Reborn: The Godfather Has Fallen For Me

Chapter 1108 A family goes shopping

"Dad, eat that, I want to eat that, meat, meat, barbecue."

Xiaobao sat on Yan Kuan's shoulders, his sight was not blocked at all, sitting higher than others, so he could see the most clearly, it was too lively, Xiaobao had never been to such a lively place, especially with so many delicious foods, it was a pity that Dabao couldn't come.

There were so many of these foods.

Yan Kuan was a little helpless, but he was happy to do it. Today, their family of four wore very ordinary casual clothes, and they looked like ordinary people. Except for the handsome men, pretty women and cute children, they finally didn't attract too much attention from others.

Moreover, this place was more lively than the snack street in Kyoto before, with many people and a large place. This was the most prosperous place in A City at night, and it was also the favorite place for many tourists.

Yan Kuan held Shen Xiaoxiao with one hand, and bought things for Xiaobao with the other hand. Xiaobao sat steadily holding his father's head. The appearance of this family of three was really happy and enviable.

"This kid, why do you like barbecue so much? Haven't you had enough?"

"Mom, I like spicy, very spicy."

Shen Xiaoxiao only gave Xiaobao one skewer. After all, he is small and his stomach is so small. There are too many delicious foods on the road. He can't finish them even if he buys too much.

Yan Kuan has never eaten on the road, except for the last time when he took Shen Xiaoxiao to the snack street and ate some food fed by Shen Xiaoxiao, he has never eaten it himself.

But he doesn't eat on his own initiative. His son and his wife feed him anytime and anywhere. Of course, it is not ruled out that they may not be able to eat.

"Dad, I want to eat that, the grilled scallops."

"Bad kid, can you eat so much?"

"Yes, yes, mom can help me eat. If we can't finish it, you can eat it too."

Well, after all this time, he is really a garbage recycling station. You know, Yan Kuan, who has mysophobia, can actually eat the things under his son's saliva without any discomfort. This is really strange for Yan Kuan. I guess this is his biological son. Only his biological child can be like this.

"If you have a stomachache tomorrow, you can't go anywhere. Don't you want to go and see what kind of rat is pressed?"

"Dad, my stomach won't hurt. Mom will blow it for me."

Listening to Xiaobao's words, Shen Xiaoxiao smiled. The only thing missing is Dabao. It would be great if Dabao was there.

The three of them had a good time. This was really a rare experience for them.

"Mom, I'm so full, touch me."

"Why do you eat so much, kid? I told you to eat less. I can bring you here in the future. When Dabao wakes up, we'll bring Dabao here together."

"It's delicious, so delicious, especially the spicy hot pot. I like that the most."

"Children should eat less, it has a lot of MSG."

"Dad, can you grill meat for me? I think the grilled meat here is not as delicious as the one Dad grills."

Yan Kuan held Xiaobao in one hand and Shen Xiaoxiao in the other. The family of three finished their meal leisurely.

"I thought some kids were fickle and didn't like Dad's grilled meat. Okay, put him down and walk around so he can't fall asleep at night."

Yan Kuan put the child down, and the two of them held one hand each, jumping around, it was so warm and lively.


The mahjong competition of Fuguimen was originally for the general public. Tonight is the final. The one who wins the most in 4 laps will be the champion tonight, so there are many people visiting at this time.

There were many children there, just as Xiaoxiao had said. It was common to see children in casinos in City A. Some parents left their children in the recreational area outside the casino. Of course, not everyone had someone to help take care of them like KONE, so it was natural to see children in a casino like Fuguimen.

"It was quite lively, similar to KONE's gambling king competition."

"Well, every casino holds such competitions every year to attract customers, it's normal."

They were still dressed very casually tonight, trying not to attract attention. When they went there, the rat had already sat on the high platform to start the competition. Shen Xiaoxiao glanced around. Black Peony was sitting on the high platform and greeting the people next to him, while Anna was really standing opposite the rat as the rat said, seeing someone serious and excited.

"Wow, such a big black air, mom, can you see it?"

Xiaobao said, pointing to the top of the rat's head opposite to let Shen Xiaoxiao see.

However, Shen Xiaoxiao and Yan Kuan were mortals and could not see these things. They just shook their heads and said, "I didn't see it, Xiaobao, don't tell others that you can see these things."

"Don't worry, Mom, I know."

Xiaobao was not interested in the casino stuff. He was interested in the rat.

"You shouldn't have come with us tonight." Shen Xiaoxiao looked at the black peony in the distance and said to Yan Kuan with some displeasure.

"Why can't I come? Are you afraid of her?"

"Please, I find it troublesome. You say it's really strange. This woman is over 30 years old and older than you. How can she think she can hook up with you?"

"Why do you care about her? If you don't like her, just deal with her. Why do you have to work so hard?"

"Deal with it? Do you think you are dealing with some small animal? It's easy to say."

"What if that's not the case? Don't we have to show up wherever she is?"

"I'm sorry, it's all your fault. I hate you. You said you're not as handsome as Aiwei. How could you recruit people like this?"

"Xiaoxiao, I really can't answer this question for you."

"Go away, hide from me. If Black Peony sees you and comes to you, don't go out with me again."

Yan Kuan was very, very innocent. In the end, in order to be able to accompany Xiaoxiao and the child smoothly, he decided to go out on his own. Yan Kuan issued an order to go out. Within three minutes, Black Mudan received a call from his assistant and rushed Busy and finally gone.

"You move very quickly. Why don't you usually move so fast?"

"Xiao Xiao, sometimes I move very quickly.


"Mom, look, why are they fighting?"

A few people who were playing cards just now suddenly started to take action. So many people watching the show followed the big guy's gaze and looked over. This is really true. Don't you know that this is a game?

"You are cheating, you two are working together, damn, give me a beating."

The cooperation between Pashu and his friend was discovered. Naturally, they would not let them go at this time. The four of them immediately got into a fight. Xiaobao looked at them and even looked at Shen Xiaoxiao and Yan Kuan with some excitement. said:

"Mom, dad, look, there's a knife..."

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