destroyed as well."

While Lou Yin was talking, he took a sip from the wine glass and took a sip. However, Shen Xiaoxiao glanced at Hua Shuai and said:

"The most direct way to deal with such a fly is to cut off the tendons of its hands and feet. If it cannot move, it will naturally stop causing trouble."

"Awesome, you are still awesome, you are indeed a bandit woman."

Huang Yueyan made a summary, but she didn't think there was anything good about this little novel. The Cowherd brought at least 40 people, and he started chasing people away as soon as he entered this place. Isn't it clear that he was looking for trouble?

However, they still took a careful look at Linda. Hua Shuai was no fool. They couldn't afford to offend this woman who was absolutely famous in City A, and she was having an affair with their boss Ji Tou.

Therefore, when Hua Shuai saw Linda, he immediately walked over and said with great respect;

"Ms. Linda, you are here. I'm sorry to disturb you."

"Hua Shuai, who are you looking for trouble this time? Your boss's business is getting bigger and bigger."

"Thanks to you, there are just one or two little shrimps who ran in from nowhere. Miss Linda, do you want them?"

"Come on, I gained a lot tonight, I'll give your boss some face."

After Linda finished speaking, she left with a handsome guy on her arm. As for who this handsome guy wanted to deal with, she had no control over it. Of course, just now she also saw three hot-bodied women behind the bead curtain. Such women would In City A, unless you have an identity, you really can't get around. But why does she feel that two of the women there look so familiar?

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