Reborn: The Godfather Has Fallen For Me

Chapter 1058 The Perverted Pursuer

"Boss Yan, are you trying to kill everyone?"

"No, I'm just doing my duty as a citizen. The police are almost here. Anyway, they always wait until we, the citizens, have finished our duties before the police arrive."

After Yan Kuan finished speaking, sure enough, an alarm sounded outside.

The Dutchman looked at Yan Kuan with hatred in his eyes and said to Yan Kuan:

"Yan Kuan, you forced me to do this."

After the Dutchman finished speaking, he suddenly opened his clothes and tied a bomb to his stomach. Yan Kuan was stunned, Shen Xiaoxiao was stunned, and everyone was stunned. It couldn't be a bomb, right?

"You have a bomb strapped to you, huh? What's the problem?"

"It's not that there's something wrong with him, it's that he's insecure. It's normal for him to have a way out after doing this for a long time."

"But what to do now?"

"What are you afraid of? Yan Kuan is here, and the tall man will take care of anything. Hey, what are you two doing here? Why don't you go out?"

This was said to the two frightened female students. Of course, Wu Xueying's fairy spirit was exhausted at this time. She finally remembered her classmates and ran over to help them up, but these two The girl looked at her and slapped her ear.

"No need to pretend to be kind, let's go."

Wu Xueying has never encountered anything like this in her whole life. Being beaten by someone is simply a shame and humiliation, especially in front of that person.

But at this time, the two classmates had already ran out. She didn't want to go out and wanted to wait for the man, but there was a woman in his arms.

Wu Xueying was unwilling to give in, but turned around and went out.

The Dutch looked at the shouting and crying brothers all over the ground. Some were dead, some were injured, but none of them was complete.

"Damn, damn, my brothers, these brothers who have been with me through life and death, Yan Kuan, you, you, you are so cruel."

"Hey, it was obviously us who did it. Why do you say it was Yan Kuan who did it? It's obviously our fault, so don't try to blame him randomly."

"You, you bunch of bastards."

"Okay, hurry up and do it."

This was said to Lou Yin. Lou Yin didn't even need Yan Kuan to take action. He just went over and stabbed the Dutchman, and the Dutchman fainted. The lighter in his hand had not been lit yet.

"Okay, done, let's go."

With such a godless approach, they really had absolutely no desire to challenge, but then something happened that had the desire to challenge, because a group of people came from outside.

All dressed up as special forces, no wonder they move quickly, but now they come in, how do they get out?

"Everyone put down their weapons."

"Hey, did you make a mistake?"

"lay down your weapon."

"I'll go, which army are you from?"

"I say it again, put down your weapons."

"Can't you see that we are doing good things?"

"Just after I finished speaking, there was a snap. If Yan Kuan hadn't acted quickly and the Blue Devil flew over, not only the watermelon knife in Huang Yueyan's hand but also her wrist would have been pierced."

This is a hornet's nest. Huang Yueyan has never been hit with a gun like this in her life. If it weren't for Yan Kuan, wouldn't her hands be useless?

"From your army?"

"Put down your weapons, everyone prepare."

This preparation means to aim and shoot.

This time Shen Xiaoxiao was also angry. It was true that these people were from the army, it was obvious, but it was obvious that he wanted to capture them all. Why?

There are a total of 12 special forces in the field, which should be a team of special players.

What should we do now?

Just when everyone was in a stalemate, a man walked in at the door.

Now Yan Kuan knew what was going on, so that was it.

"Huang Yueyan, long time no see."

"Who do I think it is? It turns out to be you, Wu Kang." Huang Yueyan stood up at this time. Now everyone knew it. No wonder these people wanted to hit Huang Yueyan's hand. They came for Huang Yueyan.

But who is this Wu Kang, who can actually use special forces? strangeness.

"these people?"

"Of course I'm a veteran. If I want to talk to you, Mr. Huang, I won't dare to do it without good equipment. Now there's the Black Emperor coming forward, so of course I have to be careful."

"Lord Black Emperor, this matter has nothing to do with you, just show your respect."

"Yes, Yan Kuan, this matter has nothing to do with you. You stand aside, and Lou Yin stands over Xiaoxiao."

"Am I such a heartless person?"

After Lou Yin finished speaking, she stood next to Huang Yueyan. Of course, how could Shen Xiaoxiao be missing at this time? She said directly to Yan Kuan:

"Lord Black Emperor, go and stand aside. Your wife has to do something for your sisters today and it has nothing to do with you."

Yan Kuan wanted to laugh, but how could he not listen to his wife's words? Of course, even if there were any problems later, he would have his strong backing.

"Okay, have fun."

"Little Oriental Lolita, do you want to interfere?"

Obviously, this Wu Kang knew Shen Xiaoxiao. As soon as Shen Xiaoxiao stood up, he looked at her with an ugly expression.

Shen Xiaoxiao looked at the man in his 30s in front of him, wearing a suit and leather shoes and gold-rimmed glasses. He looked gentle and elegant. But how could such a person have a grudge against Huang Yueyan? Of course, the most important thing is that he actually knows her.

"Am I that famous? You actually know me?"

"Little Oriental Lolita, there's no one I don't know in black and white."

"Then I have to make it clear. I am helping the sisters. It has nothing to do with my identity. Of course, you can also choose to leave with your brother. After all, if we start to attack later, we may not be able to contain our strength. ”

"You, hum."

"Wu Kang, tell me directly, what do you want to do this time? Were you responsible for the alarm just now?"

"No, I just used some connections to get people to leave early. If I want to see you, how can I do it without using some extraordinary means."

"I said, just tell me what you want."

"Isn't my purpose always clear?"

"Are you brainless? I even have a child, and I still fall in love with you. Can you stop being so perverted?"

"Oh---it turns out to be a perverted suitor, but this battle is too big, isn't this okay?"

Lou Yin and Shen Xiaoxiao understood clearly, but after thinking about it, they felt strange. If they were suitors, why would they shoot Huang Yueyan?

"No, why would you shoot someone if you were a perverted suitor?"

"Because he is a super pervert who wants to destroy my limbs and imprison me."

"Huh? Are you so bold?"

"So different."

"Yes, he is indeed a polite scumbag. The man with gold-rimmed glasses is indeed the most terrifying."

"No, this is not the most perverted thing. The most perverted thing is that his brother got into a car accident and became a vegetative state because he was pursuing me, so --- understand?"

"Oh, it turns out that my younger brother is my true love."

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