Reborn: The Godfather Has Fallen For Me

Chapter 1078 Rotten Peach Blossom

The originally agreed-upon all-night mahjong ended at 10 p.m. due to a power outage.

It was just that a sudden power outage caused the four women to make the same action, which was to squat down, quickly disperse, and find cover.

They are people who often go out and stay in hotels, but this is their first time to experience a hotel power outage, especially in a five-star hotel like this. The most important thing is that the light outside the floor-to-ceiling windows is still there, which means that outside their side, There was no room without power at all.

The most important thing is that they are staying in the famous hot spring hotel in country R, ​​and they have booked an entire wing that looks like a courtyard.

It was only after this avoidance ended that there was no sound for more than 20 seconds, and then Yan Shengmo said:

"Not a killer?"

"That's right. Isn't it too unprofessional to say it's a killer? Is there a real power outage? Or is it just a local one? Just listen to us? Do you believe it?"

Huang Yueyan's words were casual but she was right. It couldn't be a partial power outage, it was probably on their side.

But at this moment, an unexpected Christian voice sounded.

"Come out, it's a spell, not a killer."

By the time the four women stood up and watched Yan Kuan and the pastor walk in, the lights had been turned on again.

"Priest, you said it's magic? Is someone trying to deal with us?"

"Well, it's just some minor problems, and the skills to deal with them are not high."

"But who is it? It's just a power outage? What's the problem?"

Yan Kuan pulled Shen Xiaoxiao to his side and took a look. The clothes were clean and not stained. He was still a human being and was fine. Then he said to them:

"You know the person who took action."

"Know? Who is it?"

"That strange woman you met in the mall today."

How many people looked at each other? That woman who was full of black energy in Shen Xiaoxiao's eyes?

"Is she the one who snatched clothes from Lou Yin? Xiaoxiao, I remember you said she seemed to be covered in black air?"

"Well, she's in her 20s and very pretty."

"But how could it be her? Didn't we fight with her at that time?"

"Her name is Yingzi and she is Jiang Liu's apprentice." Yan Kuan added again.

"Jiang Liu? Is he the master of metaphysics you mentioned before?" Lou Yin asked this question to the Bishop. The Bishop nodded and said to Lou Yin:

"Principal, Xiao Liu has gone down to deal with it. Nothing will happen again tonight."

"Then that Yingzi came out from the Jiang faction to play forward?"

"No, according to my understanding of Jiang Liu, Jiang Liu will definitely retreat immediately at this time. This Yingzi should have his own purpose and plan when he takes action."

"You can't really take revenge on us because we robbed you of clothes, right?"

"Is she so vindictive?"

"Mrs. Yan, you said before that you saw black energy on her body?"

The pastor saw Shen Xiaoxiao asking an irrelevant topic.

Shen Xiaoxiao nodded, the supervisor looked at Yan Shengmo and asked again:

"Sheng Mo, did you come here to examine only male corpses this time?"

"Yes, they are all men, all 25 years old, and I have found out before that it was done by someone related to a Yingzi."

"What's wrong? Christian, is there something weird about Yingzi?"

"Yes, Christian, what's going on?"

"It seems that Yingzi's visit this time is not aimed at you, but at Lord Black Emperor."

Everyone looked at Yan Kuan in unison. Even Yan Kuan was a little confused at this moment. Why were you treating him? If you can't beat me, you need to find a master of metaphysics?

"It's not because of the matter in Country R. Lord Black Emperor, I'm afraid I'm going to end up in a bad relationship."


"Ha ha ha ha--"


Several women burst into laughter upon hearing this, and the Superintendent also shook his head. Since it was not directed at their principal, he had no control over Lord Black Emperor's affairs, and Lord Black Emperor's young master was probably even worse than him. There are many, many, many great ones.

"Xiaoxiao, look at it, I'll tell you that your man is in trouble."

"No, look, this man is so powerful. There are so many flies. You worry about yourself all day long."

"Lord Black Emperor has always had many peach blossoms." Yan Shengmo made the final summary. Shen Xiaoxiao, with his head full of black lines, looked at Yan Kuan and asked directly:

"Solve your own troubles yourself and play mahjong all night tonight."

Angry, of course he was angry. This is what Yan Kuan hates the most. He always causes these things. Several women sat on the mahjong table again and continued. Xiaobao stretched out his little head from the door next to him and watched. His father was still standing there stupidly and could only say:

"Dad, if you don't go and solve your bad peach blossoms, mom can sleep with me tonight, and you can sleep on the sofa."

"Get out of here and play."

After Yan Kuan glanced at the naughty kid and left, he could only walk downstairs slowly. Damn it, he didn't even recognize the woman there, okay? Especially that pastor, why did he say it in front of Xiao Xiao? It’s really annoying.

However, Yan Kuan went downstairs and Xiaobao followed him out. Yan Kuan looked back at him and said:

"Why don't you go to bed and follow me?"

"Dad, what if you are knocked unconscious or abducted by someone using the enchantment array? I'd better keep an eye on you, so mom can feel more at ease."

"Did your mother ask you to come out to protect me?"

Well, Xiaobao really wants to look at his father's little starry eyes with disdain and let his 5-year-old son protect him. Doesn't his father feel embarrassed?

"Dad, you are thinking too much. Mom is playing mahjong and has no time to pay attention to you."

Sure enough, Yan Kuan stopped his smile immediately, became cold again, and said to Xiaobao:

"Then why don't you walk faster and run if your legs are short? It's true."

"Dad, shouldn't you hug me?"

"Man, go on your own."

"Dad, please slow down, I can't keep up with you."

Anyway, I don’t know whether it was intentional or unintentional, Yan Kuan was walking faster and faster, and Xiaobao really had to trot on short legs to keep up, so a pair of extremely "warm" appeared in the lobby outside the first floor. "Father and son, the father is running in front, and the son is trotting behind to catch up. This father is really good, actually playing with his child.

Only Xiaobao himself knows that his father is so shameless. If it were not his biological father, he would never care. Yes, luckily he is his biological father. He said it three times, biological, biological, biological.

"Dad, hold me, my legs hurt."

Of course, after all, he is his biological son. It still takes ten minutes to run from behind to the front. Although Yan Kuan never thinks that his son is weak, and he even knows that Xiaobao's strength cannot be underestimated, but it is his own son. He loves his own son, and Yan Kuan is a person who loves children, so even if he dislikes him on the surface, when the child acts like a spoiled child, the star will still melt automatically.

"Dabao is better than you."

"Hmph, why don't you leave quickly and deal with your rotten peach blossoms."

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