Reborn: The Godfather Has Fallen For Me

Chapter 1145 He lied to her

Ramadan's words shocked everyone, especially the father and son of the Wen family. Both daughters of this family married the prince. What an honor and pride it was.

Moreover, this second prince has returned from his studies and has an unlimited future. Even if His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is the direct descendant, but his ability is really not good enough, the throne may really fall to the second prince in the future.

How could they let go of such a good son-in-law? How could you be willing to let it go?

But if it’s inappropriate to say it now, what exactly is wrong?

"Ayue, what's wrong? What's wrong?"

Zhai Jin also became curious. It was inappropriate to say it so openly. Could it be that the second brother had some new ideas? That's right, the Wen family now has two imperial concubines. In the future, if the Yue family grows bigger, it may not be a good thing for everyone in power.

Yes, Zhai Jin is already considering the possibility of his second son Zhai Yue succeeding to the throne. There is no way. Prince Zhai Xiao's abilities are indeed limited. He is not only a father but also the king of a country. He must not treat this national event as a trivial matter. Moreover, the Three Kingdoms are currently in dispute. From now on, the fight for hegemony is about to begin, and at the most critical moment, the prince actually takes it upon himself to go to Linxian Pavilion and offend the imperial master. If A Yue hadn't brought back the news, their Kingdom of Jin would have been really destroyed.

So Zhai Jin has already started to pave the way for the second son. Marrying a girl from the Wen family can really help the second son to stabilize the government and the opposition and increase the bargaining chip. If he doesn't marry, it will be difficult for the second son to get to the top. This is true. It's a dilemma, but according to the ability of the second child, even if the Wen family becomes bigger one day, he should not be afraid. He also returned from 00000, and he knows their skills very well, especially now that the second child has been taught 0000 So, he actually doesn't have to worry so much.

"Taking it all together, there are still many benefits to marrying Miss Wen's family."

"Father, what I want to say is that Miss Wen's eldest brother is not married, so I must not break the rules."

Sure enough, Zhai Jin breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this answer, but Zhai Xiao's excitement just now was completely gone now. This second guy really came back to compete with him for the position. Damn it.

"Hahahaha, that's what my son was thinking. Wen Tian, ​​it's you who are wrong in this matter. If your boy doesn't get a wife, this sister really has no reason to get married. You've delayed your family. Daughter."

Zhai Jin seemed to be joking, but he was actually mentioning Wen Tian. Wen Tian was an old fox. As soon as he heard this, the sweat on his forehead due to nervousness finally stopped at this moment. Not only that, he also relaxed. He came down and said to Zhai Yue and Zhai Jin:

"Prince Zhao is overly worried. Your Majesty, my son is engaged to be married to the daughter of the Household Secretary Ge's family. Six ceremonies have passed and the wedding is scheduled to be held on the 15th of next month."

"Oh, it turns out that Wen Tian has made arrangements for you a long time ago. Hahaha, okay, in that case, Qin Tianjian considers it a good day and will choose a day to hold the wedding for Prince Zhao."

"Congratulations to Prince Zhao, congratulations to Your Majesty."

"If you dare to lie to me, I will kill them."

They were congratulating each other just now, but Brahma Star on the other side was so angry that he still wanted to marry that damn woman. She wanted to kill them, kill them.

Sure enough, none of these people are good people. They are all lying to her. Do you really think she is easy to bully?

Fanxing has been angry for a long time. She originally came out for revenge, but was stopped by Ramadan. If it weren't for Ramadan being kind to her, she would definitely not let Ramadan go.

Zhai Yue was the first person she met after coming out of Ten Thousand Bones Cave, and the person she trusted the most, but she didn't expect that he would lie to her like this. In this case, don't blame her for being cruel.

Do you think this bundle of fairy rope can trap her? dream

She, Brahma Star, is half-human and half-demon, not a demon. This bundle of fairy ropes can only trap her spells, not her as a person. As long as she takes back her spells, go away with the bundle of fairy ropes. As for the Demon Locking Tower , hum, she also has a way.

"what you do?"

Ramadan really didn't expect that this little girl would suddenly retract all her anger, close her eyes and start meditating. This action was definitely not just that she was giving up. This was, she was taking back her demonic body. It was really smart. , he taught him once, and she remembered it so clearly.

When she opened her eyes again, sure enough, Zhai Yue saw with her own eyes that the illusion subsided and the fairy rope fell from her. She didn't know where she took out a knife, pointed it at Wen Zhongguo and stabbed him.

These tricks do not contain any magic power and are similar to ordinary people.

But Wen Zhongguo was a military general and knew all the tricks to kill the enemy in battle, so when she stabbed him with the knife, even if Wen Zhongguo and the others were no longer paying attention at the moment, they were able to avoid it.

"Miss, what are you going to do?"

"What to do? I'm going to kill you."

It was at this time that Zhai Yue discovered that Brahma Star actually looked like this without the previous illusion. It had no antlers and no red spots. It looked somewhat similar to Wen Zhongguo.

Her actions stunned everyone in the hall. Wen Zhongguo knew that she was the second prince's apprentice, so he didn't dare to kill her and kept avoiding her. However, the more he acted like this, the more he angered Fanxing.

"Ayue, what's going on?"

Zhai Yue also had a livid face. He did not expect that this little thing would hate the Kingdom of Jin so much and be so cruel to the Wen family. It seemed that he underestimated her after all.

"Fan Xing, stop it."

"You have no right to order me."

"Are you going to force me to do something to you? Fanxing."

"My name is not Fanxing. Please hear me clearly. My name is Wenjiu. I am Wenjiu. I am not Fanxing. I said that one day I will come back. I want your country to break through the mountains and rivers. All the people of your Kingdom of Jin have turned into ants, and anyone who dares to stand in my way will be killed without mercy.”

Anger burst into the sky. If Ramadan hadn't turned on the shield in advance, everyone here would have heard what this girl said, but she couldn't hide her move. Now he had to think of a way out for her.

"Stop it."

After all, Ramadan is the ancient demon king. Dealing with half-demon like Brahma Xing is not a problem at all, but he will be exposed in the end.

After using a spell, everyone saw that Brahma Xing, who was still in a frenzy, was suddenly frozen. Then his eyes widened and he fell to the ground.

"A Yue, what's going on? What you just used was a spell?"

"Father, my son and I use the Dao Yuan method."

Zhai Jin stood up excitedly when he heard that Zhai Yue actually used Dao Yuan Method. No one in the entire human world knows the Immortal Method, but his second prince actually knows it. What does this mean? This means that the unification of the Three Kingdoms by the Great Jin Kingdom is just around the corner.

Everyone was looking at Ramadan in shock at this moment. As for Brahma Xing who was unconscious on the ground, no one paid any attention to him...

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