Reborn: The Godfather Has Fallen For Me

Chapter 1111 A boring banquet

"Mom, do you think such a banquet is boring?"

Seeing Xiaobao frowning with an unhappy look on his face, Shen Xiaoxiao, who was also bored at first, no longer felt bored. How could it be boring to see the baby bumpy like this?

"It was really boring at first, but when I saw you looking so bored, I found it quite interesting."

"Mom, you are so annoying."

"Hahaha, silly kid, these banquets are boring, but look, many people attend such banquets with different purposes. Some come to meet people, some need cooperation opportunities, and some have a fun mentality. Yes, it depends on how you observe and see. Sometimes it is also an experience to see people doing different things with different purposes.”

"Mom, why do you and dad come to participate?"

"Well, to maintain the relationship, and also, boring."

"Mom, if one day we are so strong that we don't need to cater to others, will it be possible to attend such a banquet if we want to, but if we don't want to, we can't?"

"You can say that, but it is not easy to really do that, because even the emperors in ancient times were helpless at certain times and could not do as we thought."

"Being human is complicated."

"Of course, being a human being is inherently complicated, so living in this world is an experience in itself."

"Mom, let me go eat with you so that you don't get bored."

Shen Xiaoxiao smiled and touched Xiaobao's head, holding his little hand and walking to the food area.

Yan Kuan looked at the mother and son not far away, with soft eyes. The child must not like such an occasion.

"Excuse me first."

Yan Kuan took the wine glass and walked towards the place where their mother and son were.

"Mom, this is not as delicious as the ones from the snack street. I still like to eat the scallops from the snack street. These are cold."

Xiaobao looked at these seafood platters, they were cold and not delicious at all.

"Most of the people who come here don't pay attention to the food. They pay attention to other things, interpersonal communication, and how much benefit it can bring to them." Yan Kuan just walked over and heard Xiaobao If so, he immediately clarified his doubts to his son.

"Dad, are you bored too?"

"Well, yes, dad is bored too. If you don't like this, dad will take you to eat delicious food after the banquet is over."

"Really? Is it better than the ones in the snack street?"

Shen Xiaoxiao glanced at the child helplessly. Is the food on the snack street the most delicious delicacy in his opinion?

"Of course, it's more delicious than the ones in the snack street."

"Okay, I won't eat this, and mom won't eat it either. It doesn't taste good."

The family was sitting at the small table chatting happily. When the people next to them saw this scene, they couldn't help but say:

"Mr. Yan looks so serious. I didn't expect that he really loves his wife and children. Look at how patient he is with his children."

"No, my family never yells or scolds the child. He throws it at the teacher when it comes to education, and throws it at me and the nanny when it comes to life. I have to wonder if he is the biological father of the child. "

"Hahaha, look what you said, no matter how bad your husband is, he never gave you an illegitimate child or daughter, right? Of course, Mr. Shen is indeed lucky to meet such a good man and be loved by his husband. The child is adorable and a sure winner in life.”

"Yes, our old Hu said before that I don't know what kind of woman Mr. Yan, who is so great, will be matched with in the future. It has only been a few years, and he already has a wife and children."

"Perhaps it's a pity for many women. If I had known that Mr. Yan cared so much about his children and his wife, he would have found a way to climb into bed and get the child out first."

"Hahaha, that's right, hahaha."

Nanya felt very uncomfortable when she heard those bad wives saying these words. How could Shen Xiaoxiao be so lucky? How could Yan Kuan be considered so good? At first, she thought she was Yan Kuan's treasure. Well, it turned out that Yan Kuan was actually a fake. Damn it, why did Shen Xiaoxiao have such a good life?

That guy Jiang Haoming was not a good guy at all except for spending money on women. Fortunately, she had already made preparations. Not only did she marry Jiang Haoting, but she also gave birth to a pair of twins. Although the son was not her biological son, he had raised her since he was a child. In the future, she will be well-raised. The only thing she is better than Shen Xiaoxiao is power.

"Mom, how many times have you told me that I will not provoke that Shen Xiaoxiao. I don't know why you and dad are so worried. What's so great about her? She is just a little girl relying on Yan Kuan's power. "

Wu Xueying begged for a long time before her mother was allowed to attend the banquet. I don't know why, but her father, who is also an executive in City A, was so afraid of an ordinary businessman. It was really depressing.

Nanya was about to leave when she heard such a conversation. It seems that someone's happiness can really sting the eyes of others sometimes. She is not the only one who dislikes her.

"Stop your little thoughts. Anyway, Shen Xiaoxiao, Yan Kuan and even your father will all support you. If you dare to ruin your father's important affairs, get out of the country. Do you think that little bastard She's still young, right? Now she can help your father. You only know how to study. Your father is already paving the way for that little scoundrel. She has already entered the system. Who can say what will happen in the future. "

"I know, I know, you've said it many times, and I want you to stop calling me a little bastard, a bastard, a bastard. Dad said, that's his niece."

"You also know, look at how smart she is. People know that she is accompanying your father to meet guests, but you are the only one who keeps staring at the couple. You said you are also true. She is a married woman. How can you Will still watch it.”

"I didn't say I was attracted to him, I just thanked him for saving his life." Wu Xueying did not acknowledge what his mother said, and only said that she wanted to thank him.

"The best thing is, huh, why don't you come over here and go to your father's place."

Wu Xueying was pulled away by her mother unhappily. Nanya looked at Wu Xueying's leaving figure and showed a clear smile. Now there was something good to watch. She just said, how many people in these upper class society are Clean.

"Literary art, literary art, come here."

Nanya greeted Wenyi, and Wenyi glanced at Nanya who was yelling like this with some discomfort. This woman was very powerful. He could see it when she was coaxing his grandma and uncle. Not only that, he also discovered some things. Unexpectedly, this woman actually has a special relationship with the uncle. Not only that, no wonder the uncle loves the two children so much. It turns out that the real father of the children is not the fourth uncle, but the uncle.

Now he finally understood why the eldest aunt had to leave home. It took him a long time to do it. It was for this reason. If it were him, the eldest aunt would have asked for a divorce long ago. However, their status meant that they could not divorce in this life. Jiang Wenyi looked down on Nanya very much at this point. He always felt that she was a shameless woman. Now that she called him that, she didn't know what trouble would happen again.

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