Reborn: The Godfather Has Fallen For Me

Chapter 1106: Hold on tight

Wu Xueying didn't expect to see Shen Xiaoxiao here. Was this woman watching the show here on purpose?

"Shen Xiaoxiao, why are you here? Are you watching the show?"

Shen Xiaoxiao didn't expect that Xiaobao had begged for snacks for a long time, and she brought him here to eat because he was injured. She would meet this woman. She is haunting. City A is too small.

"Do you have paranoid delusions?"

"What do you mean?"

"A city is your home? Can't we come here? I think it's unlucky to meet you. What's wrong with you?"

"Who are you talking about? Tell me clearly."

"Whoever agrees will say it."

"Are you the lady who saved us last time? Thank you, we have never had the chance to thank you. Thank you, thank you very much. If it weren't for you and your friends, Xiaoli and I would have been finished in this life."

Another girl named Xiaoling recognized Shen Xiaoxiao as soon as she saw her. Isn't this the heroine who saved them before? She killed those beasts with a watermelon knife. If it weren't for her, their lives would have been ruined.

"You're welcome, it's just a matter of convenience."

"What? She was the one they wanted to arrest at the beginning. You suffered for her. Are you stupid enough to thank her?"

"Wu Xueying, people should be grateful. No matter who they wanted to arrest, we were indeed arrested. When we were arrested at the school gate, no one stood up to speak for us. Even you, my former good sister, didn't say a word when you saw those people trying to abuse us. Why can't we thank them for standing up to save us?"

"That's right. At least they saved us. Even if they were arrested by mistake, they didn't hide. Wu Xueying, you will never be as good as others in this respect. I don't know what's wrong with those people in the school. They actually I think you are a joke in our school. You are so hard-hearted that you are just like a plastic flower. "

This irony is really artistic. Even Shen Xiaoxiao finds it funny. But she really suffered for her, so Shen Xiaoxiao said:

"I remember you are graduate students. Will you graduate this year? Are you studying finance?"


"I wonder if you are interested in working in my KN Group?"

"What? KN? Yes, yes, we are very willing."

The two did not expect to have such an opportunity. Going to KN is a good thing. It is not as easy as imagined for graduate students to find a job. It is the world's number one company. If you can get in, you will never have to worry about it in your life.

"On Monday, you will report to the KN Human Resources Department. This is my business card. Report my name when the time comes."

Shen Xiaoxiao handed out a business card after speaking. The two took it with great joy. It was so unexpected. "Thank you, thank you."

"You're welcome. It's my compensation to you."

"Don't say that, don't say that. It has nothing to do with you."

"You are rare wise people."

Shen Xiaoxiao's words were really sarcastic, but Wu Xueying didn't think she was sarcastic. She was looking at them with an unhappy face. They were really small families. Working in other people's companies was not as exciting as starting their own company.

Their family had already prepared a company for her. She would definitely show her skills when the time came. Shen Xiaoxiao would buy people's hearts and it was disgusting.

"Do you have something else to do? We won't bother you anymore. Thank you, Mr. Shen."

Shen Xiaoxiao nodded, and the two girls happily left hand in hand. At this time, Xiaobao pulled Shen Xiaoxiao's clothes and said to Shen Xiaoxiao:

"Mom, let's go eat. Why do we have to talk to these annoying flies?"

"Humph, where did you come from, do you have any manners? You are so rude."

"Auntie, I'm sorry, I shouldn't call you a fly."

Xiaobao apologized very promptly. Wu Xueying looked at this little ghost and Yan Kuan and snorted coldly.

"Little ghost is a good child who can correct his mistakes. Don't learn everything from your mother."

"I should call you a cockroach because I can't kill you. Hahaha, is it funny, mom?"

Shen Xiaoxiao didn't think it was funny. She just looked at Xiaobao a little unhappy. She actually didn't like Xiaobao to interfere in these things, including what he said. These were not what a child should say. The most important thing was that Xiaobao was too precocious, so precocious that she, as a mother, was sometimes speechless.


Xiaobao knew Shen Xiaoxiao was unhappy as soon as he saw her face. It was over. She was too proud. But he was telling the truth. Those women who always wanted to find his father were flies.

Although Shen Xiaoxiao didn't like Xiaobao's behavior, she would not educate her children in front of outsiders. If she wanted to trade, she would go back and educate them by herself behind closed doors.

"The older one has no family education, and the younger one has no family education either. I don't know how a woman like you deserves Yan Kuan to treat you like that."

Shen Xiaoxiao looked at Wu Xueying, and coupled with the impolite words Xiaobao said just now, she decided to ignore this woman.

Shen Xiaoxiao took Xiaobao's hand and turned to leave, but in Wu Xueying's eyes, this woman was afraid, and the most important thing was that she was afraid to leave.

Wu Xueying was very angry today, and she would never miss this good opportunity to vent.

"Don't leave."

"What do you want to do?"

"Aren't you a woman who is very good at pretending? You won't pretend today when Yan Kuan is not by your side, right?"

"Speak human words, what exactly do you want to do?"

"Hmph, how dare you be so arrogant."

After Wu Xueying finished speaking, she looked behind her. Two people who looked like bodyguards came over in a hurry. She said that no matter how slow the bodyguards were, they would have arrived by this time.

"Teach this woman and that brat a lesson."

"Miss, isn't this bad?"

"No, no one can say anything, just do it."

Shen Xiaoxiao didn't know how Wu Xueying's brain circuit was structured. Even the bodyguards knew that they didn't dare to mess with him, but Wu Xueying still dared to say that.

But before Shen Xiaoxiao could say anything, he heard a man's voice next to him and said:

"Give me a try, little boy, how dare I be so arrogant, girl, who are you, a student of the school? You are showing off your power just because you have two rich men at home, right?"

These words made everyone turn their heads and look over. A young man in his 20s walked over with a dark circle under his eye, followed by three younger brothers. Shen Xiaoxiao was a little confused. She didn't seem to recognize this young man. Well, how can you help her speak?

"Who are you? How dare you talk to me like this?"

"There's no one on this street who doesn't know me. Girl, get out of here. I don't want to do anything this early in the morning. Otherwise, believe it or not, I'll paint your face."

After the rat said this, he took out a three-leaf knife and played with it in his hand.

Wu Xueying was not afraid of this rat but said...

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