"Xiaobao, what's wrong with him?"

Shen Xiaoxiao looked at Xiaobao who started to practice on the sandbags like he was venting, and asked Yan Kuan worriedly.

Yan Kuan sighed and said to Shen Xiaoxiao:

"You go and prepare some food for Xiaobao. I'll go take a look. The child is older and has something to worry about."

"Okay, I'll prepare some food for you, and you have a good talk with him."

After seeing Shen Xiaoxiao leaving, Yan Kuan slowly walked into the practice room, took off his coat, aimed at Xiaobao's back and attacked.

"Daddy will practice with you."

Xiaobao was stunned at first, but when the fist attack came with no restraint, Xiaobao didn't show any mercy, as if venting his anger, he aimed at Yan Kuan and hit him.

The two of them went back and forth, fighting happily and fiercely, but Xiaobao was a child after all, and Yan Kuan was no longer the Yan Kuan before. If it was before, he might not be Xiaobao's opponent, but now He is the true Black Emperor, so of course he can compete with the future Prince of Tiange.

"Are you feeling better?"

While Yan Kuan was wearing his coat, he looked at his son who had been beaten badly by him. Yes, there were no scars on his face, so his wife shouldn't be able to see it.

Xiaobao is vomiting. Dad is so cruel. He hit her so hard. It hurts so much.

"Dad, I was actually practicing, so you're the one who's unhappy."

"You brat, I'm just helping you practice. Well, Dabao has Dabao's destiny. Even if we want to intervene, we can't change everything she has to go through. Moreover, if we change it once, the subsequent variables will... Maybe we can’t change it, so remember, the knife should be used on its edge, you know?”

"I also know this truth, so I decided not to go to Jiuyou Continent for the time being. I have to wait for five years. I will definitely bring Dabao back by then."

"Be good, just think about it, enrich yourself in the past few years, and don't worry about your mother."

"I know, I won't let mom worry."

"Let's go then, your mother has made delicious food waiting for us."

"Dad, it hurts so much when you hit me, and why didn't you hit me in the face?"

"If your mother sees the slap in the face, then I'm unlucky."

Xiaobao walked to the back and saw his father's shameless appearance. Well, his father was still sinister.

"Have you two, father and son, finished practicing?"

"Mom, dad's attack was so harsh. It hurt so much when he hit me."

Yan Kuan glanced at Xiaobao and knew that this brat would sue him. Fortunately, he was smart and could not see any injuries where he hit him.

"Does it hurt? Where does it hurt? Mom, look at it."

"You're so old, do you still have the nerve to let your mother see you for injuries?"

"Dad, I'm only 11 years old."

"That's right, the child is still young. Don't think that I don't know. If you teach someone a lesson, the wounds will definitely not be visible."

"A loving mother often loses her son."

Shen Xiaoxiao glared at Yan Kuan, but she also knew that Xiaobao was very clever, so she said:

"Xiaobao, you should thank your father. Now look at who else is fighting you in our base. Only your father can accompany you to fight a few moves."

"I know mom, but it hurts just looking at her."

"You little brat, go and eat quickly. I have the grilled scallops you like."

"Really? That would be great."

Seeing that Xiaobao finally regained some of his energy and walked to the restaurant, Shen Xiaoxiao breathed a sigh of relief, smiled and stopped caring about the child, but looked at Yan Kuanshang and said:

"You don't know how to be gentle, you are still a child."

"Fool, children need to be beaten before they grow up."

"Too lazy to tell you."

"But Xiaoxiao, we don't want to go to Jiuyou Continent in the past few years. It won't help anything, so we can only worry."

"Hey, I know it too, it's true, but I always feel uncomfortable."

"Fool, neither you nor I will stay in this human world for too long, so just rest assured. When Dabao is found, our family will not be separated again."

"Well, I understand."

"Aunt, what are you talking about? Isn't Wen Ting the fourth uncle's child?" Jiang Wenyi was a little surprised when he heard Jiang Shuixian's words. Could it be that the Jin Polo that the whole family held in their hands was actually fake?

"Wenyi, my aunt is definitely not lying. Look, this is a DNA report. Not only that, this Wen Huan is not the child of the fourth child, but he is the child of my Wen family."

"What does it mean?"

Why are these bombs being set harder than the last?

"When I first found out, I was even more scared than you. I thought it belonged to your second uncle, but I took your uncle's hair by the way, and I didn't expect that Wen Huan turned out to be your uncle's child. Now I finally know why. Your grandma and your uncle care so much about Nanya and are so kind to the two children. They think the children belong to your uncle. The fourth child becomes a cheap dad. This is messy. Of course, Nanya is really amazing. ”

"Aunt, your news told me, let me----"

Jiang Wenyi didn't know how to say the next words for a long time. It was so unbelievable. No way, it was actually his uncle's.

"Wenyi, let me tell you, now that Wen Ting is not a child of my Jiang family, you have to keep your inheritance well. You have to know that this whole thing belongs to you. The only male in our Jiang family now is You, everything here belongs to you, and my aunt will never let irrelevant people take it away."

"Auntie, does grandma and uncle know about this?"

"I don't know yet, but the fourth child already knows. He heard the news. There is so much excitement outside. It won't be long before I think they will all know. So, you should leave quickly and go to the overseas branch to stay for a while."


"Come on, Auntie has already packed up the things for you. Apart from you, no one in the Jiang family is cold-hearted. In such a chaotic place, it's better for Auntie to help you keep everything safe. Auntie has also thought clearly over the years. Now, my aunt will depend on you for the rest of her life. You must not allow anyone to take away what belongs to you."

"Auntie, I'm an adult now, there's no way they can influence me."

"Silly boy, let me ask you, if your grandma and your uncle kneel down for you, can you not submit?"

"How can this be?"

Jiang Wenyi was surprised why Jiang Narcissus said this.

But Jiang Shuixian was really not joking, but said to Jiang Wenyi with a mocking look:

"Didn't your second uncle keep regressing because of your grandma's tricks back then? Now you have seen that your second uncle would rather never come back and get nothing than leave the Jiang family, literature and art, listen to your aunt, and leave. Well, if you encounter some shameless people, you still need your aunt to come forward. "

"Madam, the car is ready."

"Send the young master to the airport."



Four bodyguards walked in, all of them were retired special forces. Jiang Wenyi did not expect Jiang Shuixian to be so well prepared.


"Take the young master to the airport."

"Aunt, aunt--"

No matter how Jiang Wenyi screamed, it didn't help. Seeing Jiang Wenyi leave, Jiang Narcissus knew that the Jiang family's mess could now be completely dealt with...

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