Reborn: The Godfather Has Fallen For Me

Chapter 1135 Born and targeted

"Old—Boss—why don't we—let's go back. This is the Ten Thousand Bone Cave, a forbidden area in the Six Realms. Let's leave quickly. Let's not catch that little black fox."

The green-robed Orion pulled the other man in yellow beside him with some fear, his voice was trembling. Further ahead was the Ten Thousand Bones Cave. Every night late at night, you could hear the howling of ghosts and wolves, which was inexplicably terrifying.

According to legend, this is the place where the bones and corpses of ancient ancient battlefields are buried. For many years, no one has dared to approach it. It is said that demons are everywhere here, and evil spirits are floating around.

"Didn't you see that little black fox right there? The second young lady of the Wen family asked for this black fox as her dowry when she got married. It's worth 10,000 gold. We will have food and clothing for the rest of our lives. What are you afraid of? Have you forgotten? Did you accept the ultimatum issued by the Imperial Master?

Don’t disturb the six realms. No matter what kind of monsters and monsters they are, they can’t easily touch the human realm. Aren’t they afraid of the Demon Locking Tower? I’m not afraid of it anyway. "

The words spoken by the man in yellow were burning, but hearing them in the ears of the man in green gave him a brief moment of calm, and he was no longer as frightened and worried as before.

But then a long and violent roar suddenly sounded over the entire Ten Thousand Bones Cave.


The insects and birds flew away in fright, and even the black fox was so frightened that it turned around and ran away, regardless of whether there was a hunter waiting behind it. It seemed that there was something in the Ten Thousand Bone Cave that was more terrifying than their lives.

"Ghost - ghost - boss ghost -"

Xuan Hu had just jumped into the pocket of the man in yellow, but before he could close it, he heard the frightened cry of the man in green next to him.

The man in yellow followed his voice and looked forward. His heart suddenly trembled, and he almost thought it was a wandering ghost. Fortunately, he was knowledgeable and quickly calmed down. He grabbed the man in green who was lying on the ground and said :

"Second son, your eyes are blind. That's a human, not a ghost. Look at her shadow. You forgot that except for humans, there are no shadows in the other five realms. This is stated in the decree issued by the Imperial Master. , I asked you to memorize it, but you are really stupid if you don’t memorize it.”

The man in green clothes named Erzi rubbed his eyes, and then took a closer look in the moonlight. It turned out that he was really a person. It looked like a woman?

"****, where did this woman come out this late at night? She's wearing all white, so scary. Boss, look, she's wearing a snow bear fur? That's a fine product."

He was frightened just now, but then he saw a fine fur that could never be found in the Kingdom of Jin. He suddenly became greedy and said hurriedly to the man in yellow.

When the man in yellow heard the word "snow bear fur", he was stunned. He raised his eyes and took a closer look. It was really a fine product. This woman was actually wearing such a treasure.

"We've made a fortune. We've made a fortune today. It's as valuable as the black fox in our hands."

"Come on, let's go take a look. A woman came to the edge of the Ten Thousand Bones Cave late at night. She was either having an affair or doing something illegal. Maybe tonight we will have to eliminate evil for the people."

But just between breaths, when they opened and closed their eyes and opened them again, the two of them actually saw the woman in white standing in front of them. Just now, wasn't she more than 10 meters away from them?

"Boss, is she a samurai? She moves so fast?"

The man in yellow, who was called the boss, swallowed. He was a little confused about the rank of the woman in front of him, but looking at her skills, a second-rank warrior like him was no match for her.

(Warrior grades: first grade, second grade, third grade... ninth grade warrior, each grade is divided into upper, middle and lower grades)

"Let's go, go quickly."

However, as soon as they turned around, Wen Jiu was already standing in front of them again. This time, he raised his head to look at the person in front of him at a close distance. For just a moment, those cold eyes, as if looking at an object without any warmth, shot straight at him, making him They broke out in a cold sweat instantly.

"Did you just say that Miss Wen Er got married?"

Her voice was cold and low, but without the slightest warmth. Like her whole person, it was a little intimidating. For some reason, the greed that had just emerged was now filled with deep fear, and she didn't dare to think about it at all. Neng nodded honestly and said to the strange and cold-looking woman in front of him:

"Yes, yes, the second young lady in Marshal Wen's residence, she was betrothed to the third prince as his concubine, and the Holy Father personally granted her the marriage."

Sure enough, it was Marshal Wen's Mansion. Wen Jiu knew that although the Ten Thousand Bone Cave was outside the Sixth Formation, there was only one passage leading to the outside world, and that passage was within the country of Dajin.

Therefore, when she met these two hunters, they could only be from the Kingdom of Jin. She heard what they just said clearly. Because she knew it clearly, she thought of it when she heard Miss Wen Er. Yue family.

The General's Mansion of the Great Jin Kingdom, and she was the eldest lady of the Wen family, the eldest sister of the second young lady of the Wen family who was about to get married.

"What about Miss Wen? If my elder sister is not married, how can my younger sister get married?"

As soon as these words were said, the two hunters seemed to have heard a big joke and said to Wen Jiu:

"Did Miss Wen come from Qi or Wei? You must have heard rumors that Miss Wen was possessed by a monster 10 years ago. General Wen and his wife killed her relatives and burned her personally. No one in the world knew about it.

The National Master of the Three Kingdoms Zhenguo also issued instructions for the human world from that time. The shadowless people are not human beings. Otherwise, I don’t know how many monsters would have to set foot in our human world. "

"You say Miss Nawen is a demon?"

"Of course, it is said that she has antlers on her head, a yaksha face, and fire-faced fangs. She is very scary. She can eat all the livestock nearby in one night. Our country of Jin is even more punished by God. There is no rain in March, and a giant beast that has not happened in a century is It’s drought.”

"Oh? Fire-faced fangs? Is that so?"

After Wen Jiu finished speaking, he released himself. Not only did his antlers have red spots and his eyes were blood red, but he also showed his fangs and mouth in coordination with them. The two of them were so frightened that they froze on the spot!

"How is it possible, how is it possible, you have a shadow, how could you be a demon, how could you be? Ah——"

"Humph, ignorant idiot..."

Wenjiu waved his sleeves, and the two of them were thrown into the Ten Thousand Bones Cave and left to fend for themselves. The noise finally stopped. Looking at the black fox under the roots of the tree, Wenjiu grabbed it from the air and put it into the storage room. Walking through the snow in the bag of things, he walked out of the Ten Thousand Bones Cave.

As soon as Wen Jiu left, he didn't even see the pair of black eyes hanging upside down on the branches, and watched her every move in his mind.

It turned out to be her. How could such a weak-looking girl be able to withstand the Nine Nether Fire for 10 years? How did she do it? Interesting, really interesting.

However, after injecting the demon pill into a mortal woman's body, taking it out would really require her to take it out on her own initiative, as Guichi Qilin said. It seemed like he really had to give up a lot of hard work.

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