Reborn: The Godfather Has Fallen For Me

Chapter 1103: The naughty kid is in trouble, look for his parents

Yan Kuan was furious and punished the naughty child. Although Xiaobao stood in the corner obediently, the next words made Yan Kuan almost furious.

"Anything else? Stand still and don't move."

"Dad, that, the Black and White Impermanence said they would come to settle accounts with the parents. They will come tonight. Tianbing went back to recuperate. So, Dad, the Black and White Impermanence will come to find you and mom tonight."

"What? Yan Lele, I should name you Yan Huohuo. I'm so angry, I'm so angry. You, you, you, you, just stand here and don't move for a whole night."

Yan Kuan walked around the room angrily. He had never been so angry before. He was really his biological son, his biological son. He got into trouble and they came to find his parents. Naughty child, really a naughty child. As expected, his parents are... I owed the child in my previous life. This little beast made him so angry. If he offended a human, it would be fine. He could handle it, but he actually offended the Black and White Impermanence. He, he, he didn't know how to describe it at all...

"What's wrong? What are you arguing about? I heard it outside the room. What are you angry about? Hey, Xiaobao, what's wrong with you? How did you get hurt? What happened? Didn't you say you wouldn't get hurt? How could this happen? Where's the heavenly soldier? Didn't he protect you well?"

Shen Xiaoxiao heard Yan Kuan's roar at the door. She was surprised. Why was Yan Kuan so angry? Wasn't he in a good mood when he came back? Why is Yan Kuan so angry now? Is it related to Xiaobao's return?

Shen Xiaoxiao changed her home clothes and went to the room immediately. She was shocked when she saw that her baby son was standing in the corner with one hand hanging and a big bruise on his face. What happened?

"Don't touch him. Let him stand there and reflect on himself."

Shen Xiaoxiao was stunned. She stopped her foot when she was about to move forward. However, she still looked at Xiaobao's hand and asked Yan Kuan anxiously:

"What happened? He was injured. What did he do wrong?"

Although she asked this, Shen Xiaoxiao never tried to help the child from being punished. When a child makes a mistake, the most feared thing is that one punishes the other and the other protects him. So Shen Xiaoxiao didn't care. But what happened?

"That stinky boy is in big trouble. He actually..."

Yan Kuan told Shen Xiaoxiao what he knew. Now even Shen Xiaoxiao felt that Xiaobao should be punished. Black and White Impermanence, what kind of existence is that? People came to find the parents. What a naughty child.

"What? Yan Lele, I should name you Yan Huohuo. I'm so angry. I'm so angry. You, you, you, you, just stand here and don't move for a whole night."

Xiaobao was shocked. Even Yan Kuan didn't react for half a second. Why did he feel that this sentence sounded so familiar?

"Mom, Dad just cursed like that."

Xiao Bao looked at his mother in a low voice. If his mother got angry, she would be more terrifying than his father.

"Well, Xiao Xiao, I also think he should be called Yan Huo Huo."

Although Shen Xiao Xiao was a little embarrassed, she was not embarrassed at this moment. She was still concerned about the Black and White Impermanence.

"Tell us about this matter in detail. What happened? Why did you go there with Tian Bing?"

Xiao Bao didn't dare to hide anything now. He told everything in detail. It turned out that:

The first place that Xiao Bao and Tian Bing went to with the dragon whip was not any other place, but the underworld. They were going to get a treasure of the underworld, the Soul-Calming Mirror. You should know that the earth dragon is the guardian of this treasure, so you can imagine how big this matter will be.

When they went down, the earth dragon did not take the young boy seriously. It was just that the identity of the child made it difficult for him to see clearly. Why was there a faint purple aura? At first, the earth dragon thought that he was the king of the human world, and wanted to make a good relationship with him and ignore him. Unexpectedly, this little guy actually came to take his soul-suppressing mirror.

What is the soul-suppressing mirror? It is a thing that suppresses all the ghosts that fall from the human world and will not run out of the underworld at will. If this thing is gone, the result can be imagined. Wouldn’t the world be in chaos?

It’s really daring to think.

However, the earth dragon did not expect that the child actually had a dragon whip in his hand. This is his nemesis. He could barely dodge it at the beginning, but later it almost hit the dragon whip. At that time, he would be seriously injured. At that time, he would not be able to suppress it.

Fortunately, at this time, the black and white impermanence arrived. After all, the little man was not so strong that they could not fight. The black and white impermanence not only took away the dragon whip in his hand but also trapped the child.

The heavenly soldiers around him were powerful, but with the Judge, no matter how powerful they were, they were in different regions, so he didn't dare to use his full strength.

However, when they wanted to punish this little guy, the King of Hell stopped them. This child's identity was too precious, and no one could afford to offend him. He was still young now, and when he grew up, he would be their immediate superior, but now he hadn't awakened yet, so only the human parents of this child could be responsible, so this is why the Black and White Impermanence came to find the parents.

After Xiaobao finished his brief narration, Shen Xiaoxiao and Yan Kuan sat on the sofa for a long time, not knowing how to respond. This was their biological son. The first time he caused trouble, people came to find the parents. Should they say that this is what parents should do, or that they are too lucky? Provoking the Black and White Impermanence, this is really "down to earth", can't they find a stronger opponent?

"Did they say when they would come? Did they beat you up?"

Xiaobao glanced at Shen Xiaoxiao timidly. Was he scared at this time? late.

"They said that when I arrived at midnight, the injury on my hand was caused by me jumping off the earth dragon and seeing the skull on the ground. I was startled and slipped and fell."

"What about the face?"

"When I got scared, I ran, but my feet slipped again and I fell down."

"Tell me, what do you want me to say about you? Ah, you actually inflicted these injuries on yourself. Don't you know how to rely on others when you get hurt? You are as clever as a monkey all the time. Why? You didn't expect it at the critical moment? You said that if they caused you to be injured, we as parents would be able to feel confident when trying to argue with others. How can you make us feel confident?"

Yan Kuan looked at Shen Xiaoxiao in surprise. Is this what his wife thought? What a coincidence, he thought so too.

Xiaobao looked at his parents with surprise on his face, and then said with a smile like a good boy: "That's what I did, I just took advantage of the opportunity, and they said they were coming to find their parents."

Okay, is there something abnormal in the brain circuits of this family of three?

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