Reborn: The Godfather Has Fallen For Me

Chapter 1116 About who sleeps with whom

Xiaobao was hungry, so Shen Xiaoxiao agreed to take him to eat. The family of three came to the most unique seafood restaurant here. Unexpectedly, there were many people here, and many of them knew each other.

The banquet just now was actually just an exchange meeting, and Wu Xueying and the others made a fuss later. Not many people were left, and no one with at least some status would stay there to watch any good show, which was a waste of time.

As the most famous restaurant in City A, and it was still early at the moment, it was very common for us to meet by chance at this place.

"Mom, don't you like those flies around Dad?"

When Yan Kuan went to the bathroom, Xiaobao pulled Shen Xiaoxiao and asked him a very strange question. Shen Xiaoxiao looked up at him and said:

"Xiaobao, you don't have to worry about these things, you know? You are still young and don't understand things between adults."

"But mom, they said dad is Lord Black Emperor, and Lord Black Emperor's wife is the daughter of the Galaxy."

Shen Xiaoxiao was stunned, what did this mean?

"Xiaobao, what are you talking about?"

"I don't know what I'm talking about, but I heard them say it last time when I went to the underworld. Lord Black Emperor's wife is the daughter of the Milky Way. Mom, what is the daughter of the Galaxy? Isn't your father's wife yours? "Why should dad's wife be the daughter of the Galaxy?"

Xiaobao's children's words truly made Shen Xiaoxiao feel that some things were not as simple as they imagined, and some things were even happening slowly and subtly. This Black Emperor was not that Black Emperor, but... They are all Yan Kuan.

"I am your father's wife. No one or anything can change this, do you understand?"

"I know, I know."

"So Xiaobao deliberately asked your father to pee with you tonight, because he wanted to punish him?"

"Well, I don't like dad always having those nasty women around him."

"No, kid, have you gone to the underworld again? Otherwise, how would you know this? I didn't tell you last time?"

"Hehehe, Mom, I just went for a walk and accidentally walked somewhere."

"You naughty kid, I think you're asking for a beating. Where are the Heavenly Soldiers? Didn't the Heavenly Soldiers go back to recuperate? How did you get there?"

Seeing Shen Xiaoxiao getting angry, Xiaobao could only sit up straight with his hands behind his back and looked at Shen Xiaoxiao and said carefully:

"I went by myself."

"go alone?"

"Well, last time Yan Jun said that I could go and play whenever I wanted, and he also gave me a token."

"You naughty kid, where's the token? Bring it."

"No, mom, I can take you to play too."

"Take me with you? Are you crazy?"

"Mom, I'm serious. If you don't take Dad, I'll take you there. It's fun down there, and we can also go and see what the Girl of the Galaxy looks like."


"Mom, we can also look for the little girl's soul, the one whose body was taken over by Dabao."

"Can you see her down there? Isn't that a parallel space?"

"We can ask Yan Jun for help. He seems to be afraid of me."


"Mom, go ahead. We'll go quietly without Dad, and I promise there won't be any danger."

Shen Xiaoxiao fell into deep thought. Do you really want to listen to the naughty kid and go to the underworld? Xiaobao's two reasons were so powerful that they really moved her heart.

But if you don't tell Yan Kuan, what will you do if he finds out?

"What if your father finds out?"

"We'll go after dad goes to bed."

"Here, let me think about it. Give me something nice to eat."

The dishes were served one after another. Yan Kuan happened to come out of the bathroom at this time. The family of three started eating as if nothing was wrong. However, without Yan Kuan knowing, Xiaobao kept giving his mother little looks, making Shen Xiaoxiao was extremely depressed.

As soon as he got home, Xiaobao pulled his mother and said that he would sleep with her tonight, which made Yan Kuan so angry. What on earth does this kid want to do today?

"How old are you when you still want to sleep with your mother?"

"I'm 5 years old."

Xiaobao blinked his little eyes, wondering why his father couldn't even remember how old he was. Did his father have Alzheimer's disease?

"You---don't sleep with your mother, sleep by yourself."

"Mom, who do I want to be with you? I haven't slept with you for a long time. And Dabao, we haven't slept with you for a long time."

"You were raised as a Dabao, and the four of us slept together the day before yesterday." Yan Kuan was at the side to make up his mind. Why is this kid so petty now, and is he too clingy to Xiaoxiao? This is not okay.

"Yes, we used to sleep with four people. Today I want to sleep with mom and Dabao. Dad, you can sleep by yourself."

"You, why should I sleep alone?" Yan Kuanhe had a spineless affair with his son, what do you mean?

"I want to reminisce about our childhood with Dabao. When my mother, I, and Dabao were there, we would often sleep together as three of us."

"What did you say? Looking back on your childhood, have you matured now? How did you have the nerve to say that?"


Xiaobao's trump card, if you have any problems, go to your mother. Sure enough, Shen Xiaoxiao was actually a little moved, so she said to Yan Kuan:

"Why don't I sleep with the child tonight and the temperature will cool down, and I will miss this warm time."

Yan Kuan didn't expect that Xiaoxiao would lead the two of them to abandon him. He shouted in disapproval:

"No, at worst, four people will sleep together. It was before, but now I am here, and you are not allowed to leave me behind."

Shen Xiaoxiao was a little helpless, but since Xiaobao said he wanted to act with her alone, she didn't want to ruin Xiaobao's good deeds, so she said:

"After you get rid of all those rotten flies and stuff of yours, then you sleep with us mother and son together. It's annoying to death. You think it's okay if I don't ask about it. Anyway, take care of it for me."

"Honey, I am very innocent."

"I don't care if you are innocent or not. If you don't handle it tomorrow, you will continue to be alone tomorrow."


"Xiaobao, let's go back to the room."

Xiaobao took his mother back to the room happily, leaving Yan Kuan standing alone in the room and very angry. He simply walked out and called An Er to start tossing, Wu Xueying, Black Peony, all get out.

Better get out of China, it's so damn annoying.

Yan Kuan had been tossing and turning in bed all night. He was wondering if his wife would suddenly come over again in the middle of the night. He hadn't slept soundly until 1 o'clock in the middle of the night. He found that the door to the room had actually been secretly opened, and The sound of footsteps sounded, and I felt happy. I immediately closed my eyes and pretended to sleep. However, after waiting for a long time, no one said anything, and the door actually closed again.

How is this going?

Yan Kuan simply got up and walked directly to the child's room, but what he didn't expect was that when he walked to Dabao's room, except for Dabao on the bed, Xiaoxiao and Xiaobao were not in the room at all. Where had these two people gone... …

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