Reborn: The Godfather Has Fallen For Me

Chapter 1148 Becoming Wenrong

If a Brahma star, who has never learned anything since childhood and has the mind of a child, is asked to pretend to be rich and elegant, the secret will probably be revealed as soon as he opens his mouth.

"Why don't you let me say it?"

"As soon as you speak, they will know that you are not Wenrong, but don't worry, you can communicate with me, but people outside can't hear you."

"I do not like."

No matter what Wenrong looks like to people outside, Ramadan can actually see the appearance of the deity Brahma Star. If this Brahma Star doesn't appear to be half-demon, she is actually a very cute and adorable little girl. Although it's not pretty, and there's still some baby fat, it's really cute and tight.

Now when she muttered that she didn't like it, it was completely different from saying that she didn't like it when she turned into a half-demon. At least in Ramadan's eyes, there was nothing annoying about Brahma Star saying she didn't like it. On the contrary, it's so cute.

"If I don't speak, how can I kill them?"

"But I am civilized and knowledgeable, and I am still a level 3 samurai. I am not worried about my martial arts, but in terms of knowledge..."

"I can read!"

"I know you can read. Bachelor's degree has nothing to do with whether you can read or not. Do you understand?"

"I don't understand. I just think you are troublesome. Wouldn't it be better to just kill you?"

Well, Ramadan once again felt that there was indeed a problem with their communication. Could this little girl stop being so direct?

"Okay, even if you don't speak, it won't be long. After all, you are going to marry me soon, so don't worry."

"I don't like the name yet."

"The name Wen Rong was given by Wen Tian."

"Then I don't like it even more. I haven't even been named by them. They just call me casually."

Whenever Fanxing thinks of how casually her name Wenjiu was chosen, she feels uncomfortable. If she feels uncomfortable, she will directly say it. Not only will she say it, but everyone will also feel uncomfortable.

"Then I'll find a way to get them to change it for you. What should it be changed to? Let's call it Fanxing!"

"No, change it to Wenjiu!"

Ramadan was no longer too lazy to contend with this little thing. He just said, "Be prepared," and he closed the door and walked out.

Fanxing looked at the unconscious person lying on the ground. He was so ugly and asked her to pretend to be her. He really didn't know what was going on in Ramadan's mind.

However, Wen Rong is really Fanxing's sister. The current Wen Qin family, Fanxing's biological mother, is the successor of Major General Wen Zhongguo, and Wen Zhongguo's previous wife gave birth to two sons. Therefore, under Wen Qin The first child she conceived after marrying into the Wen family was very important, and it was triplets. The whole family was full of expectations, but they didn't expect that when the triplets were born, two sons and one daughter, the two sons actually No one survived, but her daughter survived, so this is why Wen Qin hated Wen Jiu so much.

Because the triplets were originally enough for her to gain a foothold in the Wen family, but now only one girl, Pianzi, survives. It would be strange if the Wen Qin family didn't hate Wen Jiu to the core.

If Wen Tian hadn't treated his only granddaughter well, the Wen Qin family would never have spared Wen Jiu's life.

However, Wen Qin's luck was really good, and she gave birth to two more children in succession, one of which was twins, the second and third young ladies, Wen Rong and Wen Fu, and later another, the third son of the Wen family, Wen An.

The Wen Qin family has finally established a firm foothold in the Wen family. Of course, without Wen Jiu, the Wen Qin family loves both Wen Fu and Wen Rong.

Wen Fu and Wen Rong were assigned to the second and third princes successively, and Fan Xing went to give them gifts last time, as well as Xuan Hu, so it was normal for Wen Jiu to feel unhappy when he had to play Wen Rong this time.

But what has been decided in Ramadan must be done even if Brahma Xing feels uncomfortable.

"Miss Third, are you awake? You have had fever for several days and finally woke up. Madam has asked you many times."

Fanxing looked at a strange woman in a green dress standing in front of her bed. She turned her head in disgust and didn't want to pay attention. She was afraid that she would not be able to help but kill everyone here.

"Third Miss, Third Miss?"

Lu Rui, the maid of the Green Group, is Wen Rong's personal maid. Whenever anything goes wrong, Lu Rui is definitely the first to notice.


After saying this word, Fanxing was stunned for a moment. Wasn't she unable to speak?

Fanxing opened her mouth to curse more, but she found that she couldn't say anything except the word "go away".

Damn Ramadan, he did this to her.

Lu Rui didn't expect that the young lady who had always loved her would be so angry with herself today. Could it be that she was still in a bad mood after recovering from a serious illness?

Lu Rui stood there in a daze, but when she saw that her lady had turned around and didn't speak, she could only walk out confused.

As soon as Lu Rui opened the door, she saw Mrs. Wen Qin walking over with her maid and Wen Fu.

"Madam, second young lady."

"How is Third Miss? Are you awake?"

"In reply to Madam, the third lady woke up just now, but she fell asleep again."

Mrs. Wen Qin frowned. Did she wake up and fall asleep again? This Rong'er is really worrying. The king just set the wedding date for her and Prince Yoshiaki. The child actually started to have a fever and fell asleep for so long. It's really worrying.

"Third sister's body is too weak. It is very likely that she will be in charge of the East Palace in the future. With such a weak body, how will she be able to support Prince Zhao's palace in the future?"

Wen Fu kept her mouth shut and felt very uncomfortable in her heart. She originally thought that marrying the third prince and becoming the imperial concubine would be a great honor in the Wen family, but she was still praised by everyone.

But the third sister and the second prince actually had a marriage contract. She didn't take it to heart before. After all, the second prince had been studying abroad, and she really didn't know what his son looked like in these years, and he didn't have much influence in the government or the public. In fact, she has always been unafraid.

But the second prince appeared out of thin air and even attracted everyone's attention instantly. Now almost 100% of the people in the government and the public respected the second prince as his heir.

My sister, who had been oppressed by him in the past, actually got married so well. With such luck, it was strange that she felt so comfortable.

"Fu'er, what about your upbringing? Why do you talk about your sister like that? Don't forget that not only are you both daughters of the Wen family, but you are also married to the royal family. You must help each other and not be at war with each other."

Wen Fu was very scared when Wen Qin said this with a straight face. She knew that her mother absolutely hated her, and her eldest sister and mother could have executed her with her own hands.

Although the street is a monster, if this woman Wen Qin is ruthless, she is truly unmatched by anyone.

"Mom, I'm just talking."

"It's best to just talk. I never want to hear this again. Okay, since Ronger is asleep, let's come over later."

After Wen Qin finished speaking, she turned around and took Wen Fu away, but at this moment, the housekeeper hurriedly walked in, but in front of him walked a man wearing a python robe and a jade crown...

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