Reborn: The Godfather Has Fallen For Me

Chapter 1054 Good luck always follows

The thief was probably too focused, or Lou Yin was too sensitive, she felt someone pulling her clothes.

Shen Xiaoxiao looked at the thief with amusement, then walked over and said:

"Boy, when you hold a blade, you should use your fingertips, like this."

Shen Xiaoxiao demonstrated and scratched the thief's bag with a blade, and the wallet fell directly on Shen Xiaoxiao's phone.

The thief was stunned.

"Senior, awesome."

The thief looked at Shen Xiaoxiao with admiration, especially her blade, which made her forget where she put the blade in her hand in the blink of an eye.

"It's okay, go back and practice again, remember to use your fingertips, and be gentle."

"Senior, can you teach me a few more words? I guarantee that you can eat whatever you want on this street today, for free."

"Ah? Free, eat whatever you want? Are you sure?"

Lou Yin ate her skewers again, and said while eating.

"Well, this piece, I covered it."

"Xiaoxiao, you teach him."

What a bad friend, what a bad friend.

"Put a strand of hair on the tofu, when the hair can be broken without damaging the tofu, you win, otherwise, cut a cucumber on the balloon, the cucumber is cut, the balloon is not broken, and your wrist can move freely."

"Oh, that's how it is, thank you senior, I'm leaving now, you can eat without worry, they dare not charge you."

"Okay, thank you."

Now all the money they prepared was in vain.

"Great, let's go, eat for free, it turns out that the world outside is so good, these thieves are not bad." Huang Yueyan immediately corrected her and said to her: "You are wrong, we met a thief who is willing to learn and make progress. If it is other thieves, it is not like this." "Ah? Thieves also have to make progress?" "Nonsense, of course, thieves also have to learn, which line does not need to learn? All need to keep learning and keep working hard, understand? You see, you have to keep learning as a principal, aren't you here to learn these things outside now?" "It seems to be the case, yes, you are a relatively qualified student." "Nonsense, of course." Shen Xiaoxiao didn't want to talk anymore, complaining about incompetence, so she ate. "I want to change a pair of shoes, my feet hurt." Lou Yin and Huang Yueyan glanced at Shen Xiaoxiao's feet. Does this woman also feel pain? Isn't she very strong? "You haven't worn high heels for a long time. Let's go. There's a street stall over there. Let's go buy a pair of slippers." "Choose whatever you want, beautiful girl. High heels are not easy to walk in. Here's a pair. My flip-flops are very comfortable. Look at the soft soles. And these shoes make your feet look small." "Three pairs. Pay for them." "No money. The boss has said hello. You can eat, drink and wear for free on our street today." "Ah? That guy just now was really nice. OK, thank you." Three women, wearing flip-flops and very stylish coats, looked a little weird. Finally, they decided to change their coats. Well, there must be carpets on this snack street. Finally, one of them chose a piece of clothing that looked ordinary and could not be more ordinary. Of course, it was also a very small piece of clothing. It looked like a student when she wore it. This place is indeed close to the University of City A, so now their looks are almost the same as those of college students. "Sure enough, it's still so comfortable. Keep eating. Let's go eat grilled oysters. ”

The three women were having fun here. Over there, Yan Kuan and Ai Wei got off the plane. Reg was already waiting on the side. He didn't want to care about the photo, but the boss said, of course, the boss was referring to Shen Xiaoxiao. Shen Xiaoxiao said that as long as Lou Yin left China, he would do his duty as a bodyguard. If Lou Yin left, the money could be returned to him. How tempting was this? He had to endure that woman for the money. And that woman was just a little violent, and the rest was fine.

"Where did the madam go?"

The dark guard immediately told them everything that had just happened. When he heard that they were pointed at by 200 people with guns, his face couldn't be described as black.

"Are they going to the snack street now?"

"Yes, they are hungry, so they went to eat. There are brothers following them. It is said that they also encountered a thief. The madam also taught the thief skills. "

"Puchi---Hahaha----these women, I laughed to death."

"I remember that it seems to be the Dutch territory over there?"

"Yes, this is also what we are worried about, so our brothers have already gone there. "

"Boss, the Dutchman knows."

An Er hung up the phone and came over immediately.

"So soon?"

"Someone recognized the madam and the others."


"Linda, the woman whose three husbands died, Hei Mudan."

Yan Kuan frowned. This woman really couldn't leave even a step.

"What's wrong with Yan Kuan? Who is the Dutchman? Are Yue Yan and the others in danger?"

"A middleman, a drug dealer in the west."

"Isn't he from Southeast Asia?"

"No, I got the news that he was here to make a deal this time, but I didn't expect to bump into Xiao Xiao by chance. He has always wanted to get a piece of the pie in Southeast Asia. I think he will definitely seize the opportunity this time. Let's go and hurry over."


Yan Kuan and the others were worried about Shen Xiaoxiao, but Shen Xiaoxiao and the others unexpectedly surprised everyone by dressing up. They were still the kind of extremely cheap street stall goods. Even if the Dutch wanted to arrest someone, they would just slip under their noses. Walked a few times.

"Is it tasty?"

"It's delicious, it's delicious, it's so delicious, especially this spicy hotpot. Why is it so delicious? But I only have one stomach. I really want to eat it again."

I was having so much fun eating here, but over there, the Dutch wanted to arrest the person but missed it too many times. Finally, they found the thief, and found out from the thief that the three women were eating in a snack street. , it was three women together, and more importantly, they ate a lot. Of course, this was said on purpose. It would definitely not work if the thief didn't say it. If he said it on purpose, it would be a help to the senior.

There were too many women eating on the snack street, next to the university, and there were still three of them young women.

"Look for three women who eat a lot, dress well, and are beautiful. Follow these standards."


As a result, the three women changed their clothes. They couldn't wear ordinary clothes. Then they were full and couldn't eat anything. The last point was that they were beautiful. Apart from this, they didn't meet the requirements of who they were looking for. .

"The night market is so lively this evening. Let's go shopping. The things here are super cheap."

"Let's go, but do you ever feel like there are always people coming and going, looking for someone? Do you think they are looking for us?"

Shen Xiaoxiao's sense of crisis was much stronger than the other two, so he naturally noticed some differences.

"Oh no?"

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