Reborn: The Godfather Has Fallen For Me

Chapter 1100 Their sweetness hurts others’ eyes

On this occasion, only Hei Mudan was called Black Emperor. Both Shen Xiaoxiao and Yan Kuan turned to look at this charming woman.

Black Mudan has always felt that she is invincible among men. At the banquet tonight, Yan Kuan's arrival is definitely a surprise. She had different thoughts about Yan Kuan earlier, but this man is too powerful and too difficult to get close to. , so she tried to come forward several times but endured it again and again.

Black Peony's daughter Anna followed Black Peony, wearing a tight-fitting tube top and short skirt, red and passionate, showing off her good figure, and her makeup was extremely gorgeous and mature, completely unlike what a 19-year-old girl should dress like.

The relationship between her and Black Peony was obviously not good, and her unruly face was undisguised even on such occasions.

As soon as Hei Mudan greeted Yan Kuan, she said sarcastically from behind: "My wife is here too, why do you only greet men? Are your eyes fine? You haven't even reached menopause yet, and your vision has plummeted like this?"

Anna's words made Black Peony's face darken. Her daughter was really sent by God to defeat her. He would make her look bad regardless of the occasion, especially now, without even looking at who was in front of her.

Anna's actions made Shen Xiaoxiao extremely satisfied. Of course she was satisfied. Can she be dissatisfied by watching her mother and daughter fight in the ring? If it were someone else, she might have said it was pitiful that mother and daughter had a bad relationship, but they both deserved it.

Who does this Black Peony think she is? When she sees a man, she wants to pounce on her. Yan Kuan doesn't even want to look at this woman. He pulls Shen Xiaoxiao and leaves. It's such a mess. If this woman dares to come here again, she will directly It's light when thrown out.

"Yan Kuan, why do those women still think you are a piece of cake even though you have no money?"

"Hahaha, my dear wife, because I still have you."

"You bastard, let's go. It's annoying to see these flies."

Shen Xiaoxiao still remembered that Black Peony was killed by Anna in the previous life, but she just didn't know what happened and how could the mother and daughter get to that point. Although she didn't want to pity Black Peony, but This Anna's true temperament still makes Shen Xiaoxiao find it rare.

"Do you know who that is? You just came out to cause trouble?"

"I don't care who he is, I know he has a wife. You are so old and you don't look very good. Are you too confident and think you can win over any man? I beg you, please stop Do some evil and keep some virtue for yourself. You touch people with families, you touch young people, you touch old people. Why are you so shameless? I really don’t want to admit that you have You mother."

"Damn girl, you don't want to admit that you still use my money even if you have me as your mother. If you can, don't use it."

"Why shouldn't I use it? If I don't use it, why should other men help me? I'm not stupid. I'm telling you, I'm your sole heir. It's mine to play with. If you dare to use my money to support those men, I’m not done with you.”

After Anna finished speaking, she angrily left with her wine glass in hand. She seemed to be really here to cause havoc. Shen Xiaoxiao heard the conversation between the two mother and daughter and estimated that there had been such quarrels no less than ten times. Those words, She was surprised when she heard it, but Black Peony didn't react at all. It seemed that Anna was really right.

"Did these two mother and daughter have enmity in the past life?"

"No, no, no, Xiaoxiao, I think that girl is cute."

Edward said to Shen Xiaoxiao from the side. Shen Xiaoxiao then realized that Edward had been following them. However, foreigners would think that it is normal for such a girl to be cute. She has a frank personality and does not hide it. In fact, she is Shen Xiaoxiao. I also have a good impression of Anna.

"Did I say you could call her Xiaoxiao?" Yan Kuan didn't know what was wrong. He felt uncomfortable when he heard Edward calling Shen Xiaoxiao Xiaoxiao. If he didn't feel comfortable, Edward would feel uncomfortable too.

However, it was obvious that these two people were used to arguing, so Edward was not afraid of Yan Kuan's angry glare at this time. Instead, he said with a playful smile:

"Why can't I scream? I have to scream. You are so dictatorial. Be careful that Xiaoxiao can't stand you. Xiaoxiao, let me tell you, this little girl must have such a true temperament. Otherwise, life will be very tiring. Look at those ladies, yes, that lady, hey, even a foreigner like me knows how tired she pretends to be."

Edward was talking about Wu Xueying. At this time, Wu Xueying was standing aside holding a wine glass and being courted by 7 or 8 young men. She was wearing a fluttering white dress, and she was serious in speech. She stood there coldly, but she became more and more... It makes people feel unattainable, cool and refined.

But if Wu Xueying didn't keep looking at them, this costume would be more successful.

"Oh, Xiaoxiao, look, Wu Xueying is looking at Yan. Hahaha, Yan, you are really a hottie. You are already married and there are so many women crazy about you. In the past, people would not look at me when I stood with you. As for me, I didn’t expect that your wife is still here and no one can see her.”

Edward's words simply exposed Yan Kuan's background. Yan Kuan was so angry that he narrowed his eyes slightly and raised the corners of his lips, and his smile seemed to be particularly charming. The more he was in a bad mood, the brighter his smile became. Edward originally wanted more. He said a few words, but in the blink of an eye he saw Yan Kuan's appearance, and said to Shen Xiaoxiao in fright:

"What about that? I met a friend. I'll go over and say hello first."

After Edward finished speaking, he turned around and walked away as fast as if something was chasing him behind him.

However, Shen Xiaoxiao had already heard Edward's words, and when he saw him leaving suddenly, he turned to look at Yan Kuan with a playful expression and said:

"Oh, it turns out you have a history. No wonder you are so powerful. It seems I still underestimated you."

"I'm innocent."

"I remember some people said that I am your first and only woman. I don't know if it is true."

Yan Kuan pulled the person into his arms and asked, "Small, what do you mean? You don't believe it?"

Shen Xiaoxiao smiled and said: "It's either disbelief or curiosity. Can you be so skilled this first time? Some people back then had many tricks."

"I have a lot of tricks now. Do you want to try it tonight? Don't you know that men are born with this skill?"


Hearing this, Yan Kuan slowly leaned over and said in Shen Xiaoxiao's ear: "Xiaoxiao, are you seducing me? Don't you know that I get very excited every time I hear you say this?"

"You bastard----get out!"

"Hahaha, Xiaoxiao, you are getting cuter and cuter."

The two of them were chatting happily, but Wu Xueying, who was walking over at the same time, looked extremely dazzling, and even muttered: "Shameless, a small-minded person who seduces men regardless of the occasion."

But her muttering was quite loud, and Yan Kuan and Shen Xiaoxiao turned their heads and looked over at the same time...

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