"Your Majesty, you need to go through the eighteen levels of hell to get the Dragon Beating Whip."

"What did you say? Eighteen levels of hell?"

Xiaobao didn't expect that Yan Jun would actually say such a condition. He had to go through 18 levels of hell to get the dragon whip. Can he still survive?

"Your Majesty, there are many levels in the eighteenth level of hell, and the lowest level is where the dragon whip is placed."

"Uncle Yan Jun, you are really good at playing."

Yan Jun was also helpless. King Tiange personally gave the order. He wanted to let go, but it didn't work.

"Your Majesty the Crown Prince, my subordinates are also acting under orders, and I still have to remind the Crown Prince that if Her Highness the Princess cannot be rescued within the stipulated time, Her Highness's soul will suffer a much more terrifying disaster than going to the eighteenth level of hell. "

"What's the meaning?"

"Here, Your Majesty the Crown Prince, you must hurry up. That incense can burn for seven, seven and forty-nine days. When the time comes, if Your Highness the Crown Prince still fails to pass the test, the King will personally pick you up, and Your Highness the Princess will also disappear. between heaven and earth.”

"Uncle Yan Jun, are you kidding me?"

"My subordinates are definitely not joking, because even the Black Emperor and the Girl of the Galaxy will return to their original positions."

"You guys are so good at playing. Okay, don't waste time. I want to see what the first level of hell is like."

Xiaobao was too lazy to say more. He had to get through anyway, so he had better hurry up.

The first level: tongue pulling hell.

Level 2: Scissor Hell.

The third level: Iron Tree Hell.

The fourth level: Evil Mirror Hell.

Level 5: Steamer Hell.

The sixth level: Bronze Pillar Hell.

The seventh level: Sword Mountain Hell.

The eighth level: Iceberg Hell.

Level 9: Oil Pot Hell.

Level 10: Bull Pit Hell.

Level 11: Stone-pressed Hell.

The twelfth level: Spring-Combed Hell.

The Thirteenth Level: Blood Pool Hell.

Level 14: Hell of a vain death.

Level 15: Hell of Punishment.

Level 16: Volcanic Hell.

Level 17: Stone Grinding Hell.

Level 18: Saw Hell.

Going through these eighteen levels is definitely not easy. No one has been able to pass through it since ancient times, and they have to shed their skin even if they don't die.

Seeing Xiaobao walk in, Yan Kuan and Shen Xiaoxiao stood at the door. Looking at his back, Yan Jun felt a little ashamed. Is it really okay for Mr. Hei Di to lie to the child like this?

"Lord Black Emperor, Lord Crown Prince——"

"It's okay, this is what he has to bear."

Just as Yan Kuan finished speaking, a golden light suddenly emitted from the dark ghost town, and 19 appeared floatingly. Yan Jun did not expect that big shots would now like to come to this Fengdu ghost town.


"Lord Black Emperor, Xiaoxiao."

"19, you're here too."

"Well, but Xiaobao has already gone in?"

"Well, I also said you are very good at playing."

19 smiled helplessly, but he knew that Hei Di and the others were training his son, and it had nothing to do with whether he was the crown prince or not.

"You guys are better at playing." 19 said a few words playfully.

"How is the situation over there in Dabao?"

"As you know, Dabao must go through it before he can be reborn, so Xiaobao can only be comforted by you."

"Understood, don't worry. Only when Xiaobao and Dabao have experienced all the disasters they deserve can they truly grow up."

Wearing a moon-white long embroidered dress with gold embroidered edges, the long blue silk was held up high by a white jade hairpin. There was nothing else to do, but it was such simple jewelry that made Fanxing look like a fairy. , so high that I even feel like I dare not look directly at it.

Of course, the prerequisite is that Fanxing cannot speak, because as soon as he speaks, haha, the fairy-like temperament will disappear in an instant.

When Faith appeared in front of everyone wearing a princess make-up, everyone was surprised. The complicated peacock embroidery and the red princess formal dress that can only be worn by a wealthy lady made her look extremely graceful and solemn, and Brahma Star is definitely two different outfits.

However, Fanxing had already sat down in his seat earlier and had no intention of getting up when he saw Faith coming in. He even held a thin silk thread in his hand. This extremely arrogant look made the people around Faith All extremely dissatisfied.

"That's the princess's seat, Miss Fanxing, you're sitting in the wrong seat." What the maid said, Fanxing who was sitting there didn't even look at it, she just opened her mouth and said:

"I can sit wherever I want, no one has anything to do with me."

While talking, she played with the silk thread in her hand. Everyone who looked at that look felt disgusted. She was dressed so fairy-like, but the thing she was sitting on was so disgusting. I have never seen anyone who can still be a mistress. So upright and confident.

"Miss Fanxing, some things are yours if they are yours, and they are not yours if you force them."

Seeing this, Faith knew that this little girl was very arrogant, and now that Ramadan was not around, there was really no need for her to pretend.

"You all go down."

All the servants saw that the princess actually let them go down. They didn't dare to say anything and quietly stepped back. They wouldn't start fighting.

After seeing everyone retreat, Faith stopped pretending, sat in Ramadan's seat, looked at Fanxing and said funnyly:

"With such smart teeth, it seems that Ramadan really loves you."

If we speak quickly, Zhai Yue and Zhai Yue's accents are really easy to confuse. At least at this moment, Fanxing didn't think about it that much. After all, no one in the country would know about Zhai Yue's identity except her.

"You're not pretending anymore? I know everyone in the Wen family is good at acting and hypocritical."

"You are really hostile to the Wen family."

"You should be grateful that you still have the life to sit here and talk to me."

"What a loud tone."

"How about you try?"

As soon as Faith finished speaking, Fanxing faced her directly, and the silk thread in his hand was directly aimed at Faith and shot out. She had not tried her new weapon yet.

However, she originally promised to be the last one to kill Wen Rong in Ramadan, but now that Wen Rong wants to bump into him, of course she has to suffer a little.

But what Fanxing didn't expect was that her attacks were somewhat magical, but Faith managed to escape her first attack.

Fanxing was not stupid, he knew something was wrong as soon as he made the move.

"You actually managed to get away with it."

"It's a joke. After all, I am also a fourth-level warrior. Do you really think you are so powerful?"

Faith said this deliberately. She still didn't believe that this little girl knew the power of the samurai. With such a simple appearance, it was impossible for her to know this.

"Samurai? Huh, then I will have a good discussion with the samurai."

Fanxing took action again, and this time he was no longer merciful. However, at this moment, Faith deliberately retracted her hand and shrank from her position to the ground. She looked extremely embarrassed, as if she had been bullied, and even the jewelry on her head fell off. On the ground.

"No, don't kill me."

"Fan Xing, stop!" Zhai Yue walked in and saw Fan Xing attacking Wen Rong without sparing any effort...

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